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The Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) has, since the WCC Porto Alegre Assembly in 2006, been working toward and contributing to the construction of a new ecumenical mission affirmation. The new statement will be presented to the WCC 10th assembly at Busan, Republic of Korea, in 2013. Since the integration of the International Missionary Council (IMC) and the World Council of Churches (WCC) in New Delhi in 1961, there has been only one official WCC position statement on mission and evangelism which was approved by the central committee in 1982, Mission and Evangelism: An Ecumenical Affirmation. This new mission affirmation was unanimously approved by the WCC central committee on 5 September 2012 at its meeting on the island of Crete, Greece. It is the aim of this new ecumenical discernment to seek vision, concepts and directions for a renewed understanding and practice of mission and evangelism in changing landscapes. It seeks a broad appeal, even wider than WCC member churches and affiliated mission bodies, so that we can commit ourselves together to fullness of life for all, led by the God of Life!  相似文献   

Theological education and Christian mission have a history of mutual relations of only a century or so – from the time when missiology as a distinctive course was introduced into the curricula of certain theological schools and seminaries. For almost a generation, I have been involved both in global theological education, through the World Conference of Associations of Theological Institutions, and in global Christian mission, through the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, trying to analyze the viability and effectiveness of a missiological formation of future religious leaders.  相似文献   

Which are the convincing ways of evangelism in the secular, multicultural countries of western Europe? Does the new mission affirmation Together towards Life offer relevant contributions to this debate? This article explores recent developments in western Europe. It starts by reviewing the secular nature of these countries and then explains how migration has tested the secularization thesis. The transformation of western European cultures from secular toward secular/multi‐religious reopens the debate on secularism and religion. The article also reflects on the question of what the central ideas in the new mission affirmation – the affirmation of life, the power of the Holy Spirit, mission from the margins, and authentic evangelism as discipleship – may mean in these changing secular cultures. The author concludes that discipleship, provided it is authentic, may help to move beyond the apparent contradictions between secularism and religion and may help to find new ways of bringing forth the good news.  相似文献   

Among the “changed landscapes” identified by the new World Council of Churches mission affirmation Together towards Life is the rapidly advancing secularization evident in the Western world. Growing numbers of people live for goals that are entirely immanent, with apparently no transcendent reference to their lives at all. This presents a new missionary frontier for Christian faith, as Lesslie Newbigin prophetically suggested in the 1980s. Since then, the frontier has strengthened, as disillusionment with Christianity has grown and modernity has taken an ever more liquid form. It has also widened as globalization has taken the free market and its values to almost every part of the world. Together towards Life poses this question: How can we proclaim God's love and justice to a generation living in an individualized, secularized and materialized world? It answers this question first by taking a pneumatological approach to understanding mission and thus talking the language of people immersed in the culture of “liquid modernity” who struggle to connect with heavily institutional religion but yearn for a viable spirituality. It goes on to stress the transformative character of mission, particularly in regard to economic justice and ecological responsibility. It takes a radical direction with its emphasis on the marginalized as agents of mission and the communal nature of Christian witness. In a context of plurality, it fosters an open and adventurous approach, making the “other” a partner in, not an “object” of, mission. At the same time, it calls for bold proclamation of the good news of Christ to meet the personal existential crisis that is a common feature of the late modern world. In these ways, Together towards Life strikes notes that resonate in the context of liquid modernity while also making a call to conversion and transformation. It offers, in short, “challenging relevance.”  相似文献   

This article argues that the Emmaus narrative in Luke 24:13‐40 illustrates a messianic paradigmatic missiological approach to costly discipleship making. The central motif in this approach is critical emancipatory conversation, which is not merely the means to data gathering but an end in itself. Using Luke's story as a paradigmatic approach to missiological research, I demonstrate how Together towards Life as a research tool could creatively and innovatively engage with African theological education.  相似文献   

When asked over the years why I believe the World Council of Churches is so important to the life of the church, my response has been not so much because of what its programmes do but because of its work in building a common ecumenical vision and bringing the diversity of the world church around that vision. This has been so valuable in shaping the life and ministry of the church ecumenical at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries. Together towards Life gives us a fresh opportunity to do this again in the area of mission and evangelism.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of Together towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes (TTL) in the Korean context. TTL presents a renewed understanding of mission and challenges the mission activity of the Korean church and mission community. The paper explores some missiological implications of TTL for the once marginalized Korean church, which has become the centre of global Christianity. The world church has begun to recognize the rise of the non‐Western churches and the emerging roles of the Korean church. TTL, with a study guide, and Ecumenical Missiology should serve as helpful resources for teaching and training theology students and field missionaries. 1  相似文献   

Adoption of Together towards Life as a new mission statement of the World Council of Churches was a moment pregnant with possibility. Will this ground‐breaking document have a transformative impact on individual lives, on community life, on national life, on international life? The answer, to a great extent, will depend on how far it comes to be used as a resource in education and formation. For it to be used in a relevant and effective way, it will need to be considered contextually. A project has been under way to create a pedagogical guidebook to support the deployment of Together towards Life in missional education and formation. This will promote academic rigour, but will also go further to engage the spiritual level and the challenge of discipleship.  相似文献   

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