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The tripartite model of Clark and Watson (1981) suggests that the oft-observed covariation between anxiety and depression can best be understood by examining three related yet distinct constructs: negative affectivity, positive affectivity, and elevated physiological arousal. In the present study, 510 boys and girls in the 4th, 7th, and 10th grades completed the Children's Depression Inventory and the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale. Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to determine the goodness of fit of single-factor (i.e., negative affectivity), two-factor (i.e., anxiety and depression), and three-factor models (i.e., negative affectivity, positive affectivity, and physiological arousal). Analyses were conducted by examining each of the models in the whole sample first and then separately for boys and girls and for fourth, seventh, and tenth grade youths. Results failed to support the tripartite theory; rather, the findings supported a two-factor model in all cases. These factors represented the general constructs of anxiety and depression, and these factors remained significantly interrelated. Consistent with previous findings, the strength of these relations was stronger for boys than girls and for children than adolescents.  相似文献   

The cognitive content-specificity hypothesis proposes that depression and anxiety can be discriminated on the basis of unique cognitive profiles. Alternatively, the Tripartite model suggests that, although depression and anxiety share a general distress factor, anhedonia is a characteristic of depression with anxious arousal a characteristic of anxiety. Past research devoted to integrating these two models has been limited in a number of ways. To remedy these limitations, this study attempted to assess the complete Tripartite model and used a multidimensional cognitive assessment tool to handle the heterogeneity of anxious cognitive content. Results on data collected from 411 clients seeking services at a university counseling center suggested that a one-to-one mapping between Tripartite dimensions and cognitive content was possible. Further, variables from each model simultaneously explained unique variance in depression and anxiety ratings.  相似文献   

The applicability of the tripartite model of emotion, which distinguishes the shared aspect of depression and anxiety, negative affect (NA), from their respective specific components of low positive affect (PA) and physiological hyperarousal (PH), was examined in 472 elementary and high school students. The relations among depression, anxiety, and the three tripartite dimensions were examined for the total sample and across four subgroups based on age and gender. High school girls reported more depression, anxiety, NA, and PH than the other groups, and lower PA as assessed by the PANAS-C, but not the AFARS. Using structural equation modeling, the tripartite model proved to be a reasonably good fit for the total sample. Among the subgroups, the best fit was found for high school girls. However, several findings for the total sample and for individual subgroups were not consistent with the tripartite model, raising issues related to the independence and specificity of the tripartite constructs and their measurement. Alternative age- and gender-specific models to better account for the shared and unique aspects of depression and anxiety in children need to be explored.  相似文献   

This study examined preliminary higher-order models relating tripartite dimensions of emotion to severity of anxiety and depressive disorders in 100 clinically referred children and adolescents. In light of the accumulating support for multifactor models of vulnerability and negative emotion in children, the present investigation was designed to establish preliminary estimates of the structure and magnitude of the relations of three emotion factors with dimensions of social anxiety, depression, panic, generalized anxiety, obsessions/compulsions, and separation anxiety. Results were consistent with structures that minimally specified two higher-order emotion factors, yet only some parameter estimates were consistent with theory regarding the tripartite model. Problems with the measurement of tripartite factors and possibilities for further research are outlined.  相似文献   

The authors assessed the reliability and validity of the Affect and Arousal Scale for Children (AFARS; Chorpita, Daleiden, Moffitt, Yim, & Umemoto, 2000). The AFARS is a new measure of children's positive affect (PA), negative affect (NA), and physiological hyperarousal (PH). In the first study, 176 school children, 7 to 17 years of age, were administered measures of childhood worry, anxiety sensitivity, and autonomic arousal and their parents completed a child behavior problem checklist. In a second study, two groups of 100 and 114 school children, 8 to 18 years of age, were administered measures of childhood depression and anxiety, respectively, Also, 120 of these children took part in a 1-week retest administration of the AFARS. These studies provided preliminary evidence of acceptable 1-week test–retest reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity for the AFARS PA, NA, and PH scales. However, the predicted pattern of convergent and discriminant relations with parent-reported criterion only emerged for children over 11 years of age. Further, a consistent positive relation emerged between NA and PH, yet each of these scales accounted for unique variance in the prediction of criterion measures.  相似文献   

