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A neural network model of multistable perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Despite a century of research, the mechanisms underlying short-term or working memory for serial order remain uncertain. Recent theoretical models have converged on a particular account, based on transient associations between independent item and context representations. In the present article, the authors present an alternative model, according to which sequence information is encoded through sustained patterns of activation within a recurrent neural network architecture. As demonstrated through a series of computer simulations, the model provides a parsimonious account for numerous benchmark characteristics of immediate serial recall, including data that have been considered to preclude the application of recurrent neural networks in this domain. Unlike most competing accounts, the model deals naturally with findings concerning the role of background knowledge in serial recall and makes contact with relevant neuroscientific data. Furthermore, the model gives rise to numerous testable predictions that differentiate it from competing theories. Taken together, the results presented indicate that recurrent neural networks may offer a useful framework for understanding short-term memory for serial order.  相似文献   

W H Ittelson  L Mowafy  D Magid 《Perception》1991,20(5):567-584
In what ways and under what conditions does an object appear to differ from its enantiomorph (its mirror reflection)? This 'mirror question' or its popular counterpart, "Why does a mirror reverse left and right but not up and down?" is frequently encountered, but an acceptable answer is not to be found in the literature. The question is approached as an experimental problem in visual psychophysics. A mirror optically reverses the axis perpendicular to its surface. What are the perceptual consequences of this stimulus transformation? This question is examined in four experiments by using stimuli of varying complexity and familiarity. Apparent reversals are demonstrated along right-left, front-back, top-bottom, and oblique axes, depending on the perceived asymmetries of the stimulus object. Perceived asymmetry is shown to depend both on structural asymmetries and on canonical axes and orientations defined by social convention. It is concluded that an object appears to differ from its enantiomorph by an apparent reversal along the axis of least perceived asymmetry. Implications for perceptual frames of reference and for the perception of symmetry are discussed.  相似文献   

Memory for objects and parts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Performance on whole comparisons of two whole objects was compared to that for partial comparisons of a whole object and a part. In particular, same-different comparisons were measured for sequential displays of two-dimensional line figures. The comparisons were analogous to those in the word priority paradigm (Johnson, 1975). The whole comparisons were found to be more accurate and faster than the partial comparisons. This whole advantage was also found for accuracy using a two-alternative forced-choice procedure. This effect was found for brief displays of a single object and for longer duration displays of two objects. It was also found for three different sets of line figures. In contrast, the whole advantage was not found for unconnected figures. These findings were interpreted in the context of hierarchical representations of objects and parts.  相似文献   

We present a neural network model of verbal working memory which attempts to illustrate how a few simple assumptions about neural computation can shed light on cognitive phenomena associated with the serial recall of verbal material. We assume that neural representations are distributed, that neural connectivity is massively recurrent, and that synaptic efficacy is modified based on the correlation between pre- and post-synaptic activity (Hebbian learning). Together these assumptions give rise to emergent computational properties that are relevant to working memory, including short-term maintenance of information, time-based decay, and similarity-based interference. We instantiate these principles in a specific model of serial recall and show how it can both simulate and explain a number of standard cognitive phenomena associated with the task, including the effects of serial position, word length, articulatory suppression (and its interaction with word length), and phonological similarity.  相似文献   

Performance on whole comparisons of two whole objects was compared to that for partial comparisons of a whole object and a part. In particular,same-different comparisons were measured for sequential displays of two-dimensional line figures. The comparisons were analogous to those in the word priority paradigm (Johnson, 1975). The whole comparisons were found to be more accurate and faster than the partial comparisons. This whole advantage was also found for accuracy using a two-alternative forced-choice procedure. This effect was found for brief displays of a single object and for longer duration displays of two objects. It was also found for three different sets of line figures. In contrast, the whole advantage was not found for unconnected figures. These findings were interpreted in the context of hierarchical representations of objects and parts.  相似文献   

Ulara Kuno 《Psychometrika》1965,30(3):323-341
A model for analyzing the learning process with a special emphasis on serial-position effect is proposed. This model consists of two analyses, one being an analysis of the learning process of each item in a list by a stochastic method, and the other being an analysis of serial-position effect in terms of pro- and retroactive inhibitions, and of forgetting. The model is experimentally verified, and moreover, it is found that the model permits prediction of the results of many experiments with lists of various lengths and varying difficulty.The author wishes to acknowledge help received during discussion with Prof. T. Indow.  相似文献   

