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Two forms of 55 pairs of plastic forms were orally presented one at a time to a group of 30 adults at 5-sec. intervals and to 30 other adults simultaneously. The latter subjects made significantly more errors, particularly between classes of forms.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were exposed to concurrent fixed-ratio, variable-interval schedules of food presentation. The fixed-ratio requirement was either 25, 50, 75, or 100 responses, with the variable-interval schedule parameter held constant at 4 minutes. A delay time was imposed between a changeover from one schedule to the other and subsequent food availability. The delay time was varied at each ratio requirement over four values; no delay, 0-second delay, 1.5-second delay, and 5.0-second delay. As the fixed-ratio requirement or the delay time increased, a greater proportion of the total responses and time spent responding occurred under the variable-interval schedule relative to the proportion of food deliveries under that schedule. Neither relative overall response rate nor relative time spent responding equalled the relative frequency of food presentation, as would be predicted by a linear “matching” model. Rather, these data were described by power functions with slopes of approximately 1.0 and intercepts greater than 1.0. In the terms of Baum's (1974) analysis, these deviations from linear matching represent bias in favor of responding under the interval schedule. Bias, as reflected in the intercept of the power function, was greater for the ratio of time than the ratio of responses.  相似文献   

Maximization and matching predictions were examined for a time-based analogue of the concurrent variable-interval variable-ratio schedule. One alternative was a variable interval whose time base operated relatively independent of the schedule chosen, and the other was a discontinuous variable interval for which timing progressed only when selected. Pigeons switched between schedules by pecking a changeover key. The maximization hypothesis predicts that subjects will show a bias toward the discontinuous variable interval and undermatching; however the obtained results conformed closely to the predictions of the matching law. Finally, a quantitative comparison was made of the bias and sensitivity estimates obtained in published concurrent variable-interval variable-ratio analogue studies. Results indicated that only the ratio-based analogue of the concurrent variable interval variable ratio studied by Green, Rachlin, and Hanson (1983) produced significant bias toward the variable-ratio alternative and undermatching, as predicted by reinforcement maximization.  相似文献   

Variable-time reinforcement in multiple and concurrent schedules   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Experiment I examined the role of a reduced rate of responding in the occurrence of behavioral contrast. Four rats and a pigeon were exposed to a two-component multiple schedule in which one component was always a variable-interval schedule. The second component was, at different times, either a variable-time schedule in which food was delivered independently of responding, or extinction. Both extinction and the variable-time schedule reduced the rate of responding in the second component. Behavioral contrast was observed, however, only when extinction was scheduled in the second component. Experiment II examined preference, as measured by time allocation in concurrent schedules for a variable-interval schedule relative to a variable-time schedule. Two rats displayed a lack of preference between the two schedules. The results of these experiments support a preference interpretation of behavioral contrast, which holds that behavioral contrast is the result of the introduction of a less-preferred condition in one component of a multiple schedule.  相似文献   

Signalled reinforcement in multiple and concurrent schedules   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Five pigeons were exposed to multiple and concurrent variable-interval, variable-interval reinforcement schedules in which reinforcement availability in one component was never signalled. During certain phases of the experiment, reinforcement availability in the other component was signalled. Behavioral contrast was observed in seven of eight instances when reinforcement availability in the multiple schedules was signalled. Under the concurrent schedules in which reinforcement availability was signalled, the subjects did not always allocate more time to (prefer) the component containing non-signalled reinforcement, as would be predicted by an account of behavioral contrast holding that contrast results from the introduction of a less-preferred condition in one component of a multiple schedule.  相似文献   

A yoked-chamber comparison of concurrent and multiple schedules   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons were exposed to alternative pairs of variable-interval schedules correlated with red and green lights on one key (the food key). In one experimental chamber, responses on a white key (the changeover key) changed the color of the food key and initiated a 2-sec changeover delay. Pigeons in a second chamber obtained food by pecking on a colored key whenever the pigeons in the first (concurrent) chamber had obtained food for a peck on that key color. There was no changeover key in the second (multiple) chamber: changeover responses in the first chamber alternated the schedules and colors in both chambers. The pigeons in both chambers emitted the same proportion of responses on each of the variable-interval schedules, and mastered discrimination reversals at the same rate. The pigeons differed only in their absolute response rates, which were greater under the concurrent schedules. In a second experiment, changes in key color occurred automatically, with different proportions of time allocated to the two variable-interval schedules. Matching of relative response frequency to relative reinforcement frequency was affected by the relative amounts of time in each component, by rate of changeovers, and by manipulations of the variable-interval scheduling.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys received concurrent within-session training on eight, two-choice object pairs and then underwent successive reversals of these problems. Initially, reversals required about six times more training than acquisition with no improvement over seven successive reversals. Surprisingly, performance on these eight problems was unimpaired if they were embedded in different eight-problem tasks, thereby indicating a release from proactive interference. When the original eight problems again underwent successive reversal, no improvement was seen over seven reversals, although there was significantly less error-per-reversal than in the initial test. Subsequently, monkeys appeared to be developing a learning set for successive reversal because performance on successive reversal of eight novel problems was not different from that seen with the old familiar task. Set acquisition was confirmed when proficient reversal was eventually achieved on both old and new concurrent tasks. Thus, concurrent reversal set did develop, but it required arduous training to overcome proactive interference effects on memory. The ubiquitous influence of measurement context on organization of monkey memory was noted.  相似文献   

