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本文提出了一种新的并行演化算法――异步异构分层并行演化算法(AHHPGA),用于求解串并系统可靠性分配的多目标优化问题(RAP)。AHHPGA采用分层结构,上层由粗粒度模型构成,下层由细粒度模型构成。在AHHPGA的每个子种群中,采用不同的全局/局部搜索度和拓扑结构,构成异构模型。AHHPGA的迁移方式包括异步接收和异步迁出。采用基于模型的复杂系统可靠性评价工具(HiP-HOPS),以克服可靠性框图方法(RBD)的缺点。仿真结果表明,基于异步异构分层并行演化算法和HiP-HOPS工具的串并系统可靠性分配的多目标优化方法,优于传统的基于遗传算法的优化方法。  相似文献   

"新子学"概念一经提出,即引起了学界热烈讨论。子学与经学属于同源异流,是独立且相互影响的关系。新子学是建立在旧子学基础之上,传统的子学未冠以"新",但其概念却在不断发展变化的。新子学冠以"新",意在凸显子学在新时期、新文化、新材料、新视角背景下的新发展,"新"的意义主要体现在现代性、传承性和民族性三个方面。  相似文献   

喻平  李明振 《应用心理学》2009,15(3):208-215,229
将一个图形(称为母图)的若干条线段删除后得到的图形叫做母图的子图。运用实验方法探讨了子图结构学习和子图变式学习对解决问题的迁移效果。结果表明:子图结构学习仅对解决“图形结构相同、逻辑结构相同”问题有明显迁移作用;子图变式学习对解决“图形结构相同、逻辑结构相同”没有明显迁移作用,对“图形结构相似、逻辑结构相同”、“图形结构相同、逻辑结构相似”以及“图形结构相似、逻辑结构相似”四类问题均有明显迁移作用。  相似文献   

方勇 《管子学刊》2020,(2):39-42
正各位专家、各位学者:大家好!今天应新加坡国立大学中文系之邀来做这次讲演,我感到很高兴。这次我想讨论一下诸子学、中华文化认同、中国历史这三者之间的关系,并思考"新子学"在其中应发挥什么样的作用。"新子学"是以中华文化的发展为旨趣的,之前学界一直关注"新子学"与中华文化重构的问题,而近期我认为"新子学"与中华文化认同的问题也应该得到讨论。在座的各位学者都是在中国外研究中国文化,可能对华人心中的中华文化认同感有更多深刻独到的理解,所以我想借此机会交流一下我的相关想法,请各位多提意见。  相似文献   

样例和问题的联结方式对迁移作用的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
邢强  莫雷 《应用心理学》2003,9(3):31-35,45
研究了样例和问题的联结方式对学习迁移的影响。实验 1探讨了渐减提示法对学习迁移的作用 ;实验 2进一步检验了渐减提示法对诱发学习者进行自我解释的作用 ;实验 3探讨了“渐减提示 +子目标”这种联结样例和问题的方式对迁移的效果。进行重复测量设计的方差分析 ,实验结果表明 :渐减提示法是动态的联结样例和问题解决的有效形式 ,符合认知技能获得的四阶段模型和建构主义学习观的基本要求 ;渐减提示法有助于促进学习者对样例问题进行高质量的自我解释和产生心理预期 ;用“渐减提示 +子目标引导”来联结样例和问题有助于减轻认知负荷 ,有助于产生高质量的自我解释 ,对原理图式的获得有着重要作用  相似文献   

"新子学"是对传统文化传承什么,传统文化的发展方向在哪的思考与回答,是当下中国建立一个适应历史发展和社会需求的"新经典"。"新子学"是对"子学现象"的正视,更是对"子学精神"的提炼。虽然社会日新月异,不断向前发展,但现代社会文化是传统社会文化的继承和发展,现代社会有可能和有必要继承、弘扬和发展传统社会文化。我国所提倡的社会主义核心价值观就是汲取中华民族几千年的优秀传统文化,并对其的继承和发展。"新子学"作为传统文化的根基对社会主义核心价值观具有涵养作用,体现在国家、社会、个人三个层面,为中华民族璀璨文化的繁衍不息,提供了永不枯竭的思想基础和精神动力。  相似文献   

