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内镜检查和治疗技术作为一种侵入性技术,已经被全世界的医生广泛接受和应用.但消化内镜术前病人普遍存在不同程度的焦虑、恐惧等负面心理反应,甚至影响临床治疗效果.为缓解内镜术前病人焦虑情绪,改善术前生理心理状态,促进康复,音乐治疗作为内镜手术的辅助治疗手段,已被引入消化内镜室并显示了其重要的治疗价值.  相似文献   

食管癌内镜技术最优化原则的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着消化内镜及其配件的不断更新和内镜医师操作技术的进步,消化内镜在食管癌的应用从诊断为主发展到诊断与治疗并重.回顾历史,医疗需求是医学科学进步的强大动力,科学技术进步推动医学的发展,内镜技术的发展促进了食管癌诊断与治疗水平的最优化.  相似文献   

浅议手术病人的心理护理大连海港医院(116001)高玉玲手术是一种已被广泛运用的治疗疾病的重要手段,但手术治疗对病人又是一种严重的心理刺激。绝大多数病人对手术都会产生焦虑、恐惧、优郁、消极悲观等不良心理状态,特别在接近手术期时,这种状态尤为突出。处于...  相似文献   

正消化内镜的发明是医学史上最具有创造性的技术之一,随着消化内镜的发展,它不仅仅在消化系疾病中承担检查的任务,更是逐渐转变以内镜为载体,超声或放射技术为媒介,采取多种手术方式对消化道腔内、管壁及腔外疾病进行诊断及治疗的技术。近几年,国际及国内内镜新技术更是飞速发展。本专题选取消化内镜的两大方向、一种术式、一类疾病为中心进行综述,介绍消化内镜多种技术的现状及发展。经内镜逆行胰胆管造影(endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography,ERCP)技术问世至今已有近40年,  相似文献   

传统的以患者为基础的消化内镜医师培养模式已不能适应消化内镜的快速发展和病患对内镜操作技术的高要求,通过多媒体和虚拟现实技术建立的计算机辅助的内镜模拟训练系统相对于传统的消化内镜医师培训方式是一个巨大进步,它能帮助初学者较快掌握消化内镜诊疗操作的基本技能,使各级消化内镜培训中心的规范化教学成为可能.但是,模拟内镜训练必须结合实际病例的操作才能巩固从模拟内镜得到的内镜操作技能.本文总结了目前消化内镜医师培训的现状,重点对消化内镜模拟训练系统在内镜医师培训中的作用和存在的问题进行探讨,并提出了自己的观点.  相似文献   

当一个人生了病住院或居家休养时,最明显的情绪反应是意识到有危险而产生焦虑性的心理障碍。任何疾病引起的心理障碍,其程度决定于病人对疾病的了解与态度。焦虑是一种忧虑、恐惧和焦灼兼而有之的心理反应。病人的焦虑既可能来之对本身患病或入院的不安,也可能是来自疾病本身的临床表现。过分的焦虑不但导致心理平衡的破坏,而且会妨碍治疗的进程和身体的康复。那么,如何消除病人的焦虑心理反应呢?一般来说,可根据病人的具体情况采取以下护理方法进  相似文献   

沈阳军区总医院内窥镜科是辽宁同慧消化疾病微创治疗研究所、全军胆胰疾病及内镜诊治中心、辽宁省消化内镜微创诊疗中心、辽宁省胆胰疾病转化医学研究中心、中华医学会消化内镜专科医师培训中心、国家卫生部消化内镜诊疗技术培训基地,  相似文献   

采用44名正常女性大学生作为被试, 通过心理社会压力暴露的方法诱发焦虑组被试的状态焦虑, 采用主观预期值作为指标, 考察焦虑对条件恐惧习得和消退的直接影响, 并探讨这种影响是否也表现在评价性条件作用上。结果表明:心理社会压力暴露显著提高了焦虑组被试的状态焦虑。在习得阶段, 状态焦虑降低了被试对条件刺激的辨别条件恐惧反应, 具体而言, 状态焦虑降低了被试对CS+的主观预期值, 但是却提高了对CS?的主观预期值; 在消退阶段, 状态焦虑抑制了被试对条件刺激的消退。状态焦虑的影响也表现在评价性条件作用上, 和控制组相比, 焦虑组在习惯化和消退阶段对条件刺激表现出了更为负性的效价评定。  相似文献   

