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In this paper we study the status of the arithmetical completeness of dynamic logic. We prove that for finitistic proof systems for dynamic logic results beyond arithmetical completeness are very unlikely. The role of the set of natural numbers is carefully analyzed.  相似文献   

We go on along the trend of [2] and [1], giving an axiomatization of S4 0 and proving its completeness and compactness with respect to the usual reflexive and transitive Kripke models. To reach this results, we use techniques from [1], with suitable adaptations to our specific case.The present work was carried out while the author had a grant of the Foundation U. Bordoni.  相似文献   

Some notions of the logic of questions (presupposition of a question, validation, entailment) are used for defining certain kinds of completeness of elementary theories. Presuppositional completeness, closely related to -completeness ([3], [6]), is shown to be fulfilled by strong elementary theories like Peano arithmetic.  相似文献   

Hybrid completeness   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The completeness of linear logic for Petri net models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In the modal literature various notions of completeness have been studied for normal modal logics. Four of these are defined here, viz. (plain) completeness, first-order completeness, canonicity and possession of the finite model property — and their connections are studied. Up to one important exception, all possible inclusion relations are either proved or disproved. Hopefully, this helps to establish some order in the jungle of concepts concerning modal logics. In the course of the exposition, the interesting properties of first-order definability and preservation under ultrafilter extensions are introduced and studied as well.  相似文献   

Binocular rivalry between orthogonal sine wave gratings was studied by asking subjects to indicate when they saw just one or the other grating, as opposed to a composite. Using this measure, it was found that the completeness of rivalry (1) usually increased with grating contrast; (2) increased as a trial progressed, up to about 40 sec; and (3) depended on spatial frequency, with the optimal spatial frequency being lower than that at which contrast sensitivity was maximal. These findings supplement what has been learned about rivalry by other methods.  相似文献   

We consider the notion of structural completeness with respect to arbitrary (finitary and/or infinitary) inferential rules. Our main task is to characterize structurally complete intermediate logics. We prove that the structurally complete extension of any pure implicational in termediate logic C can be given as an extension of C with a certain family of schematically denned infinitary rules; the same rules are used for each C. The cardinality of the family is continuum and, in the case of (the pure implicational fragment of) intuitionistic logic, the family cannot be reduced to a countable one. It means that the structurally complete extension of the intuitionistic logic is not countably axiomatizable by schematic rules.This work was supported by the Polish Academy of Sciences, CPBP 08.15, Struktura logiczna rozumowa niesformalizowanych.  相似文献   

In the paper some consequence operations generated by ukasiewicz's matrices are examined.Allatum est die 6 Maii 1976  相似文献   

Conclusion The logics of the modal operators and of the quantifiers show striking analogies. The analogies are so extensive that, when a special class of entities (possible worlds) is postulated, natural and non-arbitrary translation procedures can be defined from the language with the modal operators into a purely quantificational one, under which the necessity and possibility operators translate into universal and existential quantifiers. In view of this I would be willing to classify the modal operators as disguised quantifiers, and I think that wholehearted acceptance of modal language should be considered to carry ontological commitment to something like possible worldsConsidered as two languages for describing the same subject matter, modal and purely quantificational languages show interesting differences. The operator variables of the purely quantificational languages give them more power than the modal languages, but at least some of the functions performed by the apparatus of operator variables are also performed, in a more primitive and less versatile way, by actuality operators in modal languages.A final note. Quine has written much on the inter-relations of quantifiers, identity, and the concept of existence. These, he holds, form a tightly knit conceptual system which has been evolved to a high point of perfection, but which might conceivably change yet further.29 He has also dropped hints about the possibility of a simpler, primitive or defective version of the system, in which the quantifiers are not backed up in their accustomed way by the concept of identity. He has dubbed the resulting concept a pre-individuative concept of existence, or a concept of entity without identity. What would a pre-individuative concept of existence be like? Quine has sometimes suggested that one might be embodied in the use of mass nouns, but the identity concept is used in connection with stuff as well as with things: is that the same coffee that was in the cup last night? I would submit that modality provides a better case. In view of the comparative weakness of modal languages, compared to the explicitly quantificational ones Quine takes as canonical, there is surely a sense in which the concept of existence embodied in that disguised existential quantifier, the possibility operator, is a defective one. And as we have seen, one of the differences between modal operators and explicit quantifiers is that modal operators cannot be joined with the identity predicate in the way quantifiers with operator variables can. Surely, then, there is a sense in which ordinary speech, as opposed to the metaphysical theorizing of a Leibniz or a David Lewis, conceives of possible worlds as entities without identity.As should become obvious on reading it, this paper is inspired by the work of David Lewis, particularly his classic Counterpart Theory and Quantified Modal Logic, Journal of Philosophy 7, March 1968. I would like to thank Lewis and the referee for this journal for encouragement and advice. An earlier version of the paper was formulated in terms of Lewis's counterpart theory rather than in terms of individuals being in more than one world, but, since I considered only the case in which the counterpart relation was an equivalence, I Felt that the added complexity was not justified. Doing things in a counterpart-theoretic framework does produce two new classes of sentences of the non-modal language which lack translations in the modal: speaking of the properties individuals have simpliciter rather than of those they have at a world allows us to discuss relations obtaining between individuals in different worlds (e.g. the longer than relation obtaining between actual yachts and their counterparts), and the assumption that no individual is in more than one world allows a tricky way of asserting that there are at most n worlds without using the identity predicate between terms for worlds. Otherwise, given the assumption that the counterpart relation was an equivalence with at most one member of each equivalence class being in each world, the transition from the counterpart theoretic framework to the current one was perfectly straightforward.  相似文献   

