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Our interpretation of the Greek term sarx (σ?ρξ) has great impact on how we view the anthropology and theology expressed in Paul’s letters, and in Luke/Acts. This article takes Nida and Taber’s depiction of the semantic componential structure of σ?ρξ in Luke 24:39 and in Romans 11:14 as a starting point for a discussion of the semantic structure of σ?ρξ in these texts. The hermeneutical and translational principle of mental cascades (Lakoff and Wehling) provides a way to describe the associative links that exist between concepts in any language. Often, but not always, σ?ρξ has been translated into the English term flesh.  相似文献   

Moral puzzles about actions which bring about very small or what are said to be imperceptible harms or benefits for each of a large number of people are well known. Less well known is an argument by Warren Quinn that standard theories of rationality can lead an agent to end up torturing himself or herself in a completely foreseeable way, and that this shows that standard theories of rationality need to be revised. We show where Quinn's argument goes wrong, and apply this to the moral puzzles.  相似文献   

If Savulescu's (2001, 2009) controversial principle of Procreative Beneficence (PB) is correct, then an important implication is that couples should employ genetic tests for non‐disease traits in selecting which child to bring into existence. Both defenders as well as some critics of this normative entailment of PB have typically accepted the comparatively less controversial claim about non‐disease traits: that there are non‐disease traits such that testing and selecting for them would in fact contribute to bringing about the child who is expected to have the best life. We challenge this less controversial claim, not by arguing deductively for its falsity, but by showing that Savulescu's central argument for this presumably less controversial claim fails. Savulescu offers intelligence as the paradigm example of a testable non‐disease trait such that testing and selecting for it would increase the likelihood that the child selected would be the one who is expected to have the best life (or at least as good a life as the others). We provide a series of arguments aimed at demonstrating that Savulescu's argument from intelligence fails. If our arguments are successful, the upshot is not that PB is false, but more modestly, that the burden of proof remains squarely with Savulescu.  相似文献   

孔子的"仁"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔子的“仁”属于一个伦理学范畴,也是一个政治学范畴,还是一个修身学的范畴,“仁”具有“爱一切人”的含义,这与孔子的出身和所处的社会地位有关。  相似文献   

宇汝松 《宗教学研究》2003,4(3):112-117
人口问题一直是中国现代化建设的一个沉重包袱。解决人口再生产过程中所出现的问题 ,除了要依靠法律的手段外 ,还应借助先进的生育文化去引导。这主要因为 ,人们的生育观念和生育行为直接受到长期文化熏陶的影响。本文对传统生育文化的负面影响和道教生育文化的先进性的深刻揭示 ,目的是要让这份沉寂已久的优秀历史文化遗产在新的历史条件下重放光彩 ,为我国人口和现代化建设作出更大的贡献。  相似文献   




Consider the Strong Beneficence Principle (SBP): Persons of affluent means ought to give to those who might fail basic human subsistence until the point at which they must give up something of comparable moral importance. This principle has been the subject of much recent discussion. In this paper, I argue that no coherent interpretation of SBP can be found. SBP faces an interpretive trilemma, each horn of which should be unacceptable to fans of SBP; SBP is either (a) so strong as to be patently absurd; (b) implausible given its acceptance of a form of numbers skepticism; (c) drained of all its demanding force. In the conclusion, I show how the problems with SBP generalize to all similarly demanding principles of beneficence.  相似文献   

医学科学作为医学的一个组成部分,其在医疗实践中的能力有限是一个不争的事实。用建构观而非真理观看待医学科学的局限性,用质疑并不断进取的眼光规避对医学科学的盲目崇拜,合理定位医者与医疗的实际价值。用归属真理的常识守住医生与患者各自判断与行为的底线。患者避免过度就医,医者避免过度行医。并用叙事的方式呈现医疗,用康复的方式实践医疗,用人性的关爱温暖医疗,重建医患互信,让医疗不再冷漠。  相似文献   

Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research - My objective of this paper is to suggest and workout a more credible form of the Principle of Beneficence from the common essential elements of...  相似文献   

An A-B-C-D-E worksheet has been prepared to promote beneficence when considering ethical issues. The components of the worksheet are derived from ethical principles and ethical decision-making models. The worksheet makes abstract concepts of decision-making models concrete and practical. In addition, it provides a shorthand for remembering key elements necessary to good ethical decision making. It is systematic and useful and can aid students of ethics and mental health professionals to think more critically about ethical dilemmas.  相似文献   

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