外科住院病人手术前的心理状态,直接或间接地影响着病人对手术前的处置及术中的配合以及术后机体的顺利康复,如果一个病人术前心理状态较好,对手术治疗产生信心及勇气,那么。术中配合就好,术中并发症相对就少,康复也就顺利;如果一个病人术前心理状态不佳,对手术治疗产生各种各  相似文献   

腰椎间盘突出症患者MED术前心理状态调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究腰椎间盘突出症患者行MED微创治疗前的心理状况,对442例行MED手术治疗的患者应用焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)进行术前心理评估。结果显示MED微创治疗前患者SAS、SDS测量分明显高于常模组。患者性别、年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、病程长短等都与心理状况的改变相关。有34.9%的患者SAS得分和36.7%的患者SDS得分显示阳性。因此,临床骨科医师应重视心理因素的作用,在MED术前应对患者进行心理状况评估,并对心理状况较差的患者进行术前干预,才能取得更好的临床疗效。  相似文献   

Music is a crucial element of everyday life. People spend hours listening to it and billions of dollars buying it. Yet despite the pervasiveness of music, mainstream social‐personality psychology has hardly given any attention to this universal social phenomenon. Why is music important to people? What role does music play in everyday life? This article reviews research in fields outside mainstream psychology concerned with the social and psychological factors that influence how people experience and use music in their daily lives. The research in this area shows that music can have considerable effects on cognition, emotion, and behavior. It also indicates that people use music to serve various functions, from emotion regulation to self‐expression to social bonding. Research in this emerging field reveals how social‐personality psychology can inform our understanding of music, and in doing so it highlights the real‐world relevance of mainstream theory and research.  相似文献   

近十年以来,音乐能够给人类带来健康的研究越来越多。其中,音乐对人免疫系统的影响属于较新的范畴。本文以音乐心理神经免疫学的视角,从内分泌反应、免疫反应以及免疫系统三个方面,探讨音乐是怎样增强人体免疫力的。音乐对于人体的生物学影响已经得到了公认,但是音乐的心理神经免疫学还是需要更多的量化证明,关于此方面的进一步的研究可能影响到我们医疗保健的整体模型。  相似文献   

Music listening has been suggested to have short-term beneficial effects. The aim of this study was to investigate the association and potential mediating mechanisms between various aspects of habitual music-listening behaviour and physiological and psychological functioning. An internet-based survey was conducted in university students, measuring habitual music-listening behaviour, emotion regulation, stress reactivity, as well as physiological and psychological functioning. A total of 1230 individuals (mean?=?24.89?±?5.34 years, 55.3% women) completed the questionnaire. Quantitative aspects of habitual music-listening behaviour, i.e. average duration of music listening and subjective relevance of music, were not associated with physiological and psychological functioning. In contrast, qualitative aspects, i.e. reasons for listening (especially 'reducing loneliness and aggression', and 'arousing or intensifying specific emotions') were significantly related to physiological and psychological functioning (all p?=?0.001). These direct effects were mediated by distress-augmenting emotion regulation and individual stress reactivity. The habitual music-listening behaviour appears to be a multifaceted behaviour that is further influenced by dispositions that are usually not related to music listening. Consequently, habitual music-listening behaviour is not obviously linked to physiological and psychological functioning.  相似文献   

This article reviews evidence bearing on whether antisemitism has recently reemerged as a dangerous and global sociopolitical problem. Two empirical studies then explore how psychologists and other social scientists have investigated anti–Jewish bigotry. The first looks at research trends in major social scientific databases since the 1940s. The second is a content analysis of abstracts of psychological studies on antisemitism since 1990. The article concludes, among other findings, that while social scientific aspects of the Holocaust have been studied in some detail, contemporary anti-Jewish hostility has been underestimated, and antisemitism from the Muslim/Arab world has been largely ignored.  相似文献   

