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The Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging and Culture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT— Research into the cognitive neuroscience of aging has revealed exciting and unexpected changes to the brain over the lifespan. However, studies have mostly been conducted on Western populations, raising doubts about the universality of age-related changes. Cross-cultural investigation of aging provides a window into the stability of changes with age due to neurobiology, as well as into the flexibility of aging due to life experiences that impact cognition. Behavioral findings suggest that different cultures process distinct aspects of information and employ diverse information-processing strategies. The study of aging allows us to identify those age-related neural changes that persist across cultures as well as the changes that are driven by culture-specific life experiences.  相似文献   

认知损害有关的病理机制、危险因素研究由来已久,但尚未找到有效治疗认知损害的途径,认知损害的保护性因素研究进而成为研究者们关注的热点。前人的研究显示活动参与对认知损害具有积极的影响,可能是认知损害的重要保护性因素,但活动参与对认知损害的影响机制以及各活动之间存在的交互作用仍不明确。未来的研究可着重探讨不同活动类型及其交互作用同认知损害的关系,并分析活动参与对认知损害起保护作用的公共因子。  相似文献   

Trait Intellect, one of the two ‘aspects’ of the broader Openness/Intellect ‘domain’, predicts performance on a range of cognitive tasks including tests of intelligence and working memory. This has been explained in terms of the tendency for high‐Intellect individuals to explore, or engage more effortfully with, abstract information. This theoretical perspective can be framed in the language of Resource Allocation Theory, in terms of high‐Intellect individuals allocating more of their available cognitive resources to abstract cognitive tasks. In two experiments (total N = 160), we examined the relation between Intellect and cognitive engagement during a primary word‐search task under conditions of both high and low secondary cognitive load. Both experiments revealed that high‐Intellect individuals were more vulnerable to the impact of the secondary cognitive load on primary task performance. This suggests that, under low secondary load, such individuals were indeed allocating more of their available cognitive resources to the primary task. These results held after controlling for trait Openness, trait Industriousness (an aspect of Conscientiousness) and a measure of working memory capacity (N‐back task). Our findings provide novel support for the cognitive mechanisms proposed to underlie trait Intellect. Copyright © 2016 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

认知储备是指个体自适应利用神经网络对不断增加的脑损伤进行补偿的能力, 它能显著影响个体的生理功能、认知功能和行为结果。当前有关认知储备的研究主要集中在认知储备的测量及其在认知老化研究中的应用方面。现有研究尽管已在认知储备的测量及其与认知老化的关系上取得越来越多的共识, 但在诸如认知储备测量的标准化、认知储备与认知衰退率、认知储备与脑病理的关系等问题上还存在较大争议。未来研究除应进一步标准化对认知储备的测量, 进而探讨认知储备的病理机制, 还应关注认知储备对老化的干预研究。  相似文献   

认知老化是指与年龄相关的认知功能损害.影响认知老化的因素很多,人格是这些因素背后的重要动因.当前有关人格与认知老化的研究主要探讨了不同人格特质对认知老化的具体影响及作用机制两个方面.尽管不同人格特质与认知老化的关系逐渐清晰起来,但现有研究在一些问题上仍存在争议.未来可以从不同研究范式的结果对比、人格特质对认知老化影响机制的内在问题、人格与人格特质的稳定性及其影响、人格特质对认知老化影响的本土化研究等几个方面进一步强化和拓展.  相似文献   

为考察教育水平在认知老化中的作用,分别使用横断数据和干预数据分析教育水平对认知老化的影响模式。对51名58~83岁的城市社区老年人实施加工速度测验和基本心理能力测验。随机选取25名被试作为干预组接受加工速度训练。被试在前测后第8周接受与前测内容相同的后测。横断分析的结果显示,在特定的认知测验中,教育水平对认知能力的年龄差异有调节作用。干预数据的分析结果显示,加工速度干预效果显著,且对词汇流畅性有迁移作用。但相关分析和回归分析的结果则表明,教育水平在促进老年人干预收益和迁移方面的作用不显著。在获取和应用新知识方面,教育水平的作用并不显著,其在认知老化中的作用可能更多地表现为对固有认知功能的保护。  相似文献   

