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It has been widely and regularly suggested that aggression is not a unitary concept but rather an omnibus term concealing important and distinct subclasses of behavior. Psychologists have offered various categorical schemes highlighting motivation and form as distinguishing criteria. Many writers have also noted the social relativity of dermitions of classes of aggression and called for a consideration of lay conceptions of aggressive behavior. The present paper explores the correspondence between psychologists' and laypersons' categorizations of aggressive acts. Ten short scenarios of aggression were generated to embody systematic permutations of form and motive as suggested by the published work of social psychologists. Subjects rated every pairwise combination in terms of perceived similarity. The data were subjected to three-factor, multidimensional scaling. The resulting structure indicated that subjects' ratings were not random and reflected consideration of motive (hostile, normative, instrumental, status) and of direct versus indirect form. The data were thus in close correspondence with the classifications generated by psychologists. The desirability of refining this technique and extending it to other cultural and subcultural groups is discussed.  相似文献   

Purpose  The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between perceived coworker loafing and counterproductive work behaviors toward the organization (CWB-O) and toward the coworkers (CWB-I). Design/Methodology/Approach  Data were collected from 184 supervisor–employee pairs from multiple sources (i.e., self-rated and supervisor-rated). Structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses were conducted to test our hypotheses. Findings  The results of SEM showed that perceived loafing was positively related to CWB-O (self-rated) and CWB-I (self-rated and supervisor-rated). Moreover, a revenge motive toward the organization fully mediated the relationship between perceived loafing and CWB-O, whereas a revenge motive toward coworkers fully mediated the relationship between perceived loafing and CWB-I. Implications  This study advances our understanding as to how and why perceived coworker loafing increases employees’ CWB-I and CWB-O. Our investigation also highlights the important cognitive mediator: revenge motive in the perceived loafing–CWB linkage. Originality/Value  This is one of the first studies which examines the relationships between perceived coworker loafing and two facets of CWB, and investigates a cognitive mediator (i.e., a revenge motive) that underlines the perceived loafing–CWB linkage. In addition, we respond to Bennett and Robinson’s (J Appl Psychol 85:349–360, 2003) call to test the nomological network of CWB in a collectivist culture (i.e., Taiwan).
Wan-Lin Lu

张庆  王美芳 《心理科学》2011,34(4):899-904
社会判断在内容上存在热情与能力两个基本维度,前一个维度是对他人意图的反映,后一个维度是对他人能力的反映。首先对社会判断基本维度的命名进行剖析,接着梳理了社会判断中热情和能力存在的三种关系:热情优先、晕轮效应和补偿效应。最后,从判断者、被判断者等方面出发,回顾了影响热情和能力关系的主要因素。在此基础上,从研究内容、研究方法、毕生发展、文化差异等方面提出了未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

This study had three major goals: to clarify the relationships between Eysenck's, Gray's, and Cloninger's personality taxonomies, to show that traits from these taxonomies predict differential sensitivities to emotional states, and to explore the relationship between sensitivity to an emotional state and how much that state is actually experienced. A factor analysis of traits from Eysenck's, Gray's, and Cloninger's personality taxonomies resulted in three factors that were named reward sensitivity, impulsivity-thrill seeking, and punishment sensitivity. These factors predicted a global measure of affect, emotional reactions to a laboratory mood induction, and self-reported affect in daily life. Generally, reward sensitivity predicted positive, but not negative emotions, whereas punishment sensitivity predicted negative, but not positive emotions. Impulsivity-thrill seeking predicted few emotions in either context. Coherence among the relationships found across methodological contexts suggests that the traits that predict emotion susceptibilities in the laboratory similarly predict emotional experience in ongoing daily life.  相似文献   

Two parallel studies were performed with members of very different cultures—industrialized American and traditional Itzaj-Mayan—to investigate potential universal and cultural features of folkbiological taxonomies and inductions. Specifically, we examined how individuals organize natural categories into taxonomies, and whether they readily use these taxonomies to make inductions about those categories. The results of the first study indicate that there is a cultural consensus both among Americans and the Itzaj in their taxonomies of local mammal species, and that these taxonomies resemble and depart from a corresponding scientific taxonomy in similar ways. However, cultural differences are also shown, such as a greater differentiation and more ecological considerations in Itzaj taxonomies. In a second study, Americans and the Itzaj used their taxonomies to guide similarity- and typicality-based inductions. These inductions converge and diverge crossculturally and regarding scientific inductions where their respective taxonomies do. These findings reveal some universal features of folkbiological inductions, but they also reveal some cultural features such as diversity-based inductions among Americans, and ecologically based inductions among the Itzaj. Overall, these studies suggest that while building folkbiological taxonomies and using them for folkbiological inductions is a universal competence of human cognition there are also important cultural constraints on that competence.  相似文献   

