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Different mask ring widths, intercontour distances, mask durations, and interstimulus intervals were varied in a parametric manner. Results show decreasing amounts of metacontrast with increases in intercontour distance, and no significant effects of mask width or mask duration. The results provide support for monotonic metacontrast functions with maximum metacontrast at the offset of the target.  相似文献   

Boyer J  Ro T 《Cognition》2007,104(1):135-149
The influence of attention on perceptual awareness was examined using metacontrast masking. Attention was manipulated with endogenous cues to assess the effects on the temporal and spatial parameters of target visibility. Experiment 1 examined the time course of effective masking when the target and mask set were presented at an attended vs. an unattended location. The valid allocation of attention decreased the magnitude of the masking effect (i.e. increased visibility) for approximately 80 ms. Furthermore, even with spatial displacements of the target and mask and center-to-center separations of 1.5 degrees or 2.7 degrees of visual angle (Experiment 2), target visibility was increased when attention was validly allocated. These results indicate that attention influences low-level visual processes to enhance visual awareness.  相似文献   

Using a brightness-discrimination task similar to that employed by Bernstein, Proctor, Proctor, and Schurman (1973), masking functions were obtained in two experiments. In Experiment I, test stimulus (TS) and mask stimulus (MS) energies were held constant but luminance and duration were varied reciprocally. The obtained masking functions, plotted as a function of stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), were of an essentially identical U shape. This suggests that (a) SOA is a more suitable measure of delay than interstimulus interval, and (b) Bloch’s law holds for the requisite discrimination. In Experiment II, TS luminance and MS luminance were varied independently. This was to see whether the MS served as a frame of reference at short SOA, as suggested previously (Bernstein et al, 1973). The results were that this was, in fact, the case and that the transition from comparative to absolute judgment strategies as SOA increases is a major contributor to U-shaped masking functions.  相似文献   

Vibrotactile patterns, generated on the 6×24 array of the Optacon, were presented to subjects’ left index fingertips. The subjects identified these patterns in the absence of any masking stimuli and in the presence of spatially adjacent masking stimuli. The amount of interference in recognizing the patterns was measured as a function of the interval between target and masker onsets. Masking functions similar to those reported in visual metacontrast studies were found; that is, more masking occurred when masker onset followed target onset by 25 to 50 msec than when onsets were simultaneous. Subjects showed more metacontrast when masker energy was reduced, a finding paralleled in the visual literature. The relevance of some models of visual metacontrast to the tactile findings is discussed.  相似文献   

In metacontrast masking, the effect of a visual mask stimulus on the perceptual strength of a target stimulus varies with the stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) between them. As SOA increases, the target percept first becomes weaker, bottoms out at an intermediate SOA, and then increases for still larger SOAs. As a result, a plot of target percept strength against SOA produces a U-shaped masking curve. Theories have proposed special mechanisms to account for this curve, but new mathematical analyses indicate that it is a robust characteristic of a large class of neurally plausible systems. The author describes 3 quantitative methods of accounting for the U-shaped masking effect and analyzes 4 previously published mathematical models of masking. The models produce the masking curve through mask blocking, whereby a strong internal representation of the target blocks the mask's effects.  相似文献   

A Reeves 《Perception》1986,15(2):163-172
Rod and cone targets were crossed, in every combination, with rod and cone masks in flanking-bars metacontrast. Strong type-B (U-shaped) metacontrast was obtained in each condition, contrary to the claim that rod and cone masking are independent. In each condition, visibility declined steadily with stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) in trials in which target and mask appeared to be simultaneous, and increased with SOA in trials in which they appeared to be successive. The 'U' results from collapsing across these different types of trials, which may reflect distinct monotonic processes in masking. Under the light adaptation conditions used the time, Tmax, at which metacontrast was at a maximum was delayed by about 25 ms if rods, rather than cones, detected the target. Whether rods or cones detected the mask hardly altered Tmax.  相似文献   

Selective adaptation was used to explore the characterisitcs of a metacontrast masking stimulus which contribute to its effectiveness in masking the test stimulus. Subjects adapted for 10 s to a configuration like the masking stimulus that was either continuously on or flickering. Following this they viewed a metacontrast presentation and estimated the brightness of the test stimulus. Prior adaptation to a continuously present stimulus did not appreciably affect metacontrast masking; however, masking was greatly reduced following adaptation to flickering stimuli. These results are consistent with recent models of metacontrast masking based on transient and sustained visual channels.  相似文献   

The U-shaped metacontrast function may result from the superimposition of two monotonic components which reflect the effects of mechanisms similar to the peripheral and central processes suggested for backward pattern masking by Turvey (Psychol Rev 80:1–52, 1973). In an experiment using the disc-ring paradigm, it was demonstrated that the decreasing and increasing branches of the metacontrast function are differently affected by the exposure duration of the mask and a task-irrelevant stimulus (distractor) appearing in the contralateral visual hemifield. The phenomenal representation of masking is different for the two parts of the curve. It is suggested that masking in the second part of the masking function, but not in the first, is related to the control of visual attention.  相似文献   

