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Observations of the play behavior of same-sex, same-age dyads of preschool children were made during 10-minute play sessions. Each of the 48 children participated both with a familiar peer and with an unfamiliar peer. The hypothesis that both boys and girls would show more interaction with familiar peers than unfamiliar peers was supported for younger girls and older boys. Younger boys seemed little influenced by the familiarity of their play companion, while older girls showed more social interaction with unfamiliar peers. Results were compared with studies that used projective techniques, and it was suggested that the effects of peer familiarity may appear earlier in actual behavior than through these techniques.  相似文献   

Measurement of ecological behavior across different domains has been troublesome. The present paper argues that the lack of agreement in measuring general ecological behavior may be due to the measurement approach that is commonly used. An ecological behavior measure should be grounded on a probabilistic measurement approach that takes the important features of ecological behavior into consideration. Such a measure was developed in a survey study of 445 members of 2 Swiss transportation associations. Three types of ecological behavior measures were included: a general measure, 3 multiple-item measures, and 3 single-item measures. Results are controlled for social desirability effects. Reliability, internal consistency, and validity scores indicate that a probabilistic measurement approach can measure general ecological behavior accurately and unidimensionally.  相似文献   

The present study examined how socially isolated groups were affected by and used their physical environment during an 8-day period. Pairs of men were isolated under different conditions of privacy, outside stimulation, and expected time in isolation. Measures were taken of environmentally oriented behaviors such as social activities; territoriality for beds, chairs, and areas of the room, use of beds; and performance on team and individual tasks. The results indicate that unsuccessful groups exhibited a pattern of behavior reflecting their misestimate of the demands of the situation. The fact that many different levels of behavior fit together, over time, suggested the importance of an ecological approach to interpersonal behavior which examines many levels of functioning over time as a system, with particular emphasis on the mutual relationship between man and his environment.  相似文献   

Research indicates that perceivers regulate information gain from their observation of ongoing behavior by varying the number and kind of actions they identify as meaningful. Although numerous factors have been shown to induce variation in this behavior-perception process, it is not currently known whether observers must consciously and intentionally initiate these changes. To address this question, different observational goals (impression formation or memorization) were nonconsciously primed in participants who then viewed and segmented a behavior sequence into meaningful actions. Although participants were unaware of its effects, the priming manipulation led to quantitative and qualitative shifts in their perception of the behavior that were similar to those found in a previous study in which observational goals were manipulated via explicit instructions. Importantly, these shifts in perception, in turn, influenced evaluations of the observed actor and memory for her behavior. We conclude that an act of will is not required for adjustments in behavior perception to be initiated, and, furthermore, that a full understanding of social judgment cannot be achieved without examination of the behavior-perception process.
G. Daniel LassiterEmail:

ABSTRACT: The magnitude of variation in reported rates of self-injury suggests that factors other than actual incidence affect these rates. Factors that relate to the scope of the reporting network and to the intensity of contacts within this network are examined in detail to determine their effect on the reporting process. Differences in study design and reporting procedures are found to explain most of this variation and suggest the need for standardized techniques in studying the epidemiology of self-injury.  相似文献   

Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - Non-suicidal self injury (NSSI) is a transdiagnostic maladaptive behavior that is highly prevalent in adolescence. A greater understanding of the...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In an ecological study of the distribution of self-injury in London, Canada, the authors found that self-injury occurred more frequently in the central areas of the city. Multivariate analysis revealed that living arrangements, such as high density of housing and single-person households, are closely associated with inflated rates on self-injury. Low socio-economic status is also related to self-injury but neither family status nor mobility are significant predictors. Ecological relationships such as these suggest directions for future research on individuals and may also be of direct use to planners who wish to locate treatment services advantageously.  相似文献   

