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Parallel processing in visual search asymmetry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The difficulty of visual search may depend on assignment of the same visual elements as targets and distractors-search asymmetry. Easy C-in-O searches and difficult O-in-C searches are often associated with parallel and serial search, respectively. Here, the time course of visual search was measured for both tasks with speed-accuracy methods. The time courses of the 2 tasks were similar and independent of display size. New probabilistic parallel and serial search models and sophisticated-guessing variants made predictions about time course and accuracy of visual search. The probabilistic parallel model provided an excellent account of the data, but the serial model did not. Asymptotic search accuracies and display size effects were consistent with a signal-detection analysis, with lower variance encoding of Cs than Os. In the absence of eye movements, asymmetric visual search, long considered an example of serial deployment of covert attention, is qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with parallel search processes.  相似文献   

The present study examined a visual field asymmetry in the contingent capture of attention that was previously observed by Du and Abrams (2010). In our first experiment, color singleton distractors that matched the color of a to-be-detected target produced a stronger capture of attention when they appeared in the left visual hemifield than in the right visual hemifield. This replicated Du and Abrams and also revealed a difference between hemifields in the time course of this effect. Our second experiment suggested that this asymmetry is moderated by the tuning of attentional control settings: when the target was easier to detect the asymmetry was attenuated. Our third experiment showed that this asymmetry is also present during singleton detection: a color singleton distractor produced a larger capture effect in the left hemifield than in the right hemifield. Finally, our fourth experiment suggested that this asymmetry is moderated by the salience of the attention-capturing distractor: when the distractor was not salient, the asymmetry was attenuated. These results suggest that there are boundary conditions in the observed hemifield asymmetry in the contingent capture of attention and several underlying brain systems might be involved.  相似文献   

Unilateral neglect has been demonstrated relative to the intrinsic left side of objects, even when presented in the preserved hemispace. These results have been interpreted as evidence of an object-centered reference frame. In the present study, neurologically normal individuals were presented with letter stimuli having distinguishing features to the right (R) or left (J) of their intrinsic midline, shown in normal and mirror parity, and in six angle rotations. RTs confirmed that participants rotated the letters to the upright to decide parity: such rotation would align the object-centered and viewer-centered frames of reference, suggesting that not controlling for mental rotation would confound this effect. In addition, a dot, presented lateral to the main letter stimulus, resulted in quicker parity decisions when on the maximally-informative side of the letter. Together, the results suggest that apparent object-centered neglect may arise from the combined effects of mental rotation and within-object information asymmetries.  相似文献   

When a subject searches through a list of letters of mixed case in a letter cancellation task search is slowed if the background items include the target letter in the other case. This effect is largest when target and confusing background have visual analogue similarity (e.g., cC) but still obtains when no special visual similarity exists (e.g., aA). In searches for two targets, one of either case, search is facilitated when the targets are both cases of the same letter.  相似文献   

It remains unclear how memory load affects attentional processes in visual search (VS). No effects, as well as beneficial and detrimental effects of memory load, have been found in this type of task. The main goal of the present research was to explore whether memory load has a modulating effect on VS by means of a different attentional set induced by the order of trials (mixed vs. blocked) and by the time presentation of visual display (long vs. short). In Experiment 1, we randomized the order of type of trial (5, 10 and 15 items presented in the display) while it remained constant (10 items) in Experiments 2A and 2B. In the later experiments, we also changed time presentation of visual display (3000 vs. 1300 ms, respectively). Results showed no differential effects of memory load in Experiments 1 and 2A, but they showed up in Experiment 2B: RTs were longer in the attentional task for trials under high memory load conditions. Although our hypothesis of the attentional set is supported by the results, other theoretical implications are also worth discussing in order to better understand how memory load may modulate attentional processes in VS.  相似文献   

Visual search is often slow and difficult for complex stimuli such as feature conjunctions. Search efficiency, however, can improve with training. Search for stimuli that can be identified by the spatial configuration of two elements (e.g., the relative position of two colored shapes) improves dramatically within a few hundred trials of practice. Several recent imaging studies have identified neural correlates of this learning, but it remains unclear what stimulus properties participants learn to use to search efficiently. Influential models, such as reverse hierarchy theory, propose two major possibilities: learning to use information contained in low-level image statistics (e.g., single features at particular retinotopic locations) or in high-level characteristics (e.g., feature conjunctions) of the task-relevant stimuli. In a series of experiments, we tested these two hypotheses, which make different predictions about the effect of various stimulus manipulations after training. We find relatively small effects of manipulating low-level properties of the stimuli (e.g., changing their retinotopic location) and some conjunctive properties (e.g., color-position), whereas the effects of manipulating other conjunctive properties (e.g., color-shape) are larger. Overall, the findings suggest conjunction learning involving such stimuli might be an emergent phenomenon that reflects multiple different learning processes, each of which capitalizes on different types of information contained in the stimuli. We also show that both targets and distractors are learned, and that reversing learned target and distractor identities impairs performance. This suggests that participants do not merely learn to discriminate target and distractor stimuli, they also learn stimulus identity mappings that contribute to performance improvements.  相似文献   

