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Miles C  Hodder K 《Memory & cognition》2005,33(7):1303-1314
Seven experiments examined recognition memory for sequentially presented odors. Following Reed (2000), participants were presented with a sequence of odors and then required to identify an odor from the sequence in a test probe comprising 2 odors. The pattern of results obtained by Reed (2000, although statistically marginal) demonstrated enhanced recognition for odors presented at the start (primacy) and end (recency) of the sequence: a result that we failed to replicate in any of the experiments reported here. Experiments 1 and 3 were designed to replicate Reed (2000), employing five-item and seven-item sequences, respectively, and each demonstrated significant recency, with evidence of primacy in Experiment 3 only. Experiment 2 replicated Experiment 1, with reduced interstimulus intervals, and produced a null effect of serial position. The ease with which the odors could be verbally labeled was manipulated in Experiments 4 and 5. Nameable odors produced a null effect of serial position (Experiment 4), and hard-to-name odors produced a pronounced recency effect (Experiment 5); nevertheless, overall rates of recognition were remarkably similar for the two experiments at around 70%. Articulatory suppression reduced recognition accuracy (Experiment 6), but recency was again present in the absence of primacy. Odor recognition performance was immune to the effects of an interleaved odor (Experiment 7), and, again, both primacy and recency effects were absent. There was no evidence of olfactory fatigue: Recognition accuracy improved across trials (Experiment 1). It is argued that the results of the experiments reported here are generally consistent with that body of work employing hard-to-name visual stimuli, where recency is obtained in the absence of primacy when the retention interval is short.  相似文献   

Lexical access for low- and high-frequency words in Hebrew   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hypothesis that phonological mediation is involved to a greater extent in the recognition of low- than in the recognition of high-frequency words was examined using Hebrew. Hebrew has two forms of spelling, pointed and unpointed, which differ greatly in the extent of phonological ambiguity, with the unpointed spelling lacking almost all vowel information. A lexical decision task was employed using target words that had only one pronunciation whether pointed or unpointed. Targets were either pointed or unpointed and were preceded by a prime, which for word targets, was either semantically related or unrelated. The results indicated the following: First, the advantage of pointed over unpointed spelling was larger for low-frequency than for high-frequency words, suggesting a stronger phonological mediation for low-frequency words. Second, the size of the pointing effect was independent of word length, suggesting that phonology is obtained on the basis of the printed word as a whole, by looking it up in a phonological lexicon. Third, response latency to nonwords was not affected by the presence or absence of pointing, suggesting that failure to locate the entry corresponding to a letter string in a phonological lexicon results in a NO decision. Fourth, presence of a related prime was not found to compensate for absence of pointing, suggesting that the activation of a word’s representation in the semantic lexicon does not aid access to its corresponding entry in the phonological lexicon.  相似文献   

Three naming experiments were conducted to examine the role of the first and the second syllable during speech production in Spanish. Facilitative effects of syllable frequency with disyllabic words have been reported in Dutch and Spanish (Levelt & Wheeldon, 1994; Perea & Carreiras, 1998). In both cases, the syllable frequency effect was independent of-and additive to-the effect of word frequency. However, Levelt and Wheeldon (1994) found that words ending in a high-frequency syllable were named faster than words ending in a low-frequency syllable, whereas Perea and Carreiras (1998) found a facilitative effect of syllable frequency for the initial syllable. In Experiments 1-2, we manipulated the frequency of the first and the second syllable of disyllabic CV.CV pseudowords. In Experiment 3, participants named CVC disyllabic pseudowords for which only the frequency of the first syllable was manipulated. The experiments showed a facilitative effect of frequency of the first syllable. The findings are discussed in terms of the current models of speech production.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that female applicants for male sex-typed jobs are evaluated using different selection criteria than males for the same jobs (E. A. Cecil, R. J. Paul, and R. A. Olins, Perceived Importance of Selected Variables Used to Evaluate Male and Female Job Applicants, Personnel Psychology, 1973, 26, 397–404). The present study examined this hypothesis in two separate experiments, in an attempt to replicate the findings and conclusions of Cecil et al. Results do not support the hypothesis that applicant sex affects the ratings of importance of applicant qualifications for sex-typed jobs, although raters do appear to stereotype the kinds of jobs for which males and females are likely to apply. Type of job for which applicants apply is a stronger determinant of what qualifications are evaluated as important in an interview situation. Use of selection criteria (e.g., tests) that validly predict later job performance and that are standardized for all job applicants, might prevent sex discrimination more than training raters to be wary of sex stereotyping of required applicant qualifications.The authors express their gratitude to Amanda Patacsil for her assistance in data collection and analysis.  相似文献   

