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中国管理心理学发展的回顾和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以 1 980年中国心理学会工业心理学专业委员会成立为标志 ,总结了 1 5年来我国工业心理学的主要成就 ,并从激励、人员测评、领导行为、管理决策和跨文化研究等方面概述了中国管理心理学的发展 ,提出了今后值得研究的若干课题。本文最后指出 ,从我国企业的实际问题着手 ,不断积累资料 ,提出自己的理论 ,同时以我为主 ,借鉴国外的研究成果 ,在企业实际中不断检验和修正理论 ,是我国管理心理学的发展方向。  相似文献   

社会规范研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要从四个方面系统地回顾了社会规范的研究成果:①关于社会规范概念的界定及理论学派;②关于社会规范的形成、类型与结构的研究;③社会规范与管理行为、价值观等因素关系的研究;④有关社会规范的跨文化组织行为学的研究。指出,由于跨国商业经营的普遍,社会和组织心理学的跨文化研究正日益受到重视。因此,进行社会规范的跨文化比较研究,不仅有助于各种国际交流活动,而且更有助于揭示文化因素对管理的影响,以利形成具有本国特色的管理模式。  相似文献   

确切地说,跨文化心理学是由一大类建立在比较文化方法基础上的心理学研究所构成的一个领域,它的所谓理论问题,主要体现为对心理学的比较文化方法和方法论课题的理论思考。跨文化心理学的方法来自两个方面。一是人类学、社会学、政治学等学科比较方法的借鉴与移植,二是传统心理学方法的跨文化改造。大部分的研究者对这种借鉴移植与改造过程中的理论问题的观点,只是或隐或显地散在于各自的跨文化心理学研究中,很少有建立统一的理论框架的尝试。目前较为突出、争论较多的有如下几个方面:关于“文化”的概念;跨文化心理学的研究层次和焦点;考  相似文献   

文章总结了管理与人事心理学研究在日益广泛的高技术应用和经济体制改革中取得的新进展和发展趋势。管理与人事心理学家,在研究思路上更重视组织水平的研究;在理论方面更多运用认知的观点;在学科体系方面更强调组织的动力学和人力资源的系统开发;在研究领域方面更注重管理培训、工作绩效评估、领导行为与管理决策、组织文化以及国际性公司的组织行为等课题。文章对近年来比较活跃的研究领域和新进展作了评述,提出了发展的方向。  相似文献   

余霞  钟年 《心理学探新》2019,(5):393-399
文化心理学是最近二三十年来心理学中发展最快的领域之一,作为一门典型的交叉学科,它有人类学、心理学、传播学等多种学科取向,是一门有胸怀、有气度、能包容的学科。文化心理学与跨文化传播研究诞生在相同的社会历史文化背景中,拥有共同的学科渊源,这种天然的关系决定了跨文化传播研究中运用文化心理学的正当性、必然性。文化心理学的全球化研究视角为跨文化传播研究提供了参照; 文化的观念、文化适应理论、文化敏感性和文化冲突理论等文化心理学的概念和理论为跨文化传播研究提供了理论支撑; 文化心理学还为跨文化传播现象和问题的具体研究提供了分析工具。反之,跨文化传播研究不仅为文化心理学提供了鲜活的案例,还为其理论建构提供了重要资源。  相似文献   

本文综述了关于行为与文化之间关系的研究。综述分为如下几个部分:第一部分介绍了跨文化/文化心理学自20世纪中叶创立以来,在人类行为的共同性、差异性以及心理功能在多大程度上存在文化特异性的问题上的持续争论。第二部分探讨文化差异的魅力,论证为什么迄今的研究往往偏向于寻找行为的差异而不是跨文化的不变性。第三部分简要概述跨文化比较研究中的文化偏误、缺乏等价性等问题及其对数据解释的影响。第四部分重点阐述本文题目中的主题,即跨文化差异的心理组织。这部分内容对目前文化心理学研究中存在的倾向,即从宽泛的维度或笼统的心理功能角度来组织和解释行为差异提出了挑战。第五部分则通过跨文化心理学的历史回顾,以几个重要的传统研究领域为代表来具体说明这种过度泛化的倾向及近期的研究发展,其中也包括了中国研究人员贡献越来越大的文化神经科学领域。最后对跨文化心理学的前景与展望进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本文综述了关于行为与文化之间关系的研究.综述分为如下几个部分:第一部分介绍了跨文化/文化心理学自20世纪中叶创立以来,在人类行为的共同性、差异性以及心理功能在多大程度上存在文化特异性的问题上的持续争论.第二部分探讨文化差异的魅力,论证为什么迄今的研究往往偏向于寻找行为的差异而不是跨文化的不变性.第三部分简要概述跨文化比较研究中的文化偏误、缺乏等价性等问题及其对数据解释的影响.第四部分重点阐述本文题目中的主题,即跨文化差异的心理组织.这部分内容对目前文化心理学研究中存在的倾向,即从宽泛的维度或笼统的心理功能角度来组织和解释行为差异提出了挑战.第五部分则通过跨文化心理学的历史回顾,以几个重要的传统研究领域为代表来具体说明这种过度泛化的倾向及近期的研究发展,其中也包括了中国研究人员贡献越来越大的文化神经科学领域.最后对跨文化心理学的前景与展望进行了讨论.  相似文献   