The present experiment was concerned with the development of grapheme-phoneme conversion ability in normal and reading-age matched dyslexic readers. The use of grapheme-phoneme correspondences was observed in a recognition memory task for pronounceable nonwords. The nonwords were presented in either the visual or auditory modality and had to be recognized immediately from the converse modality, thus necessitating decoding of stimuli across modalities. The use of grapheme-phoneme correspondences increased with reading age in the normal readers but not in the dyslexics. It was postulated that dyslexics have a specific difficulty in grapheme-phoneme conversion. For them an increase in reading age is attributable mainly to an increase in size of sight vocabulary.  相似文献   

Local patterns of responding were studied when pigeons pecked for food in concurrent variable-interval schedules (Experiment I) and in multiple variable-interval schedules (Experiment II). In Experiment I, similarities in the distribution of interresponse times on the two keys provided further evidence that responding on concurrent schedules is determined more by allocation of time than by changes in local pattern of responding. Relative responding in local intervals since a preceding reinforcement showed consistent deviations from matching between relative responding and relative reinforcement in various postreinforcement intervals. Response rates in local intervals since a preceding changeover showed that rate of responding is not the same on both keys in all postchangeover intervals. The relative amount of time consumed by interchangeover times of a given duration approximately matched relative frequency of reinforced interchangeover times of that duration. However, computer simulation showed that this matching was probably a necessary artifact of concurrent schedules. In Experiment II, when component durations were 180 sec, the relationship between distribution of interresponse times and rate of reinforcement in the component showed that responding was determined by local pattern of responding in the components. Since responding on concurrent schedules appears to be determined by time allocation, this result would establish a behavioral difference between multiple and concurrent schedules. However, when component durations were 5 sec, local pattern of responding in a component (defined by interresponse times) was less important in determining responding than was amount of time spent responding in a component (defined by latencies). In fact, with 5-sec component durations, the relative amount of time spent responding in a component approximately matched relative frequency of reinforcement in the component. Thus, as component durations in multiple schedules decrease, multiple schedules become more like concurrent schedules, in the sense that responding is affected by allocation of time rather than by local pattern of responding.  相似文献   

Three pigeons were exposed to two-key discrete-trial concurrent schedules of reinforcement. Red and white key colors alternated irregularly and the assignment of reinforcers depended on key color. The red-key schedules were held constant, with the scheduled relative frequency of reinforcement for left-key pecks set at 0.75, while the white-key schedules varied. When the location of white-key reinforcement was changed from one side to the other, while its overall frequency was constant, red-key choices shifted in the same direction as white-key choices, an induction effect. When the overall frequency of white-key reinforcement was changed while its location remained constant, red key choices shifted in a direction opposite to white-key choices, a contrast effect. Both induction and contrast effects were clearer when the overall frequency of red-key reinforcement was reduced. These data demonstrate that the allocation of responding may exhibit schedule interaction effects similar to those commonly reported for response rate.  相似文献   

Visual laterality patterns for pure- versus mixed-list presentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Experiment 1, an overall left visual field advantage for nonverbal form recognition was found in a pure list of forms, but an overall right visual field form recognition advantage was found when the form trials were randomly intermixed with word recognition trials. Form complexity also influenced the form recognition laterality pattern, but the complexity effects were independent of (i.e., additive with) those produced by randomly mixing forms with words. Experiment 2 found that the mixed-list laterality pattern was unchanged by a pretrial cue indicating whether a word or form would follow. Experiments 3 and 4 demonstrated that holding two nouns in memory on each trial in a pure list of forms has much the same effect on laterality pattern as mixing forms with words but that the combined effect of these two variables is no larger than the effect of either variable alone. The entire pattern of results suggests that (a) laterality patterns are caused by the interaction of several factors, (b) the effects of random mixing and concurrent verbal memory are both caused by selective left-hemisphere activation, and (c) the form-complexity effects are caused by some other mechanism--perhaps subtle difference in stimulus codability.  相似文献   