Recent literature suggests that observers can use advance knowledge of the target feature to guide their search but fail to do so whenever the target is reliably a singleton. Instead, they engage in singletondetection mode—that is, they search for the most salient object. In the present study, we aimed to test the notion of a default salience-based search mode. Using several measures, we compared search for a known target when it is always a singleton (fixed-singleton search) relative to when it is incidentally a singleton (multiple-target search). We examined the relative contributions of strategic factors (knowledge that the target is a singleton) and intertrial repetition effects (singleton priming, or the advantage of responding to a singleton target if the target on the previous trial had also been a singleton). In two experiments, singleton priming eliminated all the differences in performance between fixed-singleton and multiple-target search, suggesting that search for a known singleton may be feature based rather than salience based.  相似文献   

Pigeons received an odd-item search task that involved an array of 12 patterns containing 11 similar distractors and a single target. Pecks to the target resulted in the delivery of food. Accuracy was greater on trials when a distinctive feature was located in the target but not in the distractors, rather than when the feature was in the distractors but not in the target. This search asymmetry was influenced by the similarity of the target to the distractors. The results are similar to those obtained with humans.  相似文献   

The traditional view of cerebral lateralization of various cognitive functions has been challenged by results from recent experimental and clinical studies. Evidence has been gathered to suggest that a seemingly unitized cognitive function can be further broken down into various processing subcomponents which are distributed across the two hemispheres. For instance, according to such a more complex conceptualization of cerebral lateralization, language is seen not as a unitary ability, but rather as a collection of syntactic, semantic, and prosodic components, with each lateralized in particular manners. In much the same way, the present study attempts to examine the cerebral lateralization patterns of the seemingly unitary visual perception process. In a visual half-field experiment, 20 normal subjects were asked to make same/different judgments to laterally presented arrays of stimuli of the same type as previously studied by Treisman and her colleagues in experiments attempting to separate the preattentive and attentive stages of visual perception. Hemispheric differences were obtained only in tasks requiring attentive processing (i.e., Treisman's glueing). Results indicate a local attentional strategy for the left hemisphere and a global attentional strategy for the right hemisphere.  相似文献   

Effects of the number and form of stimuli on visual search in the pigeon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pigeons' pecks at small luminous forms on a large display field were photoelectrically recorded. Pecks to target (S+) forms were reinforced with food; pecks to distractor (S-) forms produced a short time-out. The speed and accuracy of search for a target declined as the number of distractors increased to a maximum of 15. Search was further impaired when the distractors were quite similar to the target. However, search was unaffected by a change in the number of potential targets (memory set size) from one to two, nor was it clearly affected by the use of several different distractor forms instead of a single repeated form. Search was swift over a large (50 degrees) visual field, in the apparent absence of substantial head and eye movements.  相似文献   

People differ with respect to their beliefs about the consequences of attaining goals. Some people (linkers) believe that attaining certain goals will make them happy, whereas others (nonlinkers) see their happiness as more contingent upon the inherent quality of their actions than upon the outcomes of those actions. Because of the importance linkers place on goal attainment, linkers should be likely to seek information indicative of their progress toward their goals. Because of the importance nonlinkers place on enjoyment, nonlinkers should be likely to seek information indicative of the pleasurableness of their current task. Because negative affect can signal a lack of goal progress, whereas positive affect can signal task enjoyment, linkers may place more weight on their negative than their positive affect, whereas nonlinkers may do the opposite. Consistent with these hypotheses, the results of this study showed that linkers reported more negative affect when exposed to sad videos than when exposed to happy videos but did not report different amounts of positive affect. Nonlinkers, on the other hand, reported more positive affect when exposed to happy videos than when exposed to sad videos but did not report different amounts of negative affect. The implications of this pattern for a number of theoretical perspectives on goals and affect are discussed.  相似文献   

Visual marking (VM) refers to our ability to completely exclude old items from search when new stimuli are presented in our visual field. We examined whether this ability reflects an attentional scan of the old items, possibly allowing observers to apply inhibition of return or maintain a memory representation of already seen locations. In four experiments, we compared performance in two search conditions. In the double-search (DS) condition, we required participants to pay attention to a first set of items by having them search for a target within the set. Subsequently, they had to search a second set while the old items remained in the field. In the VM condition, the participants expected the target only to be in the second (new) set. Selection of new items in the DS condition was relatively poor and was always worse than would be expected if only the new stimuli had been searched. In contrast, selection of the new items in the VM condition was good and was equal to what would be expected if there had been an exclusive search of the new stimuli. These results were not altered when differences in Set 1 difficulty, task switching, and response generation were controlled for. We conclude that the mechanism of VM is distinct from mnemonic and/or serial inhibition-of-return processes as involved in search, although we also discuss possible links to more global and flexible inhibition-of-return processes not necessarily related to search.  相似文献   