Given the ramifications of difficulties related to externalizing behavior problems, the present study examined the relationships among adolescents’ externalizing behavior problems, characteristics of adolescents’ families, their perceived neighborhood support, and their acculturation. As part of this study, a culturally diverse sample of adolescents who were in the Sixth through Eighth Grades completed measures assessing these variables. Results suggested that variables such as maternal warmth, overall parental emotional support, and overall neighborhood support are important predictors of externalizing behavior problems. Further regression analyses revealed that, in addition to adolescents’ perceived social acceptance and global self-worth, parental and neighborhood characteristics are significant predictors of adolescents’ externalizing behavior problems. These findings suggested that, when identifying adolescents who are at risk for the development of externalizing behavior problems, an ecological conceptualization encompassing culture, community, and home characteristics can be helpful.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between poor sleep and nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI), and to test the hypothesis that poor sleep is a risk factor for the development of NSSI in young adolescents. Questionnaire data were used from a 2-wave longitudinal study of a community sample of 881 young Swedish adolescents. The results showed that 7 % of the girls reported poor sleep (never or seldom sleeping well), and 20–26 % of the girls reported repeated NSSI (at least 5 instances). Poor sleep was associated prospectively with NSSI among girls, but not among boys. Of girls who responded that they seldom or never slept well at T1, 77 % reported repeated NSSI 1 year later. Poor sleep at T1 was found to predict the incidence of new cases of repeated NSSI in girls at T2, independently of their degree of psychopathology. No similar relationship between poor sleep and NSSI was found in boys. The present results suggest that screening for poor sleep in adolescents may serve to identify a subgroup of girls at risk for developing NSSI. It is concluded that poor sleep in young girls should be taken seriously, even in the absence of other self-reported psychological problems, and that interventions targeted at sleep disturbances may be important for prevention.  相似文献   

研究采用潜在转变分析探究了青少年自我伤害行为的发展。对3600名青少年进行为期18个月的追踪,对其自我伤害行为进行了三次测量。通过纵向数据分析识别出过渡组这一以往研究未发现的群体,该组被试仅出现程度较轻的自我伤害行为,且占总体的比例随时间快速下降。通过转变矩阵解释了过渡组和高发组的不稳定性是自我伤害行为发生率降低的原因,并发现冲动性、负向情绪等个体易感因素比家庭等人际因素对自我伤害行为存在更为显著的预测作用。在性别差异上,女生比男生更容易产生自我伤害行为,也更容易受到各方面因素的影响。最后,文章针对青少年自我伤害行为的预防和控制工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

The relationship between nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) and spirituality is an emerging area of research deserving additional investigation. The authors examined the link between NSSI and attachment to God or a higher power among college students (N = 516). They found a statistically significant relationship between anxious attachment to God or a higher power and NSSI and avoidant attachment to God or a higher power and NSSI. Researchers and counselors can draw implications from these findings.  相似文献   

自伤行为研究:现状、问题与建议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自我伤害行为指个体在没有明确自杀意图的情况下, 故意、重复地改变或伤害自己的身体组织。这种行为虽不致死, 但极具危险性。对自伤的诊断一直存在争议, 争议的焦点主要是自伤与自杀、自伤与边缘型人格障碍的关系问题。从流行学调查结果看, 国内普通青少年自伤比例高于西方, 达36%~57%, 但该行为在国内所受关注不多、相关研究甚少。影响自伤的危险因子, 总体可分为早年创伤性经验和个体易感性两大类, 后者包括情绪管理障碍、冲动性和生物学因素, 但各因素对自伤的影响程度尚不清楚。从病因和病理学研究现状看, 很多理论模型被提出来解释自伤的动机和原因, 包括功能性模型、发展病理性模型和整合模型等。自伤领域的研究虽然在近10年有飞跃性的增长, 但仍然有很多问题值得进一步探讨, 未来研究可以考虑进行自伤的分类研究、某些主题的细化研究、跨学科和跨文化研究等。  相似文献   

Given the growing literature on the detrimental psychological consequences of NSSI, it is surprising that scarce research has focused on the permanent physical consequences of NSSI, scarring to one’s tissue (Burke et al. Psychiatry Research 228, 416–424, 2015; Lewis The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204(1), 33–35 2016). Indeed, with recent research suggesting that upwards of half of those with a history of NSSI bear scarring as a result of the behavior (Burke et al. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 65, 79–87 2016), the psychological implications of scarring are important to understand. Given preliminary literature suggesting that the vast majority of individuals who bear NSSI scars ascribe a great deal of meaning to their scarring, and that this meaning varies widely, a psychometrically sound scale is needed to comprehensively and systematically assess NSSI scar-related cognitions. The present study examined the psychometric properties of the Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Scar Cognition Scale (NSSI-SCS). A sample of 110 undergraduates with at least one scar from NSSI completed the NSSI-SCS as well as measures of concurrent and divergent validity. Exploratory Factor Analysis was conducted to determine the factor structure of the NSSI-SCS. Results indicated that a five-factor solution offered the best fit for the data. Psychometric analyses support the validity of the NSSI-SCS given evidence of concurrent validity, divergent validity, and reliability. Future research should examine the test-retest reliability of the NSSI-SCS, as well as its sensitivity to change, particularly in the context of treatment research.  相似文献   

