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Among adults, persons in control of a vehicle (i.e., drivers) are less likely to experience motion sickness compared to persons in the same vehicle who do not control it (i.e., passengers). This “driver-passenger effect” is well-known in adults, but has not been evaluated in children. Using a yoked-control design with seated pre-adolescent children, we exposed dyads to a driving video game. In each dyad, one child (the driver) drove the virtual vehicle. Their performance was recorded, and later shown to the other child (the passenger). Thus, visual motion stimuli were identical for the members of each dyad. During exposure to the video game, we monitored the quantitative kinematics of head and torso movements. Participants were instructed to discontinue participation immediately if they experienced any symptoms of motion sickness, however mild. Accordingly, the movements that we recorded preceded the onset of motion sickness. Results revealed that Passengers (73.08%) were more likely than Drivers (42.31%) to state that they were motion sick. Drivers tended to move more than passengers, and with a greater degree of multifractality. The magnitude of movement was greater among participants who later reported motion sickness than among those who did not. In addition, for the multifractality of movement a statistically significant interaction revealed that postural precursors of motion sickness differed qualitatively between Drivers and Passengers. Overall, the results reveal that control of a virtual vehicle reduces the risk of motion sickness among pre-adolescent children.  相似文献   

To study whether controlled breathing, known to ameliorate motion sickness, speeds habituation to nauseogenic motion when used in a novel accelerated training regime, 30 participants (13 men, 17 women, ages 18-51 years) were randomized to either a Breathing group or a Control group. Randomization was balanced for rotation tolerance measured during a first exposure to off-vertical axis rotation (OVAR 72 degrees sec.(-1)). Participants subsequently received four exposures to OVAR in 1-hr. (accelerated training). The Breathing group followed taped instructions to control their breathing during training and when retested the next day. There was overall habituation with stimulus repetition, shown by an increase in tolerance for motion, a reduction in symptoms, and speeded recovery times on retesting. There was a tendency for greater habituation with controlled breathing.  相似文献   

The authors examined the influence that attentional focus on either a postural or a suprapostural task had on the performance of each task. Participants (N = 32) stood on an inflated rubber disk and held a pole horizontally. All participants performed under 4 attentional focus conditions: external (disk) or internal (feet) focus on the postural task, and external (pole) or internal (hands) focus on the suprapostural task. Compared with internal focuses, external focuses on either task resulted in similar and reduced postural sway. Response frequency on each task increased when participants focused on the respective task. Finally, an external focus on either task produced higher frequencies of responding on the suprapostural task. The authors conclude that suprapostural task goals have a stronger influence on postural control than vice versa, reflecting the propensity of the motor system to optimize control processes on the basis of the desired movement effect.  相似文献   

Motion sickness is preceded by differences in the quantitative kinematics of body sway between individuals who (later) become sick and those who do not. In existing research, this effect has been demonstrated only in measures of body sway, relative to the earth. However, body sway can become coupled with imposed oscillatory motion of the illuminated environment, and the nature of this coupling may differ between individuals who become sick and those who do not. We asked whether body sway would become coupled to complex oscillations of the illuminated environment, and whether individual differences in such coupling might be precursors of motion sickness. Standing participants (women) were exposed to complex oscillation of the illuminated environment. We examined the strength of coupling as a function of time during exposure. Following exposure, some participants reported motion sickness. The nature and temporal evolution of coupling differed between participants who later reported motion sickness and those who did not. Our results show that people can couple the complex dynamics of body sway with complex imposed motion, and that differences in the nature of this coupling are related to the risk of motion sickness.  相似文献   

Two variables of motion sickness are discussed. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry data are presented.  相似文献   

We investigated optic and somesthetic contributions to perceived body orientation in the pitch dimension. In a within-subject factorial design, each of 12 subjects attempted to set his/her body erect or 45° back from erect while restrained in a movable bed surrounded by an adjustable box The box provided a visual environment consisting of either a grid pattern, two luminous lines, or complete darkness. Both the grid pattern and the luminous lines were effective at-biasing settings of body position when the box was pitched; the pitched grid was more effective than the pitched lines. Although the pitch of the box influenced orientation to both goals, the effect was greater for the diagonal goal than for the erect goal. We present a model of postural orientation in the median plane that involves vestibular, somatosensory, and visual inputs.  相似文献   

24 male subjects were divided into 3 groups, on the basis of their susceptibility to motion sickness. All subjects were then required to set a luminous line in an apparently vertical position while viewing the line from a body position which was deviated 70 degrees laterally from the upright. No visible frame of reference was available. A significant relationship between motion sickness susceptibility and errors in judging the vertical was discovered, the "intermediate" susceptibility group making the greatest errors. The role of the vestibular system in visual orientation and motion sickness is discussed. The result also indicates the potential value of using perceptual performance as a tool in the study of motion sickness and its correlates.  相似文献   

