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Temporal perception comprises subjective phenomena such as simultaneity, successiveness, temporal order, subjective present, temporal continuity and subjective duration. These elementary temporal experiences are hierarchically related to each other. Functional system states with a duration of 30 ms are implemented by neuronal oscillations and they provide a mechanism to define successiveness. These system states are also responsible for the identification of basic events. For a sequential representation of several events time tags are allocated, resulting in an ordinal representation of such events. A mechanism of temporal integration binds successive events into perceptual units of 3 s duration. Such temporal integration, which is automatic and presemantic, is also operative in movement control and other cognitive activities. Because of the omnipresence of this integration mechanism it is used for a pragmatic definition of the subjective present. Temporal continuity is the result of a semantic connection between successive integration intervals. Subjective duration is known to depend on mental load and attentional demand, high load resulting in long time estimates. In the hierarchical model proposed, system states of 30 ms and integration intervals of 3 s, together with a memory store, provide an explanatory neuro-cognitive machinery for differential subjective duration.  相似文献   

C Casco  D Spinelli 《Perception》1988,17(6):721-727
Twelve observers viewed two alternating frames, each consisting of three rectangular bars which were displaced laterally by one cycle in one frame with respect to the other. At long interframe intervals (IFIs) observers perceived a group of three elements moving as a whole (group movement), whereas with IFIs shorter than 40-60 ms the overlapping elements in each frame appeared stationary while the third element appeared to move from one end of the display to the other (end-to-end movement). The percentage of group movement responses in central viewing was compared to those obtained for stimulus presentation in the left and right visual fields (4 deg eccentricity), for opposite horizontal directions of motion. All ten right-handed subjects showed a left-field advantage in sensitivity to group movement. The two left-handed subjects showed a similar advantage in sensitivity with right-field presentation. The effects of monocular vision, hand used in the task, spatial frequency, and contrast on visual field asymmetry were all investigated in two right-handed subjects. None of these factors affected the left-right asymmetry.  相似文献   

Bistable motion perception refers to two competing perceptions that can result when frames consisting of three elements are displaced laterally by one element. At short inter-frame intervals, the dominant percept is that the end elements in the display are moving; at long inter-frame intervals, perception is of all the elements moving coherently to the right or left. This research shows that coherent motion is more likely to be perceived when presentations are parafoveal than foveal and when they are to the right visual field than the left visual field. These results support the idea that visual pattern persistence is shorter in the parafovea than in the fovea, and shorter in the right than in the left visual field.  相似文献   

In the present review, we focus on how commonalities in the ontogenetic development of the auditory and tactile sensory systems may inform the interplay between these signals in the temporal domain. In particular, we describe the results of behavioral studies that have investigated temporal resolution (in temporal order, synchrony/asynchrony, and simultaneity judgment tasks), as well as temporal numerosity perception, and similarities in the perception of frequency across touch and hearing. The evidence reviewed here highlights features of audiotactile temporal perception that are distinctive from those seen for other pairings of sensory modalities. For instance, audiotactile interactions are characterized in certain tasks (e.g., temporal numerosity judgments) by a more balanced reciprocal influence than are other modality pairings. Moreover, relative spatial position plays a different role in the temporal order and temporal recalibration processes for audiotactile stimulus pairings than for other modality pairings. The effect exerted by both the spatial arrangement of stimuli and attention on temporal order judgments is described. Moreover, a number of audiotactile interactions occurring during sensory-motor synchronization are highlighted. We also look at the audiotactile perception of rhythm and how it may be affected by musical training. The differences emerging from this body of research highlight the need for more extensive investigation into audiotactile temporal interactions. We conclude with a brief overview of some of the key issues deserving of further research in this area.  相似文献   

