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(三)北中吕&;#183;满庭芳&;#183;道人(注一)   称呼烂面,倚称佛教(注二),那有师传.沿门打听还经愿(注三),整夜无眠.长布衫当袈裟施展(注四),旧家堂作圣像高悬.宣罢了金刚卷(注五),斋食儿未免(注六),单顾嘴不图钱.……  相似文献   

编者按:   陈铎是明代散曲史上一位重要的作者,字大声,号秋碧,生活在明成化、正德年间(约1465-1531年),原籍下邳(今江苏邳县),后迁居金陵,为睢宁伯陈文曾孙,正德年间以世袭为卫指挥.……  相似文献   

(九)北中吕&;#183;朝天子&;#183;雕銮匠(注一)   木头儿白杨,刀尖儿蘸钢,敢做个雕銮匠.不拘沥粉渗金妆(注二),花巧玲珑样.七宝莲台(注三),八角轮藏(注四),索落着不费讲.剜一尊圣像(注五),刻一个鬼王(注六),善恶簿在咱心上(注七).……  相似文献   

(六)北双调&;#183;水仙子&;#183;和尚   炉中烧上马牙香,门外悬着白纸榜,堂前列起铜佛像(注一).鼓钹儿一声响(注二),只吃的拄肚撑肠(注三).才拜了梁皇忏(注四),又收拾转五方(注五),没来由日夜穷忙.……  相似文献   

(十二)北双调·折桂令·纸马铺(注一) 众神祗见数还钱(注二),僧道科仪(注三),件件周全(注四)。蜡烛坚实,千张高大,水作新鲜(注五)。拖柜上张张漫展,草拗上捆捆牢缠。但愿门前,擦背挨  相似文献   

屯)穿屯召津虔诚信主同走天路家庭矛盾爱中宽容敬老爱幼遵行主道孝亲尊老全家蒙恩马大姊妹 (十七)@颂恩文  相似文献   

汪维藩 《天风》2009,(9):46-47
(三十五)随主脚踪 1957年初,笔者和李晨钟牧师一同在圣光刊社任编辑,办公室设在长江路估衣廊卫理公会城中会堂三楼。《圣光》的刊名是贾玉铭老牧师起的,内容以讲章、灵修为主。1957年2月创刊,每双月出一期,当年共出版6期。但1958年只出了一期,因反右运动停刊,《圣光》前后共出了7期后,就此夭折。  相似文献   

)飞; 州户心病变态妻离友散堂前徘徊马大接待侧二丁l‘...一一丫口汽〕.扣一目云二;二二二二二二之竺二哟~ 一叫月.加...,,.~.甲. 份,:二二之二之二二竺,~前非痛改宝血洁净妻归友返主恩淑赞马大姊妹(十五)重归于好@颂恩文  相似文献   

On the basis of a literature review, B. K. Houston (1983, Journal of Research in Personality, 17, 22–39) concluded that there is a reliable but relatively weak association between Type A (coronary-prone) behavior and heightened physiologic reactivity. D. S. Holmes (1983, Journal of Research in Personality, 17, 40–47) contends that by failing to take into account dependent measures yielding null results, Houston overestimated the consistency with which A/B differences have been obtained. In the present article, we show that it is critical to take into account the method used to assess Type A behavior. Structured Interview assessments show a more consistent association with reactivity than those based on the Jenkins Activity Survey. We then point out that, for certain physiologic measures, null effects do not necessarily reflect an absence of A/B differences in sympathetic-adrenomedullary activity. Other issues that are discussed include the role of situational parameters in eliciting hyperresponsiveness in Type A's, the problem of evaluating the magnitude and importance of A/B effects, and the need for a more theoretical approach to the study of Type A behavior.  相似文献   

Chen, Hale, and Myerson (2007) recently reported a test of the difference engine model (Myerson, Hale, Zheng, Jenkins, & Widaman, 2003). This test evaluated whether the standard deviation (SD) is proportional to the amount of processing—that is, mean reaction time (RT)—in a speeded cognitive task. We show that this evaluation is not a test of the model because its finding is a consequence of relationships in the data. We argue any model structure that produces increasing values of RT as a function of difficulty, with different slopes for different individuals, necessarily produces a correlation between SD and mean RT. We illustrate this with a different model structure—that is, the diffusion model proposed by Ratcliff (1978)—showing that it produces a fan out between fast- and slow-group means and produces the correlation between SD and mean RT that matches the empirical result.  相似文献   

陈献章(1428~1500年),字公甫,广东新会人,居白沙村,故称“白沙先生”。在传统中国哲学史上,对他的学宗“自然”、倡言“自得”、“静养端倪”等哲学思想的认同,确如《四库全书总目提要》所称:“毁誉参半”,但对其开创性、独特性和深刻性的认同却几成公论。王畿曾指出:“愚谓我朝理学,开端还是白沙,至先师而大明。”[1]黄宗羲也说:“有明之学,至白沙始入精微”,“作圣之功,至先生而始明。”[2]刘宗周说:“先生学宗自然,而要归于自得。自得故资深逢源,与鸢鱼同一活泼,而还以握造化之枢机,可谓独开门户,超然不凡。”[3]这都是对陈献章哲学的学…  相似文献   

In this comment on a recent article in this journal on calibration of subjective probabilities by Suantak, Bolger, and Ferrell (1996) we point to methodological problems with the data presented in the article, with computer simulations we demonstrate that the results claimed by the authors to refute the ecological models (Gigerenzer, Hoffrage, & Kleinbölting, 1991; Juslin, 1994) are actually predicted by them, and we respond to the criticisms of the notion of “ecological cue validity.” It is further argued that contrary to the claims by the authors: Thedecision variable partition modeladvocated by the authors fails to account for the results reported in the article, but there is one error model—thecombined error model(Juslin, Olsson, & Björkman, 1997)—that predicts the observed symmetric hard-easy effect with crossover at proportion correct .75. Finally, an analysis of 44 cognitive and 21 sensory tasks demonstrates that there is a difference in calibration for sensory and cognitive tasks.  相似文献   

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