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This study assessed the validity and reliability of the Cantonese-translated version of the Borg 6-20 Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale during continuous incremental cycle ergometry by Hong Kong adults. A total of 54 participants (25 males and 29 females), ages 22.2 +/- 4.7 yr., volunteered to participate. They performed two trials of identical continuous incremental cycling exercise 1 wk. apart for the reliability test. The objective measures of exercise intensity (heart rate, power output, and oxygen consumption) and the subjective measure of effort (RPE) were obtained during the incremental exercise. Significant (p < .01) Pearson correlations were found when RPE values were correlated with heart rate (rs > or = .73), power output (rs > or = .69), and oxygen consumption (rs > or = .68). The overall test-retest intraclass correlation (R = .92) indicated that the scale was reliable. In conclusion, this Cantonese scale for rating of perceived exertion appears to be a valid and reliable psychophysiological tool to measure perceptions of exertion during controlled cycle ergometer exercise by Hong Kong adults.  相似文献   

This study examined differentiated rating of perceived exertion (RPE), heart rate, and heart-rate variability during light cycle ergometry exercise at two different pedal rates. 30 healthy men (22.6 +/- 0.9 yr.) were recruited from a student population and completed a continuous 20-min. cycle ergometry exercise protocol, consisting of a 4-min. warm-up (60 rev./min., 30 Watts), followed by four bouts of 4 min. at different combinations of pedal rate (40 or 80 rev./min.) and power output (40 or 80 Watts). The order of the four combinations was counterbalanced across participants. Heart rate was measured using a polar heart-rate monitor, and parasympathetic balance was assessed through time series analysis of heart-rate variability. Measures were compared using a 2 (pedal rate) x 2 (power output) repeated-measures analysis of variance. RPE was significantly greater (p<.05) at 80 versus 40 rev./min. at 40 W. For both power outputs heart rate was significantly increased, and the high frequency component of heart-rate variability was significantly reduced at 80 compared with 40 rev./min. These findings indicate the RPE was greater at higher than at lower pedalling rates for a light absolute power output which contrasts with previous findings based on use of higher power output. Also, pedal rate had a significant effect on heart rate and heart-rate variability at constant power output.  相似文献   

