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The aim of this study was to explore the role of character strengths and their associations to life satisfaction in older people. We were interested in studying several transitions that are specific for older people: aging, retirement, living alone, and being widowed. We examined the relationships of these demographic characteristics and living conditions with character strengths and studied their effects on the association of character strengths with life satisfaction. In a cross-sectional analysis, 15,598 older adults (aged 46–93 years) who had completed measures on character strengths, life satisfaction, and demographic characteristics and living conditions were selected from an existing database. Overall, analyses revealed positive associations of most character strengths with age, and higher scores in most character strengths for the employed (vs. the retired) and those living with a partner (vs. those living alone), while only few relationships with being widowed (vs. being married) were observed. Further, the contribution of character strengths to life satisfaction generally decreased slightly with age, but increased for certain character strengths, such as modesty or prudence. Also, stronger relationships between several character strengths and life satisfaction were found for retired people and those living alone, while being widowed did not affect these relationships. The results demonstrate how character strengths might contribute to the life satisfaction of older adults in various living conditions and thereby offer a starting point for strengths-based programs in later life.


Research related to students’ global life satisfaction and their academic and behavioral functioning has yielded varying findings. Some researchers have suggested the possibility that very high levels of life satisfaction may yield decrements in productivity (Oishi et al. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2, 346–360 2007). Middle school students (N?=?917) were surveyed regarding their global life satisfaction, school engagement, and academic performance. We evaluated whether the associations were best characterized linearly or non-linearly (i.e., quadratic) to clarify the associations between life satisfaction and the various academic performance variables. Differing from the findings of Oishi et al., our findings failed to reveal support for the hypothesis of a negative quadratic relation between life satisfaction and most of the academic or student engagement outcomes we examined. To the contrary, statistically significant, positive linear relations were observed between life satisfaction and GPA, math standardized test scores as well as cognitive, emotional and behavioral engagement. A linear relation was not observed between life satisfaction and English Language Arts standardized test scores. Consistent with previous research, these findings provide further support that higher levels of life satisfaction are related to higher levels of student engagement and academic performance in early adolescents. Furthermore, the results are consistent with efforts to expand education reforms to incorporate goals related to increasing students’ well-being as well as their academic success.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - The study of satisfaction with life in the country of adolescents in the city of Caracas - Venezuela, is measured using subjective social indicators, in order...  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined the relations between approach and avoidance coping behaviors and general life satisfaction in a sample of 248 Hindu adolescents from an urban area in India. The major findings were threefold. First, gender differences were observed, with females reporting more frequent use of the strategies of seeking social support, direct problem solving, and internalizing behaviors. Second, using multiple regression analyses, the coping behaviors of problem solving and externalizing behaviors accounted for significant, unique variance in life satisfaction scores. Third, gender did not moderate the relations between any of the coping behaviors and life satisfaction. Possible implications for health promotion are discussed.  相似文献   

采用优势行动价值问卷儿童青少年版(VIA-Youth)对947名城市儿童青少年进行调查,以探究儿童青少年优秀品质的基本特点,包括各种优秀品质的性别及年龄特点,以及儿童青少年优秀品质的组合模式等。研究得出以下结论:在24种优秀品质中,儿童青少年得分最高的5种分别是领导力、信仰、审慎、谦虚和正直,得分最低的5种为幽默、善良慷慨、感恩、宽容和好奇心。男生的好奇心得分显著高于女生,女生的情感智力和自我控制得分显著高于男生,在其他优秀品质上不存在显著性别差异;除创造力、信仰等5种优秀品质以外,八年级青少年的优秀品质得分均显著高于五年级儿童。潜剖面分析表明,儿童青少年优秀品质表现为高优秀品质组、中等略低优秀品质组和低优秀品质组3种不同的组合模式,3种组合模式的分布不存在显著的性别和年级差异。  相似文献   


