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The perceptional characteristics of hallucinatory events and the phenomenal forms of artificially produced hallucinations were studied on a total of 210 patients (144 patients with delirium tremens, alcoholic hallucinosis, abstention from alcoholic beverages freedom from abstinence symptoms and 66 subjects with schizophrenia, symptomatic epilepsy, general paralysis, neuroses, and conditions of intoxication). The results of our studies show that Liepmann's test may be used to reliably diagnose genuine hallucinoses. They are usually preceded by a number of different stages, these being the stages of stability of development and full development of prehallucinatory phenomena, simultaneous and suggestive periods of geniune hallucinations. Liepmann's test is specifically distinctive of psychopathological disorders associated with delirium tremens.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with repeated suicide attempts among criminal justice clients examined for substance abuse using the Addiction Severity Index. Among suicide attempters (n=1,404), repeaters (two or more attempts, n=770) were compared to nonrepeaters. In logistic regression, repetition was associated with younger age, opioid analgesics, somatic medication, overdose, maternal psychiatric problems, delirium tremens, cognitive problems, and violent behavior. As in other settings, factors associated with repetition differed from those associated with suicide attempts in general. In this setting, substance use complications and cognitive problems were connected to repetition and should be addressed in risk assessments.  相似文献   

This is a report of the initial results of determinations of the creatine kinase activity in the serum of forty psychiatric and twenty-five neurological patients. A determination of the creatine kinase activity made in the first days of an acute endogenous psychosis invariably showed an increase in creatine kinase which returned to normal values after eight to fourteen days. Patients with residual schizophrenia, conditions of acute excitation accompanying psychopathy, and abnormal personality or circumscribed paranoid development showed creatine activity in the range of normal values. Alcoholics with incipient or strongly marked delirium tremens showed normal creatine kinase activity in those cases where the situation was not complicated by additional traumata or other accompanying diseases.  相似文献   

分析急诊ICU患者出现谵妄症状的原因以及处理对策。分析总结我院急诊ICU3年间所有患者的资料,发现20.2%的患者出现谵妄症状,原因为:(1)疾病相关;(2)药物相关;(3)监护环境等多种因素作用结果。经过调整治疗方案、加强心理护理后,需要镇静药物的仅为谵妄患者的19.7%。因此寻找谵妄原因很重要,治疗重点在于去除谵妄原因以及相关促发因素。  相似文献   

Research shows that misdiagnosis can have particularly damaging consequences in older adults. It is frequently difficult, however, to determine whether observed symptoms are due to aging or to a medical condition. The author examines three common disorders that can be particularly challenging to diagnose in older adults: dementia, depression, and delirium. Three general questions are discussed for each: What are the age-related differences in the disorder's presentation? What medical issues need to be ruled out? What assessment methods are particularly useful in the diagnostic process?  相似文献   

Delirium is a common neurobehavioral syndrome that occurs across health care settings which is associated with adverse outcomes, including death. There are limited data on long-term cognitive outcomes following delirium. This report reviews the literature regarding relationships between delirium and cognitive impairment. Psych Info and Medline searches and investigation of secondary references for all English language articles on delirium and subsequent cognitive impairment were carried out. Nine papers met inclusion criteria and documented cognitive impairment in patients following delirium. Four papers reported greater cognitive impairment among patients with delirium than matched controls. Four papers reported higher incidence of dementia in patients with a history of delirium. One study found 1 of 3 survivors of critical illness with delirium developed cognitive impairment. The evidence suggests a relationship between delirium and cognitive impairment, although significant questions remain regarding the nature of this association. Additional research on delirium-related effects on long-term cognitive outcome is needed.  相似文献   

In independent studies delirium was associated with higher levels of cortisol, interleukin(IL)s, and S100B. The aim of this study was to simultaneously compare cortisol, IL-6, IL-8, and S100B levels in patients aged 65 years and older admitted for hip fracture surgery with and without delirium. Cortisol, IL-6, IL-8, and S100B were assayed in repeated blood samples. 120 patients (mean age 84 years, 62 patients with delirium) were included. Highest levels of IL-8 (27.1, 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 13.6–53.1 pg/ml) and cortisol (666, 95% CI: 475–859 nmol/L) were before delirium, but of IL-6 (84.3, 95% CI: 46.5–151.4 pg/mL) and S100B (0.18, 95% CI: 0.12–0.24 μg/L) during delirium. In multivariable analysis cortisol, LogIL-6, and LogS100B were significantly associated with delirium, but adjusted for pre-existing cognitive impairment, only LogS100B remained significantly associated. Cortisol, IL-6 and S100B may have a role in the pathogenesis of delirium, but S100B is the strongest independent marker.  相似文献   

