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The representation of propositional attitudes (beliefs, desires, etc.) and the analysis of natural-language, propositional-attitude reports presents difficult problems for cognitive science and artificial intelligence. In particular, various representational approaches to attitudes involve the incorrect “imputation,” to cognitive agents, of the use of artificial theoryladen notions. Interesting cases of this problem are shown to occur in several approaches to attitudes. The imputation problem is shown to arise from the way that representational approaches explicate properties and relationships, and in particular from the way they explicate propositional attitudes themselves. Another factor contributing to imputation is the compositional nature of typical semantic approaches to propositional-attitude reports. Some strategies for avoiding undesirable imputation are examined. One of the main conclusions is that the importance of imputations that arise in a representation scheme depends strongly on the use to which the scheme is put—on whether, for instance, the scheme is used as part of a formal, objective account of natural language, or is used rather as a representational tool within an agent.  相似文献   

楚简《老子》"大成若诎"发微 --兼说老子不非礼乐   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对楚简<老子>"大成若诎"加以考释讨论,认为是古本<老子>重要文句,老子对礼坏乐崩进行了深刻反思,将古乐传统提升到新的境界.文中考辨了老子不非毁礼乐.  相似文献   

Proponents of the subset account of property realization commonly make the assumption that the summing of properties entails the summing of their forward-looking causal features. This paper seeks to establish that this assumption is false. Moreover, it aims to demonstrate that without this assumption the fact that the subset account captures an entailment relation—which it must if it is to be of any use to non-reductive physicalism—becomes questionable.  相似文献   

An assertion of high conditional probability or, more briefly, an HCP assertion is a statement of the type: The conditional probability of B given A is close to one. The goal of this paper is to construct logics of HCP assertions whose conclusions are highly likely to be correct rather than certain to be correct. Such logics would allow useful conclusions to be drawn when the premises are not strong enough to allow conclusions to be reached with certainty. This goal is achieved by taking Adams" (1966) logic, changing its intended application from conditionals to HCP assertions, and then weakening its criterion for entailment. According to the weakened entailment criterion, called the Criterion of Near Surety and which may be loosely interpreted as a Bayesian criterion, a conclusion is entailed if and only if nearly every model of the premises is a model of the conclusion. The resulting logic, called NSL, is nonmonotonic. Entailment in this logic, although not as strict as entailment in Adams" logic, is more strict than entailment in the propositional logic of material conditionals. Next, NSL was modified by requiring that each HCP assertion be scaled; this means that to each HCP assertion was associated a bound on the deviation from 1 of the conditional probability that is the subject of the assertion. Scaling of HCP assertions is useful for breaking entailment deadlocks. For example, it it is known that the conditional probabilities of C given A and of ¬ C given B are both close to one but the bound on the former"s deviation from 1 is much smaller than the latter"s, then it may be concluded that in all likelihood the conditional probability of C given A B is close to one. The resulting logic, called NSL-S, is also nonmonotonic. Despite great differences in their definitions of entailment, entailment in NSL is equivalent to Lehmann and Magidor"s rational closure and, disregarding minor differences concerning which premise sets are considered consistent, entailment in NSL-S is equivalent to entailment in Goldszmidt and Pearl"s System-Z +. Bacchus, Grove, Halpern, and Koller proposed two methods of developing a predicate calculus based on the Criterion of Near Surety. In their random-structures method, which assumed a prior distribution similar to that of NSL, it appears possible to define an entailment relation equivalent to that of NSL. In their random-worlds method, which assumed a prior distribution dramatically different from that of NSL, it is known that the entailment relation is different from that of NSL.  相似文献   

Drawing from developmental theories of relational aggression, this article reports on a study designed to identify if spouses use relationally aggressive tactics when dealing with conflict in their marriage and the association of these behaviors with marital outcomes. Using a sample of 336 married couples (672 spouses), results revealed that the majority of couples reported that relationally aggressive behaviors, such as social sabotage and love withdrawal, were a part of their marital dynamics, at least to some degree. Gender comparisons of partner reports of their spouse's behavior revealed that wives were significantly more likely to be relationally aggressive than husbands. Structural equation modeling demonstrated that relational aggression is associated with lower levels of marital quality and greater marital instability for both husbands and wives. Implications are drawn for the use of relational aggression theory in the future study of couple conflict and marital aggression Aggr. Behav. 36:315–329, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Writer's cramp is a task-specific focal hand dystonia. The abnormality of task specificity is a curious one and indicates that we need to learn more about the coupling of motor programs and their effectors. Writer's cramp appears to be triggered by spending much time writing by an individual with a fertile physiological substrate for producing the disorder. The fertile background, which is likely genetic, may be a decrease of inhibition, an increase of plasticity or an impairment in sensory function. Recent pathophysiological findings have implications for new therapies.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the coding and retrieval of relational or case information in sentences. Two experiments test the strong dependence hypothesis that relational information is checked in a secondary stage following the retrieval of facts from memory, where facts are retrieved on the basis of concept-overlap alone. In particular, memory for agent and object relational information in simple reversible sentences was investigated. The first experiment showed that relational information affected the reaction time and accuracy of the falsification of sentences that could have been rejected on the basis of content information alone. The second experiment approached the same issues using a recall procedure. It demonstrated the existence of some relational memory, even in the absence of any content recall. Both sets of data argued against the dependence hypothesis, but were compatible with the hypothesis that relational information is neither dependent on, nor secondary to, content information. The current findings and previous results concerning the impact of relational distinctions on interference effects are discussed in the context of the desirable properties of information retrieval systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Most of the research on intergroup anxiety has examined the impact of people's own anxiety on their own outcomes. In contrast, we show that in intergroup interactions, one's partner's anxiety is just as important as one's own anxiety (if not more important). Using a diary study among college roommates, we show that partners' anxiety predicts respondents' anxiety across time on a daily basis, as well as respondents' interest in living together again the next year. We discuss the importance of taking a relational approach to understanding intergroup interactions.  相似文献   