The authors developed and evaluated a self-report measure for children designed to assess factors of the tripartite model of emotion (Clark & Watson, 1991). Factor analytic results from a large, multi-ethnic sample (n = 1,289) supported the structural validity of the scale, with the additional suggestion that negative affect appeared to contain two lower order dimensions in the item pool. Confirmatory factor analysis in an independent sample of 300 children and adolescents suggested favorable structure. Consistent with prediction, positive and negative affect emerged as relatively orthogonal dimensions. Physiological hyperarousal was found to be positively correlated with negative affect. Normative data are presented, and tests for differences by sex, grade level, and ethnicity demonstrated nonsignificant or minimal differences between groups. The implications for the assessment of tripartite factors and their relation to psychopathology in youth are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent research has questioned the validity of identifying depression and anxiety as separate constructs in children. The current investigation examined the usefulness of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule for Children (PANAS-C) in differentiating between anxiety and depression in children while also providing needed reliability and validity data on the PANAS-C. In addition, the relationship between positive and negative affect and coping was examined. Subjects included 110 third through fifth graders from a semirural public school setting. Children completed the PANAS-C, as well as self-report measures of depression, anxiety, and coping strategies. Moderate item–total correlations and high internal consistency indicated that the PANAS-C has good reliability. Validity results were mixed: a two-factor solution resembled previous studies, and negative affect was associated with avoidance coping strategies whereas positive affect was associated with approach coping strategies, as expected. However, correlations of positive and negative affect, anxiety, and depression scales suggest that positive and negative affectivity are negatively related in children as opposed to separate and independent constructs. Results of the present investigation question the validity of the use of the PANAS-C for differentiating anxiety and depression with this age group and lend support to the possibility that high overlap between anxiety and depression in this age group may be specific for childhood depression.  相似文献   

焦虑抑郁广泛存在于各种心血管疾病中已成共识。心律失常患者合并心理问题在临床上十分常见,焦虑抑郁导致的自主神经对心脏的调节失衡会进一步促使心律失常的发生与发展。对于非器质性心脏病,β受体阻滞剂与抗焦虑药物合用有很好的疗效;器质性心脏病患者并发心律失常时患者的焦虑抑郁会进一步加重,甚至导致恶性室性心律失常的发生,增加器质性心脏病患者的病死率;心律失常介入治疗引起的焦虑抑郁更为常见。临床上对焦虑抑郁症状要有充分的重视,积极识别并诊断,以期进一步提高心律失常患者的生活质量,减少病死率。  相似文献   

Neuroticism and extraversion have been linked to the etiologies and course of anxiety and mood disorders, such that neuroticism is broadly associated with numerous disorders and extraversion is most strongly associated with social anxiety and depression. While previous research has established the broad associations between temperament and emotional disorders, less is known about the specific, proximal factors that are associated with them, and very few studies have situated these risk factors into a larger etiological model that specifies how they may relate to one another. The current study examined the interaction of extraversion and anxiety sensitivity (AS) in predicting social anxiety symptoms in a large, diagnostically diverse clinical sample (N = 826). Symptoms were assessed with self-report and dimensional interview measures, and regression analyses were performed examining the main effects and interaction of extraversion and AS (examining both total and lower-order components) on social anxiety. Results showed that at higher levels of AS, the inverse relationship between extraversion and social anxiety was stronger, and the social concerns component of AS is responsible for this effect. This interaction was also observed with regard to depression symptoms, but the interaction was not present after accounting for shared variance (i.e., comorbidity) between depression and social anxiety symptoms. Clinical and theoretical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

焦虑和抑郁动物模型的研究方法和策略   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
焦虑和抑郁障碍是严重威胁人们健康的精神疾病。焦虑和抑郁动物模型是通过一定的心理社会应激使动物产生明显的焦虑和抑郁情绪,模拟人类焦虑和抑郁障碍,以探讨其细胞、分子和基因水平机制。情绪障碍动物模型通常通过表面效度、结构效度和预测效度进行评价。目前的动物模型虽然存在一定的缺点,但已经为临床和科研提供了巨大帮助。  相似文献   