Character strengths are a central construct within positive psychology, and their importance for the workplace was supported recently. Little is known, however, which strengths matter the most at the workplace. The aim of the present investigation was thus to assess the relationship between the level of the 24 character strengths with overall job satisfaction in a general working population (N = 12,499) as well as in eight occupational subgroups (nurses, physicians, supervisors, office workers, clinical psychologists, social workers/educators, economists, and secondary-school teachers) and in six age groups (from 18 to 61+ years) and to compare the overall level of character strengths across the eight occupational subgroups. Results showed that, similar to life satisfaction, zest, hope, curiosity, love, and gratitude, and emotional strengths in general, related most strongly to overall job satisfaction. However, the relationships of the strengths with job satisfaction differed depending on the facet of job satisfaction, the occupational subgroup, and the age group under study. Knowing which individual strengths as well as strengths factors are more important for specific working populations can help to develop and apply more effective strength-based interventions in the workplace, thus improving positive and reducing negative work-related outcomes.


Self-assessed health in four items of the Health Related Quality of Life Scale, overall health, physical health, mental health, and activity limitation, and perceived life satisfaction in six domains of the Brief Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale, overall life, family life, friendships, school experience, myself, and where I live were examined among 4,502 Chinese adolescent secondary school students in Hong Kong. Relative to the US adolescents in Youth Risk Behavior Survey the Hong Kong adolescents had very low levels of self-assessed health and life satisfaction. Among the different domains, family and school life were associated with the lowest satisfaction level. There were strong male advantages in self-assessed health and migrant disadvantages in life satisfaction. Age was negatively related to both health and life satisfaction. Two-parent family was a positive factor for adolescents’ quality of life but economic well-being was not a relevant factor.  相似文献   

Relationships between perceived life satisfaction and sexual risk-taking behaviors were examined in a statewide sample of public high school students (n = 4,758) using the self-report CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). Adjusted polychotomous logistic regression analyses and multivariate models (via SUDAAN) constructed separately, revealed a significant race by gender interaction for each race-gender group. Age of first intercourse (13), two or more lifetime sexual intercourse partners, alcohol/drug use before last intercourse, no use of contraception at last intercourse, being forced to have sex, forcing someone to have sex, and having beaten up a date in the last 12 months and having been beaten up by a date (in last 12 months) were associated (p = .05) with reduced life satisfaction. Measures of life satisfaction as a component of comprehensive assessments of adolescent sexual risk-taking behaviors in fieldwork, research, and program-evaluation efforts should be considered.  相似文献   

Young people in Catalonia are studied in order to better understand differences between satisfaction with spirituality and satisfaction with religion. Results suggest a reactive position on the part of most Spanish youngsters towards traditional religion; they consider it not very important either for their well-being or to give a sense of meaning to their own lives. While the importance given to spirituality is clearly higher, the concept seems to have several very different interpretations among young people. The discussion underlines the importance of discovering young people’s own points of view in order to understand the meaning they give to religion and spirituality in the context of an ever more rapidly changing society. The implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

张宁  张雨青 《心理科学进展》2010,18(7):1161-1167
性格优点是通过个体的认知、情感和行为而反映出来的一组积极人格特质,它是积极心理学的核心研究领域。研究表明性格优点存在跨文化的普遍性,并且性格优点与优良表现、主观幸福感以及创伤后成长呈显著的正相关。同时,研究表明遗传、年龄、性别以及个体的宗教信仰可能会影响个体性格优点的发展及其表现。文章对性格优点未来的研究方向及其应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Journal of Child and Family Studies - Emotional awareness (EA) and access to emotion regulation strategies (ER) are often conceptualized as being on a single continuum, yet discrepancies in these...  相似文献   

