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Computer-based testing has become a vital tool for the assessment of sport-related concussion (SRC). An increasing number of papers have been published on this topic, focusing on subjects such as the purpose and validity of baseline testing, the performance of special populations on computer-based tests, the psychometric properties of different computerized neurocognitive tools, and considerations for valid and reliable administration of these tools. The current paper describes several considerations regarding computerized test design, input and output devices, and testing environment that should be described explicitly when administering computer-based cognitive testing, regardless of whether the assessment is used for clinical or research purposes. The paper also reviews the conclusions of recent literature (2007–2013) using computer-based testing for the assessment of SRC, with special attention to the methods used in these studies. We also present an appendix checklist for clinicians and researchers that may be helpful in ensuring proper attention to factors that could influence the reliability and validity of computer-based cognitive testing. We believe that explicit attention to these technological factors may lead to the development of standards for the development and implementation of computer-based tests. Such standards have the potential to enhance the accuracy and utility of computer-based tests in SRC.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the persuasion knowledge model more than 25 years ago, many research studies have investigated how consumers’ persuasion knowledge affects their reactions to persuasion attempts. While most results have shown that persuasion knowledge increases coping responses and leads to less favorable evaluations of marketer actions, the findings vary considerably, leaving researchers with a limited understanding of the substance and structure of persuasion knowledge effects and the conditions that explain their variability. To develop a better understanding of persuasion knowledge effects in the marketplace, this study builds on the concept of persuasion to predict responses to marketers’ attempts to persuade consumers with different levels of persuasion knowledge. The study presents a meta-analysis of the findings in 148 papers and 171 distinct data sets. Persuasion knowledge effects can be viewed as substantial compared with persuasion attempts, but persuasion knowledge cannot suppress or eliminate persuasion effects in the marketplace, as it only reaches around 50% of the explanatory power of persuasion. Persuasion knowledge effects on evaluations and coping depend on the characteristics of the persuasion process. All persuasion elements that help consumers identify and better understand benefits not just for themselves, but also for marketers and how marketers realize their benefits—such as the use of personal communication, communication about unfamiliar products or products with experience attributes, and receiver experience—lead to less favorable effects for marketers. This paper’s insights provide a new framework for persuasion knowledge effects in the marketplace, ideas for future research, and implications for researchers, consumers, policymakers, and marketers.  相似文献   

Consumers trying to watch or restrict what they eat face a battle each day as they attempt to navigate the food-rich environments in which they live. Due to the complexity of food decision making, consumers are susceptible to a wide range of social, cognitive, affective, and environmental forces determined to interrupt their intentions to restrict their dietary intake. In this article, we integrate literature from diverse theoretical perspectives into a conceptual framework designed to offer a better understanding of the antecedents, interruptions, and consequences of dietary restraint. We outline a path for researchers to investigate how restraint behaviors in the eating domain influence a wide variety of consumer psychological phenomena. It is our hope that a collective examination of this literature provides a lens that directs future research on food decision making and dietary restraint and empowers consumers to invest their cognitive and behavioral resources towards healthy eating behaviors.  相似文献   

Research suggests that older consumers hope to transfer their cherished possessions, bundled with their carefully edited personal history, to younger family members. Further, researchers have found that older consumers worry that their younger loved ones will not care about these cherished, transferred possessions. Using a random, national US sample, this research investigates these findings, examining the pervasiveness of some of the most common themes emanating from previous naturalistic investigations, thus broadening our understanding of intergenerational possession transfers. Findings indicate that many of the key themes in intergenerational possession transfers conducted in naturalistic investigations can be generalized to a majority of the adult population in the US. That is, in this random, national US sample, a majority of respondents report: that they hope their loved ones will care about their cherished possessions, that they plan to pass their family possessions on to subsequent generations, and that their familial possessions reflect their family identity. Findings also indicate that this was significant among all adult age groups, and that females value cherished possessions more than males. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Computers have been important to applied psychology since their introduction, and the application of computerized methods has expanded in recent decades. The application of computerized methods has broadened in both scope and depth. This article explores the most recent uses of computer-based assessment methods and examines their validity. The comparability between computer-administered tests and their pencil-and-paper counterparts is discussed. Basic decision making in psychiatric screening, personality assessment, neuropsychology, and personnel psychology is also investigated. Studies on the accuracy of computerized narrative reports in personality assessment and psychiatric screening are then summarized. Research thus far appears to indicate that computer-generated reports should be viewed as valuable adjuncts to, rather than substitutes for, clinical judgment. Additional studies are needed to support broadened computer-based test usage.  相似文献   

