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Expressed vocational choices were more predictive of employment status four years after high school graduation for males than were scores on either the Vocational Preference Inventory or the Kuder Preference Record-Vocational. The Vocational Preference Inventory and expressed choices were about equally efficient in predicting future employment for females. The Kuder Preference Record-Vocational was far less predictive of future employment than the other measures employed in the study. Predictions for males were more accurate than for females on all measures.  相似文献   

本文比较了在日资企业里工作的中国和东南亚三国职工的满意度和企业选好度。1总体而言 ,四国职工的满意度都不太高。中国职工对“现在的工资”、“工资的增长”、“福利保健”及“劳动时间”等方面的满意度更低于东南亚三国。只在“职业稳定性”和“对上司的态度”上显示出比较满意。而东南亚三国在“劳动时间”和“福利保健”上有较高的满意度。2与欧美企业相比 ,四国职工对日资企业的评价总体上是低的。除“雇佣稳定性”外 ,对所有项目的回答都是欧美企业优于日资企业。 3如果条件相同 ,中国职工对企业的选好度的顺序是 :本国企业、欧美企业、港台企业和日资企业。马来西亚是 :日本企业、欧美企业、本国企业、港台企业。印度尼西亚将日资企业排在第二位。泰国将日资企业排在第三位。4在中国 ,对日资企业的选好度的决定因素是对工作和待遇的满意度和对日资企业劳动条件的评价。而在东南亚三国 ,起决定作用的是满意度和日本管理有用性。  相似文献   

The present study consisted of developing the Kuder Task Self-Efficacy Scale (KTSES). The KTSES is a 30-item scale measuring a person's self-efficacy for tasks corresponding to Kuder's 10 occupational interest areas (Kuder Zytowski, 1991). Responses from the KTSES were compared with responses to the Self-Esteem Inventory (SES; Rosenberg, 1965) and the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale (CDMSE; Taylor Betz, 1983) to see if career task self-efficacy was related to self-esteem and career decision-making self-efficacy. Answers to the KTSES were also compared with responses given for occupations corresponding to the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey (KOIS; Kuder Zytowski, 1991) to see if occupational self-efficacy was related to career task self-efficacy. Results supported the validity and reliability of the KTSES. The utility of having a task self-efficacy scale to go with the KOIS is discussed, and ideas for future research are given.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,对312名高校辅导员进行调查,探讨边界分割偏好、组织分割供给和个人边界分割策略与工作-非工作冲突的关系。结果表明:(1)辅导员的边界分割偏好与工作-非工作冲突正相关;(2)组织分割供给和个人边界分割策略均能减弱边界分割偏好与工作-非工作冲突之间的正相关。本研究提示高校应在不影响工作的前提下尽量向辅导员提供更多的组织分割供给,同时辅导员也可以通过灵活运用边界分割策略,进行自主的工作-非工作边界管理。  相似文献   


A simulation experiment was conducted to test the proposition that actors tend to attribute their behavior to environmental forces, while observers attribute the same behavior to stable dispositions of the actor. The results support this hypothesis and suggest that this tendency is not limited to blameworthy situations. Strong effects of success and failure on attributions were also found.  相似文献   

Managers of invasive species seek to prevent and mitigate their impact, which vary in the time horizon over which they are realized. Likewise, stakeholders vary in the time horizons they consider relevant. Agricultural impacts might reasonably be considered over two or three decades, although ecologists typically consider environmental impacts over much longer time frames. Although time preference plays a critical role in decision making, it has largely been ignored in multicriteria analyses. In this study, we examine how time has been treated in previous decision analyses of invasive species management, focusing on the differences between multicriteria and economic cost–benefit analyses. We then outline a method for incorporating time preference information into multicriteria decision analyses to ensure that criteria weights remain a faithful representation of the decision maker's preferences. To illustrate how time preference can be elicited for invasive species problems involving both monetary and nonmonetary consequences, we describe a small empirical study we conducted with a small group of experts and managers. By outlining a way to consider time preference information in multicriteria analyses of invasive species management, we hope to facilitate better decision making that is reflective of the decision maker's true preferences. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Collective Preference for Shared Information   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Decision-making groups prefer to discuss shared information that all members know instead of unshared information that a single member knows. This bias toward discussing shared information can lead groups to make suboptimal decisions when unshared information is critical for good decision making. This preference for discussing shared information may stem from group members' positive evaluations of each other's task capabilities when shared information is communicated. Members who already are perceived as capable (i.e., those high in status, experts, and leaders) need not bolster their image by communicating shared information. Instead, they discuss unshared information more than members perceived as less capable. As members low in status gain respect by communicating shared information, they may risk mentioning unshared information later during discussion. Assigning group leaders, informing members of their expert roles, and allowing ample time for discussion may increase groups' discussion of unshared information.  相似文献   