Rapid, repetitive exchange of dissimilar, rival stimuli between the two eyes can produce slow alternations in perceptual dominance. This phenomenon, called stimulus rivalry, is potentially important for studying resolution of visual conflict associated with neural processing beyond the level of interocular competition. As previously implemented, however, stimulus rivalry can be difficult for some observers to experience, and it tends to occur within a relatively narrow range of contrasts and spatial frequencies. Here we show that it is possible to increase the incidence of stimulus rivalry by brief, periodic presentation of a composite configuration created by superimposition of the two rival stimuli. Possible reasons for the effectiveness of the composite in promotion of stimulus rivalry are discussed.  相似文献   

Ss were presented two stimuli of equal duration separated in time. The parrs of stimuli were vibrotactile, auditory, or visual. The Ss adjusted the time between the two stimuli to be equal to the duration of the first stimulus. The results show that for stimulus durations ranging from 100 to 1,200 msec, Ss set the tune between the two stimuli too long and by a constant amount. For vibrotactfle stimuli, the constant was 596 msec; for auditory stimuli, 657 msec; and for visual stimuli, 436 msec. Changing the intensity of the vibrotactile stimuli did not change the size of the constant error. When Ss were presented two tones with a burst of white noise between the tones and adjusted the duration of the white noise to be equal to the duration of the first tone, the white noise was not adjusted too long by a constant amount. The results suggest that there is a constant error in the perception of unfilled relative to filled temporal intervals.  相似文献   

Human sensitivity for social cues is exquisite, as illustrated by the ease with which simplified point-light movements invoke social and emotional responses. Compared to faces, these biological motion stimuli only recently started to be used to explore questions regarding social cognition and anxiety. We presented human point-light walkers that could be perceived as facing towards or facing away from the observer, and tested whether participants with high social anxiety would perceive these bistable stimuli differently, because this type of stimuli has particular relevance for them. The results showed that observers with high social anxiety tended to see walkers as facing away more frequently than those with low social anxiety. This may mean that high socially anxious observers are biased towards the more positive perceptual alternative because they are motivated to protect themselves against threatening social experiences, but we also explore alternative explanations. The findings are in line with the evidence for a positivity bias in perception, also called wishful seeing, but in contrast with the attentional negativity bias often found in social anxiety. We discuss reasons for this divergence and possible limitations of the current study.  相似文献   

The role of embodiment in the perception of the duration of emotional stimuli was investigated with a temporal bisection task. Previous research has shown that individuals overestimate the duration of emotional, compared with neutral, faces (S. Droit-Volet, S. Brunot, & P. M. Niedenthal, 2004). The authors tested a role for embodiment in this effect. Participants estimated the duration of angry, happy, and neutral faces by comparing them to 2 durations learned during a training phase. Experimental participants held a pen in their mouths so as to inhibit imitation of the faces, whereas control participants could imitate freely. Results revealed that participants overestimated the duration of emotional faces relative to the neutral faces only when imitation was possible. Implications for the role of embodiment in emotional perception are discussed.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in auditory temporal perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The discrimination of signal and silence duration was evaluated in 6-month-old infants, 5 1/2-year-old children, and adults. Listeners were tested with a conditioned-discrimination procedure in which they were presented a sequence of 18 white-noise bursts and trained to discriminate a change in duration of the middle 6 signal or silence elements. There were no differential effects on performance for changes in signal compared to silence duration. At each age, performance varied only as a function of magnitude of duration change. Infants discriminated duration changes of 20 ms or greater, children discriminated 15 ms, and adults discriminated changes as small as 10 ms. These findings are consistent with other research in revealing age-related improvements in auditory temporal perception.  相似文献   

On duration judgments lasting seconds to minutes, which are thought to be cognitively mediated, women typically perceive time intervals as longer than men do. On a perceptual level in the milliseconds range, few reports indicate higher acuity of temporal processing in men than in women. In this study, sex differences in the perception of temporal order of two acoustic stimuli were identified in neurologically healthy subjects, as well as in brain-injured patients with lesions in either the left or the right hemisphere. Women needed longer interstimulus intervals than men before they were able to indicate the correct temporal order of two clicks. Neurobiological evidence and findings on cognitive strategies are discussed to explain the apparent psychophysical sex differences.  相似文献   