Neuroscience is a rapidly expanding field in which complex studies and equipment setups are the norm. Often these push boundaries in terms of what technology can offer, and increasingly they make use of a wide range of stimulus materials and interconnected equipment (e.g., magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography, eyetrackers, biofeedback, etc.). The software that bonds the various constituent parts together itself allows for ever more elaborate investigations to be carried out with apparent ease. However, research over the last decade has suggested a growing, yet underacknowledged, problem with obtaining millisecond-accurate timing in some computer-based studies. Crucially, timing inaccuracies can affect not just response time measurements, but also stimulus presentation and the synchronization between equipment. This is not a new problem, but rather one that researchers may have assumed had been solved with the advent of faster computers, state-of-the-art equipment, and more advanced software. In this article, we highlight the potential sources of error, their causes, and their likely impact on replication. Unfortunately, in many applications, inaccurate timing is not easily resolved by utilizing ever-faster computers, newer equipment, or post-hoc statistical manipulation. To ensure consistency across the field, we advocate that researchers self-validate the timing accuracy of their own equipment whilst running the actual paradigm in situ.  相似文献   

We study the psychology at the intersection of two social trends. First, as markets become increasingly specialized, consumers must increasingly defer to outside experts to decide among complex products. Second, people divide themselves increasingly into moral tribes, defining themselves in terms of shared values with their group and often seeing these values as being objectively right or wrong. We tested how and why these tribalistic tendencies affect consumers' willingness to defer to experts. We find that consumers are indeed tribalistic in which experts they find convincing, preferring products advocated by experts who share their moral values (Study 1), with this effect generalizing across product categories (books and electronics) and measures (purchase intentions, information‐seeking, willingness‐to‐pay, product attitudes, and consequential choices). We also establish the mechanisms underlying these effects: because many consumers believe moral matters to be objective facts, experts who disagree with those values are seen as less competent and therefore less believable (Studies 2 and 3), with this effect strongest among consumers who are high in their belief in objective moral truth (Study 4). Overall, these studies seek not only to establish dynamics of tribalistic deference to experts but also to identify which consumers are more or less likely to fall prey to these tribalistic tendencies.  相似文献   

Best practices for missing data management in counseling psychology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article urges counseling psychology researchers to recognize and report how missing data are handled, because consumers of research cannot accurately interpret findings without knowing the amount and pattern of missing data or the strategies that were used to handle those data. Patterns of missing data are reviewed, and some of the common strategies for dealing with them are described. The authors provide an illustration in which data were simulated and evaluate 3 methods of handling missing data: mean substitution, multiple imputation, and full information maximum likelihood. Results suggest that mean substitution is a poor method for handling missing data, whereas both multiple imputation and full information maximum likelihood are recommended alternatives to this approach. The authors suggest that researchers fully consider and report the amount and pattern of missing data and the strategy for handling those data in counseling psychology research and that editors advise researchers of this expectation.  相似文献   

The use of voice acoustic techniques has the potential to extend beyond work devoted purely to speech or vocal pathology. For this to occur, however, researchers and clinicians will require acquisition technologies that provide fast, accurate, and cost-effective methods for recording data. Therefore, the present study aimed to compare industry-standard techniques for acquiring high-quality acoustic signals (e.g., hard drive and solid-state recorder) with widely available and easy-to-use, computer-based (standard laptop) data-acquisition methods. Speech samples were simultaneously acquired from 15 healthy controls using all three methods and were analyzed using identical analysis techniques. Data from all three acquisition methods were directly compared using a variety of acoustic correlates. The results suggested that selected acoustic measures (e.g., f 0, noise-toharmonic ratio, number of pauses) were accurately obtained using all three methods; however, minimum recording standards were required for widely used measures of perturbation.  相似文献   

