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Two analogue studies explored the relationship between the content of subjects' imagery and both behavioral avoidance and self-reports of fear. In the first study, reports of aversive imagery in a fearful situation were much more frequent among high- as compared to low-avoidance subjects. Reports of aversive imagery were found significantly associated with both fear and avoidance behavior. In the second study, findings were extended, indicating that imagery content is associated with fear and avoidance when subjects imagine themselves in a fearful situation as well as when they are actually in one. This suggested some degree of functional equivalence between imagined and real situations. However, no relationship was found between image clarity and either fear or avoidance. Since imagery appears to play an important role in mediating fearful behavior, manipulation of imagery might serve as an effective treatment strategy.  相似文献   

According to two-factor theory, avoidance responding is predicated on a conjoint relationship between Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning. Recently a variety of evidence has indicated that these processes are independently subject to experimental manipulations, both during acquisition and extinction. The latter finding is paralleled in the clinicial literature by the observation that the elimination of an avoidance response does not adequately reflect concurrent changes in autonomic and verbal behavior. These findings suggest the need for multiple measures of anxiety in assessing the effect of experimental and therapeutic operations on avoidance behavior. This paper also calls attention to the discriminative and reinforcing properties of the CS in an attempt to account for these findings.  相似文献   

This study examined the specificity of disgust sensitivity in predicting contamination-related anxiety and behavioral avoidance. Participants high (n=26) and low (n=30) in contamination fear completed self-report measures of disgust sensitivity, contamination cognitions (overestimation of the likelihood and severity of contamination from everyday objects), anxiety, and depression. They then completed three randomly presented contamination-based behavioral avoidance tasks (BATs) that consisted of exposure to a used comb, a cookie on the floor, and a bedpan filled with toilet water. Results indicated that disgust sensitivity was significantly associated with anxious and avoidant responding to the contamination-related BATs. This association remained largely intact after controlling for gender, contamination fear group membership, anxiety, and depression. Contamination cognitions were also significantly related to BAT responses. However, this relationship was fully mediated by disgust sensitivity. These findings indicate that disgust sensitivity has a specific and robust association with contamination concerns commonly observed in obsessive compulsive disorder. The findings are discussed in the context of a disease-avoidance model.  相似文献   

Three experiments explored the development and function of conditioned inhibition of fear during the acquisition and maintenance of shuttlebox avoidance behavior. The development of inhibition to an exteroceptive feedback stimulus was found to be a function of the number of successive avoidance responses to which the animal had been trained and of the duration of the intertrial interval, a parameter shown also to affect the rate of acquisition of avoidance learning. Master animals who learned the instrumental avoidance response, and yoked animals who did not, showed equivalent inhibitory fear conditioning in each experiment. The results of one experiment suggest that conditioned inhibition plays no important role in “protecting” fear conditioned to the discrete warning signal during avoidance maintenance. These data indicate that feedback stimuli develop their inhibitory properties by a Pavlovian process and that certain aspects of their function may, therefore, be readily understood within the framework of mediational two-process learning theory.  相似文献   

Verbal information has long been assumed to be an indirect pathway to fear. Children (aged 6-8 or 12-13 years) were exposed to threat, positive, or no information about 3 novel animals to see the long-term impact on their fear cognitions and the immediate impact on avoidance behavior. Their directly (self-report) and indirectly (implicit association task) measured attitudes toward the animals changed congruent with the information provided, and the changes persisted up to 6 months later. Verbal threat information also induced behavioral avoidance of the animal. Younger children formed stronger animal- threat and animal-safe associations because of threat and positive verbal information than older children, but there were negligible age effects on self-reported fear beliefs and avoidance behaviors. These results support theories of fear acquisition that suppose that verbal information affects components of the fear emotion.  相似文献   

Human subjects were tested in a free-operant avoidance procedure. Shock could be avoided by the emission of a verbal response of adequate intensity and duration. These schedules were found to control the emission of verbal operants in the same way they control motor operants. Some subjects showed conventional control by this schedule with or without response-produced feedback. Other subjects verbalized at a high rate under both these conditions until the addition of response cost brought this behavior under conventional schedule control.  相似文献   

