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Drawing from Conservation of Resources theory, this study examines the hitherto unexplored mediating role of relational conflict in the link between interpersonal justice and commitment to change, as well as how social interaction might moderate this mediating effect. Data were captured from employees directly affected by a large‐scale restructuring in a European‐based organisation. The analyses show that interpersonal justice positively affects commitment to change and that relationship conflict fully mediates the relationship. Further, social interaction moderates both the interpersonal justice–relational conflict and the relational conflict–commitment to change relationships, such that they get invigorated at higher levels of social interaction. The findings also reveal that the indirect effect of interpersonal justice on commitment to change, through relational conflict, is more pronounced at higher levels of social interaction, in support of a moderated mediation effect. These findings have significant implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

This article analyzes possible effects of ideas of justice, perceptions of injustice, and the use of justice arguments on the emergence, course, and resolution of social conflicts. Four functions of justice are identified: (1) ideas of justice and perceptions of injustice can elicit or evoke social conflicts; (2) justice arguments and rhetorics can be used to support one's own position in a dispute; (3) the basic value and the principles and rules of justice can restrict social conflicts and help to generate ways of conflict resolution; (4) the labelling of conflict resolutions as just can increase the acceptance of the resolution. The analysis is illustrated by making reference to a recent case of international conflict and diplomatic controversy.  相似文献   

Behavioral commitment levels of group members were examined under conflict of interests between individual and collective tasks in a work-group scenario. Commitment was conceptualized as the amount of time and effort resources that individuals chose to allocate to the group task. Seventeen groups of three allocated 100 time and effort resource units to individual and group tasks for each of four trials. The level of commitment to group work increased, partially because over-rewarded persons increased group contributions more than underrewarded persons decreased them. However, the variance of allocations to the group task did not decrease over trials. Potential implications of the findings for organizational research and practice concerning work groups are discussed in terms of the roles of equity, comparative referent use, and information exchange.  相似文献   

王怀勇  刘永芳 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1202-1206
以上海市部分企业员工为研究对象,运用问卷调查法和分层回归分析技术探讨了责任归因对公平感与情感承诺之间关系的调节作用。结果表明,组织责任分别调节组织人际公平、组织信息公平与组织情感承诺之间的关系;主管责任分别调节主管程序公平、主管人际公平、主管信息公平与主管情感承诺之间的关系。  相似文献   

The question of how to respond to the deep political divides in the United States today has resulted in the emergence of two camps. On one side are those who argue that the cultivation of civic virtues like civility will lead to more respectful interpersonal relationships through which consensus and mutual understanding can be built. On the other are those who argue that our commitment to justice is primary and may require uncivil behavior to disrupt and change unjust structural relationships. In Healthy Conflict in Contemporary American Society, Jason Springs helps to bridge the divide between these two positions. Because he takes a relational approach that centers both interpersonal and structural relationships, Springs makes both mutual respect and just structures central to his conception of healthy conflict. Taking relationality seriously thus helps to overcome this impasse, but it also raises significant questions about the impact of asymmetrical relationships on citizens’ responsibilities to engage in healthy conflict.  相似文献   

This study tested a theoretical model of hope mediating the relationship between differentiation of self and social justice commitment among graduate students (N = 202) in the helping professions. The theory was based primarily on the social justice philosophies of Martin Luther King Jr., Cornel West, and Paulo Freire using a cultural psychology approach. Results generally supported the theoretical model. Implications are considered for both training and future research on social justice.  相似文献   

Chisholm held that persons are essentially persons. The Constitution View affords a non‐Chisholmian way m defend the thesis that persons are essentially persons. The Constitution View shows how persons are constituted by‐but not identical to‐human animals. On the Constitution View, being a person determines a person's persistence conditions. On the Animalist View, being an animal determines a person's persistence conditions. Things of kind K have ontological significance if their persistence conditions are determined by their being members of K. On Chisholm's view, persons have ontological significance, but animals do not. On Animalism, animals have ontological significance, but persons do not. After explaining the notion of ontological significance, this article argues that persons do have ontological significance, and hence that Animalism is not true  相似文献   