The validity of rating of perceived exertion (RPE) in predicting lactate threshold during an incremental test was analyzed in 15 men with type 2 diabetes (M age = 53.4 yr., SD = 12.9). Blood glucose, lactate, and minute ventilation (VE)/VO2 responses identified the lactate, ventilatory, and glucose thresholds. Workloads (W) corresponding to RPEs 12, 13, 14, and 15 were determined. Second-order polynomials fit to VE/W and [lac]/W ratios corresponding to RPEs of 9-10, 12-13, and 16-17 also identified workloads above which there was an overproportional increase in VE and [lac]. These workload breakpoints did not differ, although at RPE 12 underestimated and at RPE 15 overestimated lactate threshold. RPE 13 and 14 and the responses of VE/W and [lac]/W to submaximal exercise accurately predicted lactate threshold.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to study effects of acetaminophen consumption on ratings of perceived exertion and estimated time limit responses at the lactate threshold. 98 young regional to national level athletes performed a graded exhausting exercise on an outdoor running track to estimate their maximal aerobic velocity and the velocity associated with their lactate concentration threshold. Urine (30 mL) was collected during this test and analysed for numerous substances. During urinary screening for doping substances, 9 acetaminophen consumers (9.2%) among the 98 included athletes were detected. These acetaminophen consumers have significantly lower perceived exertion at velocity corresponding to the lactate concentration threshold than nonconsumers (11.9 +/- 2.1 vs 13.6 +/- 2.1, respectively) although they were at the same relative exercise intensity. This result shows that acetaminophen consumption may have mediated the perceived exertion response at the lactate concentration threshold. This may then suggest that the pain induced by training load could be a factor in use of self-prescribed pain relievers. Such consumption must be taken into account by medical staff, trainers, or educators who have to give information on the use and adverse effects of this substance and to propose palliative methods to their athletes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore how situational variables affect youth soccer players’ perceived exertion (RPE) after official matches. Thirty-five elite youth male players (14.33 ± 0.86 years; 173.49 ± 6.16 cm; 63.44 ± 5.98 kg) who belonged to two different teams of a professional club participated in this study. Data collection was conducted during two seasons (2016–2017, 2017–2018) and included 60 official matches (30 official matches per team). Ten minutes after each match players rated their RPE and using a modified Borg CR-10 scale. A Random Forest Regression was used to quantify the importance of match-related situational variables in RPE. Afterwards, a linear mixed model analysis was applied to identify the variability in RPE among the situational variables. The game-playing time, the player status (starter or substitute) and the player identity were the strongest predictors of RPE. Moreover, the match outcome and the final scoreline showed significant effects on both starter and substitute players but the main effect of the quality of the opponent was only identified in starter players (p < 0.05). These results allow practitioners to know how situational variables interact and modulate RPE after official matches and help them to prescribe and adapt the players’ training content and load before and after matches.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo reveal and study the fluctuating dynamics of perceived exertion (PE) during constant-power exercise performed under different conditions (duration, intensity, and termination).DesignA pilot and two subsequent experimental studies were performed. The studies consisted of manipulating workload and measuring fluctuating perceived exertion dynamics throughout the cycling task.MethodsIn a pilot study Borg's rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was measured every 15 s in 2 groups of 9 participants each (using RPE 6-20 and CR10 scales, respectively) cycling at heavy intensity until volitional exhaustion. The percentage of participants alternating increased and decreased RPE values (fluctuating dynamics) was calculated. In 2 subsequent experiments PE changes (increase/decrease perceptions) were reported when occurring in 2 groups of 13 participants cycling at a moderate intensity for 30 and 60 min, respectively (Experiment 1), and in another group of 12 participants cycling at heavy intensity until volitional exhaustion (Experiment 2). The individual time series of “increase”/“decrease” reports were divided into 5 non-overlapping temporal windows, and the percentages of “PE increase” were calculated for each window.ResultsIn the pilot study 66.6% (RPE 6-20 group) and 33.3% (CR10 group) of the participants showed an RPE fluctuating dynamics during the exercise. However, all participants showed a clear PE fluctuating dynamics during the moderate and heavy intensity exercises performed in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, respectively. Nevertheless, a transition towards a PE non-fluctuating dynamics (dominated by “PE increase” reports) was noticed in Experiment 2 while approaching volitional exhaustion.ConclusionsPE seems to have a dominant fluctuating dynamics during constant-power cycling performed under different conditions (duration, intensity, and termination) that changes towards a non-fluctuating dynamics when approaching the volitional exhaustion point.  相似文献   

IntroductionExecutive functions are higher-level cognitive functions. Despite being relevant to many aspects of everyday life, it is contentious whether executive functions are important for high performing athletes. Executive functions increase throughout the career of an athlete, yet it remains unknown what are the main contributors. Therefore, this study examined the effect of age and experience on executive functions in a cohort of high performing football players.MethodsData were collected over three seasons, resulting in a mixed longitudinal sample of 1018 observations in 343 male players (1–5 observations/player, age: 10.34–34.72 years; playing experience: 5–22 years) from the U12-Senior age groups of a professional German football club. Players participated in four cognitive tasks aimed at measuring higher-level cognitive functioning: a precued choice reaction-time task, a stop-signal reaction-time task, a sustained attention task, and a multiple-object tracking task, from which a total of eight dependent variables related to response time and/or accuracy were derived.ResultsLinear and non-linear mixed effects regressions were used to investigate the relationship between age, experience and executive functions. A second order polynomial revealed that, generally, a negatively accelerated curve best described the relationship between age, experience and executive functions. An increasingly smaller difference in executive functioning was generally observed between subsequent age groups, with a performance plateau evident around adulthood (~21 years old). Age and experience only explained a very low to moderate proportion of the variance in executive functions (marginal explained variance ranged between 2 and 57%). A significant age by field position interaction effect was only observed for the sustained attention task’s accuracy and response time components (p < 0.001).ConclusionsBoth age and experience showed a negatively accelerated relationship with executive functions in youth football players, and this relationship was generally field position-independent. These negatively accelerated curves seem to reflect those observed in general populations, where a plateau phase in the development of higher-level cognitive functioning is also observed around 21 years, reflecting the maturation of the central nervous system in normally developing individuals. Therefore, this study challenges the assumption surrounding the use and validity of executive functions as a measure of football performance potential in high performing athletes.  相似文献   

24 females (aged 18 to 28 yr.) completed two 24-min., randomly ordered bicycle ergometer exercise bouts at workloads maintaining steady state at 30% and 60% heart-rate reserve. Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded at 3-min. intervals from Minutes 9 to 24 of exercise. State anxiety was measured prior to, immediately following and 50 min, after cessation of exercise. Regression analysis indicated no relationship between RPE and the pre- to postexercise changes in state anxiety.  相似文献   

