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Soon-ja Yang 《Dao》2011,10(2):187-207
Shen Dao ???? is known as one of the Legalists who influenced Han Feizi ?n???? in terms of the concept of shi ?? (circumstantial advantage, power, or authority). This argument is based on the ??A Critique of Circumstantial Advantage (Nanshi ?y??)?? chapter of the Hanfeizi, where Han Feizi advances his own idea of shi after criticizing both Shen Dao and an anonymous Confucian. However, there are other primary sources to contain Shen Dao??s thought, namely, seven incomplete Shenzi ???? chapters of the Essentials on Government from the Assemblage of Books (Qunshu zhi yao ??????) and other fragments preserved in other Chinese texts. This article examines the Shenzi fragments in order to ask whether Shen Dao stresses the concept of shi.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungDie vorliegende Arbeit wurde auf The first international Meeting for Husserl Studies in Japan (Shizuoka University, November 23–24, 2002) vorgetragen. Zum Zweck der Veröffentlichung wurden einigeÄnderungen vorgenommen. Für die wertvollen Anregungen in der Korrespondenz und Diskussion bedanke ich mich herzlich bei Ichiro Yamaguchi, Nam-In Lee, Anthony Steinbock, Tetsuya Sakakibara und Elmar Holenstein!  相似文献   

This essay reviews the Zhuangzian notion of zhen 真, often through the text’s advancement of the zhenren 真人 (“genuine person,” “true person”) or zhenzhi 真知 (“genuine knowledge,” “true knowledge”). Contemporary scholarship, in both Chinese and English, often presents zhen as analogous to the existentialist theory of authenticity, which correspondingly reflects on interpretations of the “self,” and thereby the zhen person. Much of the Zhuangzi is a reaction to the Lunyu, including an ironic response to the Confucian cultivation project. If we establish our interpretation of the “self” against this background then we find that zhen in the Zhuangzi is actually used to argue against the Confucian identification of the person and self through social roles or conventions. However, advocating zhen does not suggest that there is some essential or core “self” to refer to; instead, it implies a natural state of responsiveness where the person acts efficaciously by being in line with what is obvious or affirmed in the situation. This essay thereby presents a reading of zhen that is historically and culturally consistent, and sets up the Zhuangzi as an alternative, and not an echo, to some of the major issues dealt with by the existentialist movement.  相似文献   

This essay systematically explores the concept “spirit” (shen 神) in Wang Fuzhi’s Annotation on the Zhuangzi (Zhuangzi Jie 莊子解). Following Zhuangzi, Wang Fuzhi interprets spirit as a mass of vital force/jingqi, and regards spirit as the master of human life and human body. Through preserving one’s spirit, one will not only be able to preserve one’s body, but also keep all creatures immune from sickness and plague. This can be accomplished, since a well-preserved spirit will contribute harmonious and pure qi to the universe and make the whole universe more harmonious. In an effort to achieve this purpose, Wang Fuzhi proposes “forgetting all external things” and aiming for an empty and detached mind, on one hand, and asks a person to concentrate his spirit with a constant will, one the other hand. Once one’s spirit is well concentrated, one will be a spiritual person (shenren 神人), who will transcend life and death, fortune and misfortune, always living a leisurely and carefree life. One will also forget all cognitive distinctions and fully become one with the transformation of things and Heaven (tian 天). In this way, one’s spirit will achieve eternity, and fully realize the meaning of human life.  相似文献   

With up to 67% of all young offenders suffering from mental illnesses, the question of how professional care should be arranged for them arises. The ability to detain a young offender for an indefinite period of time in a forensic psychiatric institution represents the final solution in juvenile law. This currently affects approximately 300 patients nationwide, of which there is precise data available only for patients who were detained before the age of 18. This is due to the differing nationwide organisational structures within specific forensic psychiatric institutions for adolescents. There is currently a lack of forensic psychiatric units in several federal states providing treatment for adolescents. When examining under what basis, and when the relocation of a person from a young forensic psychiatric institution into the corresponding adult one occurred, and how long specific pedagogic facilities were provided to these individuals, the differences between various adolescent forensic psychiatric institutions become apparent. This especially concerns young adolescent offenders suffering from delayed mental development.  相似文献   

It makes sense to treat sexual offenders in prison. Treatment can be successful even if coerced. However, particular difficulties arise due to the great power disparity between therapist and patient and the latter’s remoteness from normal living conditions. This report will describe the current status of treatment techniques/approaches for sexual offenders in prison (with particular regard to social therapy) and special forensic hospitals as viewed by an external reviewer judging the process, methods and success of treatment for preventing relapse and estimating criminal prognosis. We mention standards for a respectful and positive approach towards the patient client. With regard to the Good Lives Model, it is supportive to develop positive resources in the perpetrator. This also requires a heightened readiness from therapist and team for transparency (instead of confidentiality) towards the perpetrator as to the assessment of progress and status of therapy. We criticize tendencies for a confrontative, if not humiliating approach, which undermines the self-esteem of the client and exploits the power disparity between therapist and perpetrator.  相似文献   

Since 1996 we have had a marked increase in the number of admissions to special psychiatric hospitals for mentally ill offenders in Germany. Still higher was the increase in schizophrenic patients admitted to these facilities. The question arose whether deficits of the psychiatric health system are contributing to these changes. We studied the medical history of 50 schizophrenic patients, each of whom was hopitalized in the Berlin special hospital in the periods of 1985-1988 and 2002-2004. Surprisingly, there was no difference in the duration of former psychiatric hospitalizations and medical treatment. There was also no difference in the number of dubious releases from the general psychiatric hospital. But we found a marked increase of co-morbid drug abuse and of noncompliance to treatment.  相似文献   