《周易》是中国最古老的文化典籍之一,其中蕴含着丰富的心理学思想。对《周易》心理学思想已有研究进行梳理,可以从研究成果、研究热点、研究领域、影响范围、应用性等方面分析已有研究的特点。已有研究的不足体现在:研究人员少;系统性差;经验化强,严谨性差;表面化;个人化;存在空白点;经、传混淆;重义理,轻象数等方面。在此基础上,明确了今后该领域研究的总体指导原则,并尝试提出了具体建议:加强多学科合作研究;加强实证性研究;加强多领域全方位研究,构建完整体系;加强《周易》在组织管理心理学和健康心理学等应用领域的研究;注意限定语境;继续推进国际化,规范学术翻译。  相似文献   

跨文化行为心理学——文化取向心理学第四方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先简要回顾比较了文化取向心理学的四个不同的方向:文化心理学、本土心理学、跨文化心理学,以及新的发展方向——跨文化行为心理学;重点介绍了跨文化行为心理学与文化碰撞情境概念的提出以及一个跨文化行为模型;其次提出了该学科在跨文化协同增效方面的重要应用;最后做出了在中国文化背景下开展相应研究的展望。  相似文献   

组织公正研究:回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要回顾了组织公正40多年来的研究成果与进展,包括组织公正的概念和理论发展。并从组织公正概念的整合、机会公正、第三方公正、群体公正、跨文化研究、方法论等几个方面提出了进一步研究的思考和展望。  相似文献   

马剑虹 《心理学报》1997,30(1):83-91
从行动理论的角度分析了组织决策的特征,提出了组织决策的阶段层次理论,并认为:1.决策过程的本质在于形成决策问题的目标手段层次结构;2.决策的层次结构具有阶段性特征,即它是随决策阶段的进展而逐步分化、完善的;3.组织在其结构上也是一个由分化得来的层次结构。因此,在组织决策过程中,应该根据决策的阶段特征,充分发挥相应组织层次的作用。关于各决策阶段组织影响力分布的调查得到了与理论模型一致的结果,有决策影响力的群体随决策阶段的展开而分化:在决策阶段一直存在两个决策影响力群体,一个是高层管理,另一个是中层管理、基层管理和工人;而在决策阶段二和三,中层管理逐步分化出来,成为第三个独立的影响力群体;在决策阶段四,基层管理代表工人参与决策的作用得到了充分的显示。此外,本研究结果还指出了高层管理在后三个阶段中对组织决策影响力分布的决定作用  相似文献   

What frames of reference (assumptions, values, and belief systems) are used by municipal decision makers to guide their assessments of management innovations? Are frames of reference related to an actor’s position in an interpersonal communication network? Can the study of frames of reference and communication roles be combined in a new “sociocognitive network” approach to the study of innovation adoption and diffusion? This study addresses these questions in the context of local government decision making. The results suggest that a sociocognitive network approach, which considers both frames of reference and communication roles, holds significant promise as an element in multivariate representations of innovative behavior. The results of this study are best viewed as contributing to theory development in research on innovative behavior in organizational decision making. Additional research will be required to test and refine this theory in other organizational contexts.  相似文献   

In recent years, China has undergone rapid economic reform and dynamic organizational changes. Several major developments have given special momentum to those changes: China entering the WTO, opening the western regions of China, building up an information network, transforming new management systems nationwide, and encouraging innovations and entrepreneurship. These developments call for more comprehensive and adaptive competencies and new approaches to organizational psychology in China. This provides a national and cultural context of personnel assessment, selection, and development of organizational psychology. Organizational psychology is one of the most active fields for research and application in psychology in China. Three aspects of recent trends are described under a framework of managerial competency modelling. (1) Leadership competence assessment for personnel selection and development has become one of the key aspects of human resources (HR) management in China. Based upon the results from the structured interview and strategic hierarchical job analysis, a model of leadership competency with four dimensions of leadership characteristics and the managerial performance was proposed. The four dimensions are: psychological traits; leadership predispositions; managerial skills; and professional knowledge. (2) HR competency for person‐job‐organization fit. This includes competencies for compensation and motivational strategies, organizational commitment and career management competence, team competence, and group decision‐making skills. (3) Organizational competency for culture and change. This includes an integrative approach to link values with culture, and cross‐cultural leadership skills. On the basis of the recent practice and research developments, a Chinese approach to organizational psychology with important characteristics is summarized: active theoretical development and conceptualization; continuous methodological improvement; close link with HR and management practices; and systematic cross‐cultural socioeconomic perspective. This becomes a key framework for understanding organizational psychology. New directions for research and application in China are highlighted.  相似文献   

