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智慧是个体在其人生经历中习得的一种德才一体的综合心理素质, 是成功老龄化的重要标志和毕生发展的理想终点。研究发现, 三维智慧量表、自我评估智慧量表、成人自我超越问卷等自陈式测量和柏林智慧范式、智慧推理等表现式测量对老年人智慧评估具有良好性能; 老年人智慧发展受到开放性、自我反思、情绪调节、人格成长等内在因素以及受教育程度、关键生活经历、社会环境等外在因素的交互影响; 毕生发展的智慧为老年人带来更高主观幸福感、生活满意度以及更少社会疏离感、孤独感和抑郁。未来应该开发多测度、整合的老年人智慧测评工具; 深入揭示老年人智慧的预测因素、影响后效及其内部作用机制; 进一步探索社区养老服务中老年人智慧的干预与培育策略。  相似文献   

基于毕生发展理论,探讨老年人使用的控制策略在心理资本对成功老龄化的影响中起到的中介作用。对杭州市年满60岁以上的老年人进行问卷调查。结果发现,男性更多地使用选择初级控制策略(p0.05);另一方面为,心理资本得分越高或初级与次级控制最优化模型的策略(OPS)得分越高,个体都越容易成功老龄化(p0.001);且老年人的选择初级控制策略在心理资本对成功老龄化的影响中起部分中介作用(p0.001)。所以,老年人的心理资本通过使用选择初级控制策略对成功老龄化产生间接作用。  相似文献   

陈宇欣 《美与时代》2014,(12):123-124
近年来,老龄化问题已迫在眉睫。相较于国外,我国在老龄化研究的相关领域存在概念缺失。项目着力于对老龄化产品进行色彩心理研究。利用科学的色彩理论知识在纯度、明度、色相上进行精细搭配对老年人的生活起居身理心理等方面做具体研究带入,以满足老年人在衣食住行等不同领域的需求。利用色彩愉悦老年人的身心与生活娱乐,为中国解决老龄化问题缓解老龄化危机。力求做到让色彩心理分析这一专业领域的知识与老龄化产业产生完美的融合。  相似文献   

该研究以城市移民子女作为研究对象,主要探讨社会支持对城市移民子女生活满意度的影响及预测作用,以及学校适应在社会支持与生活满意度之间的作用机制。研究结果表明:1)社会支持、学校适应与城市移民子女的生活满意度均呈显著相关,社会支持对城市移民子女生活满意度具有显著的正向预测作用。2)学校适应在社会支持影响城市移民子女生活满意度中起部分中介作用,即社会支持可以直接影响生活满意度,也可以通过学校适应间接影响生活满意度。但社会支持对生活满意度的直接影响是最主要的影响路径。.  相似文献   

我国幅员辽阔,人口也在逐年增长,截至2020年,我国总人口已经达到14.1亿人,而60周岁及以上老龄人口数则达到了2.64亿。事实上,早在1999年我国就已经进入老龄化社会。在社会发展的过程中,人们对于老龄化的问题越来越重视,老年人的生活问题愈发凸显。而养老社区能够较好地解决老年人的一系列生活问题,满足老年人的基本生活需求和心理需求。结合老年人的生理和心理需求,进行养老社区室外景观设计,从而为老年人群体提供更加舒适和人性化的生活环境,发挥养老社区在解决人口老龄化问题上的积极作用,进一步加快养老社区的发展进程。  相似文献   

城市老年人社会支持网络与生活满意度的研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本研究采用自编的社会支持网络调查表对上海市96位老人进行了调查,试图了解城市老年人社会支持的基本情况及其对生活满意度的影响。结果表明:(1)城市老年人社会支持网络得分为85.87±8.56(x±s);(2)社会支持网络得分与生活满意度之间存在极其显著的正相关;(3)在各因素水平中,社会机构的支持对老年人生活满意度的影响最大,子女支持的影响次之,配偶支持的影响最小;情感支持的影响作用大于认知支持和行为支持。  相似文献   

老年人对退休生活的心理适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时蓉华 《心理学报》1989,22(4):107-114
本研究调查了退休老年人生活的心理适应情况,有70%的老年人能适应退休生活,30%则适应不良。调查研究表明:(1)适应退休生活与年龄、性别、文化、职业等有一定的关系;(2)老年人刚退休时的消极情绪反应与其对退休的心理准备呈负相关;(3)老年人能否适应退休生活,也受其过去生活满意感的影响;(4)找到对工作或消遣娱乐的老年人,多半能适应退休生活。  相似文献   

随着即将到来的老龄化社会,老年人群对环境的特殊需求成为社会关注的焦点。参考无障碍设计的标准,针对老年人的生活需要,对现有建筑环境进行改造性设计研究,对日渐增长的老年人群体具有重要意义。通过设计关注他们在生活中遭遇的各种尴尬状况,从使用障碍和心理障碍方面去除老年人在原有生活环境中的各种不便,关注老年人的身心健康,并以此来阐述老龄化社会转型趋势对建筑空间改造性设计的影响,继而探寻适合我国老龄化社会的建筑环境改造设计之发展思路与对策。  相似文献   