There is growing empirical evidence that shows that transposed-letter pseudowords (e.g., relovution) are perceptually very similar to their base words. This is a finding that has important implications for the choice of an input coding scheme in visual word recognition and naming. In the present experiment, we examined the presence of transposed-letter effects for pseudowords by using the naming task in a transparent orthography (Spanish): The pseudowords were created by transposing two letters or by replacing two letters (e.g., relovución vs. retosución). Since it has been suggested that transposed-letter effects may be greater for developing than for adult readers (Castles, Davis, & Forster, 2003), we recruited beginning readers (second graders, i.e., 7-year-olds), intermediate readers (fourth graders, i.e., 9-year-olds), and adult readers (college students). Results showed that developing and adult readers frequently mispronounced transposed-letter pseudowords (lexicalisations, mostly). Interestingly, the difference between the transposed-letter pseudowords and the replacement-letter pseudowords vanished when measuring the correct naming times. We examine the implications of these findings for models of visual word recognition and naming.  相似文献   

The revelation effect refers to the finding of an increased propensity to classify recognition test probes as old when they are preceded by a problem solving task. Recent research indicates that revelation effects are dissociable based on whether the revelation task involves an item that is the same as or different than the subsequently presented recognition probe. Using a two-alternative forced-choice design, we found a revelation effect for both words (Experiment 1) and nonwords (Experiment 2) in the condition where the revealed item was the same as the target item (same revelation condition), but no effect when the revealed item was different than either test alternative (different revelation condition). These results were replicated using a mixed list design containing both words and nonwords (Experiment 3). Results support Verde and Rotello’s (2004) two-factor account of the revelation effect, which proposes that changes in memory sensitivity underlie revelation effects in the same revelation condition, and that changes in the decision criterion are responsible in the different revelation condition.  相似文献   

The pseudoword effect is the finding that pseudowords (i.e., rare words or pronounceable nonwords) give rise to more hits and false alarms than words. Using the retrieving effectively from memory (REM) model of recognition memory, we tested a familiarity-based account of the pseudoword effect: Specifically, the pseudoword effect arises because pseudowords lack distinctive semantic meanings. Because semantics can differentiate orthographically similar words (e.g., horse vs. house), by lacking distinctive semantics, pseudowords have greater interitem similarity than words, and hence more familiarity, which gives rise to the pseudoword effect. Across two sets of simulations, we demonstrate that this account explains the pseudoword effect in addition to accounting for why the pseudoword effect is absent when irregular nonwords are compared with words. Furthermore, our modeling efforts suggest a novel experiment that leads us to the discovery of a new concordant effect. Namely, extremely high-frequency words behave like pseudowords (giving rise to more hits and false alarms than high-frequency words) and also have less distinctive semantics than high-frequency words. We conclude that our work provides strong evidence in favor of the familiarity-based accounts of the pseudoword effect. We discuss the implications of our research with regard to various issues surrounding the pseudoword effect and REM model.  相似文献   

The question addressed in this investigation was whether faster reading and pronunciation of words than orthographically regular pseudowords is due to faster identification or to faster programming and execution of the motor response. In Experiment I, three different response conditions (naming, threechoice signaled responding, and one-choice signaled responding) were employed to separate the identification and articulation processes in a verbal reaction time task. It was found that, for all intents and purposes, single, isolated letters are processed as if they were very short words. Words are read and pronounced 72 msec faster than pseudowords. Words are also pronounced 30 msec faster than pseudowords even if the reader has longer than 1 sec to identify the stimulus (three-choice condition) or to both identify the stimulus and preprogram the response (one-choice condition). The data indicate that words are identified about 52 msec faster and articulated about 30 msec faster than pseudowords. Since the number of response alternatives (one or three) does not interact with stimulus type (letter, word, or pseudoword) in the signaled response control condition, the 30-msec difference is due to response execution and not to differential response programming. Response programming takes in the neighborhood of 236 msec. Experiment 2 investigated the effect of local orthographic context upon the identification of the first letter of a string of letters. No difference was found in identifying the initial letter of words and pseudowords, but the initial letter of these orthographically regular letter strings was identified and named 10 msec faster than the initial letter of orthographically anomalous strings of letters (anagrams). The data from the two experiments are supportive of theories of reading that assume (1) that the letters of visually presented words are processed simultaneously, in parallel, (2) that there is a relatively direct access and retrieval of the phonological memory codes for the names of words, and (3) that orthographically regular pseudowords having no representation in the phonological lexicon undergo a grapheme-to-phoneme transformation that takes longer to finish than the direct spelling-to-sound process used for words.  相似文献   

A relatively liberal response bias for high-frequency words and a violation of the mirror effect for hit and false-alarm rates were found in a yes-no recognition-memory test. Subjects more frequently responded "old" to high-frequency words than to low-frequency words. Four experiments were conducted to determine the causes of the different response biases and of the violation of the mirror effect. The word-frequency effect on hit rates did not appear, whereas the false-alarm rate for low-frequency words was lower than that for high-frequency words. When low- or high-frequency words were presented separately in distinct halves of a recognition-memory test, the relatively liberal response bias for high-frequency words was diminished. A model for recognition judgment is proposed that assumes the use of a common criterion for low- and high-frequency words.  相似文献   