"新子学"主张对传统文化进行重构,首先要对经典文本的结构进行重构。借鉴"新四书"由"道统"到"经典",再到"经典的阐释"的建构模式,"新子学"在不尚一统、多元共生的子学精神下,以元典时代的子学经典为基础,构建子学经典体系,发现历史上被掩盖的子学经典的价值,在当代语境下对子学经典进行阐释。对子学经典的阐释以"知人论世"为支点,注重"诸子"与"时代"结合的特征,充分发挥人在阐释中的作用,并结合当下语境探寻诸子之学与当代社会的普适性,避免误读与庸俗化。  相似文献   

作者基于对我国"十三五"和中长期人口格局变化的判断,提出需要重新调整中国人口发展战略和实施相关政策改革。作者提出需要将生育政策改革、开发人力资本红利、推进户籍改革和实现迁移流动人口市民化、积极开展行动应对老龄化,及强化家庭的发展能力构造成为面向未来的新人口发展战略五个支柱。作者深化讨论人口转变和人口红利的关系,提出应充分挖掘人口结构变化产生的"新人口红利",推进未来经济社会的发展转型。  相似文献   

梁涛先生十年磨一剑,对郭店竹简与作为早期儒学核心问题的思孟学派进行了深入研究,取得了丰硕成果;并主张出土文献与传世文献不可偏废,考据与义理并重,对文献记载的"子曰"、"慎独"、"仁内义外"等问题提出新的看法,重新检讨了儒家道统论,主张回到子思去,以求儒学的多元发展.  相似文献   

郭强 《管子学刊》2020,(2):43-48
《荀子》是先秦重要子书,然"抑荀"现象很大程度上影响了荀子及其思想的历史地位。"抑荀"现象,主要包含因学术流变、政治意识形态、个人主观臆断而造成的对《荀子》的过度诋毁和强制阐释两个方面。在"新子学"框架下,必须重新审视"抑荀"现象,迫切需要通过文本细读和客观评价重构《荀子》的地位。《荀子》文本的作用辐射至社会领域的各个层面,其间必有永恒的普遍价值。《荀子》在"新子学"体系下主要有理论指导、道德滋养和困境突破三种作用。新时期子学研究者应顺应时代需求,重新审视诸子元典,并重新构建元典价值。以"重审"与"重构"为前提,子学研究者应将诸子元典的价值进行现代化转换,进而以具有中华民族特色的"子学精神"展望未来。  相似文献   

Age-related changes in children's performance on simple division problems (e.g., 6/2, 72/9) were investigated by asking children in Grades 4 through 7 to solve 32 simple division problems. Differences in performance were found across grade, with younger children performing more slowly and less accurately than older children. Problem size effects were also found in that children were faster and more accurate on small problems than on large problems. Two strategies changed across age, with children in Grade 4 relying heavily on the strategy of "addition" (adding the divisor until the dividend was reached) to solve the problems and children in Grades 5 through 7 relying primarily on the strategy of "multiplication" (recasting the division problem as a multiplication problem) to solve the problems. Surprisingly, the frequency of direct retrieval (retrieving the answer directly from memory) did not increase across grade and never became the dominant strategy of choice. Reasons for why retrieval use remains infrequent and age invariant are discussed. Overall, the results suggest that division is a unique operation and that the continued study of division may have implications for further understanding of how procedural and conceptual knowledge of arithmetic develops.  相似文献   

Classification problems (“find the odd-one-out”) are frequently used as tests of inductive reasoning to evaluate human or animal intelligence. This paper introduces a systematic method for building the set of all possible classification problems, followed by a simple algorithm for solving the problems of the R-ASCM, a psychometric test derived from this method. The average Hamming distance finds repetitions of features between and within the problems' sets; it manages to solve 97% of such problems. This performance is equaled only by superior human adults. Finally, these results demonstrate that a simple two-step algorithm can improve categorical case-based reasoning and k-NN algorithms while clarifying the cognitive basis of classification.  相似文献   

Gur Alroey 《Jewish History》2006,20(3-4):265-282
The historiography of Jewish migration began while the mass emigration from eastern Europe was still in progress. The emigration of hundreds of thousands of Jews left a deep impression on Jewish intellectuals and students, who sought to come up with a satisfactory explanation. The present paper has two aims: The first is to trace the beginning of historiography on Jewish migration, with special emphasis on two demographers — Liebman Hersch and Jacob Lestchinsky - and the way each of them tried to understand the phenomenon. The second aim is to understand the relationship between the rise of Jewish nationalism at the turn of the century and scholarly research at the time. How were the political activities and worldviews of Hersch and Lestschinsky manifested in their research into Jewish migration, and how did each of them attempt — through his research-to solve the problems of the Jewish people in his time?  相似文献   