双酚A (bisphenol A, BPA)对脑和行为发育的影响已引起关注, 本研究探讨围生期不同发育阶段母体BPA暴露对仔鼠成年后焦虑和抑郁行为的影响。分别在妊娠期(妊娠第7天~出生)和哺乳期(出生第1~14天) 将母鼠暴露于BPA (0.4、4 mg/kg/day), 以旷场、明暗箱、镜子迷宫、高架十字迷宫等多种模型检测生后56天(postnatal day 56)仔鼠的焦虑行为, 以强迫游泳模型检测其抑郁行为。结果显示, 妊娠期BPA暴露的成年雌性仔鼠在所有4种模型中均检测到促焦虑作用, 而哺乳期BPA暴露的雌鼠、妊娠期或哺乳期BPA暴露的雄鼠仅在2种模型中检测到促焦虑作用。妊娠期BPA暴露显著加重雌雄仔鼠的抑郁行为, 而哺乳期仅高剂量BPA加重仔鼠的抑郁行为。进一步的Western blot分析显示, 妊娠期或哺乳期BPA暴露显著下调成年后雌雄仔鼠海马和杏仁核AMPA受体GluR1亚基的表达, 但对NMDA受体NR1亚基的影响不一致。以上结果提示, 妊娠期或哺乳期BPA暴露对成年雌雄仔鼠均有不同程度的促焦虑和抑郁作用, 其中妊娠期暴露对雌鼠的作用最显著, 海马和杏仁核AMPA受体活动的减弱可能与围生期BPA暴露加重仔鼠成年后的焦虑和抑郁行为有关。  相似文献   

抑郁焦虑与心血管疾病的关系最能体现身与心两者相互影响、不可分割的特点。但临床上,心血管疾病患者抑郁焦虑的诊疗率不足1%。这说明现有的诊疗理念和方式没有将心血管疾病和精神障碍联系起来,给患者全面全程的干预和管理。这样的缺陷不仅增加患者的痛苦和功能障碍,也增加心血管疾病的发病率和病死率,还增加患者及社会的医疗负担。本文结合临床经验,从心身一体的诊疗理念,谈谈抑郁焦虑与心血管疾病。  相似文献   

A nationally selected random sample of Roman Catholic secular priests was investigated using the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression scale and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Form Y. Additionally, a Self-Report Inventory requested information regarding participants' demographics as well as four categories of predictor variables (i.e., Vocational Satisfaction, Social Support, Spiritual Activities, Physical Environment) potentially associated with depression and anxiety. The study yielded a return rate of 64%. Secular clergy reported significantly greater depression and anxiety (both state and trait) than are reported in the general population. Low Vocational Satisfaction was found to be predictive of depression as well as both state and trait anxiety. Additionally, low Social Support was found to be predictive of state and trait anxiety. When the significant predictor variables were conceptually collapsed, it appeared that both people and place were significantly related to Roman Catholic secular priests' experience of depression and anxiety.  相似文献   

Mindfulness has been associated with anxiety and depression, but the ways in which specific facets of mindfulness relate to symptoms of anxiety and depression remains unclear. The purpose of the current study was to investigate associations between specific facets of mindfulness (e.g., observing, describing, nonjudging, acting with awareness, and nonreactivity) and dimensions of anxiety and depression symptoms (e.g., anxious arousal, general distress-anxiety, general distress-depression, and anhedonic depression) while controlling for shared variance among variables. Participants were 187 treatment-seeking adults. Mindfulness was measured using the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire and symptoms of depression and anxiety were measured using the Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire. Bivariate correlations showed that all facets of mindfulness were significantly related to all dimensions of anxiety and depression, with two exceptions: describing was unrelated to general distress-anxiety, and observing was unrelated to all symptom clusters. Path analysis was used to simultaneously examine associations between mindfulness facets and depression and anxiety symptoms. Significant and marginally significant pathways were retained to construct a more parsimonious model and model fit indices were examined. The parsimonious model indicated that nonreactivity was significantly inversely associated with general distress anxiety symptoms. Describing was significantly inversely associated with anxious arousal, while observing was significantly positively associated with it. Nonjudging and nonreactivity were significantly inversely related to general distress-depression and anhedonic depression symptomatology. Acting with awareness was not significantly associated with any dimensions of anxiety or depression. Findings support associations between specific facets of mindfulness and dimensions of anxiety and depression and highlight the potential utility of targeting these specific aspects of mindfulness in interventions for anxiety and mood disorders.  相似文献   

