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Recent experimental studies in pain control have questioned the value of pleasant affect in strategies employing distraction. It appears that pleasant affect may have been systematically confounded with task complexity or novelty in past research that found pleasant imagery or slides effective in increasing pain tolerance with the cold pressor test. The present study was a follow-up to a study conducted by this author (Greenstein, 1984) in which unpleasant slides had significantly increased pain tolerance above pleasant slide level. In the present study, 69 college students (35 females, 34 males) rated either the pleasant or unpleasant slides used in the original study on their perceived pleasantness, complexity, and uniqueness (novelty). Results indicated that the unpleasant slides were rated significantly more complex (P<0.001) and unique (P<0.001) than the pleasant slides. Additionally, as in the earlier study, ratings of the unpleasant slides on pleasantness deviated significantly farther from neutrality than did ratings of the pleasant slides (t=5.04,P<0.001). Thus the unpleasant slides were also perceived as being more significant (i.e., pertinent) than were the pleasant slides. The results indicate that affect was confounded with other stimulus characteristics in the Greenstein (1984) pain control study and probably in a significant number of other studies as well. Researchers are cautioned to control for the stimulus characteristics of visual distraction strategies used in pain control studies. The assumption that pleasantness,per se, contributes to strategy effectiveness is no longer tenable; future research must demonstrate an independent effect. Further, the implication that stimulus significance may increase the effectiveness of distraction strategies opens up a potentially fruitful avenue of research in pain control.  相似文献   

Broadbent (1956) reports that two lists of digits, each presented to one ear separately so that the items in the two series coincide in time, are grouped together according to the ear-of-arrival, and that these two lists are accordingly recalled separately, one after the other. To ascertain whether such a tendency reflected some built-in mechanism or whether it was due to an optional tactic, adopted through success in making sense of message sequences in other situations, an experiment was designed in which a meaningful message would emerge for the subject if the ear-of-arrival cue was ignored. In this experiment, words broken up into syllables, and phrases broken up into their monosyllabic constituent words were presented to the subject, with the constituents alternating between the two ears. At the same time lists of digits were presented to whichever ear was unoccupied. The results show that recall by meaning rather than by ear-of-arrival, when these are in conflict, can occur and is no less efficient.  相似文献   

Cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs) have been used as psychometric tools in educational assessments to estimate students’ proficiency profiles. However, most CDMs assume that all students adopt the same strategy when approaching problems in an assessment, which may not be the case in practice. This study develops a generalized multiple-strategy CDM for dichotomous response data. The proposed model provides a unified framework to accommodate various condensation rules (e.g., conjunctive, disjunctive, and additive) and different strategy selection approaches (i.e., probability-matching, over-matching, and maximizing). Model parameters are estimated using the marginal maximum likelihood estimation via expectation-maximization algorithm. Simulation studies showed that the parameters of the proposed model can be adequately recovered and that the proposed model was relatively robust to some types of model misspecifications. A set of real data was analysed as well to illustrate the use of the proposed model in practice.  相似文献   

Constructed-response items have been shown to be appropriate for cognitively diagnostic assessments because students’ problem-solving procedures can be observed, providing direct evidence for making inferences about their proficiency. However, multiple strategies used by students make item scoring and psychometric analyses challenging. This study introduces the so-called two-digit scoring scheme into diagnostic assessments to record both students’ partial credits and their strategies. This study also proposes a diagnostic tree model (DTM) by integrating the cognitive diagnosis models with the tree model to analyse the items scored using the two-digit rubrics. Both convergent and divergent tree structures are considered to accommodate various scoring rules. The MMLE/EM algorithm is used for item parameter estimation of the DTM, and has been shown to provide good parameter recovery under varied conditions in a simulation study. A set of data from TIMSS 2007 mathematics assessment is analysed to illustrate the use of the two-digit scoring scheme and the DTM.  相似文献   