Subjects examined crowded semirealistic layouts of toy objects, or photographs of these layouts, and then tried to identify added, moved or deleted items. The main study, involving 1st-, 3rd, 6th-graders, and adults, showed that although successful recognition of added items was superior to both recall of deleted items and recognition of moved ones, all three scores improved with age. In addition, false reports of “new” items decreased markedly in the older groups. The results argue against the widely held view that recognition memory undergoes little or no developmental improvement. No significant difference between real layouts and photographs appeared either in the main experiment or in replications involving shorter exposure (Experiment 2) or retarded subjects (Experiment 3).  相似文献   

We present a computational model for human texture perception which assigns functional principles to the Gestalt laws of similarity and proximity. Motivated by early vision mechanisms, in the first stage, local texture features are extracted by utilizing multi-scale filtering and nonlinear spatial pooling. In the second stage, features are grouped according to the spatial feature binding model of the competitive layer model (CLM; Wersing et al. 2001). The CLM uses cooperative and competitive interactions in a recurrent network, where binding is expressed by the layer-wise coactivation of feature-representing neurons. The Gestalt law of similarity is expressed by a non-Euclidean distance measure in the abstract feature space with proximity being taken into account by a spatial component. To choose the stimulus dimensions which allow the most salient similarity-based texture segmentation, the feature similarity metrics is reduced to the directions of maximum variance. We show that our combined texture feature extraction and binding model performs segmentation in strong conformity with human perception. The examples range from classical microtextures and Brodatz textures to other classical Gestalt stimuli, which offer a new perspective on the role of texture for more abstract similarity grouping.  相似文献   

Line drawings are commonly used in perception research. A basic strategy used in such research is to remove portions of the line drawings in order to determine what features of an object are important for recognition. However, it is important to monitor the amount of contour and type of information that are deleted when one is making partially deleted or fragmented objects. With the Image Fragmenting Program, researchers can use random or manual contour deletion strategies to create fragmented objects while controlling for the amount of contour removed from the images.  相似文献   

Newell FN  Bülthoff HH 《Cognition》2002,85(2):113-143
We report three experiments where the categorical perception of familiar, three-dimensional objects was investigated. A continuum of shape change between 15 pairs of objects was created and the images along the continuum were used as stimuli. In Experiment 1 participants were first required to discriminate pairs of images of objects that lay along the shape continuum. Then participants were asked to classify each morph-image into one of two pre-specified classes. We found evidence for categorical perception in some but not all of our object pairs. In Experiment 2 we varied the viewpoint of the objects in the discrimination task and found that effects of categorical perception generalized across changes in view. In Experiment 3 similarity ratings for each object pair were collected. These similarity scores correlated with the degree of perceptual categorization found for the object pairs. Our findings suggest that some familiar objects are perceived categorically and that categorical perception is closely tied to inter-object perceptual similarity.  相似文献   

The paced serial addition task is reminiscent of a series of tasks studied in the later 1950s which were concerned with recall under conditions of pacing. The information processing operations in this task are completed in about a second and the paradigm allows a large amount of data to be collected in a short time. Group performance shows a primacy effect lasting a few seconds followed by a steady state. In this paper, a model is developed for steady-state performance consisting of continuous time and discrete components that generalize to a semi-Markov model. The model accounts for results from the two experiments presented and deviations of the model from the data point out distinct strategies being employed by the subject. The components of the model have direct psychological interpretation and allow many of the processes underlying performance to be specified.  相似文献   

A model for the acquisition of responses in an anticipatory rote serial learning situation is presented. The model is developed in detail for the case of a long intertrial interval and employed to fit data where the list length is varied from 8 to 18 words. Application of the model to the case of a short intertrial interval is considered; some predictions are derived and checked against experimental data.The author wishes to thank Professors C. J. Burke and W. K. Estes for advice and assistance in carrying out this research.  相似文献   

