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甘南藏传佛教信仰以及寺院经济的现状考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃省甘南藏族自治州地处汉、藏两大文化板块的交界地带,也是20世纪中叶以前安多藏区的政治、文化中心之一。本文通过实地调研,对甘南地区的藏传佛教信仰及其寺院经济现状进行了考察。可以看出,当前藏传佛教依然主导甘南藏区的宗教文化,而建立在佛教功德观之上的部落及家庭供养则是藏传佛教寺院得以正常运转的最重要的经济基础。  相似文献   

<正>各省、自治区、直辖市佛教协会:为认真贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示精神,按照党中央、国务院关于防控新冠肺炎疫情的决策部署,现就做好佛教院校延期开学期间"停课不停学"工作通知如下。一、总体要求(一)坚持把做好疫情防控工作放在首位,维护佛教院校广大师生及工作人员健康安全,按照各级  相似文献   

闽台宫庙间的分灵、进香、巡游及其文化意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了清代以来闽台宫庙间的分灵、进香与巡游活动,认为分灵与进香可能是中国家族祭祖仪式的转型,折射出台湾底层宗教信徒对中国传统文化所具有的认同感。祖庙神灵巡游台湾分庙,类似于帝王巡狩国土,实际上是大一统思想在宗教信仰上的曲折反映。闽台官庙间的分灵、进香与巡游现象有着深刻的文化内涵,体现着中国传统文化中根与叶、源与流的密切关系,从更高层面演示了闽台区域文化的历史同一性和不可分割性。  相似文献   

办公室 《法音》2020,(2):15-15
本刊讯2020年2月4日上午,时逢立春。中央统战部副部长、国家宗教事务局局长王作安到中国佛教协会、中国佛学院和广济寺、法源寺指导检查疫情防控工作,并慰问佛教人士和干部职工。王作安副部长详细询问了解佛协、佛学院和寺院的僧众情况,深入学生宿舍、寺院五观堂查看各项防控措施,提出明确工作意见和要求。  相似文献   

This study examines racial differences in students' connectedness to school adults and considers the possibility that disparities in exclusionary discipline practices may reduce all students' sense of connection to educators, not just those who have been disciplined or are from racial groups overrepresented in out‐of‐school suspensions. Data sources include a self‐report survey of secondary school students (n = 29,148) linked to administrative data (n = 107 schools) from a large urban district. Multilevel modeling techniques were used to estimate the relationships between students' racial background, youths' connection to school adults, and school‐level racial discipline gaps. Controlling for school racial composition, gender, grade level and other covariates, students of color were significantly less likely to feel connected to school adults than their White peers. Additionally, the racial discipline gap was significantly and negatively associated with connectedness for all students. Results indicate that strategies to improve educational outcomes for youth of color need to attend to relational dynamics between students and school adults. Research findings also suggest that efforts to reduce discipline disparities may improve all students' connectedness.  相似文献   

本文从金石文献、逻辑推理和实物分析三个方面探讨,认为青州至少在五代、北宋时期便存在着不间断重妆古代佛像的功德活动,龙兴寺造像贴金彩绘并非均系北朝造像时的装饰,其中有大量佛像曾被后世重妆过.这一结论是当初研究者们在对龙兴寺造像贴金彩绘工艺进行评价时所忽视的问题,故本文推进了人们对这批造像贴金彩绘问题的深入认识,具有重要启发意义.  相似文献   

This study examines changes in and the relationship among religiosity, spiritual well-being, and depressive symptoms in primarily Buddhist or Daoist Taiwanese adolescents. A total of 2,239 16- to 18-year-old adolescents from 4 high schools were randomly selected and completed a questionnaire at baseline and at 6-month follow-up. Half of the Taiwanese adolescents reported being religious (50%), with Buddhism or Daoism predominating in terms of religious affiliation. Around 80% of adolescents believed in a God, but less than 40% believed that religion is important. Mixed models found no significant relationships between religiosity and spirituality or between religiosity and depressive symptoms. Self-efficacy and life scheme are valid domains for the spirituality construct, and a reciprocal relationship was found between spiritual well-being and depressive symptoms. This reciprocal relationship in adolescents is discussed in terms of a Buddhist or Daoist cultural context.  相似文献   

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