Lewis CF  McBeath MK 《Perception》2004,33(3):259-276
We used two-frame apparent motion in a three-dimensional virtual environment to test whether observers had biases to experience approaching or receding motion in depth. Observers viewed a tunnel of tiles receding in depth, that moved ambiguously either toward or away from them. We found that observers exhibited biases to experience approaching motion. The strengths of the biases were decreased when stimuli pointed away, but size of the display screen had no effect. Tests with diamond-shaped tiles that varied in the degree of pointing asymmetry resulted in a linear trend in which the bias was strongest for stimuli pointing toward the viewer, and weakest for stimuli pointing away. We show that the overall bias to experience approaching motion is consistent with a computational strategy of matching corresponding features between adjacent foreshortened stimuli in consecutive visual frames. We conclude that there are both adaptational and geometric reasons to favor the experience of approaching motion.  相似文献   

Rapid motor learning may occur in situations where individuals perceive a threat if they do not perform a task well. This rapid motor learning may be facilitated by improved motor performance and, consequently, more errorless practice. As a first step towards understanding the role of perceived threat on rapid motor learning, the purpose of this study was to determine how performance of a motor task is affected in situations where perceived threat is high. We hypothesized that perceived threat in a virtual environment would result in improved performance of a walking task (i.e., walking on a narrow beam). Results demonstrated that increased perceived threat did not yield statistically significantly greater balance performance in the high-threat virtual environment (median percentage of successful steps: 78.8%, 48.3%, and 55.2% in the real low-threat, virtual low-threat, and virtual high-threat environments, respectively). These results may be partially attributed to habituation to threat over time and practice. If implemented carefully, virtual reality technology can be an effective tool for investigating walking balance in environments that are perceived as threatening.  相似文献   

Spatial task performance,sex differences,and motion sickness susceptibility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are substantial individual differences in susceptibility to motion sickness, yet little is known about what mediates these differences. Spatial ability and sex have been suggested as possible factors in this relationship. 89 participants (57 women) were administered a Motion Sickness Questionnaire that assesses motion sickness susceptibility, a Water-level Task that gauges sensitivity to gravitational upright, and a Mental Rotation Task that tests an individual's awareness of how objects typically move in space. Significant sex differences were observed in performance of both the Water-level Task (p<.01), and the Mental Rotation Task (p<.005), with women performing less accurately than men. Women also had significantly higher scores on the Motion Sickness Questionnaire (p<.005). Among men, but not women, significant negative relationships were observed between Water-level Task performance and Motion Sickness Questionnaire score (p<.001) and between Mental Rotation Task performance and Motion Sickness Questionnaire score (p<.005). In conclusion, women performed significantly more poorly than men did on the spatial ability tasks and reported significantly more bouts of motion sickness. In addition, men showed a significant negative relationship between spatial ability and motion sickness susceptibility.  相似文献   

Localisation and navigation of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in static environments are now solved problems, but how to control their interactions with other road users in mixed traffic environments, especially with pedestrians, remains an open question. Recent work has begun to apply game theory to model and control AV-pedestrian interactions as they compete for space on the road whilst trying to avoid collisions. But this game theory model has been developed only in unrealistic lab environments. To improve their realism, this study empirically examines pedestrian behaviour during road crossing in the presence of approaching autonomous vehicles in more realistic virtual reality (VR) environments. The autonomous vehicles are controlled using game theory, and this study seeks to find the best parameters for these controls to produce comfortable interactions for the pedestrians. In a first experiment, participants’ trajectories reveal a more cautious crossing behaviour in VR than in previous laboratory experiments. In two further experiments, a gradient descent approach is used to investigate participants’ preference for AV driving style. The results show that the majority of participants were not expecting the AV to stop in some scenarios, and there was no change in their crossing behaviour in two environments and with different car models suggestive of car and last-mile style vehicles. These results provide some initial estimates for game theoretic parameters needed by future AVs in their pedestrian interactions and more generally show how such parameters can be inferred from virtual reality experiments.  相似文献   

31 subjects viewed an optokinetic rotating drum for 12 min. in one session and self-rotated by walking quickly around a vertical pole with eyes closed while alternately flexing and extending the neck in another session. The self-rotation session contained 6 trials (3 clockwise and 3 counterclockwise rotations). Each trial contained 20 cycles of self-rotations. Self-reported ratings of nausea and symptoms of motion sickness were obtained for each session. The subjects developed symptoms of nausea, sweating, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, and changes in salivation in both drum rotation and self-rotation sessions. However, the subjects reported higher ratings of nausea in the session of optokinetic rotation than in the session of self-rotation around a vertical pole. These results indicated that both optokinetic rotation and self-rotation with eyes closed while alternately flexing and extending the neck are effective means of inducing nausea and motion sickness.  相似文献   

