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各省区市佛教协会、西藏分会:鉴于当前疫情形势,各地佛教团体、佛教寺院和佛教院校在当地党委政府的领导下,务必高度重视疫情防控工作,采取切实有效的措施。现就有关事项提出如下建议意见:一、宜闭不宜开。寺院、院校应暂停对公众开放,关闭山门,清修以自持,各自诵经以为众生祈福。二、宜散不宜聚。应暂停法会等一切集体活动,僧众较多的寺院或在校学僧较多的院校,其早晚功课。  相似文献   

正各省区市佛教协会、西藏分会:鉴于当前疫情形势,各地佛教团体、佛教寺院和佛教院校在当地党委政府的领导下,务必高度重视疫情防控工作,釆取切实有效的措施。现就有关事项提出如下建议意见:一、宜闭不宜开。寺院、院校应暂停对公众开放,关闭山门,清修以自持,各自诵经以为众生祈福。二、宜散不宜聚。应暂停法会等一切集体活动,僧众较多的寺院或在校学僧较多的院校,其早晚功课、  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,武汉市佛教协会在市民宗委的指导下,把防范疫情作为头等大事,迅速行动,严密防控,1月20日起即对全市佛教活动场所实施了"双暂停"举措(暂停开放宗教活动场所、暂停一切集体宗教活动),特别是提前取消了归元寺、宝通寺等寺院的春节祈福敬香活动,防控效果明显。截至目前,全市佛教活动场所无疫情,佛教教职人员零感染。  相似文献   

正5月30日全国性宗教团体联席会议第十三次会议召开以来,在属地统战部门、宗教工作部门指导下,全国各地低风险地区宗教活动场所和宗教院校按照会议要求,重点做好三个方面工作。一是做好宗教活动场所有序恢复开放和宗教院校复课工作。全国各地低风险地区结合本地实际情况陆续下发通知,要求在符合疫情防控工作条件,并经属地疫情防控指挥部同意及宗教工作部门备案确认后,有序恢复开放宗教活动场所;要求开放的宗教活动场所合理安排宗教活动,  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,在湖北省孝感市委统战部、市民宗委的指导下,孝感市佛教协会(以下简称"市佛协")充分发扬"慈悲济世、利益众生"的优良传统,积极协助党和政府做好疫情防控相关工作,为坚决遏制疫情扩散、夺取防控斗争胜利贡献了宗教界的力量,谱写了感人篇章。  相似文献   

自新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,湖南溆浦县委统战部和民宗局结合工作实际,因地制宜制定防控措施,按照"六个到位"的要求,扎实做实做细宗教领域的疫情防控工作。政策宣传到位。1月23日,县民宗局制定并发布防控工作方案,同日下发停止组织开展任何宗教活动的通知,县佛教协会、道教协会也于同日发出暂停开展宗教活动的告示,并将通知告示在县电视台滚动播放。  相似文献   

正新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,作为疫情防控的重点地区,湖北省统战、民宗部门坚决贯彻党中央、国务院决策部署,按照中央统战部和省委、省政府工作要求,以最严措施、最严作风、最严纪律做好疫情防控工作,维护社会正常秩序和宗教领域安全稳定。提高政治站位,迅速行动部署。疫情发生后,湖北省委统战部、省民宗委开始全面部署,每天摸排上报全省各宗教领域疫情,及时处置有关疫情及突发事件;按照中央决策部署和省委省政府要求,第一时间分别成立疫情防控工作领导小组和工作专班,制定疫情防控方案,明确工作职责和措施;1月23日,面  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,基督教全国两会认真学习贯彻落实习近平总书记关于加强疫情防控工作的重要指示批示和中央政治局常委会会议精神,积极响应"坚定信心、同舟共济、科学防治、精准施策,坚决打赢疫情防控阻击战"的号召,按照党中央的决策部署和中央统战部工作要求,努力作为,组织发动全国教会认真做好疫情防控工作,维护社会和谐稳定。  相似文献   