Important evidence about the information flow between perceptual and motor processes has been obtained from the lateralized readiness potential (LRP) recorded in two-choice go/nogo tasks. Here, we investigated the effect of time pressure on information transmission for one-dimensional stimuli (four squares differing in size). In between- and within-subject designs, respectively, Experiments 1 and 2 showed that under time pressure partial information initiates hand decision and response preparation before complete size information is available. These findings appear to be at odds with the asynchronous discrete coding model. Experiment 3 assessed the mechanisms behind these effects by manipulating the relative difficulty of extracting hand- and go/nogo-specific information from the size of the stimuli. Consistent with asynchronous coding, our results suggest that serial-consecutive processes in extracting partial and full size information may occur also for one-dimensional stimuli. Our data are inconclusive as to the question of discreteness or continuity of information transmission. On a more general level, our data support the notion of flexibility in the coding of perceptual dimensions to adapt performance to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Measurements of pupil size were taken while subjects listened to sentences and either tried to repeat them (R) or answered a question about them (QuA), after either a 3 or 7 sec retention interval. Pupil dilations were larger for R than for QuA, both towards the end of presentation and during the retention interval. Similar results were obtained by Kahneman and Wright (1971) when comparing total and partial recall of word lists. They attributed the differences in pupil dilations to differences in rehearsal strategy. However, the interaction between recall condition and retention interval was less convincing with sentential material, and an alternative explanation is suggested in terms of the level of abstraction at which the sentences are processed. This interpretation is supported by other evidence relating to the existence of alternative sentence retention strategies.

Pupil dilations failed to reveal phrase juncture phenomena, although two levels of ambient illumination were used in the hope of detecting such effects. In a modified question condition (QuB), where the question was given before the sentence, pupil dilations varied as a function of the part of the sentence providing the answer. These data indicated that people did not begin to frame their answer until they encountered in the sentence those words used in the question.  相似文献   

In studies of stimulus compounding (1) the stimuli are presented randomly, (2) primary reinforcement is correlated with each stimulus, (3) a specific response is emitted during each stimulus, and (4) the response is necessary to produce the reinforcer. The present experiments assessed the importance of these procedures by (1) presenting light and tone stimuli in fixed order, (2) removing reinforcement (food) during one stimulus, (3) preventing the response (lever pressing) from being emitted, and (4) eliminating the contingency between lever pressing and food. These variables were presented in various combinations within the context of chained and multiple schedules. When the stimuli were combined in the schedule component correlated with each stimulus, the frequency of lever pressing increased in most instances (additive summation). This suggests that the effect of combining stimuli was not closely tied to the specific procedures used in previous experiments. However, presenting the stimuli in a fixed order did have an effect: the level of responding to the compound was generally greatest when the stimuli were combined in the component correlated with the higher frequency of lever pressing to the single stimulus. Additive summation failed to occur consistently when response-independent food was correlated with each stimulus, and when both lever pressing and food were eliminated during one stimulus.  相似文献   

Mather G  Murdoch L 《Perception》1998,27(7):761-767
Recent research indicates that the early stages of visual-motion analysis involve two parallel neural pathways, one conveying information from luminance-defined (first-order) image features, the other conveying information from texture-defined (second-order) features. It is still not clear whether these two pathways converge during later stages of global motion integration. According to one account they remain segregated, and feed separate global analyses. In the alternative account, all responses feed a common stage of global analysis. Two perceptual phenomena are universally held to result from interactions between detector responses during global motion integration--direction repulsion and motion capture. We conducted two psychophysical experiments on these phenomena to test for segregation of first-order and second-order responses during integration. Stimuli contained two components, either two random-block patterns transparently drifting in different directions (repulsion measurements), or a drifting square-wave grating superimposed on an incoherent random-block pattern (capture measurements). Repulsion and capture effects were measured when both stimulus components were the same order, and when one component was first order and the other was second order. Both effects were obtained for all combinations of first-order and second-order patterns. Repulsion effects were stronger with first-order inducing patterns, and capture effects were stronger with second-order inducers. The presence of perceptual interactions regardless of stimulus order strongly suggests that responses in first-order and second-order pathways interact during global motion analysis.  相似文献   

It is widely held that people use multiple strategies to categorize their experiences in the world. We conducted a pair of neuroimaging experiments to identify the neural correlates of two of these strategies— rule application and exemplar similarity. Participants were instructed to perform either a ruleor an exemplar-based categorization task while changes in cerebral blood flow were measured using positron emission tomography. Patterns of neural activity were consistent with the predictions of cognitive models of rule- versus exemplar-based categorization and with existing neuroscience data. The identification of strategy-specific neural patterns offers future researchers a diagnostic tool for assessing strategy use in other situations.  相似文献   

