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Xudong Fang 《Dao》2003,3(1):121-141
Z{uphu} Xi (1130–1200) was one of the most influential philosophers in the history of Chinese philosophy. From the beginning of the fourteenth century until 1905, when the examination system was abolished, his and C{upheng} Yi’s interpretations of the Confucian Classics were regarded as orthodox and served as the basis of civil service examinations and intellectual standards for the Chinese literati. His influence was not limited to China, as his thoughts became orthodoxy in Korea and in some important schools of thought in Japan (see Chan). Because of his great contribution to culture, Z{uphu} Xi has been honored as Zhuzi or Z{uphu} Fuzi. This paper will review contemporary Chinese studies of Zhuzi, particularly of his philosophy, that have been conducted in mainland China since 1980.  相似文献   

The revival of folk (popular) religion in China in the last three decades has been noted in many publications and documented in ethnographic studies. However, until now there has been no quantitative study that provides an overall picture of Chinese folk‐religion practices. This article is a first attempt to draw the contours of Chinese folk religion based on three recent surveys conducted in mainland China and Taiwan. Three types of folk religion are conceptualized: communal, sectarian, and individual. Different types of folk religion may have different social functions and divergent trajectories of change in the modernization process. At present, in spite of the dramatic social, political, and cultural changes in modern times, the adherents of folk religion still substantially outnumber the believers of institutional religions in Chinese societies.  相似文献   

景德元年,道原上进<景德传灯录>,宋真宗下诏编入大藏,此书成为宋代文人参禅的重要读本.而抄录<传灯录>也成为宋代士大夫参禅的重要方法,<传灯玉英集>正是王随抄录<传灯录>之作.本文详细考察了王随与佛教的关系,王随编集<传灯玉英集>的原则以及<传灯玉英集>的价值.  相似文献   

以陆九渊、王阳明为代表的心学学派是宋明理学中最主要和最有影响的派别之一。伴随着建国六十年来的风风雨雨,陆王心学研究走过了一条坎坷而又曲折的道路。对此时段的研究历程和代表性成果进行展示和回顾,有助于陆王心学研究的未来发展。  相似文献   

距今一千六百多年前的王羲之,书法艺术达到了“冠绝古今”、“登峰造极”的水平,究其成因,这与王羲之奉信道教,书、道合一有很大的关系。在国内土生土长的道教,着重宣传神的启示,自称其典籍为神所颁赐,他们制造文书,以宣达神意。若抄写经书,  相似文献   

Happiness and Subjective Wellbeing in Mainland China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

中国大陆佛教研究的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国佛教包含汉传佛教、藏传佛教和巴利语系佛教三个系统,这三个系统既有密切联系又有显著区别,本文只对汉传佛教的研究作一回顾与展望。 就世界范围来看,研究中国佛教的主要有中国、日本、韩国,以及欧美等地区,本文着重论述的是中国地区的中国佛教研究。由于种种历史原因,中国大陆和港澳台的佛教研究又各有不同特点,本文侧重的是中国大陆的佛教研究的回顾与展望。 一、回顾 中国佛教富有重视学术文化创新的优良传统,以教内的高僧硕学为代表的传统佛学的探索阐发,绵延不绝,源远流长。但是严格的现代意义上的中国佛教研究实始于二…  相似文献   

Inspired by the recent rediscovery of work of Schumpeter in science and policymaking the author reviews and appraises Schumpeterian theory and that of his followers in innovation studies. Although Schumpeter’s vision suffers from some defects, I argue that there is more to learn from this author than his well-known idea of “creative destruction”. In particular, Schumpeter’s view on innovation policy is something that may have vital relevance to today’s increasingly policy-dominated world. We therefore conclude that besides his key ideas on innovation-led development also his policy view should be regarded as a significant legacy in innovation studies.  相似文献   

Using dyadic data from 200 young adult couples (aged 18–31 years) in Mainland China, this study evaluated associations between shame proneness, intimate partner attachment, adaptive interactions, and relationship satisfaction. Results demonstrated that shame proneness was directly associated with more insecure attachment to the partner (anxious and avoidant dimensions) and less adaptive interactions (operationalized by variables assessing constructive problem solving and negative interactions) and indirectly with lower relationship satisfaction for male and female partners. While shame is a highly valued emotion in Confucian cultures, shame proneness may be a liability for modern‐day intimate relations.  相似文献   