In a court clinic sample of 107 child sexual and nonsexual offenders, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory (MMPI) profiles did not differ as a function of arrests for sexual versus nonsexual offending. However, a three-group cluster-analytic solution was generated. Two of these clusters replicated those derived by Hall, Graham, and Shepherd (1991). The first duster was unelevated, with Scales 4 and 9 as high points. The second Cluster had MMPI Scales 4, 8, 2, and 7 as the highest scales. The third cluster was even more elevated than the other two clusters, characterized by extreme elevations on MMPI Scales F, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8. The somewhat different results of this study versus previous studies (e.g., Hall et al., 1991) may be a function of the different populations sampled. The results provide evidence of within-group heterogeneity among sexual and nonsexual offenders that may be as important as between-group differences.  相似文献   

王颂  解蕴慧  马力 《心理科学》2014,37(1):146-149
基于对26名来自不同组织、有不同职业背景员工的深度采访,本文运用定性和定量相结合的分析方法——概念构图法,实证探索了中国员工基于组织的自尊(OBSE)的内容。本研究发现,中国员工自尊包括五个维度:基于工作单位的自尊、基于工作绩效的自尊、基于工作角色的自尊,基于领导的自尊和基于下属和同事的自尊。本文通过对OBSE的实证分析详细介绍了概念构图法的过程和应用,为如何对新概念、新现象进行探索性研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

In this article I argue that a desirable future direction for political psychology would be to pay more attention to social‐psychological processes involved in the response to innovative laws, in particular those devised with sustainability and environmental protection aims. This involves taking into account the following premises: (1) innovation and change are not unitary phenomena; instead there are different types of innovation; (2) legal and policy innovation is a specific type and is highly central in an era when global challenges are increasingly dealt with by global treaties which are then translated into national laws with a call to transform local practices; (3) offering attention to the reception of such innovation involves developing specific conceptual tools; (4) devising a typology of legal innovation is one step in this direction; (5) furthering our comprehension of how people, groups, and institutions receive—i.e., accept, contest—legal innovation for sustainability is important for helping to push forward sustainability goals, which are legislated but far from attained. The present article outlines theoretical tools for addressing psychosocial processes involved in the reception of legal innovation, drawing mostly on the approach of social representations and the literature of environmental psychology, and offers three criteria for a typology of laws. Finally I present some examples of responses to subtypes of legal innovation from the sustainability domain, taken as an illustrative case, and discuss differences and commonalities in the processes of acceptance and resistance that each mobilizes.  相似文献   

Religion and spirituality are protective factors against collegiate substance abuse; however, considering the variance among different types of drug abuse is important. We investigated religious coping and spirituality in relation to hazardous drinking, marijuana use, and psychostimulant use. Results indicated that positive religious coping and several dimensions of spirituality protect against hazardous drinking and marijuana use. Furthermore, differences in religious coping and spirituality may not exist between groups of psychostimulant users.  相似文献   

I begin by examining a recent debate between John McDowell and Christopher Peacocke over whether the content of perceptual experience is non-conceptual. Although I am sympathetic to Peacocke's claim that perceptual content is non-conceptual, I suggest a number of ways in which his arguments fail to make that case. This failure stems from an over-emphasis on the "fine-grainedness" of perceptual content -a feature that is relatively unimportant to its non-conceptual structure. I go on to describe two other features of perceptual experience that are more likely to be relevant to the claim that perceptual content is non-conceptual. These features are 1) the dependence of a perceived object on the perceptual context in which it is perceived and 2) the dependence of a perceived property on the object it is perceived to be a property of.  相似文献   

Laypersons' chains of reasoning in explaining recent influenza outbreaks are investigated. Drawing on social representations theory, fundamental worldviews, that is, the belief in a dangerous world (BDW), are postulated to anchor explanations of disease origins, which in turn affect perceived effectiveness of protection measures. Our study, based on a longitudinal survey among the general public in Switzerland, showed that the lower people's BDW scores, the more they appeal to natural origins to explain outbreaks and the more they perceive official protection measures as effective. The higher people's BDW scores, the more they explain outbreaks via hygienic origins, which are linked with out‐group discrimination measures, and conspiracy origins, which are linked with lower perceived effectiveness of aid intervention measures. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

