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The purpose of the present study was to extend earlier research examining predictors of maternal perceptions of maladjustment in clinic-referred children. Forty-five mothers and their clinic-referred children served as subjects. Maternal perceptions of child maladjustment were measured by the Parent Attitude Test. Maternal depression, marital adjustment, and family socioeconomic status were determined by the Beck Depression Inventory, Locke Marital Adjustment Test, and Myers and Bean index of social status, respectively. Child compliance and child deviant behavior (other than noncompliance) were obtained in home observations collected by independent observers. The results indicated that maternal depression was the best predictor of maternal perception of children. The remaining variables failed to contribute to the multiple regression analyses. Separate analyses also were performed on males and females and different predictor variables emerged for the two groups.The research reported in this study was supported by NIMH Grant 34193.  相似文献   

Peer sociometric nominations of clinic-referred children given the diagnosis of Attention) Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADD/H) or Attention Deficit Disorder without Hyperactivity (ADD/WO) were compared to one another and to those of normal control children. Only children with ADD diagnoses in the absence of other major diagnoses were included. Both children with ADD/H (n=16) and ADD/WO (n=11) received significantly fewer liked most nominations, more liked least nominations, and lower social preference scores than normal control (n=45) children. These results confirm previous findings of social deficits in children with ADD/H, even when codiagnoses are excluded. In addition, they support the validity of the diagnostic category of ADD/WO by demonstrating that the ADD/WO behavior pattern is apparently psychopathological in being associated with peer unpopularity after codiagnoses are excluded. When larger groups including all codiagnoses (primarily Conduct Disorder) of children with ADD/H (n=36) and ADD/WO (n=20) were compared, identical patterns of peer unpopularity were found, except that children with ADD/H also were significantly more likely to be nominated as a child who fights most.  相似文献   

Comorbidity of ADHD and reading disability among clinic-referred children   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Of a consecutive series of 115 boys diagnosed in a university outpatient clinic as ADHD, 39% also demonstrated a specific reading disability. Pure ADHD patients were compared with mixed ADHD + RD and normal controls on a battery of cognitive and attentional measures. The aim was to determine whether a distinct pattern of deficits would distinguish the groups. Both ADHD subgroups performed significantly worse than controls on measures of sequential memory and attentional tasks involving impulse control andplanful organization. Only ADHD+RD boys differed from controls on measures or rapid word naming and vocabulary. The reuslts are discussed within the framework of an automatic versus effortful information-processing model.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare a non-clinic sample of mothers and children to two groups of clinic-referred children and their mothers. The two clinic-referred groups differed from one another in that the selection criterion for one group of children (Clinic Deviant) was that they were significantly more deviant and non-compliant than the non-clinic group whereas the selection criterion for the second group of children (Clinic Non-deviant) was that they did not differ significantly from the non-clinic group on deviant and non-compliant behavior. Home observations by independent observers and parent questionnaires examining parental adjustment and parental perceptions of child adjustment were completed. The results indicated that both clinic groups perceived their children as more maladjusted than parents in the non-clinic groups perceived their children. Parents of the children in the Clinic Non-deviant group were significantly more depressed than those in the remaining two groups, whereas parents in the Clinic Deviant group issued more vague, interrupted commands than those in the Clinic Non-deviant group. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Relations among maternal phobic anxiety, maternal overcontrol, child anxiety sensitivity, and child level of fear were explored in 156 children referred to an outpatient clinic for psychological evaluation. In addition, these relations were examined separately in analyses of age, gender, and diagnostic status. Overall, age, gender, and child anxiety sensitivity, along with maternal ratings of an overly controlling parenting strategy were significant predictors of levels of fear. These four variables predicted approximately 50% of the variance associated with fear levels. Surprisingly, maternal phobic anxiety was not a significant predictor in this sample of clinic-referred children. In separate analyses of age, gender, and diagnostic status (presence or absence of an anxiety disorder), anxiety sensitivity was a significant predictor of fear levels for both older and younger children, for both boys and girls, and for both children with and without an anxiety disorder. However, maternal overly controlling parenting strategy was significant only for the younger children (and not the older ones) and only for girls (and not boys). Moreover, maternal overcontrol was a marginally significant predictor for the anxiety-disorder group (and not the non-anxiety-disordered group). Results are discussed within a developmental framework, and implications for treatment are explored.  相似文献   

The contingency-competence-control (CCC) model links contingency and competence beliefs to perceived control and, in turn, to depression. However, a developmental perspective suggests that noncontingency may be too abstract a concept to be directly tied to depression before adolescence. We tested the CCC model and this developmental notion, using structural equation modeling, with 360 clinic-referred 8- to 17-year-olds. The CCC model fit the data well for the full sample accounting for 46% of the variance in depression. Separate analyses by age group placed perceived contingency in the best-fit model for adolescents (ages 12-17 years) but not for children (8-11 years). This suggests that abstract cause-effect concepts may have more direct affective impact after the cognitive changes of adolescence (e.g., formal operations) than before. Finally, the CCC model accounted for much more variance in depression than conduct problems, suggesting diagnostic specificity.  相似文献   