The status of fundamental laws is an important issue when deciding between the three broad ontological options of fundamentalism (of which the thesis that physics is complete is typically a subtype), emergentism, and disorder or promiscuous realism. Cartwright's assault on fundamental laws which argues that such laws do not, and cannot, typically state the facts, and hence cannot be used to support belief in a fundamental ontological order, is discussed in this context. A case is made in defence of a moderate form of fundamentalism, which leaves open the possibility of emergentism, but sets itself against the view that our best ontology is disordered. The argument, taking its cue from Bhaskar, relies on a consideration of the epistemic status of experiments, and the question of the possible generality of knowledge gained in unusual or controlled environments.  相似文献   

Propositional temporal logics: decidability and completeness   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A first order uncountably valued logicL Q(0,1) for management of uncertainty is considered. It is obtained from approximation logicsL T of any poset type (T, ) (see Rasiowa [17], [18], [19]) by assuming (T, )=(Q(0, 1), ) — whereQ(0, 1) is the set of all rational numbersq such that 0<q<1 and is the arithmetic ordering — by eliminating modal connectives and adopting a semantics based onLT-fuzzy sets (see Rasiowa and Cat Ho [20], [21]). LogicL Q(0,1) can be treated as an important case ofLT-fuzzy logics (introduced in Rasiowa and Cat Ho [21]) for (T, )=(Q(0, 1), ), i.e. asLQ(0, 1)-fuzzy logic announced in [21] but first examined in this paper.L Q(0,1) deals with vague concepts represented by predicate formulas and applies approximate truth-values being certain subsets ofQ(0, 1). The set of all approximate truth-values consists of the empty set ø and all non-empty subsetss ofQ(0, 1) such that ifqs andqq, thenqs. The setLQ(0, 1) of all approximate truth-values is uncountable and covers up to monomorphism the closed interval [0, 1] of the real line.LQ(0, 1) is a complete set lattice and therefore a pseudo-Boolean (Heyting) algebra. Equipped with some additional operations it is a basic plain semi-Post algebra of typeQ(0, 1) (see Rasiowa and Cat Ho [20]) and is taken as a truth-table forL Q(0,1) logic.L Q(0,1) can be considered as a modification of Zadeh's fuzzy logic (see Bellman and Zadeh [2] and Zadeh and Kacprzyk, eds. [29]). The aim of this paper is an axiomatization of logicL Q(0,1) and proofs of the completeness theorem and of the theorem on the existence ofLQ(0, 1)-models (i.e. models under the semantics introduced) for consistent theories based on any denumerable set of specific axioms. Proofs apply the theory of plain semi-Post algebras investigated in Cat Ho and Rasiowa [4].Presented byCecylia Rauszer  相似文献   

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