基本心理能力老化的认知机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基本心理能力老化机制是认知老化领域研究热点之一。横断研究与追踪研究表明, 感觉功能、加工速度、工作记忆等信息加工资源的衰退导致了基本心理能力的衰退。但由于相关研究不能进行因果推论, 基本心理能力老化的认知机制尚存在争论。因此本项目拟采用实验室研究和干预实验设计, 通过操纵感觉功能(知觉压力水平)、干预加工速度与工作记忆, 考察基本心理能力的年龄差异的变化, 以期为认知老化理论的深化和拓展提供实验依据。  相似文献   

目前,心理学、生物学、社会学等多个学科都在关注认知老化。文章从生物学的角度,论述了线粒体和认知老化的关系;介绍了线粒体在数量、分布及其能量供应,Ca2+浓度的维持,引发神经细胞凋亡,及线粒体基因等几个方面对认知老化产生的影响;描述了老化过程中线粒体功能失常引起的认知障碍;从而,为后人对认知老化产生机制的深入研究提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

采用任务冲突范式考察在不同任务难度条件下认知老化对个体冲突适应能力的影响。实验1采用经典Flanker任务考察在需要较少认知资源的低难度任务上,老年人与年轻人的冲突适应能力是否有差异;实验2则进一步采用Flanker与Simon任务的交叉整合任务,探讨在需要更多认知资源的高难度任务上,认知老化对冲突适应能力的影响。结果表明在低难度任务条件下,认知老化并未对冲突适应能力产生影响;而当冲突调控所需认知资源超出老化大脑最大代偿潜能时,老年人的冲突适应能力受损严重,认知老化会显著影响冲突适应能力。本研究最终支持了脑功能代偿说和资源限制理论。  相似文献   

Basic cognitive mechanisms, such as the abilities to briefly maintain, focus, and process information, decline with age. Related fields of cognitive aging research have been advancing rapidly, but mostly independently, at the biological, information processing, and behavioral levels. To facilitate integration, this article reviews research on cognitive aging at the different levels, and describes a recent integrative theory postulating that aging-related deficiencies in neurotransmission cause increased noise in information processing and less distinctive cortical representation, which in turn lead to cognitive deficits. Aging-related attenuation of catecholaminergic modulation can be modeled by lowering a neural network parameter to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio of information processing. The performance of such models is consistent with benchmark phenomena observed in humans, ranging from age differences in learning rate, asymptotic performance, and interference susceptibility to intra- and interindividual variability and ability dedifferentiation. Although the details of the conjectured sequence of effects linking neuromodulation to cognitive aging deficits await further empirical validation, cross-level theorizing of the kind illustrated here could foster the coevolution of related fields through cross-level data synthesis and hypothesis testing.  相似文献   

刘盼  谢宁  吴艳红 《心理学报》2010,42(10):981-987
结合比例控制范式与基于空间位置的返回抑制范式, 探讨了认知老化过程中自上而下的有意认知控制对自动抑制的调节作用。结果表明, 当线索有效率由50%提升至80%时, 两组被试的返回抑制量均下降, 老年组表现为返回抑制消失, 但年轻组出现返回抑制的反转, 表明有意认知控制对自动抑制的调节作用受认知老化的影响而发生衰减。同时文章还就认知老化机制的新兴理论—— 执行衰退假说进行了讨论。  相似文献   

认知年老化与执行衰退假说   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在认知年老化领域,执行衰退假说是近年来新兴的一种理论。执行衰退假说在理论上具有很强的吸引力,但在实证研究中却存在很多困难,如执行功能的可分离性问题,执行功能测量的信度和效度问题,以及执行功能与加工速度的关系问题。目前,该领域研究的焦点是:在行为学水平上,控制一般性因素(加工速度)后,执行功能是否仍对认知年老化起重要的中介作用;在神经水平上,执行(额叶)功能随龄的变化情况,以及在认知年老化过程中,额叶在大脑功能重组中扮演的角色。最终实现对认知年老化的理解,需要将认知功能与大脑结构联系起来;既看到广泛存在的共同的基本机制,又不能忽略不同认知结构的选择性变化。  相似文献   

