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This study used qualitative methods to understand reasons for treatment nonresponse following a behavioral intervention for family caregivers of people with dementia. Caregivers and interventionists completed semistructured interviews about their experience of the treatment after completing a course of Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health in VA (REACH VA). Treatment response from the 22 caregivers who completed the 12-session treatment was assessed using pre- to posttreatment change scores on measures of depression and caregiver burden. Interviews from the 14 nonresponder caregiver/interventionist dyads (28 total) were analyzed qualitatively to identify caregiver factors that negatively impacted improvement in depression and caregiver burden, such as emotional processing difficulties, wanting more support than structure, and limited support/difficulty asking for help. Ways nonresponders benefited from REACH VA beyond improvement on self-report symptom measures were also identified and included learning to problem solve more effectively, feeling understood and supported by another, and taking a different perspective on caregiving. The benefits of using qualitative methods to assess the experience of treatment nonresponders and identify individuals who may benefit from additional treatment or a different approach are discussed.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this quantitative synthesis of single-subject research was to investigate the relative effectiveness of function-based and non-function-based behavioral interventions for students diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. In addition, associations between various participant, assessment, and intervention characteristics were investigated. Eighty-two studies incorporating a total of 168 participants were included. Because no single effect size metric has garnered absolute support to date, three different effect size metrics were calculated: the standard mean difference, percent exceeding the median baseline phase, and improvement rate difference. Overall, function-based interventions were associated with significantly larger effects than non-function-based interventions. Interventions based on the functional analysis manipulations were also associated with larger effects. Limitations, directions for future research, and implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Quitting smoking during young adulthood can substantially reduce tobacco-related morbidity and mortality later in life. Depressive symptomatology is prevalent among smokers and increases risk for poor smoking cessation outcomes. However, few integrated behavioral interventions simultaneously target smoking and depressive symptoms and rarely have young smokers been included in the development of these interventions. In this paper we describe an 8-session behavioral activation–based treatment for smoking (BATS; MacPherson et al., 2010) adapted for youth. We conducted a series of focus groups with young adult smokers with depressive symptoms in order to modify treatment manuals to be developmentally appropriate. Subsequently, we completed a small pilot group (n = 5) of the intervention to provide preliminary data on feasibility, acceptability, and outcomes. We provide a case series of the participants in order to provide clinical illustrations of how the modified BATS treatment was implemented among young adults. Most pilot study participants exhibited smoking abstinence and smoking reductions at the end of treatment, as well as improvement in depressive symptoms and maintenance of levels of activation and environmental reward. Participants provided positive qualitative constructive feedback regarding the intervention.  相似文献   

I begin by noting that several theologians and others object to special divine action (divine intervention and action beyond conservation and creation) on the grounds that it is incompatible with science. These theologians are thinking of classical Newtonian science; I argue that in fact classical science is in no way incompatible with special divine action, including miracle. What is incompatible with special divine action is the Laplacean picture, which involves the causal closure of the universe. I then note that contemporary, quantum mechanical science doesn't even initially appear to be incompatible with special divine action. Nevertheless, many who are well aware of the quantum mechanical revolution (including some members of the Special Divine Action Project) still find a problem with special divine action, hoping to find an understanding of it that doesn't involve divine intervention. I argue that their objections to intervention are not sound. Furthermore, it isn't even possible to say what intervention is, given the quantum mechanical framework. I conclude by offering an account of special divine action that isn't open to their objections to intervention.  相似文献   

The behavioral inhibition scale (BIS) is a brief rating scale for measuring behavioral inhibition in children. The present study examined the test–retest stability of the BIS in a sample of 7–12-year-olds consisting of inhibited and non-inhibited children (N = 83). Results demonstrated that the BIS scores were fairly stable over a 2-year period, with a test–retest correlation of .77. Further, the BIS scores of inhibited children significantly increased over the 2-year period, whereas those of the non-inhibited comparison group significantly decreased. Finally, the BIS was in a theoretically meaningful way associated with temperamental traits as measured by the Rothbart scales. Altogether, these results provide support for the reliability and validity of the BIS.  相似文献   

On a daily basis, one perceives whether an object affords grasping with one hand or with both hands. In experiments in which differently sized objects of a fixed type have been presented, the transition from using one manual mode to the other has depended on both the ratio of object size to hand span and the presentation sequence-that is, size increasing versus decreasing. The transitions and their observed hysteresis (i.e., a transition ratio larger for the increasing sequence) can be accommodated by the order parameter dynamics typifying self-organizing systems. Here, we show that hysteresis magnitude depends on (a) the interaction between the attractors (one hand vs. two hands) and (b) the strength of the two-hands attractor. Through modeling and experimental results, we extend the investigation of affordance perception within dynamical-systems theory.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - If we assume that the terms used in a book tend to reflect its orientation, this provides a way to compare the relative trajectories of the influences of cognitivism and...  相似文献   

Almost from its inception at the Swampscott conference in 1965, community psychology has criticized interventions focusing solely on "person variables" or "blaming the victim." In order to begin to explore this orientation more scientifically, these studies created a measure to tap person- and situation-blame orientations of service providers working with adolescents in legal jeopardy. Its reliability and construct validity were examined; implications for other social problem areas and for further research questions are explored.  相似文献   

