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Traffic management policies aim to improve traffic flow by influencing the route choice of drivers, therefore preventing traffic jams in crowded cities. With respect to a system-optimum of the traffic network, drivers might have to make small-scale detours. The aim of this article is to encourage unselfish route choice behaviour in an urban context by informing drivers in advance about the objectives of traffic management. Two studies were conducted: (1) an online survey (N = 244) and (2) a driving simulation study (N = 48). The first study focussed on the general effect of recommendations for routes with longer travel times (system-optimal routes) when traffic management is explained. Other route choice attributes (travel time, red-light duration, time pressure) were analysed as well. Drivers were randomly confronted with 35 route choice scenarios consisting of a main route with certain red-light duration and an alternative route without. Results showed that the compliance with system-optimal routes is increased by around 10 percentage points when comparing the group with recommendation to the group without. This effect occurred independently of the variation of other route choice attributes. The second study aimed to determine if the compliance can be increased even more if drivers receive in-depth information about traffic management and experience ‘good’ as well as ‘bad’ recommendations in a driving simulator. Results showed no further effect of these manipulations on route choice. Only decision-making times and subjective evaluation were influenced by in-depth information compared to basic information. Altruism was partly correlated with decision-making. This article shows a novel approach to encouraging drivers to select routes with longer travel times for the benefit of the common good. Drivers’ knowledge gap regarding traffic management needs to be closed in order to enhance their understanding of traffic regulations. Finally, results of this research should be transferred to driver models within traffic simulations to estimate the effects on traffic networks.  相似文献   

Extensive research has focused on identifying the principles in pedestrian route choice, often assuming that pedestrians follow an optimal route measured by factors, such as route length and busyness. However, the question of the extent to which pedestrians adhere to their planned route has not been convincingly resolved. Here, we form the hypothesis that the more pedestrians invest into a planned route by walking further along it, the bigger their tendency to stick to this route, even when it becomes less attractive than other options due to congestion, for example. We term this behaviour “route commitment effect” and conduct an online survey with over 300 participants to test and establish the existence of this effect. We propose a novel model to formalise this effect. Using simulations of our model, we give illustrative examples for the consequences of the route commitment effect. Our findings suggest that the route commitment effect can significantly influence pedestrian route choice in a simple scenario with only two possible routes. In more complex scenarios with many routes, the impact of the route commitment effect on the overall dynamics is much weaker, as pedestrians are distributed across routes. In general, we find that the route commitment effect reduces the efficiency of pedestrian flow and leads to more predictable pedestrian dynamics. Our study sheds light on the role of cognitive bias in pedestrian decision-making and may thus be helpful for facility design or operations.  相似文献   

The proliferation of information systems is enabling drivers to receive en route real-time travel information, often from multiple sources, for making informed routing decisions. A robust understanding of route choice behavior under information provision can be leveraged by traffic operators to design information and its delivery systems for managing network-wide traffic. However, most existing route choice models lack the ability to consider the latent cognitive effects of information on drivers and their implications on route choice decisions. This paper presents a hybrid route choice modeling framework that incorporates the latent cognitive effects of real-time information and the effects of several explanatory variables that can be measured directly (i.e., route characteristics, information characteristics, driver attributes, and situational factors). The latent cognitive effects are estimated by analyzing drivers’ physiological data (i.e., brain electrical activity patterns) measured using an electroencephalogram (EEG). Data was collected for 95 participants in driving simulator experiments designed to elicit realistic route choices using a network-level setup featuring routes with different characteristics (in terms of travel time and driving environment complexity) and dynamic ambient traffic. Averaged EEG band powers in multiple brain regions were used to extract two latent cognitive variables that capture driver’s cognitive effort during and immediately after the information provision, and cognitive inattention before implementing the route choice decision. A Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes model was used to test the effects of several explanatory factors on the latent cognitive variables, and their combined impacts on route choice decisions. The study results highlight the significant effects of driver attributes and information characteristics on latent cognitive effort and of route characteristics on latent cognitive inattention. They also indicate that drivers who are more attentive and exert more cognitive effort are more likely to switch from their current route by complying with the information provided. The study insights can aid traffic operators and information service providers to incorporate human factors and cognitive aspects while devising strategies for designing and disseminating real-time travel information to influence drivers’ route choices.  相似文献   

