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Criminal investigative case analysis is a method for identifying the perpetrator of a crime based on an analysis of the nature of the offence and the manner in which it was committed. Various aspects of the criminal’s personality makeup are determined from the choices before, during and after the crime. In German criminal procedural law it is a new investigative tool in preliminary proceedings to give the prosecutor extensive assistance to the police to profile unknown criminal subjects or offenders and to supply more evidence. The Federal High Court has decided that police officers who use this method are not expert witnesses whose evidence can be challenged in the main proceedings by the state attorney.  相似文献   

To begin with the psychoanalytic models of depression worked out in the 20th century are described. They are presented in three categories depending on whether object loss, aggression inhibition or a severe impairment of the self-regulation are the main pathogenic factors. Subsequently, an integrative model is presented based on the depressive affect as an indicator and signal for a severe impairment of the self and its possibilities of experience and development. Such an impairment occurs by a defensive pseudo-solution of the basic conflict between self-related and object-related tendencies and interests (in disfavor of the self) or in other cases by a serious but conflict-free object loss (including the loss of parts of the body, of working and professional perspectives, of idealized models, of groups, nations etc.). This grave impairment of the depressive affect of the self may be temporarily denied (mania) or somatized (e.g. bulimia, adipositas etc.). In those cases no manifest depression occurs. The collateral neurobiological processes can be integrated into this model and are compatible with the other aspects. For example, stress leads by the above mentioned serious impairment to lack of serotonin which can be temporarily resolved with the help of medicaments. But this cannot be an adequate treatment in the long run. A treatment of depression only with medicaments without psychotherapy is, therefore, to be considered as malpractice.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungErklärung der Abkürzungen Add.-Lstg. Additionsleistung - AZ Arbeitszeit - B/sec Anzahl der Blitze je Sekundes - KP Kurzpause - Lstg. Leistung - M Mittelwert (arithm. Mittel) - TZ Teilzeit - Vfr. Verschmelzungsfrequenz = Flimmergrenze - VL Versuchsleiter - Vp. Versuchsperson - Vpn. Versuchspersonen - Mittlere Abweichung vom Mittelwert - M Mittlerer Fehler des Mittelwertes  相似文献   

Depressive Erkrankungen, so qu?lend, st?rend, so in jeder Hinsicht beeintr?chtigend und niederdrückend sie uns erscheinen, k?nnen vom „salutogenetischen“ Standpunkt aus auch Aspekten der menschlichen Psyche zugeordnet werden, die auf l?ngere Sicht positive Perspektiven beinhalten. Das Verzweifeltsein von Menschen (M. Theunissen „Der Begriff Verzweiflung“; dies im Sinne von S. Kierkegaard) beinhaltet immer zugleich auch die Frage nach „Sinn“, nach der „Sinnstellung“ im Sinne von Martin Heidegger. Sinnfragen, die durchreflektiert und im Durchleiden vergegenw?rtigt werden, führen Menschen sehr oft zu einer „Wesensvertiefung“, die auf l?ngere Sicht mit sehr positiven L?sungen von Identit?tsund Pers?nlichkeitskrisen einhergehen. Diese Themen werden vom Standpunkt der evolution?ren Psychiatrie, der Typologie, der Psychodynamik und insbesondere der Fragen nach der Zeitdimension (Erinnern und Vergessen) im Hinblick auf depressive Erkrankungen behandelt.  相似文献   

Depressive disorders are among the most frequent reasons for utilizing the health care system. Despite the availability of efficacious treatments and further advances throughout the last years, there is still a need for improving diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. A promising approach is the implementation of evidence- and consensus-based guidelines. The German “Nationale VersorgungsLeitlinie Unipolare Depression” are evidence- and consensus-based clinical practise guidelines for patients with unipolar depression. All relevant stakeholders have been involved in its development and have passed the final version at the end of 2009 to foster compliance throughout. The available evidence allows the derivation of differentiated treatment recommendations, also with regard to concomitant antidepressant medication or as alternative treatment options. In acute therapy watchful waiting over 14 days is recommended for mild depression and psychotherapy after persistence of symptoms. In cases of moderate depression, psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy are equally recommended, in cases of severe depression a combination of both is recommended.  相似文献   

The straight line-dot-illusion with horizontally extending figure was ascertained experimentally and explored under several conditions. In the case of binocular perception two “external” and one “internal” factors were found influencing the intensity of the illusion. Observations with right eye and left eye respectively proved themselves to be unequal. The previous interpretations of optical illusions failed to provide a satisfactory explanation of the straight line-dot-illusion. A new explaining assumption was considered.  相似文献   

Due to a presently growing demand for evidence-based medicine different psychotherapeutic methods are facing increasing political pressure to demonstrate their efficacy. The realization of evaluative projects is not only in need of study patients but also of study therapists. Although many psychoanalysts support the general need for research the number of actual participants is rather low. In this paper the motives of psychoanalysts to decide for or against participation in evaluative research were investigated. Guided interviews were conducted with six psychoanalysts working in outpatient practice. The results support the hypothesis that in particular the need for security and protection influence a psychoanalyst willingness by causing either a driving or inhibition force. Both the intraindividual and interindividual areas of the interviews displayed unresolved ambivalences towards participation in psychotherapy research. It was concluded that changes in psychoanalytic training could have the most profound influence on the personal motivation to participate.  相似文献   

Emotional distress connected to a cancer disease may result in comorbid mental and especially depressive disorders. Although psychodynamic therapy is one of the most frequently applied forms of psychotherapy of depression in cancer patients there is a lack of empirical studies which meet the criteria of evidence-based psychotherapy research. This is especially true with regard to randomized controlled trials of psychodynamic psychotherapy. As far as we know no manual for psychodynamic treatment of cancer patients has yet been published. In this article a manual for a 20-session short-term psychodynamic treatment is presented. The treatment is based on Luborsky’s supportive-expressive (SE) therapy. The SE treatment manual of depressions in cancer patients presented here is an adaptation of the general SET manual as well as the SE manual for depression. In the first part the general principles of SE therapy are presented. In the second part a manual specifically adapted to the treatment of depressive cancer patients is described. The treatment manual is presently being used in a large-scale randomized controlled multi-centered study comparing short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy and treatment as usual.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungAuch an dieser Stelle sei Herrn Priv.-Dozent Dr. L. Michel, Institut für Psychologie und Charakterologie an der Universität Freiburg i.Br., noch einmal sehr herzlich für viele Anregungen und kritische Hinweise gedankt.  相似文献   

This report is based on an oral presentation about the work of the Forensic Outpatient Clinic (FTA) of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, which was held on 15 June 2018 at the 22nd June Conference of the Association of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology Berlin. Besides the aspects discussed in this article the talk covered additional topics, such as trials concerning withdrawal from antiandrogens and the treatment of forensic patients with impaired intelligence. This present report is derived from practical work and focuses on completed treatment of sexual offenders in the FTA and on the known recidivism within this group of 16 persons up until the target date (1 May 2018).  相似文献   

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