为探讨高中生生活事件、积极心理资本与生活满意度的关系,本研究采用青少年生活事件量表、积极心理资本量表和生活满意度量表测查了712名高中生,结果表明:(1)高中生生活事件与积极心理资本呈负相关,生活事件与生活满意度呈负相关;(2)积极心理资本在生活事件与生活满意度之间起完全中介作用,当心理资本进入回归方程时,生活事件对生活满意度的预测系数由0.254下降为0.050(t=-1.625,p=0.1040.05)。  相似文献   

采用元分析方法探讨老年人心理韧性和幸福感之间的关系, 通过文献检索和筛选, 共有42篇中英文文献, 75个独立样本纳入元分析(N = 12856)。结果显示, 老年人心理韧性和幸福感、生活满意度、积极情感呈显著正相关关系, 与消极情感之间呈显著负相关关系; 两者之间的关系受心理韧性的测量工具、文化背景、文献质量、文献年份、样本量和样本人群年龄的影响。研究结果为心理韧性如何影响老年人幸福感提供了较为精确的估计, 对于提高老年人幸福感进而实现成功老化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文从积极老龄化的角度,采用入户问卷调查的方式,探究了河南某地农村老年人社会参与对其老化态度的影响,以及自我效能感和孤独感在二者关系中的作用。研究结果显示,社会参与对老化态度具有积极的促进作用,同时,自我效能感、孤独感以及自我效能感与孤独感的链式中介效应在社会参与和老化态度之间起部分中介作用。因此,提高农村老年人的社会参与度,能够一定程度上改变老年人的认知,减少消极情绪,促进成功老化。  相似文献   

Research provides evidence that leisure-time physical activity engagement promotes health and well-being among older adults. In this study, using data released from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) in 2008, we focused on the exploration of the relationship between leisure-time physical activity and psychological benefits such as positive affect, optimism, psychological well-being, and life satisfaction among elderly immigrants. The results of this study demonstrated that leisure-time physical activities play an important role in gaining psychological benefits. This finding provided further evidence that leisure-time physical activities provides rich opportunities for elderly immigrants to experience psychological benefits, which may contribute to quality of life and successful aging.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3):221-238
This article describes several markers of successful aging for Vietnamese women. These studies suggest that feelings of control have important implications for life satisfaction and mental health of female Vietnamese refugees. Adequate satisfaction with social relationships is a key contributor to successful aging and mental health of elderly Vietnamese refugees who are female. The article concludes by discussing ways in which mental health and health care professionals can assist female elderly refugees cope with family crisis, adaptation, and acculturation issues because they are at the highest risk now and into the future. Key issues were: cultural values surrounding age and gender norms, differential rates of acculturation across generations in the family, cross-cultural differences in mental health and their therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

Well-being is one of the keys to successful and optimal development across the lifespan. Based on the idea that development involves changes in individuals’ adaptive capacity to meet their needs over time, the changes that occur in the second half of life require effort to adapt to the new reality. This study used a structural model to test the effects of coping strategies and resilience on well-being in a sample of 305 mid-life adults. Several constructs were measured: coping strategies, resilience, and well-being. A final model was obtained with good fit indices; psychological well-being was positively predicted by resilience and negatively by emotional coping. Moreover, positive reappraisal and avoidance form part of both coping strategies (problem-focused and emotion-focused). Considering the characteristics of the model, educational intervention programs could be developed to promote skills that favor good adaptation at this stage in the life cycle and contribute to promoting successful aging.  相似文献   

Visuomotor adaptation in normal aging   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Visuomotor adaptation to a gradual or sudden screen cursor rotation was investigated in healthy young and elderly subjects. Both age groups were equally divided into two subgroups; one subgroup was exposed to 11.25° step increments of visual feedback rotation, every 45 trials (up to a total of 90°), whereas a second subgroup was subjected to 90° rotation from the onset of exposure. Participants performed discrete, horizontal hand movements to virtual targets in four randomized directions. Targets appeared on a computer screen in front of them, and a board prevented vision of the hand at all times. Differential effects of aging on visuomotor adaptation were found, depending on the time course of the visual distortion. In both age groups, early exposure to the sudden visual feedback distortion resulted in typical spiral-like trajectories, which became straighter by late exposure. However, the final adaptation level was reduced in the aged group, although the aftereffects were similar. When subjects were exposed to the gradual distortion, no statistically significant differences in measures of adaptation with advancing age were found. In this case, both age groups appeared to adapt equally. However, after removal of the distortion, elderly subjects showed reduced aftereffects as compared with the young group. These findings suggest differential effects of aging on adaptation to gradual versus sudden visual feedback distortions, and may help to explain the conflicting results obtained in previous visuomotor adaptation studies.  相似文献   