武穴市是隶属于湖北省黄冈市的县级市,新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,武穴市委统战部、民宗部门第一时间贯彻落实中央、省委和市委关于做好疫情防控工作相关重要精神,广泛凝聚宗教界力量,同心聚力、众志成城,为打赢疫情防控阻击战贡献力量。"严"字当时,行动迅速。疫情发生后,市委统战部(民宗局)认真落实中央、省委和市委关于疫情防控工作的要求。  相似文献   

正新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情发生以后,中国佛教协会坚决贯彻落实党和政府决策部署,与全国人民一道,抗击疫情,共渡难关。2月8日,中国佛教协会官方微信公众号发布文章《佛教防控疫情措施汇录十条》,全文如下:当前,在党中央集中统一领导下,各地各部门全面动员、全面部署、全面加强疫情防控工作,举国上下众志成城、团结奋战,同时间赛跑、与病魔较量,坚决遏制疫情蔓延势头,坚决打赢疫情防控阻击战。各地佛教团体、寺院、院校相继制定了办法、规定,  相似文献   

What are the conditions under which suspension of belief—or suspension, for short—is justified? Process reliabilists hold that our beliefs are justified if and only if these are produced or sustained by reliable cognitive processes. But they have said relatively little about suspension. Perhaps they think that we may easily extend an account of justified belief to deal with justified suspension. But it's not immediately clear how we may do so; in which case, evidentialism has a distinct advantage over reliabilism. In this paper, I consider some proposals as to how process reliabilists might seek to account for justified suspension. Although several of these proposals do not work, two are promising. The first such proposal appeals to the notion of propositional justification; the second involves weaving evidentialist elements into reliabilism. I'll argue that the second proposal is better than the first.  相似文献   

In an effort to make better use of suspension procedures to modify student behavior, increase academic success of students experiencing suspension, and bring family and school together in behalf of any child whose behavior evidences social needs, a junior high school counselor-administrator-teacher team developed an Alternative to Suspension program that seems to work. Viable components of the program are thought to be in-school suspension time, no distracting activities, regular teacher academic involvement, counseling, and a high degree of parent involvement. The program is felt to be of great benefit in the solution of many negative aspects of a regular suspension procedure.  相似文献   

Prejudice and violence directed against gay men, lesbians and other sexual groups have been viewed as ubiquitous and relatively fixed phenomena in contemporary societies. This perspective must be reconciled with the increased depiction of marginal sexualities and commercial ‘queering’ of mainstream media and popular culture. This paper presents and discusses data from two sources. Firstly, interviews conducted with self-identifying heterosexuals at the annual Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras (SGLMG) parade suggest attendance and participation can occur through a widely enjoyed public display and the temporary suspension of sexual prejudice in such specific carnivalesque occasions. Secondly, gay and lesbian responses to an internet-based questionnaire concerning perceptions and experiences of safety and hostility at this and similar other public events, suggest an undercurrent of threat and incivility, especially in the post-event context. These data sources are not directly compared but analysed in a complementary way to throw new light on how different groups view and experience this event. Our findings reflect how sexual prejudice is a shifting and contradictory collective social practice.  相似文献   


Through an ongoing, nonconfrontive sharing of subjective realities, this goal can be realized: experiencing the other as a full person rather than an imbedded object in one's own version of life. The chance to experience true intimacy rests in not confusing our image of our partner with the full person. The therapist serves as catalyst and conduit in exchanging the dual realities to reach this goal.  相似文献   

疫情就是命令,防控就是责任。新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,新洲区民宗系统认真落实中央和省委、市委、区委决策部署,立即行动,主动作为,多举措做好疫情防控工作,全区宗教领域疫情防控保持安全稳定,为坚决遏制疫情扩散、夺取防控斗争胜利贡献民宗系统的力量。  相似文献   

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