Graphical and statistical indices employed to represent observer agreement in interval recording are described as "judgmental aids", stimuli to which the researcher and scientific community must respond when viewing observer agreement data. The advantages and limitations of plotting calibrating observer agreement data and reporting conventional statistical aids are discussed in the context of their utility for researchers and research consumers of applied behavior analysis. It is argued that plotting calibrating observer data is a useful supplement to statistical aids for researchers but is of only limited utility for research consumers. Alternatives to conventional per cent agreement statistics for research consumers include reporting special agreement estimates (e.g., per cent occurrence agreement and nonoccurrence agreement) and correlational statistics (e.g., Kappa and Phi).  相似文献   

现有的关于向企业进行抱怨的研究均建立在“理性人”的假设之上, 而忽视了消费者同时作为“社会人”需要遵循一定的规范。本文引入关系规范的概念(共有关系规范, 交换关系规范), 通过实验的方法探究其对消费者的抱怨意愿及潜在动机的影响。实验一的结果显示在服务失误水平低的情况下, 共有关系规范下的被试相对于交换关系规范下的被试更乐意向企业抱怨, 而在服务失误水平高的情况下, 这种差异不显著。实验二进一步验证了这种关系, 并发现共有关系规范下的被试向企业抱怨, 是为了帮助其发现和改进服务中存在的问题, 以提高服务质量, 具有利他动机。  相似文献   

羊群行为是消费市场上的一种典型现象,它是指在不确定情境中,消费者模仿他人进行消费决策的行为。本研究通过模拟消费情境对消费者羊群行为的心理机制进行研究。研究1通过操纵观点的强弱研究消费者的信息加工方式。结果发现,消费者的羊群行为是消费者采用一致性启发式或能力启发式的结果。研究2进一步通过操纵群体内部的一致性程度考察两种启发式的作用条件。结果表明,在群体内部一致性程度高的情况下,消费者倾向于采用一致性启发式,与大众决策保持一致;在群体内部一致性低的情况下,消费者倾向于采用能力启发式,与专家的决策保持一致。  相似文献   

New and Emerging Science and Technology (NEST) based innovations, e.g. in the field of Life Sciences or Nanotechnology, frequently raise societal and political concerns. To address these concerns NEST researchers are expected to deploy socially responsible R&D practices. This requires researchers to integrate social and ethical aspects (SEAs) in their daily work. Many methods can facilitate such integration. Still, why and how researchers should and could use SEAs remains largely unclear. In this paper we aim to relate motivations for NEST researchers to include SEAs in their work, and the requirements to establish such integration from their perspectives, to existing approaches that can be used to establish integration of SEAs in the daily work of these NEST researchers. Based on our analyses, we argue that for the successful integration of SEAs in R&D practice, collaborative approaches between researchers and scholars from the social sciences and humanities seem the most successful. The only way to explore whether that is in fact the case, is by embarking on collaborative research endeavours.  相似文献   

The consumption of spectacular experience is of increasing interest to consumer researchers. Much of this consumption occurs in themed environments. These environments arouse and motivate consumers in multifaceted ways. In this article, we explore the ways in which gendered behavior is elicited and enacted in a sports bar venue. Using ethnographic methods, we examine male role behavior as it is exhibited at ESPN Zone Chicago. We enfold our interpretation of this behavior in theorizing about sport, spectacle, and mass mediation  相似文献   

