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变亦变,不变亦变--论中医学发展大势   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本期转载了上海中医药杂志 1999年第 5期发表的上海医科大学华山医院蔡定芳的“变亦变 ,不变亦变”的文章。同时发表了何裕民针对此文发表后所引起的争议而撰写的文章。此类文章本刊也曾发表过 ,如孙学刚的“科学划界与中医”等。旨在通过发表不同的学术观点 ,以活跃学术气氛 ,促进中医学科建设 ,提高中医学术水平 ,拓宽中医生存的空间。欢迎大家参加讨论中国传统医学曾经为中华民族的医疗保健作出了极其重要的贡献。但是随着鸦片战争的隆隆炮声 ,西方医学开始以如潮之势涌入中国 ,中医学在与西方医学交流中逐渐暴露出明显的劣势 ,很快从主…  相似文献   


The author maintains the idea that the process of marital therapy must attend to stability (morphostasis) and change (morphogenesis) from both systemic-interpersonal and intrapersonal perspectives and argues from an attachment theory perspective that creating a secure base can provide the stability essential for allowing couples to identify, understand, and manage their experience of anxiety in creating therapeutic change.  相似文献   

A novel experimental paradigm that measured theory change and confidence in participants' theories was used in three experiments to test the effects of anomalous evidence. Experiment 1 varied the amount of anomalous evidence to see if “dose size” made incremental changes in confidence toward theory change. Experiment 2 varied whether anomalous evidence was convergent (of multiple types) or replicating (similar finding repeated). Experiment 3 varied whether participants were provided with an alternative theory that explained the anomalous evidence. All experiments showed that participants' confidence changes were commensurate with the amount of anomalous evidence presented, and that larger decreases in confidence predicted theory changes. Convergent evidence and the presentation of an alternative theory led to larger confidence change. Convergent evidence also caused more theory changes. Even when people do not change theories, factors pertinent to the evidence and alternative theories decrease their confidence in their current theory and move them incrementally closer to theory change.  相似文献   

价值观是人们区分好坏、善恶、美丑、损益、是非的信念系统,通常是充满情感的。价值观具有稳定性与可变性的特点。价值观的稳定性表现为:基本价值观具有跨时间的稳定性和跨情境的一致性; 特别是保护性价值观和人生价值观具有较强的稳定性。个人的发展、经历重大事件以及实验干预可导致价值观的改变,可变性主要表现为价值观的重要性发生变化。从我国的实际出发,探讨个人的核心价值观问题、以及价值观研究中国化、价值观研究对价值观教育的启示,乃是我们今后研究的关注点。  相似文献   

The paper seeks to answer two new questions about truth and scientific change: (a) What lessons does the phenomenon of scientific change teach us about the nature of truth? (b) What light do recent developments in the theory of truth, incorporating these lessons, throw on problems arising from the prevalence of scientific change, specifically, the problem of pessimistic meta-induction?  相似文献   

Greg Janzen 《Philosophia》2008,36(3):355-366
According to reductive intentionalism, the phenomenal character of a conscious experience is constituted by the experience's intentional (or representational) content. In this article I attempt to show that a phenomenon in visual perception called change blindness poses a problem for this doctrine. Specifically, I argue that phenomenal character is not sensitive, as it should be if reductive intentionalism is correct, to fine-grained variations in content. The standard anti-intentionalist strategy is to adduce putative cases in which phenomenal character varies despite sameness of content. This paper explores an alternative antiintentionalist tack, arguing, by way of a specific example involving change blindness, that content can vary despite sameness of phenomenal character.
Greg JanzenEmail:

Some dynamic semantic theories include an attempt to derive truth-conditional meaning from context change potential. This implies defining truth in terms of context change. Focusing on presuppositions and epistemic modals, this paper points out some problems with how this project has been carried out. It then suggests a way of overcoming these problems. This involves appealing to a richer notion of context than the one found in standard dynamic systems.  相似文献   

This article tenders an inaugural discussion of how conceptual change theory can contribute to deeper understandings of what is conceptually involved when people attempt (or succeed) to transition from multi- and interdisciplinarity to transdisciplinarity. After explaining the nuances of Newtonian thinking (framed as formal rather than postformal thinking), the article shares a comparison of multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinarity along four dimensions. Special attention is given to Nicolescuian transdisciplinarity, an approach predicated on the new sciences of quantum physics, chaos theory, and living systems theory (rather than Newtonian and Cartesian thinking). Nicolescuian transdisciplinarity is a new methodology for creating knowledge and it comprises three axioms: multiple Levels of Reality and the Hidden Third; the Logic of the Inclusive Middle; and, knowledge as complex, emergent, and embodied. The discussion then turns to an overview of three basic approaches to conceptual change theory: knowledge as theory, knowledge as elements, and knowledge as context. The author then applies conceptual change theory to understand what is involved in moving toward transdisciplinary thinking, including four elements necessary for conceptual change to occur (intelligibility, plausibility, fruitfulness, and dissatisfaction with existing conceptualizations and mental models). The article concludes with the idea that transdisciplinary thinking is a form of postformal thinking (especially paradigmatic order thinking) and suggests that future conceptual shifts toward transdisciplinarity involve achieving a transdisciplinary conceptual tipping point.  相似文献   

糖皮质激素是人体内分泌的一类激素,正常人血液中的糖皮质激素应保持在一定的范围内,如果体内糖皮质激素的浓度长期高于此范围就会产生副作用,骨质疏松症就是其中之一。所以在使用糖皮质激素时应保持一定的度,使其变化在量变的范围内,预防糖皮质激素诱导的骨质疏松症的发生。  相似文献   



Organizational change can be a major stress factor for employees. We investigate if stress responses can be explained by the extent to which there is a match between employee self-construal (in personal or collective terms) and change consequences (i.e., does the change particularly have consequences for the individual or for the group). We further investigate if the interactive effect of self-construal and change consequences on stress will be mediated by feelings of uncertainty.


Data were obtained in three studies. Study 1, a laboratory study, focused on physiological stress. Study 2, a business scenario, focused on anticipated stress. Study 3, a cross-sectional survey, focused on perceived stress. Studies 2 and 3 also included measures of uncertainty in order to test its mediating qualities.


Change is more likely to lead to stress when the change has consequences for matters that are central to employees’ sense of self, and particularly so when the personal self is salient. This effect is mediated by feelings of uncertainty.


Understanding why some people experience stress during change, while others do so to a lesser extent, may be essential for improving change management practices. It may help to prevent change processes being unnecessarily stressful for employees.


This is one of the first studies to show that different kinds of change may be leading to uncertainty or stress, depending on employees’ level of self-construal. The multi-method approach boosts the confidence in our findings.

Change Without Change, and How to Observe it in General Relativity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Richard Healey 《Synthese》2004,141(3):1-35

According to sensation-seeking theory, people have characteristic optimal levels of arousal and are motivated to vary stimulus input to reach that level. Self-report studies suggest that seeking changes in stimulation may be one way people control their level of stimulation. The present study tested this hypothesis with a controlled laboratory experiment, using the shock choice procedure. Subjects were asked to choose between a 3-s shock to the wrist immediately or a 1-s shock to the wrist delayed 30 s. “Change seeking” was measured as the number of changes, from trial to trial, between immediate and delayed choices. In order to test change seeking at two levels of arousal, half the subjects were relaxed before making shock choices and half were not. As predicted, subjects who scored high on two subscales of sensation seeking, Boredom Susceptibility and Experience Seeking, made more shock-choice changes during the relaxed condition than subjects who scored low on these two subscales.  相似文献   

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