It is argued that fear and avoidance can co-vary, vary inversely or vary independently. The consequences of this statement for therapeutic theory and practice are discussed. A critical comment on two-factor theory is followed by a discussion of two alternative theories, one proposed by Gray and the other by Herrnstein. Definitions of concordance, discordance, synchrony and desynchrony are offered.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effectiveness of three different amounts of flooding on hastening extinction of a jump-up avoidance response and on reducing fear as assessed by the multivariate fear assessment techniques of D. P. Corriveau and N. F. Smith (Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 1978, 107, 145–158). In Experiment 1, a 40-min flooding treatment significantly hastened jump-up avoidance extinction, 10 min of flooding had a marginal effect, and 5 min had no effect. In Experiment 2, flooding treatments of 5, 10, and 40 min duration were all effective in reducing fear of the grid floor as indexed by seven of our nine dependent measures, including approach latency, safety test latency, and amount of time spent on the grids. Flooded subjects that were dumped onto the grid floor once at the start of the fear observation phase were found to show somewhat more fear reduction than were flooded subjects that were simply placed on the ledge at the outset of the fear observation phase and never dumped. These results, i.e., less flooding is required to reduce fear than to hasten avoidance extinction, are contrasted with those of previous experiments indicating that more flooding may be required to reduce fear than to hasten shuttlebox avoidance extinction. Such differences are discussed in the context of SSDR theory.  相似文献   

Most theorists have explained attenuation of fear over the course of avoidance learning by assuming that fear extinguishes with repeated nonreinforced avoidance trials. Experiment 1 replicates the finding that rats trained to a criterion of 27 consecutive avoidance responses (CARs) show less fear during the CS than rats trained to a criterion of 3 or 9 CARs. This attenuation of fear cannot, however, be accounted for by simple Pavlovian fear extinction, because yoked partners receiving the exact same pattern of CSs and USs did not show this attenuation and did not differ from yoked partners receiving only reinforced CS presentations. Experiment 2 found that feedback from the master avoidance learner's response is sufficient to produce this attenuation in yoked animals; “control” per se is not necessary. Several possible explanations are discussed regarding the mechanism underlying this role of feedback in diminishing fear of the CS in the avoidance learning context.  相似文献   

The two-stage theory of fear and avoidance is summarized and its relation to the two-factor theory of learning is noted. The major critical arguments and evidence are presented to show why the two-stage theory is inadequate. Some of the theoretical and clinical consequences of this conclusion, are presented and evaluated.  相似文献   

Directly conditioned fear and avoidance readily generalises to dissimilar but conceptually related stimuli. Here, for the first time, we examined the conceptual/semantic generalisation of both fear and avoidance using real words (synonyms). Participants were first exposed to a differential fear conditioning procedure in which one word (e.g., “broth”; CS+) was followed with brief electric shock [unconditioned stimulus (US)] and another was not (e.g., “assist”; CS–). Next, an instrumental conditioning phase taught avoidance in the presence the CS+ but not the CS–. During generalisation testing, synonyms of the CS+ (e.g., “soup”; GCS+) and CS– (e.g., “help”; GCS–) were presented in the absence of shock. Conditioned fear and avoidance, measured via skin conductance responses, behavioural avoidance and US expectancy ratings, generalised to the semantically related, but not to the semantically unrelated, synonyms. Findings have implications for how natural language categories and concepts mediate the expansion of fear and avoidance repertoires in clinical contexts.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown a relationship between the emotion of disgust and the fear of contamination. Heightened sensitivity to disgust and increased concerns over contamination has been observed in various disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and specific phobias. However, there is a paucity of research identifying the specific domains of disgust that contribute to contamination fear. The present study soughts to determine which domains of disgust elicitors reliably predict scores on a measure of OCD contamination obsessions and washing compulsions. We further conducted exploratory analyses that examined differences in disgust sensitivity among individuals classified as high and low in contamination fear. Three hundred and twenty-three undergraduate participants completed two measures of disgust sensitivity (Disgust Scale; Disgust Emotion Scale) and a measure of contamination fear (Padua inventory, contamination obsessions and washing compulsions subscale). Stepwise multiple regression analyses indicated that contamination fear was best predicted by seven different disgust domains, thereby suggesting that contamination fear is accounted for by generalized, rather than domain-specific, disgust elicitors. The categories of disgust that predicted contamination fear appeared to have an underlying commonality of threat of contagion. The relationship between fear of contamination and disgust sensitivity was more pronounced for animal reminder disgust elicitors as opposed to core disgust elicitors. Results also showed that individuals classified as high in contamination fear scored significantly higher than the low contamination fear group on all disgust domains. Clinical and research implications regarding the interrelationships between fear, disgust, and the fear of contamination are discussed.  相似文献   

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