常态脑老化(NBA )是老年期痴呆的首要危险因素,与病态性脑老化有相似的病理基础,但并不完全相同。虽然单一的“脑老化”因素并不足以成为导致老年期痴呆的独立原因,但脑老化状态确实使得大脑对外界负性刺激的敏感性增加,进而使老年人更容易发生认知障碍。阿尔茨海默病等老年痴呆症状的治疗方面尚无逆转的方法,而是重在预防。因此,我们将重点放在痴呆发生之前更早的阶段---常态脑老化阶段,就常态脑老化状态下与认知功能障碍的表现、发生机理及代谢相关机制进行综述,旨在为早期寻找措施防止老年期痴呆性认知功能下降提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Clinical experience with older adults shows that many will experience PTSD symptoms in older adulthood because of trauma exposure early in life. Some of these patients struggled with PTSD in the distant past and remained symptomfree for decades only to have a recurrence of PTSD in late life. This paper outlines a cognitive aging explanation for the recurrence of PTSD. It is proposed that the age-related decreases in attention make the intrusion of trauma-related memories more likely. The increase in intrusive memories, combined with age-related decreases in working memory, explicit memory, and prospective memory, increases the subjective distress associated with the memories and results in a recurrence of PTSD.  相似文献   




Psychology and Aging: Enhancing the Lives of an Aging Population   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A pressing need for upcoming decades is ensuring that older adults, who constitute an increasing percentage of the population, are able to function independently and maintain an acceptable quality of life. One important concern is the usability of new technologies. Unfortunately, the science that could direct proper design and implementation of current and future technological advancement is underdeveloped and less mature than the engineering that supports technological advancement. We review data documenting age-related usability issues and how psychological science can remedy such problems. We also outline how training principles can be applied to older adults. We conclude that psychological science has much to contribute to the goal of enhancing the lives of older adults.  相似文献   

有关老化和决策制定的研究并没有发现一致的年龄差异。从决策过程的角度,论述了老化对于决策制定的多层面影响。从认知层面来讲,流体认知能力的衰减会使老年人在决策制定前搜索更少的信息,使用非补偿性策略,基于属性进行信息搜索和比较;晶体认知能力的相对保持则在一定情况下弥补了这种消极影响;从动机层面来讲,关注情绪管理目标的老年人会倾向于寻求更多积极的信息,为了避免权衡诱发的消极情绪而更多地使用非补偿性策略。动机对于认知老化的消极影响有调节作用。具体来说,社会情绪选择理论和选择性投入假设认为,当决策任务符合老年人的社会目标,即情绪管理目标时,能够激活老年人投入认知资源的动机,从而缓解认知资源的衰减对于老年人决策表现的消极影响。未来的研究需要通过实验设计进一步探索动机与认知的交互作用,将多种过程追踪技术结合起来,明晰动机和认知能力在老年人决策制定中的作用。另外考虑到在社会目标方面的年龄差异,对于老年人决策质量的衡量应该更加注重主观决策质量。  相似文献   

What and When of Cognitive Aging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

ABSTRACT— Some organisms learn to calculate, accumulate knowledge, and communicate in ways that others do not. What factors determine which intellectual abilities a particular species or individual can easily acquire? I propose that cognitive-skill learning capacity reflects (a) the availability of specialized cortical circuits, (b) the flexibility with which cortical activity is coordinated, and (c) the customizability of cortical networks. This framework can potentially account for differences in learning capacity across species, individuals, and developmental stages. Understanding the mechanisms that constrain cognitive plasticity is fundamental to developing new technologies and educational practices that maximize intellectual advancements.  相似文献   

Enhancing the Cognitive Vitality of Older Adults   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aging is associated with decline in a multitude of cognitive processes and brain functions. However, a growing body of literature suggests that age-related decline in cognition can sometimes be reduced through experience, cognitive training, and other interventions such as fitness training. Research on cognitive training and expertise has suggested that age-related cognitive sparing is often quite narrow, being observed only on tasks and skills similar to those on which individuals have been trained. Furthermore, training and expertise benefits are often realized only after extensive practice with specific training strategies. Like cognitive training, fitness training has narrow effects on cognitive processes, but in the case of fitness training, the most substantial effects are observed for executive-control processes.  相似文献   

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