Many discussions of love and the family treat issues of justice as something alien. On this view, concerns about whether one's family is internally just are in tension with the modes of interaction that are characteristic of loving families. In this essay, we challenge this widespread view. We argue that once justice becomes a shared family concern, its pursuit is compatible with loving familial relations. We examine four arguments for the thesis that a concern with justice is not at home within a loving family, and we explain why these arguments fail. We develop and defend an alternative conception of the justice‐oriented loving family, arguing that justice can—and, for the sake of justice, should—be seen as a family value.  相似文献   

Drawing from theory on social hierarchy and intragroup behaviors, the current study examined whether status conflicts attenuate willingness to help newcomers. Using experimental vignettes with high-level team sport athletes (N = 112), the results demonstrated that athletes were less willing to help high-status newcomers who played the same position than newcomers who played (a) a different position and (b) the same position but were described to be lower status. Our findings show that when positional competition creates a salient status threat, this can curtail an athlete's willingness to help in the socialization processes of a teammate.  相似文献   

Justice between generations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

王怀勇  刘永芳  顾雷 《心理科学》2013,36(1):164-169
采用问卷调查法和结构方程建模技术探讨互动公正对员工绩效与主管承诺的影响及其机制。通过分析215份员工和其直接主管的配对数据,结果发现:(1)互动公正通过主管认知信任的部分中介作用正向影响员工的任务绩效,即一方面直接影响员工的任务绩效,另一方面通过认知信任间接影响员工的任务绩效;(2)互动公正通过主管情感信任的完全中介作用正向影响员工的进谏行为;(3)互动公正通过主管认知信任和情感信任的完全中介作用正向影响员工的主管承诺。  相似文献   

本研究以南京市338名技术人员为调查对象,以香港陈振雄的主管承诺量表为研究工具,调查了技术人员的主管承诺现状,并考察性别、受教育水平和所在企业性质在主管承诺上的差异。结果表明,技术人员的主管承诺水平较高(M=3.2329±0.78922);不同性别的技术人员在主管承诺上不存在显著差异(P>0.05);具有大学教育程度的人员主管承诺水平显著低于其他教育水平的人员(P<0.001);国企中的技术人员主管承诺水平显著最高(P<0.001)。  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(4):309-325
This article addresses the treatment of individuals who experience conflict between their religious convictions and their same-sex attraction. Recently, attention has been drawn to the ethical issues involved in the practice of sexual reorientation therapy (SRT) with such conflicted individuals. This article reviews the ethical arguments for and against SRT through the lens of the general ethical principles of the American Psychological Association's (2002) ethics code. Practitioners are then challenged to think about how they might respond virtuously (Meara, Schmidt, & Day, 1996) when presented with such a client. Thought questions are presented to assist therapists to develop in virtue while working with religious clients who are conflicted about same-sex desire.  相似文献   

This study addressed the unexamined issue of how and when distributive justice and procedural justice interact to predict turnover intention using a mediation–moderation framework. Survey data from 168 employees showed that affective commitment mediated the relationship between distributive justice and turnover intention, and this mediated effect varied across levels of supervisory procedural justice. Specifically, at high levels of procedural justice, affective commitment partially mediated the distributive justice–turnover intention link; at low levels of procedural justice, affective commitment fully mediated this link. The findings draw attention to the (a) importance of affective commitment in the absence of distributive and procedural fairness and (b) role of supervisory procedural justice in attenuating the adverse effects of low affective commitment on turnover intention.  相似文献   

This study proposed that conflict management affects organizations’ beliefs that they have an effective voice (procedural justice), have shared their benefits fairly (distributive justice), and are treated respectfully (interactional justice). Structural equation analysis results suggest that a cooperative approach to conflict facilitates justice in its 3 forms in organizational relationships, and that justice, in turn, results in partner strategic advantage and innovation. Results from a sample of 103 pairs of customer and supplier organizations in Shanghai were interpreted as providing support for the value of justice for collaborative work between organizations. The findings also suggest that a cooperative approach to managing conflict is an important antecedent to justice in organizational relationships in China.  相似文献   

(续上期) 迄今为止,人类对自身生命体和思维现象的认识还非常肤浅,意识是怎样形成的,思维是怎样  相似文献   

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