性格优势与主观幸福感是积极心理学的两大核心研究领域,其中,关于性格优势的"价值实践分类体系"被认为是积极心理学发展至今最具影响的成就之一。研究招募115名在校大学生(69女,46男),分别完成优势价值实践调查、牛津幸福体验问卷,以及生活满意度量表。研究发现:(1)在24种优势中,大学生的五大"显著优势"依次为爱与被爱、正直诚实、感恩感激、美的领悟、善良慷慨;(2)希望乐观、爱与被爱、社交智慧、洞察悟性等性格优势与主观幸福感密切相关;(3)希望乐观、爱与被爱、谨慎审慎、洞察悟性对幸福体验的回归方程拟合程度最优,而希望乐观、宽容宽恕、社交智慧、创造才能对生活满意度的回归方程拟合程度最优。  相似文献   

Informed by the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions (PE), we tested a model of the origins of life satisfaction (LS) with a sample of 567 middle school students from the Southeastern United States. The pathways thinking domain of hope was proposed to mediate the relation between PE and general LS at a single time point, as well as over 1 year. At Time 1, pathways thinking was a significant mediator of PE and LS. In the prospective model, PE did not predict later LS after controlling for baseline LS. The findings have implications for theory and efforts to promote and sustain LS over time in adolescents.  相似文献   

该研究通过对1149位高校教师的问卷调查,探讨了高校教师工作家庭关系的特点及其与工作特征、生活满意度的关系.结果发现:1)高校教师体验到的工作家庭冲突与工作家庭促进存在较弱的负相关.2)男性教师体验到的家庭-工作冲突显著高于女性教师,在工作-家庭冲突和工作家庭促进方面差异不显著.3)工作要求能正向预测工作家庭冲突和工作家庭促进;个人对工作家庭平衡的控制感能降低工作-家庭冲突、提升工作家庭促进,但同时也会使家庭-工作冲突增加.4)工作家庭促进会显著地提升教师对工作和家庭的满意感.工作-家庭冲突会削弱工作满意度,家庭-工作冲突则会导致家庭满意度下降.  相似文献   

采用整群抽样法对重庆市和河南省某两所大学800名大一至大三年级学生进行问卷调查,建立结构方程,考察性格优势、优势运用、压力性生活事件和主观幸福感的关系。结果发现:(1)优势运用在性格优势和主观幸福感之间起部分中介作用,即性格优势既对主观幸福感产生直接影响,也通过优势运用对主观幸福感产生间接影响;(2)压力性生活事件调节优势运用的中介作用,即优势运用对主观幸福感的影响随着个体所体验到的压力性生活事件的增加而提升;优势运用对主观幸福感起着有调节的中介作用。  相似文献   

In previous literature, social support has been reported to have a significant, positive relationship with life satisfaction. However, few studies have examined this relationship among Korean youths and how their psychological functioning is associated with both social support and life satisfaction. This study investigated the associations between different sources of social support (i.e., family, peer, and teacher), psychological factors (i.e., self-efficacy and emotional regulation), and life satisfaction, in a sample of 1133 Korean adolescents. The possibility of sex differences in these relationships was also investigated. Results indicated that only family support had a direct relationship with life satisfaction for male adolescents; however, all three types of social support were found to have a significant, indirect relationship with life satisfaction for male adolescents through both psychological factors. In contrast, all three types of social support had a direct relationship with life satisfaction of female adolescents. Additionally, self-efficacy had a mediating effect on the relationship between the social support from family and teachers and life satisfaction of female adolescents. The results and implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

The author investigated the contribution of perfectionism to life satisfaction among Turkish adolescents. The analyses revealed that high standards and orderliness/organization were positive predictors of life satisfaction, whereas the discrepancy between one's standards and one's actual performance was a negative predictor of life satisfaction. El autor investigó la contribución del perfeccionismo a la satisfacción vital entre adolescentes turcos. Los análisis revelaron que las expectativas elevadas y el orden/organización fueron indicadores de predicción positivos de la satisfacción vital, mientras que la discrepancia entre las expectativas propias y el rendimiento real fue un indicador de predicción negativo de la satisfacción vital.  相似文献   

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