For 180 patients suffering alcohol-withdrawal induced delirium, electrolytic concentration in the serum of Na, K, Ca, and Mg was determined in the early withdrawal phase, and the electroencephalograms of 95 delirium patients evaluated in respect of local and diffuse changes and epileptic activity, and compared in delirium patients with and without initial seizures. Delirium patients who had initial seizures suffered significantly longer-lasting periods of delirium and significantly more frequent electrolytic changes in the form of hypomagnesemia and hypopotassemia (hypokalemia). There was no significant difference in the EEG changes. A temporary metabolic disorder in the initial phase of the two-phase withdrawal process should be assumed to be the cause of seizures during alcohol withdrawal, and the pathogenetic significance of hypomagnesemia and hypopotassemia should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Delirium and dementia are two of the most common causes of cognitive dysfunction in the elderly. In patients with dementia, there is a high risk that changes in location – and especially being admitted to the hospital – may result in serious deterioration of brain function, e.g., delirium. With this case report, the authors emphasize the importance of a thorough medical history, behavioral observation, and progress monitoring in the diagnosis of dementia, while at the same time also question the sense, responsibility, and resource use in daily hospital routine.  相似文献   

Studies of 135 men with safely diagnosed alcohol delirium mostly revealed increased ACTH blood values when sober and increased T4 values in about 1/3 of these patients. There is a correlation between the psychiatric clinical picture of the alcohol delirium and the ACTH content of the plasma. Under load with chloromethiazole, halperidole or with reserpine, there is a significant drop in the increased ACTH and T4 values. In an acute alcoholic hallucinosis (n=16) similar endocrinological changes as in most cases of safely diagnosed alcohol delirium were observed. In a chronic alcoholic hallucinosis (n=11) and in chronic alcoholics (n=31) the endocrinological values were similar to those of patients after alcohol delirium.  相似文献   

2013年美国危重症医学会新发布的镇静、镇痛、谵妄治疗指南中指出,苯二氮卓类镇静药物的使用是ICU重症患者谵妄发生的独立危险因素,推荐ICU镇静优先采用非苯二氮卓类镇静药物以改善临床预后.的确,大量的研究表明以右美托咪定为代表的非苯二氮卓类药物相比苯二氮卓类镇静药,能明显缩短重症患者机械通气时间、ICU住院时间、减少ICU费用,并减少ICU谵妄的发生.然而事物总有两面性,ICU镇静不只是单凭药物调整便能顺理成章完成的事情.相比依据指南盲从简单的停用某种药物,建立完整的疼痛、躁动、谵妄评估系统,制定个体化镇静计划,保证机械通气有效性显得更为重要.  相似文献   

473 cases of death by drowning were examined for evidence of previous neurological disorders linked with the occurrence of epileptic fits. It was found that 16 persons (3.4%) were undergoing medical treatment for epilepsy. In a further 10 cases there was evidence of the possibility of previous disorders in which epileptic fits and syncopal attacks played a dominant part. Besides the risks from the previous disorders, additional risk factors are discussed.  相似文献   

ICU谵妄发生率高、识别率低,可显著延长ICU平均住院时间、增加病死率、加重转出ICU后认知功能障碍.但目前缺乏有效的谵妄预防措施.综合干预措施可降低谵妄的发生,其中早期活动是治疗的关键.ICU早期活动安全可行,可降低谵妄的发生及缩短谵妄的持续时间,改善患者预后.ICU中开展早期活动治疗是基于"ABCDE"集束化干预措施的前提下,中断镇静后尽早开始肢体功能锻炼和职业治疗,包括从先被动后主动的关节活动,到双腿下垂坐到床缘,进一步下床坐到轮椅上甚至步行活动,是早期活动的基本流程.  相似文献   

Medicating ADHD is a controversial subject that was acutely inflamed in 1995 when high rates of ADHD diagnosis and treatment were documented in southeastern Virginia. Psychologists in southeastern Virginia formed a regional school health coalition to implement and evaluate interventions to address the problem. Other professionals with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry launched ad hominem attacks on the coalition’s research and work. These attacks contributed to the work being terminated in 2005. In the ensuing years, ADHD drug treatment continued to escalate. Today, the national rate of ADHD diagnosis exceeds all reasonable estimates of the disorder’s true prevalence, with 14 % of American children being diagnosed before reaching young adulthood. Notable key opinion leaders continue to claim that there is no cause for concern, but with a message shift from “the prevalence is not too high” to “high prevalence is not too concerning.” This paper provides an object lesson about how innovative research can be derailed to the detriment of sound medical and mental health care of children when industry interests are threatened. Tenure may be the only option for protecting innovative research from specious attacks. The authors offer a summary of the data on ADHD drug treatments, suggest judicious use of such treatments, and add their voices to others who are once again sounding a cautionary alarm.  相似文献   