This study examined the direct and indirect effects of cognitions and anxiety associated with aftershocks on psychological symptoms (anxiety, depression, acute stress) and daily functioning (general and relationship). Participants were 600 adults from Christchurch, New Zealand. Data collection was approximately four months after the fatal 2011 earthquake. Path analysis was used for modelling. Socioeconomic status was directly associated with appraisals of uncontrollability of response to aftershocks. These cognitions were directly related to aftershock anxiety, which heightened general anxiety, depression, and acute stress symptoms. These symptoms were directly associated with relationship and general life dysfunction. Aftershock anxiety plays a significant role in ongoing psychological distress associated with earthquakes.  相似文献   

A robust body of research documents that there are biological predispositions that often exist for depression, anxiety, and obsessive–compulsive disorder. However, new research has shown that medication is only mildly more effective than placebo in the treatment of these problems. In treating these conditions, neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback) may offer an alternative to invasive treatments such as medication, ECT, and intense levels of transcrancial magnetic stimulation. This paper reviews the neurofeedback literature with these problems, finding particularly positive research support for the treatment of anxiety disorders. New findings on the neurofeedback treatment of depression are presented.  相似文献   

Anxiety and depression are extremely common in the elderly with medical problems. They can manifest not only as symptoms of a primary psychiatric illness, but also as physiologic sequelae of medical illnesses and medical treatments. Recognition and treatment of depression and anxiety in the medically ill is especially difficult. If these states go untreated, they result in higher morbidity and mortality, higher health care costs and utilization, and poorer functional status and outcomes. Three of the most common medical illnesses that afflict geriatric patients, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, and rheumatoid arthritis, will be presented to illustrate the difficulty in recognizing depression and anxiety and the impact of treating these symptoms in the medically ill elderly. Multidisciplinary approaches combining optimal medication regimens and psychosocial interventions can be effective for treatment of anxiety and depression in the medically ill elderly.  相似文献   

青少年罪犯焦虑抑郁特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青少年罪犯存在抑郁症状的比例达74.5%以上,患焦虑症的比例为30.5%.引起青少年罪犯抑郁的因素有自罪、精神性焦虑、胃肠道症状、体重下降、迟滞与疑病;引起焦虑的因素有躯体性障碍、焦虑的心理障碍.  相似文献   

许多临床研究表明,冠心病患者常发生抑郁及焦虑。而在严重精神症状(如抑郁或/和焦虑)者中有较高的冠心病发生率。抑郁增加冠心病患者的不良心血管事件发生率,影响预后。其机制有如下几个方面:对医疗措施及生活方式改变的依从性差、血小板功能异常、血管内皮功能紊乱以及心率变异性降低。选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂由于其较好的耐受性且无明显的心血管副作用而应用于冠心病合并抑郁及焦虑的药物治疗并改善患者的生活质量。但仍需要更大规模的临床研究以确定抑郁及焦虑对冠心病预后的影响。临床上应更加关注焦虑对冠心病的影响,进一步探讨焦虑能否作为冠心病的危险因素。  相似文献   

The detrimental effects of insufficient sleep on emotional functioning have been well established. Total sleep deprivation usually leads to increased anxiety and depressive symptoms the following day. However, no study has yet examined the relationships between unmanipulated partial sleep deprivation and next-day symptoms of anxiety and depression in everyday life, which this study sought to characterize. Participants (N = 94) completed daily diary surveys twice per day for 2 weeks without instructions to alter their sleep in any way. Nights of spontaneous, naturally occurring partial sleep deprivation were followed by increased levels of self-reported symptoms of anxious arousal the next day, but were unrelated to next-day symptoms of anhedonic depression or general distress. The relationship between partial sleep deprivation and next-day anxious arousal was found to be moderated by both baseline depressive symptoms and anxiety such that individuals reporting higher levels of depression or anxiety at baseline showed relatively greater increases in symptoms of anxiety following partial sleep deprivation. These results suggest that partial sleep deprivation occurring in everyday life can lead to higher next-day levels of anxious arousal, a relationship that is particularly deleterious for individuals with higher overall levels of anxiety or depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

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