消费者自我构念、独特性需求与品牌标识形状偏好   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场上品牌标识形状各具形态,它们已成为吸引消费者眼球的重要品牌要素,如何设计出科学实效的品牌标识形状已成为营销策略中基础而又关键的内容。什么形状的品牌标识更能获得目标群体的偏爱?本文从自我构念的水平视角出发,推论认为不同自我构念的个体在"独特性需求"上具有显著差异,由此形成对多角和圆润的品牌标识形状的偏好差异,独特性需求在自我构念与品牌标识形状偏好之间起中介作用。文章通过4个实验,一致证实独立型自我构念的消费者独特性需求更高,偏爱多角的品牌标识;相依型自我构念的消费者,独特性需求更低,偏爱圆润的品牌标识。但上述效应只存在于公开产品购买情境,当消费者购买和使用私人产品时,无论个体的自我构念是独立型还是相依型,他们对品牌标识多角与圆润的偏好没有显著差异。本文推进了自我构念、独特性需求、品牌标识形状等领域的理论研究,为企业在设计、调整品牌标识形状及制定配套营销策略方面提供了丰富的战略启示。  相似文献   

The authors highlight the importance and discuss the criticality of distinguishing between constructs and methods when comparing predictors. They note that comparisons of constructs and methods in comparative evaluations of predictors result in outcomes that are theoretically to conceptually uninterpretable and thus potentially misleading. The theoretical and practical implications of the distinction between predictor constructs and predictor methods are discussed, with three important streams of personnel psychology research being used to frame this discussion. Researchers, editors, reviewers, educators, and consumers of research are urged to carefully consider the extent to which the construct-method distinction is made and maintained in their own research and that of others, especially when predictors are being compared. It is hoped that this discussion will reorient researchers and practitioners toward a more construct-oriented approach that is aligned with a scientific emphasis in personnel selection research and practice.  相似文献   

Vanity sizing has become a popular retail trend and recent work shows it has a favorable impact on consumers. However, as the current research demonstrates, significant variations in sizing standards across retailers mean that consumers are as likely to encounter larger sizes as they are smaller, “vanity” sizes when shopping, highlighting the importance of understanding how consumers react to this potential threat in the marketplace. Across five studies we demonstrate that larger sizes result in negative evaluations of clothing and show that these effects are driven by consumers' appearance self-esteem. Importantly, we also find that instead of unilaterally lowering purchase intent as one might assume, larger sizes can actually increase spending, as consumers engage in compensatory consumption to help repair their damaged self-esteem. In so doing, this research reveals a dynamic and complex relationship between consumers and sizing labels, where shopping can serve to build, strengthen, threaten, and/or repair appearance self-esteem.  相似文献   

Widely regarded as one of the most dynamic economies in Southeast Asia, Vietnam has increasingly attracted scholarly interest from diverse business disciplines. However, previous marketing research on Vietnam largely treats the country as a homogenous society. We draw on the literature in sociology, geography, history and predict that significant regional differences exist in consumers' consumption behaviors between the North and South of Vietnam, bearing important implications for international marketers. Using secondary survey data collected by an international market research firm, we show that consumers in Hanoi (HN) and Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) differ greatly in how they perceive the impact of an economic crisis, how they change their consumption behaviors as a result, and whether they will cut back on spending on themselves, their families, and children. Our results also demonstrate that HN and HCMC consumers differ in their attitude toward luxury product consumption, attitude toward advertising, and marketing versus non-marketing controlled sources of information. Our research provides important implications for both managers and researchers interested in this fast-growing economy.  相似文献   

In computer-based interactive environments meant to support learning, students must bring a wide range of relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities to bear jointly as they solve meaningful problems in a learning domain. To function effectively as an assessment, a computer system must additionally be able to evoke and interpret observable evidence about targeted knowledge in a manner that is principled, defensible, and suited to the purpose at hand (e.g., licensure, achievement testing, coached practice). This article describes the foundations for the design of an interactive computer-based assessment of design, implementation, and troubleshooting in the domain of computer networking. The application is a prototype for assessing these skills as part of an instructional program, as interim practice tests and as chapter or end-of-course assessments. An Evidence Centered Design (ECD) framework was used to guide the work. An important part of this work is a cognitive task analysis designed (a) to tap the knowledge computer network specialists and students use when they design and troubleshoot networks and (b) to elicit behaviors that manifest this knowledge. After summarizing its results, we discuss implications of this analysis, as well as information gathered through other methods of domain analysis, for designing psychometric models, automated scoring algorithms, and task frameworks and for the capabilities required for the delivery of this example of a complex computer-based interactive assessment.  相似文献   

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