This study explored the efficacy of psychological skills and mindfulness training intervention on the psychological wellbeing of undergraduate music students. Participants were undergraduate music students (n = 36) from the Department of Music at a South African university, 21 of whom were elected to take the psychological skills and mindfulness training intervention. Data on their self-reported psychological wellbeing, psychological skills, mindfulness and performance anxiety levels were collected pre-and post-intervention. The analysis applied non-parametric procedures to determine changes in students’ psychological wellbeing after the seven-week intervention programme. Findings suggest improvements in psychological wellbeing, psychological skills, mindfulness and performance anxiety with training. Psychological skills and mindfulness training may have benefits to the psychological wellbeing of music students.  相似文献   

While biblical scholars have all too often remained skeptical, preachers and pastoral counselors have always known, consciously or not, that the Bible is a richly psychological document. Until recently, psychological biblical criticism has been one of the hidden avenues of biblical interpretation, made more inaccessible due to the lack of organization and coherence within the literature. Recent shifts in the discipline of biblical studies, along with the increasing influence of psychological perspectives on the culture in general have made psychological approaches to the Bible more visible. It is useful to identify three dimensions or levels of the biblical text: the world behind the text, the world of the text and the world in front of the text. Such a division can help to identify the goals of a particular psychological approach and the appropriateness of its aims.  相似文献   

Ethnomusicologists and sociologists have extensively discussed the symbolic role of music in the creation, maintenance, and expression of cultural and national identity, while the underlying social psychological processes remain unexplored. We elaborate psychological mechanisms of identity construction and identity expression through culture‐specific music preferences. We propose and test a model linking music preferences to national identity via musical ethnocentrism in six student samples from Brazil, Germany, Hong Kong, Mexico, New Zealand, and the Philippines. In each context, culture‐specific music styles were related to national identity of its listeners and musical ethnocentrism mediated these effects. This paper bridges culture‐specific and universal perspectives on music and identity by examining the underlying psychological processes in Asian, Latin, and Western cultures.  相似文献   

南云 《心理科学进展》2017,(11):1844-1853
音乐学习可以增强个体的艺术素养,同时,音乐学习对其他认知加工过程尤其是语言学习还有正面的促进作用。近年来国内外学者主要围绕着音乐家、音乐学习障碍个体开展了一系列相关工作,同时还进行了相关的追踪研究。值得注意的是,有关音乐学习促进语言加工的实证依据主要来自横断研究,还需要更多的纵向追踪研究来进一步提供因果关系的证据。这方面的工作将最终促进音乐学习与训练在教育与医疗领域的广泛应用。  相似文献   

Despite its national and international appeal, rap is considered one of the most controversial of music genres. Given the political charge it generates, rap music has spawned research across the social and health sciences. The majority of the research has investigated its impact on African Americans. Further, the research has tended to focus on negative aspects of the music; there has been a dearth of in-depth qualitative studies that explore how rap impacts the listener. Our phenomenological study explores that impact on ethnically diverse college students. Results indicate a profound psychological and educational effect and the discussion goes on to highlight the potential and innovative ways rap music can be utilized with adolescents in fields such as education, risk reduction programs, and counseling psychology.  相似文献   

曾颖  夏天生 《心理科学进展》2019,27(9):1596-1606
近年来, 随着音乐的神经科学与神经美学的发展, 逐渐形成一个新的研究领域, 即音乐的神经美学。这一研究领域关注音乐审美的心理过程和神经机制, 将注意力集中于音乐审美活动中的感知、认知和情感解释。音乐审美加工引起了相应的审美反应, 其中有三种音乐审美反应得到研究者更多的关注, 即音乐审美情绪、判断与偏好。研究者围绕这三种反应, 对音乐审美反应的知觉、认知、情绪加工和影响因素以及其神经机制展开研究。这些研究为我们理解音乐和美学的行为与神经机制提供了经验性证据。  相似文献   

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