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For several decades, since the work of Piaget, it has been believed that correct judgements of durations require sophisticated reasoning abilities that emerge at about 8 years of age. However, some researchers have demonstrated accurate temporal knowledge in young children and have explained their poor judgements on classical piagetian tasks not by their inability to correctly judge time, but by age-related attentional difficulties. Recently, researchers have thus reassessed the temporal behaviour in children with the experimental paradigms used in animals and humans adults in the framework of the temporal information processing models that assume the existence of an internal clock. Findings suggest that this type of clock is functional at an early age. Other findings allow us to better understand the role of the development of attention, memory and metacognitive processes in the development of the abilities to judge time. The aim of this article is to synthesize these recent findings.  相似文献   

Sabine Gibert 《Médecine & Droit》2009,2009(97):120-129
Until 2009, the national effort to prevent transfusion contamination was aimed exclusively at the human immunodeficiency virus. Article 67 of the law of 17th December, 2008 instituted a new procedure for the out of court settlement of litigation arising from the contamination of blood transfusions by hepatitis C virus. The application of these successive legislative regulations is bound to raise questions. With the special systems adopted in the matter of transfusion contamination, damages attributable to mandatory vaccinations, biomedical research, serious health threats or treatment with extractive human growth hormone, the legislator has sized up the usefulness of extending the protection given by the health insurance system to a larger area of national concern, that of the health risk.  相似文献   

Studies dealing with emotion regulation have known a fast expansion during the last twenty years. Yet, they are most often based on models centered on endogenous cognitive and behavioral processes as well as the pursuit of welfare, and do not consider the social aspect of emotions and emotion expression which elicit exogenous emotion regulation processes from social interaction partners. The goal of this article is to show that both endogenous and exogenous emotion regulation processes are complementary and indivisible, and to suggest working hypotheses about how they connect. In the first part of this document, after a quick reminder of the different theoretical approaches of (individual) endogenous emotion regulation, we emphasize works about social approach behaviors (social affiliation) in emotional situations. These studies report that social interactions are sometimes sought as they would allow for the endogenous implementation of interpersonal emotion regulation strategies, especially by means of emotion expression. Individual and interpersonal endogenous emotion regulation processes would then complementarily modify the emotions experienced by an individual faced with a critical situation. The second part of this article underlines that social interaction partners actually are operators of exogenous emotion regulation processes rather than passive reservoirs of resources an individual may pick up to regulate their emotions. For that purpose, we especially consider the ways relatives (directly or indirectly, explicitly or implicitly) constrain the social affiliation behaviors and emotion expressions of an individual who experiences emotions. Thus, we argue that those behaviors are strongly influenced not only by the nature and intensity of emotions, but also by: firstly, social learning about how to feel, what to express and how to regulate emotions in a specific situation; secondly, features of the social environment as well as social expectations and demands about sharing emotions versus inhibiting their expression; and thirdly, the exogenous emotion regulation strategies a partner may use to regulate an individual's emotions. This set of studies entices us to consider endogenous and exogenous emotion regulation processes as acting jointly to promote not only the adaptation to emotional situations, but also the quality of social bonds between members of a social network. Social integration is thus central in the study of emotion regulation processes.  相似文献   

Knowledge relating to actions for children exposed to marital violence appears still limited, whereas in France many efforts are deployed to develop them. This field of intervention is recent and the actors of child welfare and those of the associative sector wishing to set up specific actions to help the child, often encounter a lack of knowledge about this type of intervention. This article proposes to make known actions carried out in this context over Atlantic by the analysis of six programs and the results of their evaluation.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of three variables on jurors' verdict and sentence concerning a motorist responsible for the accidental death a man. Specifically, we assessed the effects of some aggravating circumstances, and those of two extra legal variables, namely, the nature of the feelings presumably expressed by the accident perpetrator regarding the victim, and the content of a medical and psychological expertise about him. The perpetrator was given a harsher sentence, assigned a negative identity, and was the target of little identification when he was submitted to a biological expertise, said to have displayed some indifference regarding the victim, and when he was charged with aggravating circumstances. Conversely, when the accused showed some sadness, he received a lenient sentence, especially in the absence of aggravating circumstances.  相似文献   

Although maternal contingent responses to their infant's facial expressions of emotions is thought to play an important role in the socialization of emotions, available data are still scarce and often inconsistent To further investigate how mothers' contingent facial expressions might influence infant emotional development, we undertook to study mother‐infant dyads in four episodes of face‐to‐face interaction during the first year. Mothers' facial expressions were strongly related to their infant's facial expressions of emotions, most of their contingent responses being produced within one second following infants' facial expressions Specific patterns of responses were also found. The impact of maternal contingent responding on infants' expressive development was also examined.  相似文献   