Gordon Diagnostic System and WISC-III scores for clinic-referred 6- to 16-yr.-olds (184 with ADHD Combined Type and 46 without ADHD) were analyzed to evaluate the combination of scores and cutpoints that maximized diagnostic accuracy. Using an "ADHD cutpoint" of IQ minus the GDS Composite score > or = 13, 87.8% of the children were correctly identified as having or not having ADHD. IQ minus Freedom from Distractibility > 0 yielded 73.5% accuracy. When the two meaures were combined to create new criteria (IQ minus GDS Composite > or = 13 or IQ minus Freedom from Distractibility > or = 11), diagnostic accuracy increased to 90.9% and negative predictive power improved substantially. Diagnostic agreement between the Gordon Diagnostic System and Freedom from Distractibility was 70%, suggesting that the two tests measure both similar and unique traits.  相似文献   

母亲对幼儿数学能力的评价是母亲教育观念的重要组成部分。研究运用问卷法与个别测查法,考察母亲对子女数学能力的评价与幼儿数学认知能力,并通过二者的一致程度揭示母亲评价其子女数学能力的准确性。研究发现,母亲对子女数学能力的评价存在明显的高估倾向;与母亲受教育水平及子女性别等因素不同,子女前期的数学成绩对母亲评价其数学能力的准确性存在显著影响;母亲对子女数学能力评价的准确性与子女数学认知发展水平存在显著的正相关,适当的高估对子女未来数学认知的发展最为有利  相似文献   

This study investigated associations between perceived peer harassment and satisfaction with appearance in the presence or absence of a facial difference. A cross-sectional sample of 661 children aged 10 or 16, with a cleft lip and/or palate, completed measures of satisfaction with appearance and peer harassment. Results indicated that the presence of a visible versus a nonvisible cleft was not associated with appearance dissatisfaction or higher levels of peer harassment for children aged 10 or for adolescent boys. Peer harassment was related to dissatisfaction with appearance in both age groups. In the adolescent group, there was an interaction between cleft visibility and gender, girls with a visible cleft being least satisfied with appearance. However, the association between cleft visibility and satisfaction with appearance was fully mediated by experiences of peer harassment. The results highlight the need to further explore the role of social interactions for subjective perceptions of appearance.  相似文献   

Metadehumanisation (i.e., the perception of being considered as less than human by others) is proposed to be widespread in stigmatised populations, such as people with severe alcohol use disorder (SAUD). However, the relations between metadehumanisation, self-dehumanisation (i.e., the self-perception of being less than human), and stigmatisation (i.e., the negative taint applied to some groups) remain unexplored. The aim of this research is thus to investigate the relations between these processes. Metadehumanisation, self-dehumanisation, self-stigma (and its subdimensions) and environmental satisfaction were assessed in 120 inpatients with SAUD and analysed in a mediational model. Stigma awareness was positively associated with metadehumanisation, whereas environmental satisfaction was negatively associated with metadehumanisation. Stigma's application to the self was associated with increased self-dehumanisation. Self-stigma and self-dehumanisation are closely intertwined phenomena. Self-dehumanisation seems to follow a multi-step process suggesting that some steps, such as dehumanisation awareness, are missing from current models of dehumanisation.  相似文献   

The multiple-baseline across responses design was used to assess the effectiveness of a belief-modification treatment package to alter the intensity of three delusional beliefs of a chronically mentally ill inpatient. Results revealed reductions in belief intensity to zero levels for all three beliefs. Generalization effects were obtained for an individualized interview and psychiatric rating scale. These results were maintained through a 6-month follow-up period.  相似文献   

Derenne and Baron (1999) criticized a quantitative literature review by Kollins, Newland, and Critchfield (1997) and raised several important issues with respect to the integration of single-subject data. In their criticism they argued that the quantitative integration of data across experiments conducted by Kollins et al. is a meta-analysis and, as such, is inappropriate. We reply that Kollins et al. offered behavior analysts a technique for integrating quantitative information in a way that draws from the strengths of behavior analysis. Although the quantitative technique is true to the original spirit of meta-analysis, it bears little resemblance to meta-analyses as currently conducted or defined and offers behavior analysts a potentially useful tool for comparing data from multiple sources. We also argue that other criticisms raised by Derenne and Baron were inaccurate or irrelevant to the original article. Our response highlights two main points: (a) There are meaningful quantitative techniques for examining single-subject data across studies without compromising the integrity of behavior analysis; and (b) the healthiest way to refute or question findings in any viable field of scientific inquiry is through empirical investigation.  相似文献   

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