Empirical research is needed to verify that the DSM-5 proposed diagnostic criteria for non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) disorder provide a valid and clinically meaningful symptom set. The current study used data-driven methods to examine the diagnostic validity of the frequency and recency thresholds (i.e., Criterion A) for NSSI disorder. Data were collected from a random sample (n = 2206) of undergraduates. Participants completed counter-balanced questionnaires assessing the frequency, recency, and functions of NSSI, psychopathology symptoms, and indicators of distress and functional impairment. Discriminant functional analyses identified a significant differentiation for frequency between 10 or more acts of NSSI and 1–9 acts. Groups were also differentiated with a split on recency between less than 12-months ago and more than 12-months ago. After re-grouping the sample into categories based on the new frequency and 12-month recency threshold, the 10+ NSSI group reported significantly more functions for NSSI, including higher scores on affect regulation, self-punishment, and sensation seeking, than the subthreshold NSSI group. The 10+ NSSI group also reported significantly worse psychopathology, greater distress, and more impairment than both the subthreshold group and controls (no NSSI history). These findings indicate the current DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for NSSI disorder may be too liberal, and offer support for increasing the frequency thresholds for the diagnosis to ensure clinical validity and utility.  相似文献   

Research on the social influences associated with rates of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is scarce and limited to studies of contagion within inpatient and residential treatment settings. Using an archival dataset that included 1,965 college students, the current study examined whether exposure to acts of NSSI and/or suicidal behavior in others was associated with increased rates of NSSI. Results supported hypotheses in that participants who knew someone who had engaged in NSSI only, or knew someone who engaged in both NSSI and suicidal behavior were more likely to have engaged in NSSI compared to those not exposed. The findings provide preliminary, albeit indirect, evidence of the potential for social modeling to influence rates of NSSI within college students. Directions for future studies are offered.  相似文献   

The present paper explores whether the theory of planned behavior (TPB) must abandon the notion that perceived behavioral control (PBC) has a direct influence on behavior. In a cross‐sectional survey of 895 Swiss residents, our hypothesis was tested by means of structural equation models. Applied specifically, PBC turned out to be a significant direct predictor of one's performance. A general version of the TPB based on aggregated measures, however, revealed PBC's direct influence on behavior to be nonsignificant and, presumably, a non‐universally applicable and thus nongeneralizable part of the theory. Intention determined 51% to 52% of people's ecological behavior, which supports the claim of a strong attitude‐behavior relation. Attitude, subjective norms, and PBC, the 3 TPB components, account for 81% of intention's variance.  相似文献   

Evidence that nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) serves a maladaptive emotion regulation function in borderline personality disorder (BPD) has drawn attention to processes that may increase risk for NSSI by exacerbating negative emotion, such as rumination. However, more adaptive forms of emotion processing, including differentiating broad emotional experiences into nuanced emotion categories, might serve as a protective factor against NSSI. Using an experience-sampling diary, the present study tested whether differentiation of negative emotion was associated with lower frequency of NSSI acts and urges in 38 individuals with BPD who reported histories of NSSI. Participants completed a dispositional measure of rumination and a 21-day experience-sampling diary, which yielded an index of negative emotion differentiation and frequency of NSSI acts and urges. A significant rumination by negative emotion differentiation interaction revealed that rumination predicted higher rates of NSSI acts and urges in participants with difficulty differentiating their negative emotions. The results extend research on emotion differentiation into the clinical literature and provide empirical support for clinical theories that suggest emotion identification and labeling underlie strategies for adaptive self-regulation and decreased NSSI risk in BPD.  相似文献   

One risk factor for non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescents is exposure to traumatic experiences, particularly child maltreatment. However, the mechanisms through which childhood maltreatment predicts NSSI are largely unknown. Emotion dysregulation (ED) is likely an important mechanism in this relationship. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between childhood maltreatment, ED, and NSSI in a sample of adolescent inpatients (n = 53). Results demonstrated that child physical and emotional maltreatment, but not child sexual abuse, was significantly associated with NSSI frequency. More specifically, ED mediated the relationship between child physical and emotional maltreatment and NSSI frequency. Findings support the importance of ED as a mediating factor in the relationship between childhood maltreatment and NSSI behaviors and highlight the need for teaching emotion regulation skills to youth affected by trauma.  相似文献   

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