More active ways of travelling (e.g., walking, cycling, and public transport) would benefit both individuals and society. To encourage people’s transition to more active travelling, it is important to understand the decision-making process regarding modal choice. The first aim of this study is therefore to combine a three-stage version of the transtheoretical model of change (TTM; Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983) with the theory of planned behaviour (TPB; Ajzen, 1991) to advance our understanding of the nature of the TTM stages. The second aim is to examine certain characteristics (i.e., age, gender, importance of everyday exercise, importance of environmental issues, perceived accessibility, and satisfaction with travel) of these three stages of change. The study used a web-based questionnaire, an app-based questionnaire, and an app-based travel diary completed by 306 people in the Stockholm area. The observed behaviour measured using the app-based travel diary showed that the three-stage model used in this study was consistent with the participants’ self-reported travel behaviour in using bicycles, public transport, and cars. Interventions focusing on attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control appear to have potential to move people from one stage to another regardless of initial stage. To make interventions as effective as possible, the stage of change as well as the behavioural, normative, and control beliefs underpinning attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control must be considered. Finally, more research is needed to advance our knowledge of the relationship between the three stages of change and other variables.  相似文献   

This study examines household hurricane evacuation logistics—the activities and associated resources needed to reach a safe location and remain there until it is safe to return—during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Evacuation logistics variables include evacuation route information sources, evacuation departure dates, vehicles taken, evacuation routes and destinations, travel distances and times, shelter accommodations, and costs of transportation, food, and lodging. This study confirmed previous findings that evacuees take multiple cars, rely on personal experience and traffic conditions to choose their evacuation routes, and are most likely to choose the homes of friends/relatives as their shelter accommodations. However, this study also produced new data on evacuation distances, durations, and costs—as well as associations with demographic and situational variables that are associated with household evacuation logistics. In addition, this study provides additional data indicating that common assumptions about evacuation route choice are incorrect. More research is needed to understand evacuees’ choices of ultimate destinations and evacuation routes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that latent variables, with the focus on sensation seeking concepts, incorporated in new technique of route choice modeling, improve our analyzing of route choice behavior with pre-trip travel time information. The application of a hybrid discrete choice model framework integrates a latent variable model and a route choice model by combining their measurement and structural equations. The model is estimated based on data from a laboratory experiment and a field study of a simple network. The results show that certain sensation seeking domains (e.g., thrill and adventure seeking) alongside traditional variables (e.g., travel time information) enrich our understanding and provide more insight into route choice behavior. Furthermore, observed personal variables, such as gender and marital status, may serve as causal indicators to sensation seeking variables.  相似文献   

How do humans and animals travel between multiple destinations on a given foraging trip? This question is of theoretical and practical interest, yet few empirical data exist to date. We examined how a group of wild chacma baboons travelled among multiple, simultaneously fruiting mountain fig trees (Ficus glumosa). In the course of a 16-month study, this highly preferred fruit was available during a 3-week period, from relatively few sites, which were also utilized by four larger baboon groups. We used directness of route and travel speed of 13 days of observation, and approach rates of 31 days of observation to differentiate between purposeful and opportunistic encounters with 50 fig trees. The study group visited a total of 30 fig trees overall, but only 8 trees per day on average. Each morning, they travelled along a highly repetitive route on all days of observation, thereby visiting 2–4 fig trees. They approached these trees rapidly along highly directed paths without intermittently exploiting other food sources that were available in large quantities. Then, they abruptly changed behaviour, switching to lower travel speed and less directed routes as they foraged on a variety of foods. They approached additional fig trees later in the day, but approach rates were similar to those at times of year when fruit of this fig species was unavailable; this suggested that encounters with trees after the behavioural switch were not planned. Comparing visits to purposefully and opportunistically encountered trees, we found no difference in the average time spent feeding or frequency of feeding supplants, suggesting that purposefully and opportunistically visited trees had similar values. We conclude that when foraging for mountain fig fruit the baboons’ cognitive maps either contain information on relatively few trees or of only a single route along which several trees are situated, leading to very limited planning abilities.  相似文献   