In this paper the preconditions for placing adolescents and young adults in forensic psychiatric institutions are analyzed. According to the law such placements are only justifiable in exceptional cases. Even from a psychiatric point of view it is difficult to delineate a severe and most notably lasting mental disorder at a young age and distinguish it from a lack of maturity, although only the first would justify an indefinite placement in an institution. Nevertheless both broadly pathologizing certain behaviors and loosely interpreting preconditions for placements in institutions encourage commitment to institutions.  相似文献   

In an effort to reassess the status of Phenomenology of Perception and its relation to The Visible and the Invisible, this essay argues that Merleau-Ponty's engagement with Husserl's text and his discussion of the “field of presence” in La temporalité are intended to think through the field in which time makes its appearance as one of passage. Time does not show itself as presence or in the present but manifests itself as Ablauf, as lapse or flow, an écoulement that is simultaneously an explosion, an éclatement. Merleau-Ponty's account of temporality in these pages is thus legible as recovering the primordial experience of time as a self-differentiating déhiscence in its dual power of articulation and erosion. Time is thus simultaneously the vehicle of the world's appearance and of its “disarticulation”, the passage of a rhythm of affirmation and disintegration.  相似文献   

Based on case illustrations of psychiatric inpatients the association between the existence of a conflicting relationship to the social environment and the existence of an obsessive-compulsive disorder is depicted. In a second step, the effects of obsessions and compulsions on the individual and its relationship to the social environment are described followed by considerations concerning psychotherapy of obsessive-compulsive disorders.  相似文献   

Delinquency of depressed patients numerically plays a minor role in criminal or civil law. Compared with the high prevalence of affective disorders in the general population, the frequency of patients in forensic psychiatric hospitals with the respective disorder as a main diagnosis is low. The spectrum of possible crimes committed by depressed subjects essentially comprises disease-characteristic offences, amongst which cases of extended suicide or attempted suicide are the foremost and most tragic offences. Based on 2 case reports notions of extended suicide as well as questions of forensic assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, were traumatic for people living throughout the United States. It has been suggested that people living far from the attacks experienced increased stress because of their exposure to the terrorist events via the media, particularly via television. Following a traumatic or stressful event, individuals may have dreams that reflect that experience. As part of a course on dreaming, individuals recorded their dreams both prior to and following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. On September 12, these same individuals reported their activities and media exposure the previous day. Results revealed (a) changes in dream features following the attacks and (b) a strong relation between exposure to the events on television and changes in dream features after the attacks. Because of the study's within-subjects design, the results provide evidence for a direct association between television viewing and subsequent increases in stress and trauma.  相似文献   

Conflicting evidence regarding married couples' time use trends has recently emerged in the literature. A critical review of this literature suggests that variations in data quality and methodological approaches may be responsible for many of the observed differences. Capitalizing on the insights gained from this review, a trend analysis of couples' time use is presented in this paper. The analysis is based on two cross-sections of time diary data collected from two-parent, two-child households. The results suggest that the relationships between socioeconomic variables and couples' time use changed during the period from 1977–78 to 1987–88. On average, these changes lead to an increase of over seven hours per week in married women's productive work time (i.e., market work plus household work). Correspondingly, the productive work time of husbands increased by an average of three and one-half hours per week. Both increases came at the expense of time that was formerly spent in more leisure-oriented activities.Financial support for the collection of the data used in this study was provided by the Utah State Agricultural Experiment Station and the University of Utah Research Committee. A grant of computer time from the Utah Supercomputing Institute, which is funded by the State of Utah and the IBM Corporation, is greatfully acknowledged. Additional support has been provided by the Department of Home Economics and Consumer Education at Utah State University where Dr. Zick was on leave during the 1989–90 academic year. W. Keith Bryant, Ken R. Smith, and an anonymous reviewer each gave helpful comments on an earlier draft of this article.  相似文献   

In a community-based random sample of 622 elderly persons over 60 years of age, fatigue was assessed by means of the multidimensional fatigue inventory (MFI; a self-assessment measure). Higher fatigue values were found with increasing age, particularly physical feelings of fatigue, reduced activity and reduced motivation. Fatigue was associated with depression, with a low health-related quality of life and with subjective physical complaints. Distinct fatigue symptoms in the elderly should therefore be regarded as possible indicators for somatic and/or psychological burdens and should receive diagnostic and therapeutic attention. In the present paper, mean values and percentiles for different age groups over 60 years are given as norm values for the normal population over 60 years of age.  相似文献   

Measurements of static permittivity, refractive index and density have been carried out to study possible H-bonded complexes in solutions of anisole diluted by benzene together with high-static-permittivity alcohols, i.e. cyclohexanol, n-butanol, tert-butanol, isopropyl alcohol and 1-hexanol. The experiments were performed at 303 K. Dipole moments of the mixtures are calculated from the experimental data and these are used to obtain dipolar increments. The concentration ratio of proton donor to proton acceptor is plotted against a parameter, ΩB, which is determined from experimental data. From the plot, the dipole moment of the mixture and that of the component B are determined. The order of the complex can be obtained from the nature of the graph. The investigation shows that the interaction between the two components arises solely from a polarization effect.  相似文献   

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