Recent research at our laboratories in the field of human auditory time perception revealed that the duration of short empty time intervals (<~200 msec) is considerably underestimated if they are immediately preceded by shorter time intervals. Within a certain range, the amount of subjective time shrinking is a monotonous function of the preceding time interval: the shorter it is, the more it shrinks its successor. In the present study, the preceding interval was kept constant at 50 msec, and the following interval for which the duration had to be judged, varied from 40 to 280 msec. The results showed that at up to 100 msec, the perceived duration increased to a much lesser extent than did the objective duration. Beyond 120 msec, the perceived duration quickly increased and reached a veridical value at 160 msec. Such a sudden change of perceived duration in a temporal pattern in which the objective duration varies gradually indicates a typical example of categorical perception. We suggest that such a categorization of the time dimension might be a clue for processes of speech and music perception.  相似文献   

A longstanding debate exists in the literature concerning bottom-up vs. top-down influences on bistable perception. Recently, a technique has been developed to measure early changes in brain activity (via ERPs) related to perceptual reversals (Kornmeier & Bach, 2004). An ERP component, the reversal negativity (RN) has been identified, and is characterized as an increase in negative potential over the posterior scalp from 150 to 350 ms for perceptual reversals compared to perceptual stability. This finding, although interesting, has not helped resolve issues related to the bottom-up vs. top-down debate because top-down influences have not been directly manipulated. The current study focused on resolving some of these issues by measuring the RN while observers maintained one of three 'intentional approaches', (1) try to reverse perception as often as possible, (2) try to stabilize perception for as long as possible, and (3) maintain a passive approach. Enhancements in RN amplitude were found for the intention-to-reverse condition compared to the passive condition. This finding suggests an early influence (150 ms) of top-down control on perceptual reversals of bistable figures. Results are discussed in terms of competing attention shifting vs. fatigue-based theories of bistable perception.  相似文献   

When viewing ambiguous displays, observers can, via intentional efforts, affect which perceptual interpretation they perceive. Specifically, observers can increase the probability of seeing the desired percept. Little is known, however, about how intentional efforts interact with sensory inputs in exerting their effects on perception. In two experiments, the current study explored the possibility that intentional efforts might operate by multiplicatively enhancing the stimulus-based activation of the desired perceptual representation. Such a possibility is suggested by recent neurophysiological research on attention. In support of this idea, when we presented bistable apparent motion displays under stimulus conditions differentially favoring one motion percept over the other, observers' intentional efforts to see a particular motion were generally more effective under conditions in which stimulus factors favored the intended motion percept.  相似文献   

C Casco 《Perception》1990,19(4):437-445
Observers viewed two alternating frames, each consisting of three rectangular bars displaced laterally by one cycle in one frame with respect to the other. At long interframe intervals (IFIs) observers perceived a group of three bars moving as a whole (group motion), and at short IFIs the overlapping elements in the two frames appeared stationary, while the third element appeared to move from one end of the display to the other (element motion). The upper temporal limit for perceiving element motion was reduced when bars with blurred edges were used and when either frame duration or bar size was increased. However, when inner and outer elements had different sizes, the element motion percept was dominant up to 230 ms IFI. These findings may be interpreted in terms of spatial tuning of motion mechanisms involved in the perception of bistable apparent motion.  相似文献   

