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归纳与演绎在病案分析中的应用西安医科大学研究生(710061)符民桂病案分析是临床诊断过程的一个重要组成部分。是作为认识的主体,通过辩证思维,将对客体的感性认识上升到理性认识的过程。在病案分析中常用到分析、综合、归纳、演绎、推理等逻辑思维方法。其中,...  相似文献   

临床忆溯性研究思维早在弗洛伊德时期已初见端倪,现代临床忆溯性研究方法以发展心理学、发展治疗学原理,研究人类异常发展规律.包括个案研究和大样本病案研究、时间和空间两个维度的研究、发展评估的规范与量化研究,临床忆溯性研究方法是研究临床心理学不可或缺的重要方法之一.  相似文献   

临床工作中,误诊误治在所难免,重要的是我们能否对其进行反思,从中积累经验教训提高诊疗水平.本文首先从哲学的角度分析了造成误诊的原因,然后指出防止或减少误诊的途径是培养科学的临床思维,并提出了在临床过程中培养科学临床思维应注意的8个方面.  相似文献   

消化道肿瘤的过度治疗及其对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
尽管当前消化道肿瘤的临床治疗发展迅速,在取得突出成绩的同时,也存在着一些问题,比如过度治疗的现象普遍存在.从消化道肿瘤过度治疗的主要表现、危害入手,分析它的成因并制定相应对策.总之,只有以循证医学的原则为指导,树立正确的临床辩证思维模式,坚持肿瘤治疗的个体化,加强综合管理,才能避免过度治疗,消化道肿瘤治疗才能健康发展并取得更大突破.  相似文献   

临床医学专科的发展对促进医学科学的进步起到了重要的推动作用,尽管它可能缺乏整体性、系统性临床思维,但在可预见的将来,它仍是综合性医院医疗实践的主旋律,医学界应对此有较为清醒的认识.本文从哲学的角度分析了造成误诊的原因,然后指出防止或减少误诊的途径是培养科学的临床思维,并提出了在临床过程中培养整体思维和系统性科学思维的一些方法.  相似文献   

为对开展医学生临床实践教学与哲学思辨结合教学模式提供依据,以山西省一所高等医学院校教学医院临床本科实习生为对象,进行哲学思辨思维状况调查.分析显示,临床医学生哲学思辩素养培养迫在眉睫,必须从医学院校、临床带教教师和学生自身三个方面加强哲学素养培养,提高医学生哲学思辨思维与疾病诊治能力.  相似文献   

临床思维与决策能力培养是医学生不可或缺的一门必修课程,临床医生实际上每天处于临床决策之中,必须为疾病提供诊断和治疗的决策.而当前临床医学生在此方面训练甚少,临床工作具有很大的不可预知性和不可确定性,尤其是在手术室繁忙、变化的环境中,进行高效的临床决策就显得尤其重要.本文阐述了临床思维与临床决策在医学教育中的重要地位及其相互关系,分析当前医学生临床实践中的思维与决策方面存在的问题.并从临床实际角度出发,探讨如何提高医学生临床思维与决策能力的方法,对促进医学教育模式改革,提高医学教育质量具有重要推动作用.  相似文献   

剖析放弃治疗后死亡病案508例,分析放弃治疗的原因、疾病和形式,放弃治疗后护理工作存在的问题.提出在放弃治疗后,临床护理决策:对于护理工作发生的变化,应该提高认识,培养护理人员人文素质和法律意识,应该加强护理管理和规范,放弃治疗后,护理应该承担医学服务和人文关怀的主导作用.  相似文献   

良好的临床思维能力,是住院医师能否成为合格和高水平医生的关健.对住院医师临床思维能力的培养必须明确临床思维的哲学本质和组成的关键要素,并结合住院医师的特点去培养.要注重墓本知识、基本理论和基本技能训练,把握正确的思维程序,运用哲学思想,并以学科综合为中心.  相似文献   

批判性思维是护理界越来越注重培养并予运用的思维方法.在烧伤护理实践中用批判性思维方法解决临床护理实际问题,护理人员应正确理解批判性思维的概念并培养批判性思维能力、应具备良好的职业道德和敬业精神,最终能将批判性思维正确运用于护理程序的每一个步骤中.  相似文献   