This study involved an experiment of the effects of time and communication channel—asynchronous computer conferencing versus face-to-face meetings—on relational communication in groups. Prior research on the relational aspects of computer-mediated communication has suggested strong depersonalizing effects of the medium due to the absence of nonverbal cues. Past research is criticized for failing to incorporate temporal and developmental perspectives on information processing and relational development. In this study, data were collected from 96 subjects assigned to computer conferencing or face-to-face zero-history groups of 3, who completed three tasks over several weeks’time. Results showed that computer-mediated groups increased in several relational dimensions to more positive levels and that these subsequent levels approximated those of face-to-face groups. Boundaries on the predominant theories of computer-mediated communication are recommended, and principles from uncertainty reduction and social penetration are discussed.  相似文献   

Relational Drawings in Couple Therapy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
PETER ROBER 《Family process》2009,48(1):117-133
In couple therapy sessions, partners often get into long and drawn-out discussions, heavy with pain, resentment, and blame. It is vital for the therapist to avoid becoming entangled in these escalating interactions. In this article, as one way of avoiding these interactions, a protocol is proposed of using relational drawings in couple therapy for opening space for new stories. This approach is strongly rooted in extensive therapeutic experience, as well as in dialogical ideas. Not the content of the partners' imagery is central, but rather the dialogical exchange about the drawings. In particular, the focus of the therapist is on the partners' interactions, their hesitations and their surprises. Working in this way opens space for the partners to reflect on what they experience as crucial in their bond. The protocol is illustrated with two detailed case examples.  相似文献   

Reasoning requires making inferences based on information gleaned from a set of relations. The relational complexity of a problem increases with the number of relations that must be considered simultaneously to make a correct inference. Previous work (Viskontas, Morrison, Holyoak, Hummel, & Knowlton, ) has shown that older adults have difficulty integrating multiple relations during analogical reasoning, especially when required to inhibit irrelevant information. We report two experiments that examined the ability to integrate multiple relations in younger, middle-aged, and older adults performing two other reasoning tasks. These tasks systematically varied relational complexity, and required either inductive reasoning (a version of the Raven's Matrices Task) or transitive inference. Our results show that as people age they have increasing difficulty in solving problems that require them to integrate multiple relations. This difficulty may stem from a decrease in working memory capacity.  相似文献   

浪漫关系中的关系攻击指通过操纵或损害关系以达到伤害浪漫关系伴侣的行为, 可以分为直接攻击和间接攻击,主动性攻击和反应性攻击等类型.浪漫关系中的关系攻击以浪漫关系为攻击目标, 具有冲突解决策略的性质, 在浪漫关系中往往具有相互性.研究者通常使用问卷法对浪漫关系中的关系攻击进行测量.浪漫关系中的关系攻击能够导致较低的关系质量和心理健康水平, 并会引发身体攻击和亲密伴侣暴力.性别,依恋,浪漫关系中的权力和同伴关系中的关系攻击能够对浪漫关系中的关系攻击产生影响.在未来研究中, 应关注浪漫关系中关系攻击的动机, 澄清关系攻击发起与受害之间的关系, 并加强理论建构与干预研究.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - Recent research has indicated that the results of the implicit relational assessment procedure (IRAP) may be affected by certain facets of the measure. The current...  相似文献   

A. H. Louie 《Axiomathes》2010,20(4):495-509
I formulate in relational terms the ubiquitous biological interaction of symbiosis. I explicate the topology of the different modes of relational interactions of (M, R)-networks, the entailment diagrams that model the host and the symbiont. These modes all have biological realizations as various categories of symbiotic relationships, ranging from mutualism to parasitism to infection.  相似文献   

以216名大学生为被试,使用关系复杂性变化的三种虚拟外星生物实验材料,创设个人功能预测的关系类别的间接性学习条件和参照性交流功能预测的关系类别的间接性学习条件,探讨关系复杂性对关系类别间接性学习的影响。结果发现:关系类别的功能预测间接性学习过程中,关系复杂性和学习条件的交互作用极其显著,具体来讲,关系复杂性对关系类别间接性学习的影响仅显著地表现在参照性交流关系类别间接性学习过程中;当学习材料为4特征复杂关系时,参照条件下被试功能预测成绩极其显著高于个人条件,当学习材料为6特征复杂关系加二阶同功能简单关系时,两种学习条件间不存在显著差异,当学习材料为6特征复杂关系加二阶异功能简单关系时,个人条件极其显著高于参照条件。  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - The mechanism of projective and introjective identification has been re-evaluated in modern analysis. It is no longer just about the transference of mental content...  相似文献   

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