Three experiments employed a metacontrast masking procedure to examine the extent and nature of priming effects from visual stimuli not consciously perceived. The results showed effects of unconscious stimuli on subsequent target responses that (1) were more consistent, reliable, and not subject to strategic control, as compared with consciously perceived stimuli (Experiment 1); (2) produced both facilitation and interference of subsequent processing (Experiment 2); and (3) did not influence indirect response-related levels of processing (Experiment 3). These results demonstrate that color and form attributes of unconscious stimuli are sufficiently registered within the visual system to influence behavior, and that some of these unconscious effects occur at early levels of stimulus encoding, prior to higher level perceptual and response-related processes.  相似文献   

Metacontrast masking occurs both at the fovea and in the retinal periphery; foveally, the smallest stimulus elicited the strongest masking, whereas peripherally the reverse was the case. An analysis of variance showed a significant size effect, eccentricity effect, and size-eccentricity interaction. As stimulus size increased, the stimulus onset asynchrony of maximum masking shifted to greater values. Both foveal metacontrast and peak shifts contradicted predictions made by the hypothesis that metacontrast is mediated by an interaction of sustained and transient channels in the visual system. The data are consistent, however, with a lateral inhibitory model of metacontrast masking and stimulus coding.  相似文献   

In metacontrast masking target visibility is modulated by the time until a masking stimulus appears. The effect of this temporal delay differs across participants in such a way that individual human observers' performance shows distinguishable types of masking functions which remain largely unchanged for months. Here we examined whether individual differences in masking functions depend on different response criteria in addition to differences in discrimination sensitivity. To this end we reanalyzed previously published data and conducted a new experiment for further data analyses. Our analyses demonstrate that a distinction of masking functions based on the type of masking stimulus is superior to a distinction based on the target-mask congruency. Individually different masking functions are based on individual differences in discrimination sensitivities and in response criteria. Results suggest that individual differences in metacontrast masking result from individually different criterion contents.  相似文献   

A Rashevsky-Landahl neural net: simulation of metacontrast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In vision research metacontrast masking is a widely used technique to reduce the visibility of a stimulus. Typically, studies attempt to reveal general principles that apply to a large majority of participants and tend to omit possible individual differences. The neural plasticity of the visual system, however, entails the potential capability for individual differences in the way observers perform perceptual tasks. We report a case of perceptual learning in a metacontrast masking task that leads to the enhancement of two types of adult human observers despite identical learning conditions. In a priming task both types of observers exhibited the same priming effects, which were insensitive to learning. Findings suggest that visual processing of target stimuli in the metacontrast masking task is based on neural levels with sufficient plasticity to enable the development of two types of observers, which do not contribute to processing of target stimuli in the priming task.  相似文献   

The recognition of a single letter is found to improve when it is surrounded by an annulus in close proximity. This facilitatory effect is obtained only when annulus and target durations are equal and onsets are simultaneous. When the annulus is increased in size, the facilitatory effect is found first to increase in magnitude and then to decline; no interaction between target letter and annulus is observed for large diameter annuli (72'+). The results are interpreted with reference to a lateral inhibitory model of spatio-temporal interactions.  相似文献   

Using a classic letter-ring metacontrast paradigm, left and right visual field meta-contrast functions were separately determined. The parallel U-shaped recognition functions for both half-fields were found to interact differentially with stimulus onset asynchrony, the left visual field function being displaced by 13 ms toward longer test stimulus-masking stimulus separations. This result was consistent with the hypothesis of longer processing time requirements for verbal stimuli delivered to the right than to the left hemisphere. This indicates that the neural locus (loci) responsible for left visual field verbal processing delay is (are) capable of mediating metacontrast phenomena. It was tentatively concluded that a relative processing delay within the right hemisphere underlies the differing visual half-field metacontrast interaction with stimulus onset asynchrony.  相似文献   

There are conflicting views concerning the electrophysiological correlates of visual consciousness. Whereas one view considers a relatively late positive deflection (LP) as a primary correlate of consciousness, another model links consciousness with earlier negativity (VAN). The present experiment utilized metacontrast masking in investigating the electrophysiological correlates of visual consciousness. The participants were presented with target-mask sequences in three stimulus onset asynchronies. The target stimuli were followed by either a metacontrast mask or a similar-looking, but ineffective pseudomask. The results showed that the first deflection that correlated with target visibility was VAN which was followed by LP. We argue that the VAN is the primary correlate target visibility, while the LP reflects later, postperceptual processing stages.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that dyslexia is the result of a deficit in the magnocellular system. Reduced metacontrast masking in dyslexic readers has been taken as support for this view. In metacontrast, a masking stimulus reduces the visibility of a spatially adjacent target stimulus when the target stimulus precedes the masking stimulus by about 30–100 msec. Recent evidence indicates that the latency difference between the magnocellular and parvocellular subcortical pathways is at most 20 msec and may be as small as only 5 msec, or even less. This makes it difficult to attribute the latency in metacontrast to the latency differences between the magnocellular and parvocellular systems. It is therefore problematic to attribute reduced metacontrast masking to a deficit in the magnocellular system.  相似文献   

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