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有关熟悉感的研究,近几年已经取得了进展。继Jacoby等在再认记忆研究中对熟悉感的产生得出的流畅启动假设后,Whittlesea等人通过大量的实验,从一个新的角度对熟悉感的产生进行了解释,提出了相异-归因假设。该文旨在对这一假设的主要观点、对元认知领域的重要意义及其存在的不足进行述评,以便进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

Although self-ratings of performance are usually higher than ratings obtained from supervisors, Farh, Dobbins, and Cheng (1991) found that Taiwanese workers exhibited modesty bias (i.e., self-ratings that were lower than supervisory ratings). They explained their findings in terms of broad cultural differences between Taiwanese and Western workers. To test this cultural relativity hypothesis, we replicated their study using data from several organizations in mainland China. As is typically found in Western research, Chinese workers showed leniency in self-ratings (i.e., self-ratings that were higher than supervisor or peer ratings), which suggests that broad cultural factors do not explain the modesty bias reported by Farh et al.  相似文献   

This paper deals with certain distortions in communication generated by mutual recrimination that is the result of disturbances in the ideal agencies of both parties. Although the ideal ego, superego and ego ideal participate equally in reproach, it is the latter which is the most decisive. In clinical experience, recrimination may easily colour the analytic dialogue. In such cases, interpretation loses its sense of clarification and another type of dialogue replaces it. There, words are used to take possession of the other, for its autonomy is a threat to the static character of the pathology of mourning. The problem of recrimination has also tainted the development of psychoanalysis, to the point of disrupting the process of discovery itself. This paper deals with repercussions in the psychoanalytic movement and also in the elements that constitute its structure. Finally, different variations and disturbances in the psychoanalytic ideal are considered, as well as the involvement of the psychoanalytic institution in preserving or transforming the ideal. Here the importance of institutions and institutional ideals is emphasised. Finally, we suggest that ideals either encourage or hinder the working through of individual and collective mourning.  相似文献   

假设检验思维过程中的启发式策略研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
本研究运用自编的一个关于规则发现的计算机程序研究了大学生问题解决过程中形成假设、设计实验、实施检验三个阶段上的“假设———检验”的思维过程。结果发现,规则差别对规则发现有显著影响,反馈方式在本实验条件下没有主效应,启发式是假设检验过程中的重要思维策略  相似文献   

R amfalk , C. W., and R udhe , L. A contradicted hypothesis related to Szondi's theory. The Szondi Test as used on alcoholics. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1961, 2 , 100–104.—(1) The Szondi test was applied to 18 alcoholics, 18 total abstainers, and 18 'normals'. (2) According to the definition of consistency proposed in this study there is no consistent relation at the 1 per cent level of significance between any two selections of photographs made by alcoholics. (3) The results contradict theoretical claims based on Szondi's technique.  相似文献   

This study explored the efficacy of disclosure as a stigma management strategy in normal-stigmatized interactions. A laboratory experiment was conducted using confederates to simulate three classes of stigmas. As predicted, reactions of normals (nonstigmatized subjects) were uniform across stigmas. While there is some indication that disclosure may reduce uncertainty in normal-stigmatized interactions, no support obtained for the hypothesis that disclosure about a stigma increases acceptance of the bearer. Path analysis of the data indicated a process leading from uncertainty, tension, and attraction to acceptance/rejection, as expected. Findings are discussed in terms of stigma attributions and relational development.  相似文献   

The situational specificity hypothesis of selection procedure validity makes two predictions. The first is that variation in observed validities across settings is caused by real differences in what constitutes job performance. Validity generalization studies to date have provided disconfirming evidence for this prediction by showing that the observed variation is due to statistical and measurement artifacts. The second prediction is that if the situation (i.e., the organization, the setting, the job, the test and the criterion) is held constant, then validity findings will not vary from study to study. This article tests this prediction empirically using data from a unique series of studies reported by Bender and Loveless (1958). The results are contrary to the situational specificity hypothesis and consistent with the hypothesis that variation in observed validities is due to statistical and measurement artifacts that are unrelated to situations and settings. It is concluded that both major predictions of the situational specificity hypothesis have now been empirically disconfirmed.  相似文献   

L'illusion de la verticale et L'hypothèse écologique. — La discussion dont L'hypothèse écologique a été récemment L'objet, paraît ignorer, en ce qui concerne L'illusion verticale, un article de Künnapas (1955) qui démontre que cette illusion se compose de deux effets: 1) L'un qui est attribuable à la verticalité de la ligne; 2) L'autre qui est dû à L'intersection d'une ligne par L'autre. L'A. a réalisé une expérience qui, avec des stimuli différents, a donné des résultats qui sent en accord avec ceux de Künnapas. Une critique de la littérature consacrée à ce problème suggère que les données se raccordent mieux à L'hypothèse, bien qu'encoie imparfaitement, si L'on tient compte de la dualité des effets. L'auteur souligne la complexité du problème et pense que la symétrie pourrait être considérée comme un facteur additionnel.  相似文献   

本研究观测了30名女性被试在月经周期中的不同激素时相对图像刺激的情绪价值的主观评估和脑诱发电位反应。调节刺激的情绪价值的五类幻灯片分别为普通人像、婴儿像、皮肤病人像、男模特儿像和女模特儿像。实验发现只有脑诱发电位的P3成份随刺激的情绪价值和激素的时相而变化。被评为喜爱与不喜爱的图像(婴儿像和皮肤病人像)所诱发的P3波在幅度上均明显高于中性图像(普通人像)所致的P3反应。在高孕激素时相,对婴儿像和男模特儿像的P3反应高于在低孕激素时相对同类刺激的P3反应。高孕激素时相还伴有对各类图像性感程度评估值的降低。对各类图像喜爱程度的评估则随雌激素水平的上升而增高。上述实验结果表明,P3波敏感于刺激的情绪价值并反映了认知与情绪过程中受生理状态调节的适应性变化。  相似文献   

Eugene G. D'Aquli 《Zygon》1986,21(2):141-160
Abstract. This paper reexamines the myth-ritual complex, considering myth as a psychobiological stereotype, the neurobiology of myth structuring, the neurobiology of myth transformation, and some religious implications of the myth-ritual complex. Relevant points of comparison between this neurobiological analysis of the myth-ritual complex and Jungian psychological theory are made throughout. Finally the neurobiology of transcendent experiences is considered along with a brief neuroepistemological consideration of the possibility of transcendence itself.  相似文献   

归因过程“背景效应假设”的初步实验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过两个实验考证了归因过程的“背景效应假设”:实验1表明,当要求活动者和观察者采用同样的背景事件时.他们之间的归因差异消失了;实验2表明,当有其它的背景信息可供参考时,被试就不再完全按照Kelley所假定的一致性和区别性信息进行归因推断。  相似文献   

A perceptual reinforcement theory of stereotyped movements is advanced by Lovaas, Newsom, and Hickman (1987) in an effort to integrate a number of diverse observations about the origins and maintenance of this behavior. We, in turn, argue that the theory, as presented, is logically flawed and fails to take into account important biological findings and theory concerning pathological stereotyped acts. An alternative theory, derived primarily from neurological concepts, is briefly described.  相似文献   

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