Abstract This study provides a comprehensive test of the distributive justice framework to explain justice evaluations of the division of family work. Using data of 632 dual‐earner couples with young children from 3 European countries, the analyses provided good support for the distributive justice framework. The frequency with which spouses compared each other's amounts of family work, the outcome of the comparison of the husband's family work with the family work performed by other men, and the extent to which the partner appreciated one's family work proved to be most predictive of justice evaluations. Notably, the evidence supports the model equally for women and men and for justice evaluations of the divisions of domestic work and child care.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether offensive and defensive collective behaviours emerging in six-a-side football games (GK+5 vs. 5+GK) varied according to age-related practice experience of young, male players (U16, U17 and U19 yrs). Players’ were not instructed to implement specific tactical plans and their movement trajectories (2D analyses) were recorded using 10 GPS units. Four common measures of team dispersion investigated in previous research (surface area, stretch index, length and width of a team) were used to analyse team performance behaviours. After recording these collective variables, we used sample entropy (SampEn) and cross-sample entropy (Cross-SampEn) measures to assess the regularity and synchronization of participant actions in teams. Results demonstrated clear age-related variations in effects on the collective performance measures analysed. In attacking phases, older and more experienced players occupied a greater surface area and displayed higher values of team width and stretch index. In defensive phases, significant differences were observed in team length and stretch index. Cross-SampEn analysis demonstrated a greater synchronization between offensive and defensive surface areas and team width in older age groups (U17 and U19 yrs). Data suggest how coaches can manipulate practice task constraints to enhance development of team tactical performance behaviours in developing footballers between 16 and 19 yrs of age.  相似文献   



The study aimed to address the paucity of research pertaining to perceptions of causes of the home advantage. The views of three key personnel groups in football (soccer) were examined with regard to their perspectives.

Design and procedure

Players (n = 94), fans (n = 116) and referees (n = 163) completed a ten-item questionnaire on which they rated the contribution of the most prominent factors known to influence the home advantage.


Factor analysis revealed three subscales (officials, player state and home environment) relating to explanations for the home advantage. A MANOVA examining the groups’ ratings for these three subscales found that the fans and player gave higher ratings for the contribution of officials and player state than did referees, while the fans gave higher ratings for the home environment.


The present study provides an insight into conceptualisations of the home advantage from the perspectives of different football groups. The relevance of self-enhancement, emanating from motivational and information processing mechanisms, is considered.  相似文献   

This investigation identified a perceptually-based "warning zone" that can be used to anticipate termination of treadmill tests administered to individuals taking beta-blockers. The use of ratings of perceived exertion to anticipate test termination may be valuable given the attenuation of heart rate associated with the use of this class of medication. Sixteen men with coronary artery disease participated in this investigation. Ratings of perceived exertion (Borg 6-20 Scale) were estimated during the last 15 sec. of each minute of a progressively incremented treadmill test. Tests were terminated when participants indicated they were too fatigued to continue. The time-to-test termination was determined from the point that participants estimated a rating of 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 in order to determine the rating that was less than or equal to the time associated with a single exercise stage. A rating of 14 was associated with impending termination, which can be used as a "warning zone." The time to termination corresponding to a rating of 14 was 153.1 sec. (SD = 27.0). Participants exercised for 153.1 sec. (SE = 27.0) after estimating a rating of 14. Once a rating of 14 is reached, volitional test termination will occur before the next exercise stage is completed.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to assess the short effect of the modification of the players' number, field size, and goal size on the levels of physical self-efficacy, football-specific self-efficacy, and collective self-efficacy in male youth football players.DesignA quasi-experimental study of type A-B-A (three tournaments) was implemented to measure the effect of rule changes on the player's self-efficacy. The independent variable of the study was the competition format: official rules of the Royal Spanish Football Federation for U-12 vs. modified rules (size of the playing field (58 × 38 m. vs. 38 × 20 m); number of players per team on the field (8-a-side vs. 5-a-side); and goal size (6 × 2 m. vs. 3 × 2 m.). The dependent variables were physical self-efficacy, football-specific self-efficacy, and collective self-efficacy. The technical tactical players' actions of clearances, passes, and shots were measured as cofounding variables to assess the implication of the modification of the rules on the game.MethodThe sample analyzed was made up of four U-12 male football teams (n = 48), which played a total of 24 matches in three tournaments. In tournaments one and three, teams played with the official 8v8 football rules. In tournament two, teams played with the modified rules.ResultsThere was a significant increase in the football-specific self-efficacy at the third tournament. The experimental rules did not change players' general physical self-efficacy and collective self-efficacy. The experimental rules involved the realization of more defensive actions (clearances) and offensive actions (passes and shots) by players. The results showed that both competition rules involved similar values of self-efficacy.ConclusionsThese results show that the short-effect of participation in modified competitions maintains the values of football-specific self-efficacy and collective self-efficacy. Future studies should consider the interaction of self-efficacy with other psychological variables, such as self-esteem, cooperation motivation, etc., and other aspects of the game, such as technic-tactical, physiological, health, etc.  相似文献   