组织中人际初始信任研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
组织中日益普遍而频繁的新工作关系提出了高初始信任的需要。信任方的信任倾向与资源状况、被信任方的群体类别与组织角色、第三方关系和组织特征可以为初始信任决策提供推断依据,降低决策风险。已形成的初始信任水平影响后期信任的发展、心理契约违背的知觉、合作意愿、工作态度、组织公民行为和绩效。文章最后指出了在中国文化背景下组织中人际初始信任领域需要进一步研究的问题  相似文献   

Decision fiascoes such as escalation of commitment, the tendency of decision makers to "throw good money after bad," can have serious consequences for organizations and are therefore of great interest in applied research. This paper discusses the use of behavior analysis in organizational behavior research on escalation. Among the most significant aspects of behavior-analytic research on escalation is that it has indicated that both the patterns of outcomes that decision makers have experienced for past decisions and the patterns of responses that they make are critical for understanding escalation. This research has also stimulated the refinement of methods by researchers to better assess decision making and the role reinforcement plays in it. Finally, behavior-analytic escalation research has not only indicated the utility of reinforcement principles for predicting more complex human behavior but has also suggested some additional areas for future exploration of decision making using behavior analysis.  相似文献   

Of all of the new technologies emerging in the late 20th century, the production of artificial intelligence may provide the most profound impacts on organizational decision making. Because the development of artificial intelligence technologies and models has largely been based on psychological models of human cognition, the effects of their implementation in complex social settings have not been thoroughly examined. This paper is an attempt to generate research which will develop a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of artificial intelligence and its role in complex organizations. A set of 11 hypotheses has been developed which examine the relationships between artificial intelligence technologies and the dimensions of organizational decision making. It is argued here that the implementation of expert systems will lead to less complex and political decision processes, while the implementation of natural language systems will lead to more complex and political decision processes.  相似文献   


The effects of varying decision outcome dispersion on organizational decision making were investigated under individual and group decision making conditions. Thirty-six female and pg]36 male subjects made decisions for organizational decision scenarios in which outcomes affected primarily the decision maker, people other than the decision maker, or a group of which the decision maker was a member. Subjects rated their levels of perceived risk and confidence in their decisions and made decisions within a simulated context of either a small or a large organization. Results indicated that subjects perceived significantly less risk and more confidence in their decisions when outcomes affected primarily themselves rather than others regardless of whether the decisions were made individually or by a group. Males perceived their decisions as significantly more risky than females. Induced organizational size did not significantly influence decision making.


Decisions are made by individuals in all societies. Reasons for decisions are difficult to locate, yet configure cultural thinking. While taking decisions people can be culture objective and culture subjective at the same time. Methods in research focus on the universal features or etic, and culture specific features or emic, of the construct of decision making. In the methods used to research decision making lie several answers to the question of how people make decisions. Isolating features of the emic of decision making can be useful in tracing pathways to its etic. The unity of cultural individualism and collectivism steer thinking processes of individuals. As a cognitive undertaking decision making experiences the effects of the larger culture, but the domains of decision making determine in what manner and to what extent these effects will be manifest. Decision making is at once subjective and unconscious, culturally guided and idiosyncratically steered, self-oriented and other-related, situationally derived and universally operationalized.  相似文献   

Using an organizational culture framework, this case study examines the critical preconditions necessary for employee empowerment and highlights how the multiple cultures within one public bureaucracy differently impacted their implementation. SERVE, a large human service organization, initiated an employee empowerment program that contradicted and thus collided with many elements of its overall organizational culture. Despite the best intentions of the organizational leaders, upper management support, and opportunities for participatory decision making, the organization could not foster the critical preconditions needed for employee empowerment. Leaders had difficulty expanding the employees' power and promoting member inclusion. Concurrently, most employees rejected these new opportunities for control and distrusted the leader's intentions. Yet, despite the widespread rejection of these empowerment initiatives, most employees described their work lives as empowering. The role the local site subculture played in promoting employee empowerment is examined. We discuss how a localized (vs. system-wide) empowerment endeavor may be a more appropriate and feasible focus for public bureaucracies seeking to initiate greater staff empowerment. Particular attention is paid to the interaction between individuals and their environments, and how this interaction affects the empowerment process.  相似文献   

In both organizational and social arenas, individuals make decisions for themselves and for other individuals. But research in decision making has provided little input into whether or how these decisions are psychologically different. In this paper, I propose that decisions—depending on whom they are for—vary according to the extent of information distortion, such that, individuals who choose for themselves demonstrate more postdecisional distortion, yet less predecisional distortion than individuals who choose on behalf of others. To test this hypothesis, participants in an experiment made a decision between two restaurants. Attributes about each restaurant were presented sequentially, and preferences were measured following each attribute. As expected, participants who chose for themselves experienced more postdecisional distortion. However, among participants who chose on behalf of others, greater distortion of predecisional attribute information was observed. These findings shed light on the differences in self-other decision making, as well as on research concerning information distortion.  相似文献   

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