Are we humans drawn to the forbidden? From jumbo-sized soft drinks to illicit substances, the influence of prohibited ownership on subsequent demand has made this question a pressing one. We know that objects that we ourselves own have a heightened psychological saliency, relative to comparable objects that are owned by others, but do these kinds of effects extend from self-owned to “forbidden” objects? To address this question, we developed a modified version of the Turk shopping paradigm in which “purchased” items were assigned to various recipients. Participants sorted everyday objects labeled as “self-owned”, “other-owned,” and either “forbidden to oneself” (Experiment 1) or “forbidden to everyone” (Experiment 2). Subsequent surprise recognition memory tests revealed that forbidden objects with high (Experiment 1) but not with low (Experiment 2) self-relevance were recognized as well as were self-owned objects, and better than other-owned objects. In a third and final experiment, we used event-related potentials (ERPs) to determine whether self-owned and self-forbidden objects, which showed a common memory advantage, are in fact treated the same at a neurocognitive–affective level. We found that both object types were associated with enhanced cognitive analysis, relative to other-owned objects, as measured by the P300 ERP component. However, we also found that self-forbidden objects uniquely triggered an enhanced response preceding the P300, in an ERP component (the N2) that is sensitive to more rapid, affect-related processing. Our findings thus suggest that, whereas self-forbidden objects share a common cognitive signature with self-owned objects, they are unique in being identified more quickly at a neurocognitive level.  相似文献   

The present study examined the role of vision and haptics in memory for stimulus objects that vary along the dimension of curvature. Experiment 1 measured haptic‐haptic (T‐T) and haptic‐visual (T‐V) discrimination of curvature in a short‐term memory paradigm, using 30‐second retention intervals containing five different interpolated tasks. Results showed poorest performance when the interpolated tasks required spatial processing or movement, thereby suggesting that haptic information about shape is encoded in a spatial‐motor representation. Experiment 2 compared visual‐visual (V‐V) and visual‐haptic (V‐T) short‐term memory, again using 30‐second delay intervals. The results of the ANOVA failed to show a significant effect of intervening activity. Intra‐modal visual performance and cross‐modal performance were similar. Comparing the four modality conditions (inter‐modal V‐T, T‐V; intra‐modal V‐V, T‐T, by combining the data of Experiments 1 and 2), in a global analysis, showed a reliable interaction between intervening activity and experiment (modality). Although there appears to be a general tendency for spatial and movement activities to exert the most deleterious effects overall, the patterns are not identical when the initial stimulus is encoded haptically (Experiment 1) and visually (Experiment 2).  相似文献   

Lightness constancy in complex scenes requires that the visual system take account of information concerning variations of illumination falling on visible surfaces. Three experiments on the perception of lightness for three-dimensional (3-D) curved objects show that human observers are better able to perform this accounting for certain scenes than for others. The experiments investigate the effect of object curvature, illumination direction, and object shape on lightness perception. Lightness constancy was quite good when a rich local gray-level context was provided. Deviations occurred when both illumination and reflectance changed along the surface of the objects. Does the perception of a 3-D surface and illuminant layout help calibrate lightness judgments? Our results showed a small but consistent improvement between lightness matches on ellipsoid shapes, relative to flat rectangle shapes, under illumination conditions that produce similar image gradients. Illumination change over 3-D forms is therefore taken into account in lightness perception.  相似文献   

This psychobiographical study of Richard Trenton Chase (1950–1980), a serial murderer, has the aim to uncover the psychic mechanisms characteristic of his functioning. The study included primary and secondary data sources. All materials collected and analysed, were published and publically available. The Schahriar syndrome model served as the conceptual framework for data framing and interpretation. Findings suggest that Chase exhibited five primitive psychic mechanisms namely: omnipotence, sadistic fantasies, ritualised performance, dehumanisation and symbiotic merger. The Schahriar syndrome model has utility to explain the psychological functioning of a serial murderer.  相似文献   

This article investigates how the perspective from which we see an object affects memory. Object identification can be affected by the orientation of the object. Palmer, Rosch, and Chase (1981) coined the term canonical to describe perspectives in which identification performance is best. We present two experiments that tested the effects of object perspective on memory. Our results revealed a double dissociation between task (recognition and recall) and type of object perspective. In recognition, items studied in the noncanonical viewpoint produced higher proportions of “old” responses than did items studied in the canonical viewpoint, whereas new objects presented from a noncanonical viewpoint produced fewer “old” responses than did new objects presented from the canonical viewpoint. In free recall, conversely, objects studied from the noncanonical viewpoint produced lower recall rates than did objects studied from the canonical viewpoint. These results, which reveal a pattern similar to word frequency effects, support the psychological reality of canonical viewpoints and the frequencyof-exposure-based accounts of canonical viewpoint effects. 2008 Psychonomic Society, Inc  相似文献   

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