We describe a multiple-route model of reading development in which coarse-grained orthographic processing plays a key role in optimizing access to semantics via whole-word orthographic representations. This forms part of the direct orthographic route that gradually replaces phonological recoding during the initial phases of reading acquisition. The model predicts distinct developmental trajectories for pseudo-homophone and transposed-letter effects - two benchmark phenomena associated with phonological recoding and coarse-grained orthographic processing, respectively. Pseudo-homophone effects should decrease over the first years of reading acquisition, whereas transposed-letter effects should initially increase. These predictions were tested in a lexical decision task with 334 children in grades 1-5, and 29 skilled adult readers. In line with the predictions, we found that the pseudo-homophone effect diminished as reading level increased, whereas the transposed-letter effect first increased and then diminished.  相似文献   

After an initial period of nondifferential training, six pigeons were trained on a go/no-go discrimination involving 12 line tilts from vertical clockwise to horizontal. Responses to the first six tilts (positive stimuli) were reinforced on a variable-interval one-minute schedule, whereas responses to the other six tilts (negative stimuli) were extinguished. During the first several discrimination sessions, the highest response rate was typically to one of the positive stimuli that was relatively close to the negative stimuli or at an intermediate distance, rather than to one of the positive stimuli most distant from the negative stimuli. This effect decreased with extended training up to 50 or 80 sessions.  相似文献   

Male albino rats were trained on an adjusting avoidance schedule in which each lever press accumulated a given amount of shock-free time. Multiple auditory and visual stimuli were programmed for each discrete temporal distance from the shock in an effort to place the avoidance behavior under the control of the shock proximity. The effects of the stimuli were further examined by presenting part of them and then by removing them altogether. With the combined auditory and visual stimuli, the rat spent most of the time relatively close to the shock and usually started to respond only when the shock was near. With the visual stimuli only, the rat kept the shock at intermediate temporal distances and responded more variably. The behavior with the auditory stimuli alone was quite similar to that produced by the combined stimuli, thus indicating that the auditory stimuli exercised the greater control. When all stimuli were removed, the animal usually kept the shock as far away as the procedure permitted. When only a single pre-shock stimulus was presented, the rat remained quite close to the shock and started to respond predominantly in the pre-shock step.  相似文献   

The perceptibility of face, scrambled face, and single-feature stimuli was investigated in three experiments. Stimuli were presented tachistoscopically, followed by a visual noise mask and a forced-choice test of one of three features (eyes, nose, and mouth). In Experiment I, two processing strategies which have been proposed for word perception (involving expectancy and redundancy) were investigated for the stimuli employed here. In Experiments II and III, experimentally induced familiarity was studied for its effect on recognition and perception, and an immediate and delayed perceptual test was employed. Across all three experiments, perception of single-feature and face stimuli were consistently superior to scrambled faces; in Experiment III, differences between single features and faces were eliminated. The effects of perceptual expectancy, internal feature redundancy, familiarity, guessing biases, etc., were shown to be insufficient to account for the superiority of face to scrambled face stimuli. It was argued that the perceptibility of nonredundant features are enhanced when those features are aligned in a well-defined form class. The view that familiarity operates directly on recognitive processes but indirectly on perceptual ones was discussed.  相似文献   

In many decision problems the decision-maker must ask a series of questions or select cues relevant to but prior to the decision. There are many strategies which would prescribe an order for asking such questions or selecting such cues. It is the purpose of the paper to describe a manner in which the strategy or strategies of the decision-maker can be analyzed. From this model can be derived limits corresponding to thepossible use of a particular strategy, and theeffective or observed use of the strategy or strategies by the decision-maker.Preparation of this paper was supported in part by Fellowship 1-F1-MH-24, 324-01, from the National Institute of Mental Health. This paper comprises Publication Number 63 of the Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado. The author would like to thank K. R. Hammond and D. W. Stilson for many helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