使用2-AFC任务,对汉语相似启动中的偏好效应进行研究。结果表明:与联想相比,语义相似对产生启动更有帮助;相似启动中存在偏好效应,但偏好方向发生了改变。  相似文献   


A task was used in which subjects at three different Piagetian stages of intellectual development were to induce the missing relationship in different triadic situations. The findings of Blanchard and Price (2) that formal operational subjects show a preference for balance while concrete operational subjects show a preference for positivity were largely confirmed. Preoperational subjects, however, tended to respond in random fashion.  相似文献   

该研究采用艾尔斯伯格悖论的变式,选取二择一的迫选任务,旨在探讨不同球数和不同模糊程度下模糊决策的决策偏好。结果发现,球数的不同对决策的偏好基本上没有影响;而模糊程度的不同,对决策的偏好有影响。具体表现为:模糊程度较高时,被试倾向于模糊厌恶,模糊程度较低时倾向于模糊寻求。  相似文献   

通过文献检索、走访调研并结合笔者时美国教学医院门诊病历管理的实地考察,本文对中美两国教学医院人员对门诊病历管理的认识理念、门诊病历管理的方式、病历的规范设计以及门诊病历的质量控制等方面进行了对比研究.显示我国教学医院在门诊病历管理方面与发达国家存在着差距.从提高临床医疗和医学教学质量、有利于患者疾病的诊治和培养当代优秀医务工作者,促进医学科学技术发展出发,教学医院管理者和临床指导医生应高度重视和规范门诊病历管理.  相似文献   

决策的选择偏好具有可变性。当前主要有三类不同取向的解释。第一类观点以效用概念为核心,分别讨论了评价模式和效用折扣对选择偏好的影响。第二类观点以心理表征概念为基础,分别提出了建构水平和表征差别对选择偏好的影响。第三类观点以联结和人工神经网络概念为要素,分别探讨了心理场距离和规避损失偏向对选择偏好的影响  相似文献   

The degree of asymmetric handedness was measured by a 22-item hand preference questionnaire in a sample of 442 Indian subjects. Factor analysis of the data for right-handers yielded four item-clusters: Gross activities, skilled activities (general), skilled activities (specific), and activities subject to social pressure. Identical analysis for left-handers yielded three item-clusters: Activities that are executed with difficulty, with ease, and with greater frequency. The degree of asymmetric handedness in right-handers was positively (high) correlated with an index of social pressure against left-hand use, especially for the items, writing and eating. The correlation was negative (moderate) in left-handers, however, who had preferred the right hand for eating purposes.  相似文献   

汉语短时识别中的偏好效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
魏连娣  李晓东 《心理科学》2005,28(3):594-597
使用2-AFC任务,对汉语短时识别中的偏好效应进行研究。结果表明:汉语识别中存在偏好效应;偏好效应受词频变化的影响,高频时有更大的偏好效应;本实验的偏好效应不受启动词加工水平的影响,说明它是在一种纯的内隐记忆条件下产生的。  相似文献   

The Preference for Gain Frames in Consumer Decision Making.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The way that choices are framed or presented to consumers may exert a significant impact on preferences. With few exceptions, past experiments have always framed choices for decision makers. Six studies examined how people themselves frame ambiguous events. Using a scenario format, Study 1 demonstrated that subjects interpreted paying back a loan as a gain rather than as a loss. Study 2 replicated this finding with a methodology where subjects actually received a loan of real money from the experimenter. Study 3 showed that the tendency to view paying back a loan as a gain was greater when the loan was for oneself rather than another person. Study 4 replicated the initial finding using a choice dilemma similar to those used by Tversky and Kahneman (1981). Studies 5 and 6 showed that people view selling a possession as a gain. However, Study 5 also showed that buyers do not display this tendency. These data suggest that the tendency to frame actions as gains will be moderated by role expectations and the bias to view one's actions in a positive light.  相似文献   

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