Peak travel times contribute to congestion formation at freeway work zones. Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) can inform drivers in real-time about the delays and travel times en-route and can provide information about an alternative route to a destination. Different ATIS display strategies are available; however, road authorities lack insights into how time display methods and sign characteristics influence the driving behavior (decelerations, lateral position), the drivers’ attention allocation ability and the subsequent route choice before the freeway diversion. A driving simulator study was conducted with 80 drivers in the State of Qatar to investigate drivers' behavior and voluntary route choices when encountering total travel time (default setting) or delay time updates for two freeway routes on Variable Message Signs (VMS) and Graphical Route Information Panels (GRIP). The GRIPs are a graphical alternative to conventional VMS that can provide drivers with a visual map of the most direct route or an alternative less congested route to a destination using different color schemes. The time difference ratio between the two routes was kept constant to compare the effectiveness of the information designs and investigate the drivers’ attention towards the signs with an eye-tracker. The results showed that the display of zero delays for a detour did influence 74–83% of the drivers to take the alternative route when being displayed on a VMS and a GRIP with free flow attribute framing. When displaying equal total travel times, the GRIP did influence 25% more drivers to follow the alternative route than the VMS. Generally, displaying zero delays for the alternative route resulted in an efficient attention allocation to the first ATIS location and fewer mean decelerations before the repeated ATIS location nearing the diversion. Road authorities are advised to activate the display of delay times to support efficient route choices among freeway drivers.  相似文献   

An extended version of the theory of planned behavior (TPB; Ajzen, 1991 ) was used to explain travel mode choice. As a new predictor, perceived mobility necessities (PMNs) were introduced, which are defined as people's perceptions of mobility‐related consequences of their personal living circumstances. The database consisted of a survey of 1,545 car users in 3 large German cities. Using structural equation modeling, PMNs were integrated into TPB and showed the expected significant negative effect on use of environmentally friendly modes. In‐depth interviews with 82 selected participants indicated that PMN moderates the relationship between public transportation attitude and intention. This moderator effect was confirmed by a regression analysis. The extension of TPB by PMN allows deduction of more differentiated intervention strategies.  相似文献   

Navigators use both external cues and internal heuristics to help them plan efficient routes through environments. In six experiments, we discover and seek the origin of a novel heuristic that causes participants to preferentially choose southern rather than northern routes during map-based route planning. Experiment 1 demonstrates that participants who are tasked to choose between two equal-length routes, one going generally north and one south, show reliable decision preferences toward the southern option. Experiment 2 demonstrates that participants produce a southern preference only when instructed to adopt egocentric rather than allocentric perspectives during route planning. In Experiments 3-5, we examined participants’ judgments of route characteristics and found that judgments of route length and preferences for upper relative to lower path options do not contribute to the southern route preference. Rather, the southern route preference appears to be a result of misperceptions of increased elevation to the north (i.e., north is up). Experiment 6 further supports this finding by demonstrating that participants provide greater time estimates for north- than for equivalent south-going routes when planning travel between U.S. cities. Results are discussed with regard to predicting wayfinding behavior, the mental simulation of action, and theories of spatial cognition and navigation.  相似文献   