作为清代乾嘉学派的开山人物,顾炎武博通群经,兼采众长,遥于经义.在易学领域也取得了一定成就,他充分发挥文献考证的优势和特点,对汉代象数易学、宋代"图"书"易学以及<周易>经、传和古韵都做过深人思考和系统研究,提出了一些具有启发意义的学术见解,同时又借助<周易>和易学来表达经世的思想主张,体现了义理与致用并重的治<易>倾向,与先秦儒家<易传>一脉相承,研究中国易学史,应充分重视顾炎武的易学成就.  相似文献   

本文深入分析了船山哲学中“气”“质”的关系与“气质之性”的意义。论文指出 ,船山反对使用“性在气质中”的讲法 ,而始终主张的是“气质中之性”的提法。“性在气质中”和“气质中之性”的区别 ,在一定意义上正如“哲学在中国”和“中国的哲学”的区别一样。这一点最鲜明地体现了船山与朱子理气观念上的最基本的分别 ,这也是明代中后期思想的共识 ,体现了在经历明中期以来的在“理”的理解方面的“去实体化”的转向以后 。  相似文献   

This research aimed to validate a simplified Chinese version of the Empathy Quotient (EQ; 60 items) for use with Mainland Chinese people. The original English version of the EQ was translated into simplified Chinese. Through an online survey, 588 Mainland Chinese participants completed the EQ and 3 other questionnaires: the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ), and the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS–20). Thirty-five participants completed retesting of the EQ 3 to 4 weeks later. Sex differences on the EQ scores and psychometric properties of the EQ items were examined. Confirmatory factor analysis suggested that an EQ 15-item structural model fitted the data quite well. Self-report empathy, as assessed by the current simplified Chinese version of the EQ, appeared to relate to participants' autistic and alexithymic traits but not sex.  相似文献   

The current longitudinal study examined whether the personality vulnerabilities of self-criticism and dependency prospectively predicted stress generation in Chinese adolescents. Participants included 1,116 adolescents (588 girls and 528 boys), aged 15 to 18 years from rural, urban and ultra-urban mainland China. Participants completed self-report measures of personality, depressive and anxious symptoms and participated in a clinical interview assessing lifetime history of depression. The occurrence of negative life events was measured using a contextual-threat interview every 6-months for a total period of 18-months. Logistic regression analyses showed that after controlling for past depressive episodes and current depressive and anxious symptoms, self-criticism was prospectively associated with the occurrence of interpersonal stress generation, but not noninterpersonal stress generation. Dependency also predicted interpersonal stress generation, although only in girls and not boys. In line with previous Western findings, girls reported more interpersonal stress generation. Analyses across 3 levels of urbanization revealed several significant differences including higher reported interpersonal stress generation in urban girls than urban boys and overall higher levels of negative life events in ultra-urban youth. In sum, findings from the current study suggest that the stress generation process may be generalizable to Chinese youth.  相似文献   

This study examined whether a short training in grounding strategies could improve intercultural communication. Forty intercultural dyads (Anglo-Canadians and Mainland Chinese) were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Prior to their conversations the experimental groups received 10–15 min training on grounding while the control groups received no training. The trained dyads performed significantly better than the untrained dyads in grounding, speaker presentation and listener recall, thus documenting that the 10–15 min training on grounding was fruitful in improving intercultural communication. Grounding training may open a new avenue for reducing intercultural miscommunication, thus improving information transmission.  相似文献   

To validate the consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence (SUSCEP) scale in China, questionnaires were administered to 1114 adult employees and 350 university students. Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence scale had a stable three‐factor structure (i.e. the utilitarian, value‐expressive, and informational dimensions) in both samples, while the original two‐factor structure could not be retrieved. Using Chinese samples, the consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence scale and its three sub‐scales demonstrated acceptable internal reliability, as well as convergent and discriminant validity. Positive correlations between the consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence scale (as well as its sub‐scales) and attention to social comparison information also indicated good convergent validity. The distinction between utilitarian dimension and value‐expression dimension in Chinese samples as well as the non‐significant correlations of the utilitarian dimension with self‐esteem and the informational dimension with self‐esteem revealed cultural differences between the East and the West.  相似文献   

This article draws on recent research in the medical humanities to analyze two contemporary Chinese films: Zhang Yuan's Sons (1996) and Zhou Xiaowen's The Common People (1998). By portraying psychic and physical anguish in ways that refuse to divorce biology from culture, such films offer rare moral dialogues on biomedical issues and contribute a cross-cultural perspective invaluable to the task of responding to illness and suffering.  相似文献   

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