The integration of visual and auditory inputs in the human brain works properly only if the components are perceived in close temporal proximity. In the present study, we quantified cross-modal interactions in the human brain for audiovisual stimuli with temporal asynchronies, using a paradigm from rhythm perception. In this method, participants had to align the temporal position of a target in a rhythmic sequence of four markers. In the first experiment, target and markers consisted of a visual flash or an auditory noise burst, and all four combinations of target and marker modalities were tested. In the same-modality conditions, no temporal biases and a high precision of the adjusted temporal position of the target were observed. In the different-modality conditions, we found a systematic temporal bias of 25–30 ms. In the second part of the first and in a second experiment, we tested conditions in which audiovisual markers with different stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) between the two components and a visual target were used to quantify temporal ventriloquism. The adjusted target positions varied by up to about 50 ms and depended in a systematic way on the SOA and its proximity to the point of subjective synchrony. These data allowed testing different quantitative models. The most satisfying model, based on work by Maij, Brenner, and Smeets (Journal of Neurophysiology 102, 490–495, 2009), linked temporal ventriloquism and the percept of synchrony and was capable of adequately describing the results from the present study, as well as those of some earlier experiments.  相似文献   

The Necker-Zeno model of bistable perception provides a formal relation between the average duration of meta-stable percepts (dwell times T) of ambiguous figures and two other basic time scales (t0, ΔT) underlying cognitive processing. The model predicts that dwell times T covary with t0, ΔT or both. We tested this prediction by exploiting that observers, in particular experienced meditators, can volitionally control dwell times T.Meditators and non-meditators observed bistable Necker cubes either passively or tried to hold their current percept. The latencies of a centro-parietal event-related potential (CPP) were recorded as a physiological correlate of t0.Dwell times T and the CPP latencies, correlated with t0, differed between conditions and observer groups, while ΔT remained constant in the range predicted by the model. The covariation of CPP latencies and dwell times, as well as their quadratic functional dependence extends previous psychophysical confirmation of the Necker-Zeno model to psychophysiological measures.  相似文献   

In a study of perceptual synchronization with an isochronic sequence, subjects were given the following task: They heard an isochronic sequence of tones in which the last interval was either correct or too long. Their task was to detect irregularity. The independent variables were the number of tones heard and the time interval between them. The dependent variable was the difference limen (DL) for the detectability of the irregularity. Two experiments were performed in this study, differing in the way in which the trials were blocked: In Experiment 1, stimuli with the same period were presented in blocks, whereas in Experiment 2, the period of the stimulus was randomized. The results show that in Experiment 1 the number of tones in the stimulus did not affect the detectability of the anisochrony. In Experiment 2, the number of the DL was a decreasing function of the number of tones heard. Moreover, the decrease of the DL was larger than one would expect from a simple model of information integration, which assumes that subjects improve their performance by averaging their percepts of the first intervals in the sequence. The difference between this task and experiments on the discrimination of temporal intervals is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of feature-based visual attention on later temporal perception. Although there is ample evidence that space-based attention modulates temporal perception, it is not known whether feature-based attention also serves this function. The present study combined a visual selection task with a temporal interval production task to determine whether feature-based attention interacted with temporal perception. The results indicated that temporal perception of visual stimuli depended on whether the same stimulus had been attended to or ignored in a previous visual selection task. The temporal production of previously ignored stimuli was longer than the temporal production of either previously attended to or novel stimuli. This is the first demonstration of the effect of feature-based attention on later temporal perception. We concluded that temporal perception is affected by previously ignored stimuli.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate the relation between the attentional resources underlying time perception and temporal order memory. Subjects made judgments about temporal attributes associated with a series of wordlists. Each word was displayed for 1.4 s, and the lists contained 10 words (14 s total), 15 words (21 s total), or 20 words (28 s total). Subjects judged either the list duration, the temporal order of the words, or both duration and temporal order. In addition, there were three mental workload conditions: control (no additional task requirements), and two mental arithmetic tasks (subtract 3 or subtract 7 from a series of random numbers). The results showed a pattern of bidirectional interference between timing and temporal order: the concurrent temporal order task interfered with duration judgments, and the concurrent timing task interfered with temporal order judgments. Bidirectional interference also occurred between the mental workload task and both duration judgments and temporal order judgments. The results indicate that duration and temporal order are closely related temporal attributes, and suggest that the processing of these attributes relies on a common set of executive attentional resources.  相似文献   

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