Conclusion I have shown as promised that Reichenbach did not refute either thesis (I) or thesis (II). I have also shown that an argument of Lewis's may be used to establish a weakened version of (I) that has two interesting consequences: if we are to assign probabilities with any justification at all, we must have either certainties or intrinsic probabilities; and if we are frequentists, we must have certainties.  相似文献   

Words and nonword strings, three and seven letters long, were displayed serially (i.e., one letter at a time) or simultaneously, with or without a backward mask following display of each letter or string. Recognition of words, and of individual letters within words, was markedly impaired in the masked serial condition relative to the unmasked serial, unmasked simultaneous, and masked simultaneous conditions. Analogous differences were smaller or nonexistent for seven-letter nonwords; however, three-letter nonwords produced relatively “wordlike” data. Implications for the issue of spatially serial vs. parallel processing in word recognition are discussed.  相似文献   

In a review of the chronometric literature, M. Ashcraft (1982, Developmental Review, 2, 213–236) concludes that adults store each basic arithmetic fact in a table-like retrieval network. In my commentary (1983, Developmental Review, 3, 225–230), I argued that procedural knowledge (stored rules, principles, or heuristics) might be a cognitively more economical basis for generating many number combinations. In this paper, I draw an analogy between this alternative model of number fact representation and how computers efficiently reconstruct arithmetic combinations, note that the research findings do not clearly support any one model of mental arithmetic, and attempt to address Ashcraft's (1983, Developmental Review, 3, 231–235) criticisms of my model.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to determine whether lexical variables corresponding to the lexicons of young and older adults are better predictors of visual word recognition latencies than lexical variables that are not specifically adapted to the populations. Three variables were considered (subjective frequency, age of acquisition, objective frequency). Subjective frequency and age of acquisition ratings were provided by the young and older adults of the experiment, while four objective frequency measures were collected in four norms for the French language based on texts dating from different periods. As a whole, 220 words were presented to 45 young adults and 40 older adults in a lexical decision task. Regression analyses showed that objective frequency, subjective frequency, and age of acquisition were better predictors of the lexical decision latencies of young and older adults when they were accorded with the lexicons of the populations.  相似文献   

Letter-search (LS) within a prime often eliminates semantic priming. In 2 lexical decision experiments, the authors found that priming from LS primes occurred for low-frequency (LF) but not high-frequency (HF) targets whether the target's word frequency was manipulated between or within participants and whether the prime-target pairs were associated symmetrically or forward asymmetrically. For the LF targets, LS priming was (a) equivalent for forward asymmetric and symmetric pairs and (b) equal to silent-read (SR) priming for forward asymmetric pairs but less than SR priming for symmetric pairs. The typical finding of greater SR priming for response times for LF than for HF targets occurred for symmetric priming but not for forward asymmetric priming, which showed the interaction for errors. The authors consider their findings' implications for various accounts of how LS affects priming and explain the findings within J. H. Neely and D. E. Keefe's (1989) 3-process model as follows: (a) LS eliminates expectancy and semantic matching but does not reduce semantic activation and (b) expectancy contributes to SR priming for HF targets but not for LF targets, whereas the opposite is so for semantic matching.  相似文献   

Previous research has found conflicting answers to the question of whether males and females share similar preferences for various job characteristics. It is difficult to determine if the different findings are due to the different populations sampled, the various methodologies employed, or to a real change in the phenomenon itself. This study essentially replicates earlier work by having 130 male and 84 female college students rate the importance of 10 job characteristics for both themselves and members of the opposite sex. Both sexes rated motivators as important, but females also placed importance on the hygienes. Males tended to underestimate the importance of the motivators for females, while females overestimated the importance of hygienes for males. The subject's sex could be predicted by both the importance for self and importance for opposite sex ratings, contrary to the earlier study. The difference in results and interpretation was shown to be due to the type of analyses used. Additionally, it was found that females' job preferences were related to their mothers' educational achievement.  相似文献   

Vokey and Read (1992) proposed that the effect of typicality on face recognition was a function of familiarity and rated memorability, reporting that typicality loaded equally on components that they identified with these variables. We offer an alternative interpretation to that of Vokey and Read in terms of the relationship between typicality and attractiveness (when the former is measured as a deviation from the typical face), the mere exposure effect, and the metamemorial beliefs of participants. In our study we identified distinctiveness , attractiveness , and residual memory components. Supporting our interpretation, three of our four measures of typicality failed to load with familiarity on the attractiveness component. Only our measure of deviation from the typical face replicated Vokey and Read's results because of its correlation with attractiveness.  相似文献   

The study purpose was to indicate when language-specific processing first occurs and how first and second language priming processes interact. Event-related potentials were recorded from 14 normal native Hebrew speakers, in a variation of lexical decision task, to pairs of stimuli (S1, S2) in Hebrew, English, Hebrew pseudowords, and English pseudowords. Although no behavioral priming was observed, priming by pseudowords in either language affected both N400 and the late positive component of event related potential. N1 and P2 latencies were longer to S2 in semantically related pairs, indicating that language-specific processing may take place as early as auditory cortex. Different processing of first and second language was evident only in response to pseudowords.  相似文献   

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