Cognitive behavioral therapy involving exposure and response prevention (ERP) is the psychosocial treatment of choice for obsessive‐compulsive disorder (OCD). Despite this, ERP is not widely used by mental health practitioners, and so dissemination of ERP and other empirically supported treatment (ESTs) has become a priority. Even so, utilization of ESTs such as ERP remains below 50% even among therapists who self‐identify as having a cognitive behavioral orientation. Barriers to the acceptance of ERP include practical obstacles such as lack of training and the cost of treatment, but also patient variables such as treatment refusal. It has been estimated that approximately 25% of OCD patients refuse ERP. This paper describes a brief, 4‐session readiness intervention (RI) designed to decrease ERP refusal among patients with OCD. In this study, 12 patients with OCD who had refused ERP were randomized to RI or wait‐list (WL). 86% of participants in the RI condition and 20% of participants in WL condition agreed to begin ERP following the 4‐week period. ERP following RI, but not WL, was associated with a decrease in OCD symptoms comparable to that observed in OCD patients who did not refuse ERP. However, ERP following RI was associated with a high drop‐out rate (50%), a figure that exceeds that typically seen in OCD treatment studies. Techniques to reduce drop‐out as well as directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Task-dependent information processing for the purpose of recognition or spatial perception is considered a principle common to all the main sensory modalities. Using a dual-task interference paradigm, we investigated the behavioral effects of independent information processing for shape identification and localization of object features within and across vision and touch. In Experiment 1, we established that color and texture processing (i.e., a “what” task) interfered with both visual and haptic shape-matching tasks and that mirror image and rotation matching (i.e., a “where” task) interfered with a feature-location-matching task in both modalities. In contrast, interference was reduced when a “where” interference task was embedded in a “what” primary task and vice versa. In Experiment 2, we replicated this finding within each modality, using the same interference and primary tasks throughout. In Experiment 3, the interference tasks were always conducted in a modality other than the primary task modality. Here, we found that resources for identification and spatial localization are independent of modality. Our findings further suggest that multisensory resources for shape recognition also involve resources for spatial localization. These results extend recent neuropsychological and neuroimaging findings and have important implications for our understanding of high-level information processing across the human sensory systems.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - The commentaries prompted my realization that it is more useful to view the core of the aesthetic reaction as composed of a set of Pavlovian respondents than as a...  相似文献   

People who pursue approach goals (i.e., desired outcomes to be reached) tend to be more likely to achieve their goals than people who pursue avoidance goals (i.e., undesired outcomes to be prevented). We tested this premise in a brief preventive parenting intervention targeting parental praise to reduce disruptive child behavior. We also tested whether goal setting effects depend on behavior change phase (initiation versus maintenance) and parents’ regulatory focus (high versus low promotion and prevention focus). Parents (N = 224; child age 4 ? 8) were randomized to one of four conditions: an approach goal-enhanced or an avoidance goal-enhanced intervention condition, a no-goal intervention condition, or a waitlist control condition. Outcomes were parent-reported and audio-recorded positive parenting and disruptive child behavior. Results show that goal setting had very limited effects. Setting avoidance goals, not approach goals, improved self-reported positive parenting. However, goal setting did not enhance effects of parenting intervention on observed (i.e., audio-recorded) positive parenting and disruptive child behavior. Furthermore, goal setting effects depended neither on the phase of change, nor on parents’ regulatory focus. This field experiment suggests that setting approach goals does not enhance the brief parenting intervention to improve parent-child interactions.  相似文献   

There are a number of evidence-based methods of psychotherapy for the treatment of depression but most treatment approaches have shown low or moderate success in the subgroup of chronic depression (duration >?2 years) as compared to episodic depression. This could be related to a higher rate of early trauma and specific deficits in cognitive and interpersonal functioning within this group of patients. James McCullough has developed a psychotherapeutic approach known as cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP) specifically for chronic depression to overcome these deficits. In CBASP early negative experiences are associated with current interpersonal problems and a systematic relearning process is initiated. The approach integrates behavioral, cognitive and interpersonal strategies. The CBASP approach is empirically supported by study results and has shown to be effective in both inpatient and outpatient settings. This article presents the development of the approach and therapeutic strategies as well as techniques of CBASP are described.  相似文献   

The application of the formal framework of causal Bayesian Networks to children’s causal learning provides the motivation to examine the link between judgments about the causal structure of a system, and the ability to make inferences about interventions on components of the system. Three experiments examined whether children are able to make correct inferences about interventions on different causal structures. The first two experiments examined whether children’s causal structure and intervention judgments were consistent with one another. In Experiment 1, children aged between 4 and 8 years made causal structure judgments on a three‐component causal system followed by counterfactual intervention judgments. In Experiment 2, children’s causal structure judgments were followed by intervention judgments phrased as future hypotheticals. In Experiment 3, we explicitly told children what the correct causal structure was and asked them to make intervention judgments. The results of the three experiments suggest that the representations that support causal structure judgments do not easily support simple judgments about interventions in children. We discuss our findings in light of strong interventionist claims that the two types of judgments should be closely linked.  相似文献   

Police Academy trainees participated in a stress management program which focused on developing skills for coping with anxiety and anger. Stress management training took place in six 2-hour sessions and included instruction and practice in the self-monitoring of reactions to stressful situations, muscular relaxation, and the development of adaptive self-statements. Self-report measures of anxiety and anger were obtained before and after the stress management program. In addition, self and observer ratings of trainees' performance in stressful simulated police activities were utilized as posttreatment dependent measures. In comparison to a control group of trainees, the performance of the treatment group was rated, by academy personnel, as superior in several of the simulated police activities. The results of the present study suggest that stress management with law enforcement officers may be most effective when the program focuses on the specific situations which are likely to be encountered by trainees. Limitations of the present program are examined and suggestions for future efforts with law enforcement personnel are discussed.  相似文献   

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