建构学生道德自我初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
林彬  岑国桢 《心理科学》2000,23(1):31-33
为对学生的道德自我作一初步探究,借鉴心理学对自我的研究成果,参照了道德心理研究的主题和我国的现实情况,从形式和内容两个维度编制了道德自我问卷。测试结果表明,问卷有较高的信度和效度,但其各部分较高的相关说明其内容尚应进一步研究。  相似文献   

民主的政策设计理论是由美国学者安妮·施奈特和海伦·英格拉姆提出,她们从1993年开始试图发展的一个从社会建构视角理解政策过程的新理论,通常也被称之为社会建构框架。社会建构框架并非全新的理论,它是在借鉴多元主义理论、政策科学理论、公共选择理论和后现代公共政策理论基础之上建立的,是对这些理论的完善和超越。社会建构框架的主要理论基础有三个,即政策设计理论、社会建构理论和政治理论。民主的政策设计是该框架强调的内容,而其理论特色是对政策过程中社会建构效应的关注,并思考社会建构对于政策过程的影响途径和机制。以目标群体的权力和社会建构两个维度为基础,将目标群体划分为四类:优势者、竞争者、越轨者和依赖者,并详细讨论了目标群体社会建构的政策意蕴和政治后果。在此基础之上,该框架形成了有关政策过程的五个基本命题,即配置命题、反馈命题、起源命题、社会建构变迁命题和政策变迁命题。社会建构框架对于中国的政策过程研究具有重要的启示和借鉴意义,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

This article explores the manner in which the creation of new religious movements is depicted in the Fight Club narrative, not only through sardonic, stereotypical ‘cult’ imagery, but also through an academic lens; the narrative fits perfectly with the psychopathology model of cult recruitment as recapitulated by Stark and Bainbridge. The nature and motivations of new religious groups, even to the most worldly student of religion, can seem alien and mysterious to the rational contemporary mind, making the possibility for an empathetic methodological approach remote indeed. However, the presentation of the new religious movement created within the Fight Club narrative is unique in its familiarity to the modern consumerist West. The article also highlights the fascinating insights of the Fight Club narrative into the power of consumerism in a post-modern world, bringing to light ideas of the ‘religion of the market’ and the resulting fundamentalisms created by unstable belief systems and transient notions of self. Focusing particularly on the prominent demographic of ‘Generation X’, this analysis of the Fight Club narrative offers a detailed portrayal of the potential religious crises facing the consumerist West in its entirety.  相似文献   

Nightmares have been shown to be robust predictors of self‐harm risk, beyond depressive symptoms and hopelessness at times. However, few studies have investigated associations between nightmare content and increased self‐harm risk. This study explored associations of thematic nightmare content with history of self‐harm, and risk of self‐harm phenomena the morning following a nightmare. A mixed‐method diary study was performed. Prospective nightmare reports were obtained from 72 participants. A total of 47 nightmare reports met inclusion criteria and were analyzed for themes using inductive thematic analysis. Chi‐square and bootstrap Pearson's correlation tests were performed to assess the associations between nightmare themes and self‐harm history, and risk of self‐harm phenomena following a nightmare. “ Powerlessness to Change Behavior” was associated with a history of self‐harm engagement, whereas “Financial Hardship” indicated reduced risk. Themes were not significantly associated with increased risk of self‐harm phenomena following a nightmare. Content may be of use in detecting lifetime history of self‐harm engagement, particularly in populations where disclosure is seen as taboo. However, nightmare symptom severity remains a better indicator of risk. Evidence for the utility of nightmare content in assessing immediate self‐harm risk is presently lacking. Replication with increased power is recommended.  相似文献   

A number of neo-Kantians have suggested that an act may be morally worthy even if sympathy and similar emotions are present, so long as they are not what in fact motivates right action–so long as duty, and duty alone, in fact motivates. Thus, the ideal Kantian moral agent need not be a cold and unfeeling person, as some critics have suggested. Two objections to this view need to be answered. First, some maintain that motives cannot be present without in fact motivating. Such non-motivating reasons, it is claimed, are incoherent. Second, if such motives are not in fact motivating, then nonetheless the moral agent's performance of right action will be objectionably cold and unfeeling. While the first objection is not compelling, since the alternative according to which all motives in fact motivate but differ in strength suffers from the very same problems attributed to the neo-Kantian view, the second has force, and any account of moral worth must make room for motives such as sympathy actually motivating right action.  相似文献   

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