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The madman makes it possible for us to grasp the radical potential of consciousness at its limits. He contradicts the other person's discursive thinking towards the virtually inarticulable or unthought self. The Lakeside Tabwa of Shaba, Zaire, apprehend madness in three rather different, discursive domains. There is, firstly, wazimu, or its ‘mature’, incurable form, kizenzezia, considered as a fact of social life. It is seen as inverting the norms or functions of personhood and undoing those of mentality. It breaks down reciprocity, it is the negative function of ‘Death’. Secondly, it is in the prodromal illness, mubulibuli, and certain related emotion states, that madness appears as the artefact of another's malicious and intrusive ‘Desire’: the madman is said to have ‘closed anger’ in his heart alienating him from ongoing experience and interaction. Finally, in the diviner, the ‘otherness’ of gaze and speech is transformed into the normative power of clairvoyance bringing about its own logic and historicity. Here, the inversion of personhood becomes an emblem of insight and ‘Law’, but at the risk of insanity. The ethnographic encounter with the very otherness of the thinking of madness and of another culture toward the unthought itself is, in a sense, epistemogenic.  相似文献   

《Psychological science》1993,4(4):236-243
Although computer simulations and other modeling tools have assumed a pivotal role in cognitive psychology, their utility continues to be questioned by some psychologists. This article presents several examples that illustrate both rewards and potential hazards associated with the simulation approach. Simulations can provide the formal framework necessary to disambiguate new ideas, they can explore the implications of complex models, and they can predict seemingly counterintuitive findings or uncover hidden relationships. At the same time, care must be taken to avoid pitfalls that may arise when computer code inadvertently differs from the intended specifications of a theory, or when predictions derive not from fundamental properties of a theory but from pragmatic choices made by the modeler.  相似文献   

Hand mouthing often has been described as a stereotypic response that is maintained by non-social (automatic) reinforcement; however, data supporting this conclusion can be found in relatively few studies. This series of studies presents an experimental analysis of conditions associated with the maintenance of hand mouthing. In Experiment 1, a functional analysis was conducted for 12 individuals who engaged in chronic hand mouthing to determine whether the behavior is usually maintained independent of social contingencies. Results obtained for 10 subjects were consistent with an automatic reinforcement hypothesis; the remaining 2 subjects' hand mouthing was maintained by social-positive reinforcement. Based on these results, Experiment 2 was designed to identify the specific reinforcing properties of hand mouthing. Each of 4 subjects was provided with a toy that substituted for hand mouthing, and preference for a specific topography of toy manipulation (hand-toy contact or mouth-toy contact) was measured. Results indicated that hand stimulation was the predominant reinforcer for all subjects. Experiment 3 provided an extension of Experiment 2 in that the same responses were measured across a variety of toys presented to each of 5 subjects. Results again indicated that hand stimulation was the predominant reinforcer for all subjects. Implications of these results are discussed with relevance to treatment.  相似文献   

定量运动负荷和个性特征对动觉准确性和动作稳定性的影响   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
石岩  阎守扶  申高禄 《心理学报》1996,29(2):131-138
目的在于了解个性特征和定量运动负荷与同射箭运动员技术水平密切相关的肘关节动觉方位准确性和手动作稳定性的关系。研究结果表明:个性特征对肘关节动觉方位准确性和手动作稳定性的影响不显著;定量运动负荷可以使肘关节动觉方位准确性明显提高,而手动作稳定性变化不显著。本研究初步证明了韩国射箭训练中利用跑步等手段使运动员处于较高心率之下进行射准练习的方法是实用有效的。  相似文献   

心理戒毒实验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1问题以往对毒品依赖者的临床治疗,偏重于躯体依赖的药物戒治,实践表明,克服戒断反应并不困难。然而,戒断反应消除了,毒瘾却并没戒除,表现是:复吸率非常高──达98%。如此之高的复吸率引起我们的注意:反复吸毒到底是一个生理问题还是一个心理问题?吸毒者在反复吸毒过程中追求的是什么?由此,导向另一个更深层次的问题:“戒毒要戒掉什么?”我们就此问题进行了调查,调查对象包括广州、探圳等戒毒所收治的150名吸毒者。结果显示:(1)开始吸毒时有非常强烈的情绪体验,这种情绪体验的强烈程度和愉快程度远远超过性交的体验。随…  相似文献   

责任、情感及帮助行为的归因结构模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张爱卿  刘华山 《心理学报》2003,35(4):535-540
责任归因研究将归因理论应用于对他人行为的责任分析之中,为行为责任的推断提供了一个崭新的视角。该研究通过一个真实具有较大社会反响的案例探讨责任归因与帮助行为之间的内在联系。238名管理者和被管理者参与了此项研究,并通过EQS建立了有关归因的控制性、情感反应、期望改变、责任推断以及帮助行为之间关系的结构方程模型。结果提示:责任推断与情感反应具有双向关系,符合心理学中“知”和“情”相互作用的观点;员工与管理者相比更倾向于认为行为者失败的原因是外在的、不可控的并且应承担较低的责任  相似文献   

今天,回到米歇尔·德塞尔托(192 5~1986 )的文本,似乎是一个迫切而必要的任务。并不是因为福柯说他是“(他)那一代最出色、最有才气的”,[1]而是出于与我们当下的思有关的原因。其实,当我们思考当下的社会和政治混乱时,我们不得不承认,在危机时期对正在发生的变化做出澄清谈何容易。这蕴涵着思想的解放,而思想解放是一个对知识进行创意性的质问,对理解进行严密的详解的过程。这个过程是一个不就范于主导意识形态模式的过程。此外,但凡成功的知识建构大多是澄清与解放缠结交错,一旦去思考这种交织方式,我们中间的某些人就想起了德塞尔托的著…  相似文献   

Langdon Gilkey 《Zygon》1994,29(4):489-505
Abstract. This is a brief survey of aspects of the modern scientific view of nature to see if implied therein are signs or traces of the sacred–as early religious apprehension surely supposed. Nature's power and order are discussed as is the strange dialectic of death and life, evident in modern biology as it also is in all early religion.  相似文献   

Wesley J. Wildman 《Zygon》2008,43(2):475-491
Wentzel van Huyssteen's Alone in the World? (2006) presents an interpretation of human uniqueness in the form of a dialogue between classical Christian theological affirmations and cutting‐edge scientific understandings of the human and animal worlds. The sheer amount of information from different thinkers and fields that van Huyssteen absorbs and integrates makes this book extraordinary and, indeed, very rich as a work of interdisciplinary theology. The book commands respect and deserves close attention. In this essay I evaluate van Huyssteen's proposal as well as the method he uses to produce it. Special attention is given to the concept of embodiment. Van Huyssteen's concept of embodiment is substantially correct in most respects and largely consistent with the scientific and theological pictures of human nature. In a few respects, however, his interpretation of the bodily character of human life appears to be insufficiently thoroughgoing relative to our best contemporary knowledge of human nature from the natural sciences.  相似文献   

In this essay, Gregory of Nyssa is used as a foil against both John Milbank and Jean‐Luc Marion in order to take a fresh approach to the debate on the “gift” and the theological ramifications for the structure of giving. There is a complexity to Gregory's thought on gift which has not been adequately captured by either contemporary thinkers. With an understanding of giving which both enables and nullifies human generosity and calculation, and a construal of revelation as God's gift to creation by which one both receives and simultaneously endlessly seeks out a vision of the invisible, Gregory holds together in creative tension the very aspects which mark the difference between Milbank and Marion: economy and gratuitousness, participation and passive receptivity.  相似文献   

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