Meese TS  Hess RF  Williams CB 《Perception》2001,30(12):1411-1422
Gestalt grouping rules imply a process or mechanism for grouping together local features of an object into a perceptual whole. Several psychophysical experiments have been interpreted as evidence for constrained interactions between nearby spatial filter elements and this has led to the hypothesis that element linking might be mediated by these interactions. A common tacit assumption is that these interactions result in response modulation which disturbs a local contrast code. We addressed this possibility by performing contrast discrimination experiments using two-dimensional arrays of multiple Gabor patches arranged either (i) vertically, (ii) in circles (coherent conditions), or (iii) randomly (incoherent condition), as well as for a single Gabor patch. In each condition, contrast increments were applied to either the entire test stimulus (experiment 1) or a single patch whose position was cued (experiment 2). In experiment 3, the texture stimuli were reduced to a single contour by displaying only the central vertical strip. Performance was better for the multiple-patch conditions than for the single-patch condition, but whether the multiple-patch stimulus was coherent or not had no systematic effect on the results in any of the experiments. We conclude that constrained local interactions do not interfere with a local contrast code for our suprathreshold stimuli, suggesting that, in general, this is not the way in which element linking is achieved. The possibility that interactions are involved in enhancing the detectability of contour elements at threshold remains unchallenged by our experiments.  相似文献   

Laboratory investigations of Pavlovian conditioning typically involve the association of an arbitrary conditioned stimulus (CS) with an unconditioned stimulus (US) that has no inherent relation to the CS. However, arbitrary CSs are unlikely to become conditioned outside the laboratory, because they do not occur often enough with the US to result in an association. Learning under natural circumstances is likely only if the CS has a preexisting relation to the US. Recent studies of sexual conditioning have shown that in contrast to an arbitrary CS, an ecologically relevant CS is resistant to blocking, extinction, and increases in the CS-US interval and results in sensitized responding and stronger second-order conditioning. Although the mechanisms of these effects are not fully understood, these findings have shown that signature learning phenomena are significantly altered when the kinds of stimuli that are likely to become conditioned under natural circumstances are used. The implications of these findings for an ecological approach to the study of learning are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate tapping speed asymmetry in 13 right-handed drummers and 13 right-handed nondrummers. The participants executed single-hand tapping with a stick as fast as possible for 10 sec. with the left and right hand. There was no significant difference in the tapping speed of the right hand between the drummers and the nondrummers, whereas in the left hand, the drummers tapped significantly faster than the nondrummers. Drummers showed less tapping speed asymmetry than nondrummers. These results suggest that the tapping speed of the nonpreferred hand progressed nearly to the level of the preferred hand through daily drum training.  相似文献   

Summary When two vertical rods move through a horizontal window in close succession, the Tandem Effect can be observed. It consists of a spatial illusion (distance between the rods looking smaller than it actually is) and a temporal illusion (under certain conditions both rods are seen simultaneously in the window, though the first rod has left the window before the second rod enters it). We report six experiments that explored the distance-reduction illusion and tested an attentional model of the effect. It assumes that attention is initially focused on the first rod and then shifted to the second, when it enters the window. The percept of the pair of rods is integrated from the first rod's position at the beginning, and the second rod's position at the end, of the focus shift. Consequently their subjective distance will be smaller than their physical distance by the distance that they travel during the focus shift. Experiments 1 and 2 established the Tandem Effect as an empirical phenomenon and showed that its size depends on stimulus parameters such as window size and movement speed. Experiments 3–5 tested specific predictions from the attentional model. Experiment 6 examined a further illusion, the Fröhlich Effect, and showed that it can be subsumed under the model. The experiments produced some unexpected effects and some predictions from the model were only partly confirmed. It is shown that the main findings can be combined into two quantitative functions that describe the course of focusing. One implication is that visual attention does not move from one object to another; rather all attention shifts originate in the fovea. We discuss several alternative interpretations of our data and show that they are less satisfactory than the attentional model.  相似文献   

A nonsense word was paired with reinforcement to determine if pairing affected emission of a response that produced the word in the signalled absence of reinforcement. Children were trained on a multiple schedule that consisted of a reinforcement component, conditioned reinforcement component, and control component, each set of contingencies being signalled by a different colored light. In the primary reinforcement component, lever presses produced reinforcers which, in some phases, were paired with a word. In the other two components, lever presses were not reinforced and a button was made accessible. Button presses in the conditioned reinforcement component produced the word to be (or being) paired, e.g., "yafeh", while button presses in the control component produced another word, e.g., "grunch". Button pressing increased when one of the words was being paired and decreased when pairing was discontinued, but directly related rate changes occurred also in the control component. The order of components was shown to be a contributing variable.  相似文献   

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