Diverse adaptive visual processing mechanisms allow us to complete visual search tasks in a wide visual photopic range (>0.6 cd/m2). Whether search strategies or mechanisms known from this range extend below, in the mesopic and scotopic luminance spectra (<0.6 cd/m2), has yet to be addressed. Based on a study that addressed simple target discrimination in luminance environments using contrast-dependent behavioral efficiency functions, we assessed visual search in more complex-feature and conjunction-search paradigms. The results verify the previously reported deficiency windows defined by an interaction of base luminance and luminance contrast for more complex visual-search tasks. Based on significant regression analyses, a more precise definition of the magnitude of contribution of different contrast parameters. Characterized feature search patterns had approximately a 2.5:1 ratio of contribution from the Michelson contrast property relative to Weber contrast, whereas the ratio was approximately 1:1 in a serial-search condition. The results implicate near-complete magnocellular isolation in a visual-search paradigm that has yet to be demonstrated. Our analyses provide a new method of characterizing visual search and the first insight in its underlying mechanisms in luminance environments in the low mesopic and scotopic spectra.


In order to determine whether people encode spatial configuration information when encoding visual displays, in four experiments, we investigated whether changes in task-irrelevant spatial configuration information would influence color change detection accuracy. In a change detection task, when objects in the test display were presented in new random locations, rather than identical or different locations preserving the overall configuration, participants were more likely to report that the colors had changed. This consistent bias across four experiments suggested that people encode task-irrelevant spatial configuration along with object information. Experiment 4 also demonstrated that only a low-false-alarm group of participants effectively bound spatial configuration information to object information, suggesting that these types of binding processes are open to strategic influences.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that people can selectively attend to stimulus colour, e.g., in visual search, and that preknowledge of a target colour can improve response speed/accuracy. The purpose was to use a form-identification task to determine whether valid colour precues can produce benefits and invalid cues costs. The subject had to identify the orientation of a "T"-shaped element in a ring of randomly-oriented "L"s when either two or four of the elements were differently coloured. Contrary to Moore and Egeth's (1998) recent findings, colour-based attention did affect performance under data-limited conditions: Colour cues produced benefits when processing load was high; when the load was reduced, they incurred only costs. Surprisingly, a valid colour cue succeeded in improving performance in the high-load condition even when its validity was reduced to the chance level. Overall, the results suggest that knowledge of a target colour does not facilitate the processing of the target, but makes it possible to prioritize it.  相似文献   

Grasping an object rather than pointing to it enhances processing of its orientation but not its color. Apparently, visual discrimination is selectively enhanced for a behaviorally relevant feature. In two experiments we investigated the limitations and targets of this bias. Specifically, in Experiment 1 we were interested to find out whether the effect is capacity demanding, therefore we manipulated the set-size of the display. The results indicated a clear cognitive processing capacity requirement, i.e. the magnitude of the effect decreased for a larger set size. Consequently, in Experiment 2, we investigated if the enhancement effect occurs only at the level of behaviorally relevant feature or at a level common to different features. Therefore we manipulated the discriminability of the behaviorally neutral feature (color). Again, results showed that this manipulation influenced the action enhancement of the behaviorally relevant feature. Particularly, the effect of the color manipulation on the action enhancement suggests that the action effect is more likely to bias the competition between different visual features rather than to enhance the processing of the relevant feature. We offer a theoretical account that integrates the action-intention effect within the biased competition model of visual selective attention.  相似文献   

The effects of correct and transformed visual feedback on rhythmic unimanual visuo-motor tracking were examined, focusing on tracking performance (accuracy and stability) and visual search behavior. Twelve participants (reduced to 9 in the analyses) manually tracked an oscillating visual target signal in phase (by moving the hand in the same direction as the target signal) and in antiphase (by moving the hand in the opposite direction), while the frequency of the target signal was gradually increased to probe pattern stability. Besides a control condition without feedback, correct feedback (representing the actual hand movement) or mirrored feedback (representing the hand movement transformed by 180 degrees) were provided during tracking, resulting in either in-phase or antiphase visual motion of the target and feedback signal, depending on the tracking mode performed. The quality (accuracy and stability) of in-phase tracking was hardly affected by the two forms of feedback, whereas antiphase tracking clearly benefited from mirrored feedback but not from correct feedback. This finding extends previous results indicating that the performance of visuo-motor coordination tasks is aided by visual feedback manipulations resulting in coherently grouped (i.e., in-phase) visual motion structures. Further insights into visuo-motor tracking with and without feedback were garnered from the visual search patterns accompanying task performance. Smooth pursuit eye movements only occurred at lower oscillation frequencies and prevailed during in-phase tracking and when target and feedback signal moved in phase. At higher frequencies, point-of-gaze was fixated at a location that depended on the feedback provided and the resulting visual motion structures. During in-phase tracking the mirrored feedback was ignored, which explains why performance was not affected in this condition. Point-of-gaze fixations at one of the end-points were accompanied by reduced motor variability at this location, reflecting a form of visuo-motor anchoring that may support the pick up of discrete information as well as the control of hand movements to a desired location.  相似文献   

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