The study presented in this article concerns the functioning of representational mechanisms in social thought. More specifically, its objective is to identify the role of variables covering psychosocial involvement and systems of belief within social representations. At the interface between the individual and the group, these variables are considered here because of their status as explanatory variables of social thought. By analyzing the representation of human rights, we hypothesize that the level of involvement and the type of beliefs developed toward the state (concepts of a democratic state versus a safe state) impact on the expression of this representation and the standpoints it creates. The survey was conducted by questionnaire with a student population (315 participants). The main results, which are consistent with our hypotheses, provide evidence of an influence of the variables tested on the expressiveness of the representation of human rights. On the one hand, they reveal how an involvement developed in this subject and the social beliefs attached to the role of the state come to particularize the meaning of this representation, especially concerning its principles of equality. On the other hand, the results demonstrate the activity of ideological processes – political in content – which intervene in the realization of the representation. Through these processes, the results show a stronger influence of social beliefs than of psychosocial involvement on the representation studied.  相似文献   

There is increasing use of the phrase “campus eating symptoms” to describe regular binge eating (together with frequent exercise, and occasional reliance on vomiting or laxatives), concerns about body image, depressive symptoms, stress, and university adjustment problems among students. Incidence of eating disorders in the early grades of university is increasing, and the period from age 17–19 years (peak of bulimia) which corresponds to the beginning of study at university is critical. Given the stressful environment that is the 1st academic year, it is useful to consider eating disorders risk factors.


Our study is longitudinal. At the beginning, the participants consisted of 1110 freshmen. Data regarding adjustment to university, gender, body image, BMI, transactional variables (perceived stress and coping) and eating disorders (EAT-26) were collected. At T2 (end of academic year), 556 students were recruited to reassess their eating behaviours. The aim of the study was to test gender invariance of a theoretical eating disorders model including all these variables and eating disorders measured a year apart from a mixed population integrating the university for the first times. This model assumes that these variables exert direct effects on eating disorders as measured in time one who in turn will affect the stability of these troubles a year later. Although very little research include boys in the study of eating disorders, the results of our multi-group analysis support the idea of the existence of sex differences in eating disorder predictors: the only common predictor of eating disorders among girls and boys was the use emotion-focused coping. Among boys, the best predictors of eating disorders were problem-focused coping, and seeking social support. Among girls, our results revealed that body mass index, body image, and academic adjustment and stress were the predictors of eating disorders. Finally, we found a temporal stability of eating disorders. This study showed that personal and contextual aspects have a direct impact on students’ eating behaviour. However, among boys, neither body image nor perceived stress affect the eating behaviour but how they cope with stress. The gender gap in the explanation of eating disorders suggest to not exclude the male population in this type of study and to treat the data separately.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the influence of phonological structure on the performance of French beginning readers. Because the French phonological system has a clear syllabic structure novice readers use phonological units such as syllables when silently reading words. Therefore, the phonological structure of items was expected to be a significant determinant of performance. The results demonstrate the young readers' tendency to simplify polysyllabic words by reducing them to open‐ended syllables. The first experiment showed that nasal vowels involve a delay in phonological processing and the second experiment focused on the difficulties in processing consonant clusters.  相似文献   

The IAT is supposed to be a method of indirect measure of the associative strengths between two target concepts (e.g., Young people versus Old) and two attribute concepts (e.g., Good versus Bad). But the stimuli used to represent these concepts can have an influence on IAT effects. We systematically manipulated the affective and semantic features of the stimuli used in a Young-Old IAT. The appearance of target exemplars (photos) and attribute exemplars (words) were perfectly differentiated. Three hundred and twenty subjects participated in the experiment and the results show that IAT effects are both influenced by the stimuli used and by the associative strengths between concepts. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to establish a link between the father-child attachment and the quality of the sibling relationships for school-age children, by taking into account the theoretical and methodological evolution of this specific attachment. Fifty-seven fathers answered the Questionnaire of Opening up to the World [Défi jeunesse, 8 (2002) 6–12], which defines the father-child attachment (or activation) on two axes: the stimulation (social, cognitive and emotional) and the paternal control exercised over the child. The Questionnaire “Sibling Relationships in Young Children” [Troupel, O., 2006. Attachement fraternel, styles de relations et des interactions de tutelle au sein des fratries de jeunes enfants : effet modulateur de la représentation des relations fraternelles de l’aîné. Thèse de doctorat nouveau régime, université de Toulouse–Le-Mirail] gives insight into the quality of sibships. Children, with a secure attachment to their father, demonstrate a higher level of cooperation with their elder sibling than the other children, in particular those which receive excessive control and little stimulation from their fathers. The hypothesis that the stimulation of the second-born child by the father on the peer side is directly linked to the quality of the sibships is not confirmed. Other results on father-child attachment and sibships are discussed.  相似文献   

Dans le cadre de la métacognition, le but de cette étude est de décrire les relations entre le sentiment d'auto-efficacité d'adultes peu qualifiés et leur activité de résolution d'un problème logique. On demandait aux sujets d'estimer, avant et après résolution d'un problème de sériation, leur capacité à le résoudre, puis d'évaluer l'efficacité de différentes méthodes. Les résultats révèlent que la majorité des sujets ont un sentiment d'auto-efficacité positif. L'irréalisme des auto-évaluations de la moitié d'entre eux est lié à l'emploi de procédures rudimentaires et à un défaut du contrôle exécutif. La résolution du problème ne leur permet pas de réévaluer de façon réaliste leurs compétences dans ce problème. La discussion soulève la question des conditions d'une auto-évaluation réaliste. L'introduction de guidages métacognitifs dans la formation est abordée en conclusion.  相似文献   

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