Many wild primates occupy large home ranges and travel long distances each day. Navigating these ranges to find sufficient food presents a substantial cognitive challenge, but we are still far from understanding either how primates represent spatial information mentally or how they use this information to navigate under natural conditions. In the course of a long-term socioecological study, we investigated and compared the travel paths of sympatric spider monkeys (Ateles belzebuth) and woolly monkeys (Lagothrix poeppigii) in Amazonian Ecuador. During several field seasons spanning an 8-year period, we followed focal individuals or groups of both species continuously for periods of multiple days and mapped their travel paths in detail. We found that both primates typically traveled through their home ranges following repeatedly used paths, or “routes”. Many of these routes were common to both species and were stable across study years. Several important routes appeared to be associated with distinct topographic features (e.g., ridgetops), which may constitute easily recognized landmarks useful for spatial navigation. The majority of all location records for both species fell along or near identified routes, as did most of the trees used for fruit feeding. Our results provide strong support for the idea that both woolly and spider monkey use route-based mental maps similar to those proposed by Poucet (Psychol Rev 100:163–182, 1993). We suggest that rather than remembering the specific locations of thousands of individual feeding trees and their phenological schedules, spider and woolly monkeys could nonetheless forage efficiently by committing to memory a series of route segments that, when followed, bring them into contact with many potential feeding sources for monitoring or visitation. Furthermore, because swallowed and defecated seeds are deposited in greater frequency along routes, the repeated use of particular travel paths over generations could profoundly influence the structure and composition of tropical forests, raising the intriguing possibility that these and other primate frugivores are active participants in constructing their own ecological niches. Building upon the insights of Byrne (Q J Exp Psychol 31:147–154, 1979, Normality and pathology in cognitive functions. Academic, London, pp 239–264, 1982) and Milton (The foraging strategy of howler monkeys: a study in primate economics. Columbia University Press, New York, 1980, On the move: how and why animals travel in groups. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp 375–417, 2000), our results highlight the likely general importance of route-based travel in the memory and foraging strategies of nonhuman primates.
This contribution is part of the Special Issue “A Socioecological Perspective on Primate Cognition” (Cunningham and Janson 2007).  相似文献   

This study investigated whether visually impaired cyclists, compared to cyclists without visual limitations, take other, potentially safer routes to destinations in their own living environment and whether they ride at a lower speed. In total, 19 matched pairs of a visually impaired cyclist and a normally sighted peer from the same neighbourhood recorded their everyday bicycle rides, using GPS action cameras. In addition, they completed an ‘assigned ride’, a ride for which only a starting and an ending point were provided by the researcher. A risk-assessment procedure showed that the route taken by visually impaired cyclists during this assigned ride was not less risky than the route taken by the normally sighted cyclists. Analysis of the everyday rides showed that, on average, cyclists with a visual impairment more frequently (i.e. for longer periods) cycled at a speed below 10 km/h compared to cyclists without visual impairment. Also, the visually impaired participants’ cruising speed was 1.4 km/h lower than that of their normally sighted counterparts. In conclusion, no evidence was found that visually impaired cyclists compensate strategically by taking different, potentially safer routes than normally sighted cyclists when riding in their own environment. They may (unconsciously) compensate tactically for their visual function limitations by riding at a lower speed when necessary. Mobility trainers in vision rehabilitation as well as road designers could apply these findings to optimise the cycling mobility of visually impaired people.  相似文献   

A considerable gap exists between the behavioral paradigm of choice set formation in route choice and its representation in route choice modeling. While travelers form their viable choice set by retaining routes that satisfy spatiotemporal constraints, existing route generation techniques do not account for individual-related spatiotemporal constraints. This paper reduces the gap by proposing a route choice model incorporating spatiotemporal constraints and latent traits. The proposed approach combines stochastic route generation with a latent variable semi-compensatory model representing constraint-based choice set formation followed by compensatory choice. The model is applied to data focusing on habitual commuting route choice behavior in morning peak hours. Results show (i) the possibility of inferring spatiotemporal constraints from considered routes, (ii) the importance of incorporating spatiotemporal constraints and latent traits in route choice models, and (iii) the linkage between spatiotemporal constraints and time saving, spatial and mnemonic abilities.  相似文献   

