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The purpose of this essay is twofold: to review two existing paradigms (the Priest and the Prophet) of pastoral care with prisoners; to propose a new paradigm (the Seer). The prison chaplain has been traditionally identified as a priest or a prophet. The change of pastoral setting from parish to prison is a drastic one that requires a paradigm shift. Incarceration is understood in terms of liminality which is a transitional period of a life re-ordering. To those in liminality, the Seer as a divine visionary of hope comes to reawaken a sense of God's presence and aims at renewing of covenant faith.This article is an edited version of an address presented by the author to the Chaplains of Tennessee Department of Corrections at their annual meeting in January 1990.  相似文献   

Pastoral counseling is counseling based on a specific faith. As presented in the biblical heritage, this faith is a power to effect change in one's life. Resistance to affirming this power is basically a fear of failure. Yet failure in the scope of this faith is the prelude to victory. Resistance to admitting our defeats is supported by the cultural assumption that one can accomplish anything by will power and hard work. In contrast, the faith of pastoral counseling is based on the Good News of reconciliation with our failures. Faith functions through the faculty of imagination and is stimulated and supported by caring relationships.  相似文献   

This article addresses the history of stigmatization experienced by suicide survivors, specifically through biblical and theological thought evolving from the Christian Church. Contemporary understandings and attitudes are then assimilated. Four grief stages specific to the grief experience of the suicide survivor are introduced--anger, guilt, shame, and loss--with suggested approaches at each state intended to aid the pastoral counselor in better understanding and ministering to the suicide survivor. A summary of a recommended congregational response is also provided.  相似文献   

Contemporary pastoral counseling includes three paradigmatic elements: the image of the counselor as priest; the location of the human problem at the organismic-environmental interface; and the diagnosis of the human problem as alienation from self and others. These assumptions ought to be supplemented by the image of the counselor as prophet, by location of the human problemalso at the interface of the self and the ultimate, and by a diagnosis of the human problem as alienation from transcendence. To be adequate as a response to the total human situation, pastoral counseling theory must be expanded to include consideration of the transcendent dimension of human existence, and pastoral counseling method and technique must be modified to overcome alienation from the ultimate by facilitating the actualization of transcendence.His article is a revision of the keynote address he presented to the American Association of Pastoral Counselors at their annual meeting in May 1976.  相似文献   

This essay discusses the importance of assessing the religious condition of persons in pastoral care and counseling. Undertaking such assessments via the use of explicit theological terms assures a unique role for pastoral counselors in the helping process and provides a model that avoids overdependence on psychology or psychiatry. Utilizing a method proposed by Paul Pruyser, the development of a psychometrically sound interview and inventory is described. These measures, based on eight dimensions of the Christian tradition, have been found to relate positively to mental health and personality strength. The importance of using such assessments of functional theology in helping persons grow in spiritual living and effective functioning is described.Paper delivered at the 4th International Congress on Pastoral Care and Counseling, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, August 3–10, 1991.  相似文献   

Groups of rats were trained with shock either contingent on freezing (punishment procedure) or contingent on not freezing (avoidance procedure). Although the different contingencies produced different levels of freezing behavior, these levels were attained immediately rather than over a number of trials. This result, together with the results of control rats, suggest that while freezing can be controlled by both punishment and avoidance procedures, in both cases the effects on freezing are due to elicitation rather than learning.  相似文献   

The book of Job is commonly considered an exemplary study in the dynamics of suffering and the problem of theodicy. This article considers the book of Job for its insights into the challenge of providing pastoral care to persons in spiritual pain. The dialog between Job and his friends illustrates how spiritual distress challenges the theological assumptions of both sufferer and caregiver. In an effort to maintain one's own spiritual equilibrium, and no doubt out of good faith efforts to comfort the afflicted, the pastoral caregiver may be tempted to cling to theological formulas and religious perspectives which disallow the sufferer's experience of anger and despair. The story of Job affirms the value of authenticity over piety, speaks of the transformative power of suffering, and provides the counselor/pastoral caregiver insights into the pitfalls and promise of caring for persons in spiritual pain.  相似文献   

The author posits that the essential core of pastoral counseling is an echoing process between client and therapist and between diagnostic listening and restorative responding. He illustrates this process by drawing on the case of a depressed middle-aged client. The therapist's response is described as conveyed through personal presence that is welcoming, participative, courageous, and responsive.  相似文献   

This article examines the use of the initiation ritual of primitive people, described in the works of Mircea Eliade, as a model for counseling cancer patients, giving both meaning and structure to the interactions between patient and counselor. Within this model the patient's encounter with death, whether feared or actualized, can be used as impetus toward personal growth, whatever the stage of the person's disease process. Case examples are given to illustrate how the model can be used in practice. Comparison is also made between stages and components of the initiation ritual and other techniques used to alter a person's consciousness.  相似文献   

The well-known family of low-density lipoprotein receptors represents a collection of ancient membrane receptors that have been remarkably conserved throughout evolution. These multifunctional receptors, known to regulate cholesterol transport, are becoming increasingly interesting to the neuroscience community due to their ability to transduce a diversity of extracellular signals across the membrane in the adult CNS. Their roles in modulating synaptic plasticity and necessity in hippocampus-specific learning and memory have recently come to light. In addition, genetic, biochemical and behavioral studies have implicated these signaling systems in a number of human neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders involving loss of cognitive ability, such as Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and autism. This review describes the known functions of these receptors and discusses their potential role in processes of synaptic regulation and memory formation.  相似文献   

Abstract - In two studies, a newly devised test (framed-line test) was used to examine the hypothesis that individuals engaging in Asian cultures are more capable of incorporating contextual information and those engaging in North American cultures are more capable of ignoring contextual information. On each trial, participants were presented with a square frame, within which was printed a vertical line. Participants were then shown another square frame of the same or different size and asked to draw a line that was identical to the first line in either absolute length ( absolute task ) or proportion to the height of the surrounding frame ( relative task ). The results supported the hypothesis: Whereas Japanese were more accurate in the relative task, Americans were more accurate in the absolute task. Moreover, when engaging in another culture, individuals tended to show the cognitive characteristic common in the host culture.  相似文献   

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