One approach to investigating sensorimotor control is to assess the accelerations that produce changes in the kinematic state of the system. When assessing complex whole-body movements, structuring the multi-segmental accelerations is important. A useful structuring can be achieved through a principal component analysis (PCA) performed on segment positions followed by double-differentiation to obtain “principal accelerations” (PAs). In past research PAs have proven sensitive to altered motor control strategies, however, the interrelationship between PAs and muscle activation (surface electromyography, sEMG) have never been determined. The purpose of the current study was therefore to assess the relationship between PAs and sEMG signals recorded from muscles controlling the ankle joint during one-leg standing trials. It was hypothesized that medium correlation should be observed when accounting for neurophysiologic latencies (electro-mechanical delay). Unipedal balancing on a level-rigid ground was performed by 25 volunteers. sEMG activities were recorded from the tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, gastrocnemius medialis, and soleus muscles of the stance leg. The first eight PA-time series were determined from kinematic marker data. Then, a cross-correlation analysis was performed between sEMG and PA time series. We found that peak correlation coefficients for many participants aligned at time delays between 0.116 and 0.362 s and were typically in the range small to medium (|r| = 0.1 to 0.6). Thus, the current study confirmed a direct association between many principal accelerations PA(t) and muscle activation signals recorded from four muscles crossing the ankle joint complex. The combined analysis of PA and sEMG signals allowed exploring the neuromuscular function of each muscle in different postural movement components.  相似文献   

This paper explains the effect of a motion platform for driving simulators on postural instability and head vibration exposure. The sensed head level-vehicle (visual cues) level longitudinal and lateral accelerations (ax,sensed = ax_head and ay,sensed = ay_head, ayv = ay_veh and ayv = ay_veh) were saved by using a motion tracking sensor and a simulation software respectively. Then, associated vibration dose values (VDVs) were computed at head level during the driving sessions. Furthermore, the postural instabilities of the participants were measured as longitudinal and lateral subject body centre of pressure (XCP and YCP, respectively) displacements just after each driving session via a balance platform. The results revealed that the optic-head inertial level longitudinal accelerations indicated a negative non-significant correlation (r = −.203, p = .154 > .05) for the static case, whereas the optic-head inertial longitudinal accelerations depicted a so small negative non-significant correlation (r = −.066, p = .643 > .05) that can be negligible for the dynamic condition. The XCP for the dynamic case indicated a significant higher value than the static situation (t(47), p < .0001). The VDVx for the dynamic case yielded a significant higher value than the static situation (U(47), p < .0001). The optic-head inertial lateral accelerations resulted a negative significant correlation (r = −.376, p = .007 < .05) for the static platform, whereas the optic-head inertial lateral accelerations showed a positive significant correlation (r = .418, p = .002 < .05) at dynamic platform condition. The VDVy for the static case indicated a significant higher value rather than the dynamic situation (U(47), p < .0001). The YCP for the static case yielded significantly higher than the dynamic situation (t(47), p = .001 < 0.05).  相似文献   

To investigate the role that postural stability plays in fine motor control, we assessed kinematics of the head, shoulder, elbow, and the pen during an accuracy drawing task in 24 children. Twelve children were classified into an accurate drawing (AD) group and 12 children into an inaccurate drawing (ID) group based on a manual dexterity task from the movement assessment battery for children [Henderson, S. E., & Sugden, D. A. (1992). Movement assessment battery for children. London: Psychological Corporation.]. Their parents completed a questionnaire to assess children's inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. An electromagnetic tracking system was used to monitor 3-D kinematic data of the body parts, while 2-D kinematic data of pen movement was simultaneously collected from a computer digitizer tablet. If a sudden body motion (1cm/s) occurred within a time window from one second prior to the onset of the drawing error to the end of the error, we considered that the error coincided with the extraneous body movement. For each drawing trial, the coincidence rate was computed as (number of coincidences)/(number of errors). The ID group had a significantly higher coincidence rate of head and shoulder movements compared with elbow movements, whereas coincidence rates did not differ between the three body parts in the AD group. Parental ratings of children's behavioral ratings of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity were not correlated with the coincidence rates. The results indicated that inaccurate drawing was a result of postural instability rather than fidgeting caused by inattention or hyperactivity/impulsivity.  相似文献   

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