As cities make concerted efforts to become more bicycle-friendly through policy changes and infrastructure, it is important that such efforts ultimately support people who currently bicycle and remove barriers that may prevent more people from bicycling. Travel surveys can reveal the nature and distribution of bicycling trips, but perceptions and behaviours of bicyclists are better understood through qualitative methods. In particular, developing cycling cities are unique settings to examine how the built environment supports bicycling as changes are made to increase bicycling levels. Through semi-structured interviews, this research explores the case of Hamilton, Ontario and the factors that influence route choice from the perspective of regular bicyclists. Major themes were identified using thematic analysis: (i) exclusion from road space; (ii) infrastructure; and (iii) streetscape. Bicyclists highly value infrastructure and seek routes that minimize interactions with cars, while avoiding many arterial roads that prioritize motorists. Routes that appear to be more human-oriented or that have nature are also attractive. Many regular bicyclists report that current bicycle infrastructure does not meet their preferences. Despite building nearly half of the planned infrastructure network, our findings suggest the built environment is not perceived to be oriented to bicycling. This study provides policy and practice recommendations for developing cycling cities in North America as they transition towards established cycling cities.  相似文献   

Previous research on route directions largely considers the case when a knowledgeable route-giver conveys accurate information. In the real world, however, route information is sometimes inaccurate, and directions can lead navigators astray. We explored how participants respond to route directions containing ambiguities between landmarks and turn directions, forcing reliance on one or the other. In three experiments, participants read route directions (e.g., To get to the metro station, take a right at the pharmacy) and then selected from destinations on a map. Critically, in half of the trials the landmark (pharmacy) and turn (right) directions were conflicting, such that the participant had to make a decision under conditions of uncertainty; under these conditions, we measured whether participants preferentially relied upon landmark- versus direction-based strategies. Across the three experiments, participants were either provided no information regarding the source of directions (Experiment 1), or told that the source of directions was a GPS device (Experiment 2), or a human (Experiment 3). Without information regarding the source of directions, participants generally relied on landmarks or turn information under conditions of ambiguity; in contrast, with a GPS source participants relied primarily on turn information, and with a human source on landmark information. Results were robust across gender and individual differences in spatial preference. We discuss these results within the context of spatial decision-making theory and consider implications for the design and development of landmark-inclusive navigation systems.  相似文献   

How are driving speeds integrated when speeds vary along a route? In a first study, we examined heuristic processes used in judgments of mean speed when the mean speeds on parts of the trip varied. The judgments deviated systematically from objective mean speeds because the distances driven at different speeds were given more weight than travel time spent on the different distances. The second study showed that when there was a 10–15 min pause during a travel the effect on the mean speed decrease was underestimated for driving speeds of 90 km/h and higher. In the third study, the objective mean speeds and the subjective biased mean speed judgments were used to predict choices between routes with different speed limits. The results showed that subjective judgments predicted decisions to maximize mean speed significantly better than objective mean speeds. Finally, some applied and basic research implications of the results were discussed.  相似文献   

Strategies for finding one's way through an unfamiliar environment may be helped by 2D maps, 3D virtual environments, or other navigation aids. The relative effectiveness of aids was investigated. Experiments were conducted in a large, park-like environment. 24 participants (12 men, 12 women; age range = 22-50 years; M=32, SD = 7.4) were divided into three groups of four individuals, who explored a 2D map of a given route prior to navigation, received a silent guided tour by means of an interactive virtual representation, or acquired direct experience of the real route through a silent guided tour. Participants then had to find the same route again on their own. 12 observers were given a "simple" route with only one critical turn, and the other 12 a "complex" route with six critical turns. Compared to three people familiar with the routes, among the naive participants, those who had a direct experience prior to navigation all found their way again on the simple and complex routes. Those who had explored the interactive virtual environment were unable to find their way on the complex route. The relative scale representation in the virtual environment may have given incorrect impressions of relative distances between objects along the itinerary, rendering important landmark information useless.  相似文献   

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