The integration of binocular stereopsis and kinetic depth was measured for two distinct aspects of 3-Dstructure: (1)shape index, which is a measure of scale-independent structure, and (2)curvedness, which is a measure of scale-dependent structure. We found that motion contributes significantly more to judged shape index than it does to judged curvedness, and stereo contributes significantly more to judged curvedness than it does to judged shape index. This suggests that the differences in the relative contribution of motion and stereo reported here occurred because these two sources do not equally specify the scale-dependent and scale-independent aspects of surface structure. Furthermore, these results seem to be inconsistent with integration models in which the different visual cues all initially contribute to the same single representation of 3-Dstructure.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to examine the integration of depth information from binocular stereopsis and structure from motion (SFM), using stereograms simulating transparent cylindrical objects. We found that the judged depth increased when either rotational or translational motion was added to a display, but the increase was greater for rotating (SFM) displays. Judged depth decreased as texture element density increased for static and translating stereo displays, but it stayed relatively constant for rotating displays. This result indicates that SFM may facilitate stereo processing by helping to resolve the stereo correspondence problem. Overall, the results from these experiments provide evidence for a cooperative relationship between. SFM and binocular disparity in the recovery of 3-D relationships from 2-D images. These findings indicate that the processing of depth information from SFM and binocular disparity is not strictly modular, and thus theories of combining visual information that assume strong modularity-or-independence cannot accurately characterize all instances of depth perception from multiple sources.  相似文献   

We asked observers to match in depth a disparity-only stimulus with a velocity-only stimulus. The observers’ responses revealed systematic biases: the two stimuli appeared to be matched in depth when they were produced by the projection of different distal depth extents. We discuss two alternative models of depth recovery that could account for these results. (1) Depth matches could be obtained by scaling the image signals by constants not specified by optical information, and (2) depth matches could be obtained by equating the stimuli in terms of their signal-to-noise ratios (see Domini & Caudek, 2009). We show that the systematic failures of shape constancy revealed by observers’ judgments are well accounted for by the hypothesis that the apparent depth of a stimulus is determined by the magnitude of the retinal signals relative to the uncertainty (i.e., internal noise) arising from the measurement of those signals.  相似文献   

We investigated some types of triggers of embarrassment and their personality correlates. A total of 161 undergraduates indicated how embarrassed they would be in a variety of situations classified a priori into three types. The types were based on the kind of trigger they embodied and were derived in part from current theories of embarrassment. Several analytic techniques, including factor analysis, suggested that there are at least three sorts of situations people find embarrassing: committing a faux pas, being the centre of attention, and threatening another's social identity. We created a subscale for each subtype of trigger. Embarrassibility on each subscale was correlated with embarrassibility on the others, but the reliabilities of the subscales substantially exceeded their intercorrelations. Some personality variables, for example, Neuroticism (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1975) correlated with all subscales, whereas other personality variables correlated differentially, for example, Revised Self-Monitoring (Lennox & Wolf, 1984), Interaction Anxiousness (Leary, 1983), and Rejection Sensitivity (Downey & Feldman, 1996). We believe, contrary to previous suggestions (Edelmann & McCusker, 1986), that there are subtypes of triggers of embarrassment and they they roughly correspond to the different causes of embarrassment as proposed by various theorists. We discuss the implications of our results for theories of embarrassment.  相似文献   

In this study, the nature of the spatial representations of an environment acquired from maps, navigation, and virtual environments (VEs) was assessed. Participants first learned the layout of a simple desktop VE and then were tested in that environment. Then, participants learned two floors of a complex building in one of three learning conditions: from a map, from direct experience, or by traversing through a virtual rendition of the building. VE learners showed the poorest learning of the complex environment overall, and the results suggest that VE learners are particularly susceptible to disorientation after rotation. However, all the conditions showed similar levels of performance in learning the layout of landmarks on a single floor. Consistent with previous research, an alignment effect was present for map learners, suggesting that they had formed an orientation-specific representation of the environment. VE learners also showed a preferred orientation, as defined by their initial orientation when learning the environment. Learning the initial simple VE was highly predictive of learning a real environment, suggesting that similar cognitive mechanisms are involved in the two learning situations.  相似文献   

图形信息在记忆系统中的保持与提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图形信息的保持与提取是图形信息加工的重要环节。不同记忆系统对图形信息的加工特点存在差异。语义信息必须经过复述才能进入长时记忆系统,图形信息似乎也可以经复述进入长时记忆。相比之下,两者的途径和方式有所不同。影响图形特征提取的因素既有刺激物的外在因素,也包括记忆者的内在因素,如期望、经验和推理等.记忆系统的信息加工特性研究主要以抽象的语义信息加工为主,还应进一步加强图形信息记忆过程的研究。  相似文献   

This article highlights the ways in which cultural, relational, and therapeutic power can affect polyamorous relationships and the therapeutic process. In therapy, focusing on the power narratives that polyamorous partners might experience can aid in challenging mononormativity while creating space for a variety of relational orientations. Power processes are presented as occurring on three levels: social discourse (without), relational meaning-making (within), and therapeutic practice (in between). A case study is used to evaluate these processes and implications are provided for clinicians working with polyamorous families.  相似文献   

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