Studies of successful aging have typically defined elderly who fall in the upper end of a distribution of test scores as successful. A different definition of successful aging requires that older adults fall at or above the mean level of younger adults and maintain this level over time. Here we examined this definition of successful aging in a sample of 1463 individuals between the ages of 50 of 85. Based on principal coordinate analysis of cognitive and non-cognitive variables, we identified a group of 55 (8.3%) 70-85 years olds that were high functioning. This group of elderly showed elevated performance on a range of cognitive tasks. Non-cognitive factors that characterized this group included education and subjective health. The participants were retested 5 years later and the same type of analysis was repeated. Of the remaining individuals who initially were classified as high functioning, 18 (35%) remained high functioning and thus met the definition for successful aging. Years of education was a significant predictor of who remained successful over time.  相似文献   


Studies of successful aging have typically defined elderly who fall in the upper end of a distribution of test scores as successful. A different definition of successful aging requires that older adults fall at or above the mean level of younger adults and maintain this level over time. Here we examined this definition of successful aging in a sample of 1463 individuals between the ages of 50 of 85. Based on principal coordinate analysis of cognitive and non-cognitive variables, we identified a group of 55 (8.3%) 70–85 years olds that were high functioning. This group of elderly showed elevated performance on a range of cognitive tasks. Non-cognitive factors that characterized this group included education and subjective health. The participants were retested 5 years later and the same type of analysis was repeated. Of the remaining individuals who initially were classified as high functioning, 18 (35%) remained high functioning and thus met the definition for successful aging. Years of education was a significant predictor of who remained successful over time.  相似文献   

Young (n = 7) and elderly (n = 7) subjects performed bimanual coordination patterns in the transverse plane according to the in-phase or antiphase mode. Sensory information was manipulated through visual (with or without vision of the limbs) and proprioceptive input (with or without vibratory stimuli on one limb). Movement patterns with vibrations showed higher deviations from the intended relative phase than did those without vibrations. This finding suggests that the proprioceptive information induced by the vibrations and the movement interfered, leading to a disruption of the coordination patterns. In addition, as compared with the elderly, the young subjects performed more stable movements under normal circumstances but were more strongly affected by vibratory stimuli during the performance of in-phase movements. During antiphase movements, both age groups experienced a decrease of pattern stability. Furthermore, the absence or presence of visual feedback influenced the performance of the young subjects more than that of the elderly. The presence of vision led to stable in-phase movements, whereas a decrease of pattern stability was observed for antiphase movements. In general, these results demonstrate that manipulation of feedback sources affects young subjects more than elderly ones, and this can be related to a reduced sensory sensitivity as a function of aging.  相似文献   

Life satisfaction in old age: linking social psychology and history   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A life course perspective on aging assumes that adaptation is governed by factors beyond the immediate situation. Using longitudinal data on 79 women from the 1900 generation of the Berkeley Guidance Study, we examined how social and psychological factors interact over time in the course of successful aging, as expressed by life satisfaction. The consequences of adaptive resources in early adulthood vary in relation to social class. Intellectual skills in 1930 indirectly predict life satisfaction in old age for women from the working class, whereas emotional health is more influential in the life satisfaction of women with higher class origins. Social activity in old age makes a difference only in the lives of women from the working class. Finally, adaptation to old age is related to women's experiences with past stressful events. Middle-class women in 1930 showed gains attributable to Depression hardship (1930s), whereas the life satisfaction of women from the working class was diminished by such hardships. Several mechanisms are discussed that may link widely separated problem situations and life events across the life course. The analysis provides empirical support for the proposition that the influence of social change on life trajectories is contingent on what individuals bring to change situations.  相似文献   

Maintaining Successful Aging: The Role of Coping Patterns and Resources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the main challenges of aging societies is maintaining quality of life despite inevitable changes that occur in the lives of elderly people. This study examined the contribution of coping resources and coping patterns to successful aging among elderly persons following a decline in health and function. Data were collected from 262 elderly Israelis during two home interviews carried out at an interval of 12 months. Successful aging was assessed using a number of measures of subjective well-being. Predictive variables included change in health/functioning, coping resources, and coping patterns (proactive and reactive). Hierarchical regression analyses showed that the coping resources self-efficacy and social support and the proactive coping pattern of concrete planning positively predicted successful aging, while the proactive coping pattern deciding on preferences had a negative influence. These results indicate that elderly people have the ability to shape their quality of life in the presence of decline in health and functioning by using appropriate coping resources and coping patterns. Controlled interventions are recommended to help older people acquire and maintain effective resources and coping skills, thus further promoting their successful aging process.  相似文献   

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