类伦理与生态问题的国际治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着时代的发展,全球性问题的普遍出现以及与此相应的人类的全球意识的产生,标志着人类已经进入了"类时代"。在类时代的背景下,与生态危机相关的种种问题日益突现,生态问题面临前所未有的现实难题和伦理困境。因此,需要从人的"类存在"的视角来审视人与自然的关系,从"类伦理"的高度来关照生态问题,从国际治理的层面来解决全球生态问题。  相似文献   

马皑  宋业臻 《心理科学》2018,(4):770-775
摘 要 中国特色社会心理学应当对在中国社会转型的独特过程中所产生的有别于欧美的社会问题进行回应,对从改革发展过程中所产生的种种具体社会问题进行解决,以此建立中国特色心理学研究。应当从中国社会转型过程中的现实、具体问题出发,提出具有现实关怀、解决社会发展中具体困难的学术问题;应当具有更深层的人文关怀、精神关怀,从心理学的角度回应中国社会转型与社会变迁形成的当代中国人精神层面的巨大变化所产生的社会问题。中国特色心理学研究应当在借鉴西方心理学研究方法的基础上,根据问题的特征选择适合的研究方法。研究中国特色心理学对中国心理学发展与中国社会发展均有巨大的积极意义。  相似文献   

数学等值概念获得的过渡性学习者认知发展的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王沛 《心理学报》2000,32(4):409-415
就数学等值概念获得而言,一般地,过渡性学习者在解决简单问题作业时趋向于使用一种正确策略,而当题目较难时则使用几种不同的错误策略。经过针对性的指导(或输入适当信息)后极易掌握此概念,表现为使用一种正确且充分的策略。同时,“言语一手势失匹配”可能不是过渡性学习者的必然的认知特征。  相似文献   

We report three studies that investigate young children's ability to solve partitive division problems when presented with a concrete model of a problem. In the studies, 5- to 8-year-olds were given problems about sharing "sweets" between dolls, and the sweets were grouped in one of two different ways. When the sweets were grouped by the divisor, the number of groups coincided with the number of dolls (divisor) and the number in each group was the answer (quotient). When the sweets were grouped by the quotient, the reverse was true. In all three experiments, children found it much easier to solve the problems in the Grouping-by-Divisor condition than in the Grouping-by-Quotient condition (although there was some evidence of a developmental improvement in the tasks). It is suggested that the Grouping-by-Divisor condition is easier because it coincides with the end point of sharing. The findings are discussed with reference to schemas of action in children's mathematical understanding.  相似文献   

Framing the frame problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eric Lormand 《Synthese》1990,82(3):353-374
The frame problem is widely reputed among philosophers to be one of the deepest and most difficult problems of cognitive science. This paper discusses three recent attempts to display this problem: Dennett's problem of ignoring obviously irrelevant knowledge, Haugeland's problem of efficiently keeping track of salient side effects, and Fodor's problem of avoiding the use of kooky concepts. In a negative vein, it is argued that these problems bear nothing but a superficial similarity to the frame problem of AI, so that they do not provide reasons to disparage standard attempts to solve it. More positively, it is argued that these problems are easily solved by slight variations on familiar AI themes. Finally, some discussion is devoted to more difficult problems confronting AI.  相似文献   

There are many kinds of VRP problems and there are many ways to solve them. In this paper, we use ant colony algorithm, genetic algorithm, and annealing algorithm to optimize the selection of the logistics path of H-group located at He Nan Province. It establishes an algorithm evaluation system, and analyzes the performance of the three algorithms in six dimensions from qualitative and quantitative perspectives. Through MATLAB data calculation, we found that the ant colony algorithm performs equally well on the solution quality, solution efficiency, code storage, robustness, adaptability, and optimality.  相似文献   

Rorty's neopragmatism is an attempt to retrofit Dewey's experimentalism for the post-modern situation. Specifically, he substitutes "language" for "experience" and "culture" for "science", to arrive at a philosophy "no closer to science than to art". I argue that the first move results from misunderstanding of the role experience plays in the context of verification in Dewey's experimental logic. The second move leaves Rorty without any alternative method even for approaching the very problems which Dewey proposed to solve with his experimentalism.  相似文献   

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