After the swim to cycle transition of a triathlon, perceived exertion (RPE) during cycling was higher than during a single cycling bout for 8 well-trained triathletes, but swimming in a drafting position led to lower RPE responses and energy cost of cycling than swimming alone.  相似文献   

Two studies were performed with young athletes to investigate the utility of three psychological tests regarding the prediction of sport performance: the Profile of Mood States. Ratings of Perceived Exertion, and Dispositional Optimism. In Study 1, young male and female cross-country skiers and ski-marksmen in final preparation for the Junior National Swedish Championships were tested. Measured 5 wk. before both competitions, the higher the optimism (LOT), the better performance. In Study 2, which tested young swimmers in preparation for the Senior National Swedish Championships, competitors who had the highest scores on optimism performed less well during the competitions. The results are interpreted to indicate that optimism presents an important factor for predicting achievement in sports.  相似文献   

Contextual theories of judgment assume that the rating of any stimulus depends on its relationship to a context of similar stimuli. For example, any specific act of behavior would be rated less favorably when considered in the context of good behaviors then when considered in the context of bad ones. However, two experiments suggest an absolute anchoring of the natural neutral point, an exception to this generalization. In Experiment 1, morally indifferent acts remained “neutral,” regardless of context; and in Experiment 2 the break-even or zero-point in a simulated game of chance was always rated “neutral.” In both experiments, contextual manipulations had powerful effects upon ratings of other stimuli, though never shifting them across the neutral point. Furthermore, both experiments suggest that neutral-point anchoring also affects the use of the most extreme categories in a manner that is unique to this phenomena. In Experiment 2 for example, the introduction of extremely positive “wins” not only made other wins seem less favorable while leaving ratings of the zero-point unchanged, but also made the most negative losses seem more favorable. It is as if the introduction of an extremely positive “win” also introduces the possibility of an extremely negative “loss.” Taken together these findings contradict the basic adaptation-level premise that the entire scale is determined by the neutral point; they are also inconsistent with the assumption of range theories that the scale is anchored by the endpoints of the range of stimuli actually experienced.  相似文献   

S T Hammett  A T Smith 《Perception》1990,19(1):113-117
At constant physical flicker modulation depth, the time taken to adapt to flicker in the periphery varies inversely with temporal frequency. It has recently been suggested that this effect may indicate differential susceptibility to adaptation of the underlying temporal mechanisms. Using suprathreshold gratings, temporally modulated in contrast at constant perceived, rather than physical, modulation depth, we found the opposite result: the time required to adapt increased with temporal frequency. Given some uncertainty concerning the appropriateness of employing apparent or physically constant modulation depths, we conclude that rate of adaptation does not, at present, provide clear evidence as to the nature of the underlying temporal mechanisms.  相似文献   

Theory and research on status attainment in work groups primarily focuses on members’ abilities and characteristics that make them appear competent as predictors of their status in the group. We complement the abilities perspective with a social identity perspective by arguing that another important determinant of a member’s status is based on the extent to which the member serves the group’s interests. Specifically, we assert that a member’s identification with the group affects performance on behalf of the group, which in turn affects other members’ assessment of the member’s status. We test this social identity perspective on status attainment by studying the influence of members’ group identification on their performance and status in the group, while controlling for the members’ abilities and status characteristics. In a three-wave longitudinal field study following 33 work groups during a six-month group project, we find that members’ identification enhances their performance on behalf of the group, which in turn increases their status within the group. As such, our study advances insights in the determinants of status attainment in work groups and points to the relevance of the social identity approach for research on the antecedents of status in work groups.  相似文献   

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