Despite significant medical breakthroughs over the past decade in the discovery of the causes and treatment of asthma, clinical control of the illness has not improved. On the contrary, evidence suggests an increase in the prevalence and severity of childhood asthma. There is a consensus that learning factors influencing the development of symptoms must be understood and integrated into a total asthma management programme in order to ocor1ain optimal treatment results. The behavioural medicine approach focuses on helping the child and family recognize the constellation of risk factors which trigger attacks, develop constructive coping strategies for dealing with the attacks and develop healthy social skills regarding the asthma. The present paper presents an overview of the theoretical underpinnings of the behavioural medicine approach to childhood asthma, and a case study showing its practical applications.  相似文献   

People who experience panic attacks (PAs) typically present to medical settings, concerned that their symptoms signify a life-threatening condition. Despite the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for panic disorder (PD), medical practitioners seldom provide this type of treatment. Physicians may lack the time or expertise to impart such behavioral medicine interventions, while patients may find group or individual CBT too costly even when available. Researchers have begun investigating manualized CBT as a cost-effective alternative when traditional forms of this intervention are prohibited. This article describes two case studies in which women presenting to a medical clinic with PD were treated with 6 weeks of manualized CBT after pharmacotherapy was unsuccessful or unpalatable. Both patients exhibited reductions in panic and depressive symptomatology over baseline levels, along with increases in self-efficacy regarding their ability to manage future PAs. Improvements were maintained over 12 months, supporting continued use of manualized CBT as a supplement or alternative to pharmacological methods of treating PD in the medical setting.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate on which risk factors for developing posttraumatic stress symptoms are more important--personality traits reflecting vulnerability, previous stressful experiences or characteristics of the traumatic event. In this study, posttraumatic stress symptoms and their relationship with personality traits, previous stressful experiences and exposure to stressful events during air attacks in Yugoslavia were investigated. The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI; Millon, 1983), Impact of Events Scale (IES; Horowitz, Wilner, & Alvarez, 1979), Life Stressor Checklist Revised (LSCL-R; Wolfe & Kimerling, 1997), and List of Stressors were administered to a homogeneous group of medical students 1 year after the attacks. In multiple regression analyses, compulsive and passive-aggressive personality traits and a higher level of exposure to stressors during air attacks independently predicted the degree of intrusion symptoms. Avoidance symptoms were predicted by avoidant personality traits and a higher exposure to stressors both previously in life and during the attacks. In the next step, we tested in analyses of variance whether personality traits, previous stressful experiences, and stressful events during attacks as independent variables interact in predicting intrusion and avoidance symptoms. For this, students were clustered into three groups depending on their predominant personality traits. In addition to direct predictive effects, there were significant interaction effects in predicting both intrusion and avoidance. The findings suggest that each of the tested factors, i.e., personality traits, previous stressful experiences, and exposure to traumatic events may have an independent and direct influence on developing posttraumatic stress. However, the effect of these factors cannot just be added up. Rather, the factors interact in their impact on posttraumatic stress symptoms. Bigger samples and longitudinal designs will be required to understand precisely how different personality traits influence response to stressful events.  相似文献   

During the 1960s there was a sustained attack on psychiatric legitimacy. Thomas S. Szasz was the most vituperative and best-known critic, but he was by no means alone. Individuals and groups from both extremes of the political spectrum were united in their belief that psychiatry was not a legitimate medical specialty, but one that was devoted to protecting its authority as well as enforcing societal norms associated with an unjust society. The attack on psychiatry, of course, did not occur in a vacuum; numerous social and intellectual currents played major roles. To comprehend such attacks and their consequences requires an understanding of the larger societal context as well as the changes that transformed psychiatry in the post-World War II years.  相似文献   

Of 200 diagnosed cases of alcoholic delirium 5 (= 2.5%) involved, from the differential diagnostic viewpoint, simulation of alcoholic delirium with all the symptoms involved. The symptoms of the simulation case are compared with the acute symptoms, and points in common to all simulation cases are presented: Definite alcoholic anamnesis, wide experience of treatment for alcohol abuse, dynamics of a pronounced purposeful action when social complications are imminent and course of the symptoms when the interview turns to simulation. In connection with therapy, special attention is drawn to Distraneurin treatment, which is not indicated in such cases.  相似文献   

We prospectively examined the relationship between individuals' belief in a just world and their desire for revenge against the perpetrators of the September 11 terrorist attacks against the United States. Eighty-three undergraduate students who had completed a measure of just-world beliefs prior to the terrorist attacks were assessed approximately 2 months following the attacks. The more strongly they had endorsed just-world beliefs prior to the attacks, the more distressed they felt about the attacks and the more they desired revenge. Furthermore, the relationship between belief in a just world and the desire for revenge was mediated by feelings of distress in response to the terrorist attacks. The results point to the importance of justice beliefs in understanding responses to the terrorist attacks.  相似文献   

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