《Brain and cognition》1987,6(3):321-333
Previous research indicates that bilateral stimulation of the visual fields results in larger asymmetry than unilateral stimulation. However, the research has largely been limited to percentage correct studies. Here, three experiments employ reaction time (RT) measures, and show that the bilateral advantage generalizes to RT, and across spatial and verbal stimulus materials (bargraphs, letters, and words). Visual field differences average about six times larger with bilateral than with unilateral presentation. Beyond promising increased power to detect hemispheric differences, the results argue against structural and attentional models of behavioral asymmetry and support a dynamic (hemispheric interaction) model.  相似文献   

Six pigeons were trained on multiple and concurrent schedules. The reinforcement rates were varied systematically (a) when lever pressing was required in one component and key pecking in the successive component; (b) when lever pressing was required in both multiple components; (c) when key pecking was required in both multiple components; and (d) when key pecking was required on one schedule and lever pressing was required on the concurrently-available schedule. Only the absolute level of responding was changed by different response requirements. Analyzed by the generalized matching law, performance under different response requirements resulted in a bias toward key pecking, and the measured response bias was the same in multiple and concurrent schedule arrangements. The bias in time measures obtained from concurrent schedule performance was reliably smaller than the obtained response biases. The sensitivity to reinforcement-rate changes was ordered: concurrent key-lever; multiple key-key; multiple lever-key; and, the least sensitive, multiple lever-lever. The results confirm that requirements of different topographical responses can be handled by the generalized matching law mainly in the bias parameter, but problems for this type of analysis may be caused by the changing sensitivity to reinforcement in multiple schedule performance as response requirements are changed.  相似文献   

Audiovisual timing perception can recalibrate following prolonged exposure to asynchronous auditory and visual inputs. It has been suggested that this might contribute to achieving perceptual synchrony for auditory and visual signals despite differences in physical and neural signal times for sight and sound. However, given that people can be concurrently exposed to multiple audiovisual stimuli with variable neural signal times, a mechanism that recalibrates all audiovisual timing percepts to a single timing relationship could be dysfunctional. In the experiments reported here, we showed that audiovisual temporal recalibration can be specific for particular audiovisual pairings. Participants were shown alternating movies of male and female actors containing positive and negative temporal asynchronies between the auditory and visual streams. We found that audiovisual synchrony estimates for each actor were shifted toward the preceding audiovisual timing relationship for that actor and that such temporal recalibrations occurred in positive and negative directions concurrently. Our results show that humans can form multiple concurrent estimates of appropriate timing for audiovisual synchrony.  相似文献   

The Good Behavior Game (GBG) is an effective intervention to reduce disruptive behavior. The GBG typically involves immediate stimulus presentation (e.g.., delivery of a token) following disruptions; however, experimenters have also removed tokens contingent upon disruptions. In the present study, we compared the effects of the GBG-stimulus presentation (P) and GBG-stimulus removal (R) on levels of disruptions in a 2nd-grade general education classroom. In addition, we measured student prompts, teacher praise and correctives, and student and teacher preference. The GBG-P and GBG-R versions of the game were similarly effective in reducing disruptions. However, the teacher chose to implement the GBG-R and the majority of students reported a preference for the GBG-R.  相似文献   

The use of bilateral presentation in lateralized tachistoscopic reaction time (RT) tasks has been precluded by problems of how to instruct the subject to respond to the left visual field (LVF) or right visual field (RVF) stimulus and by the necessity of fixation control with bilateral presentation. Schmuller and Goodman, 1979 and Schmuller and Goodman, 1980, Brain and Language, 11, 12–18) offered a method, applied to date only in recognition accuracy studies, which can overcome these problems. They used an “arrowhead pointer” at fixation. This instructs the subject as to which stimulus to report first and also controls fixation. We adapted the method to the RT paradigm by having subjects report only the stimulus indicated and applied it in a bilateral presentation version of the Object Naming Latency Task (W. F. McKeever & T. L. Jackson, 1979, Brain and Language, 7, 175–190). Fifty subjects received the unilateral task and 50 received the bilateral task. The bilateral task yielded right visual field superiority in 98% of the subjects and the magnitude of the superiority was over three times as large as in the unilateral task. Different sex × familial sinistrality × VHF interactions obtained on the tasks. Combining the advantages of reaction time and bilateral presentation methods may substantially increase the resolving power of lateralized tachistoscopic tasks.  相似文献   

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