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Individual differences in loudness processing and loudness scales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parameters of the psychophysical function for loudness (a 1000-Hz tone) were assessed for individual subjects in three experiments: (a) binaural loudness summation, (b) temporal loudness summation, and (c) judgments of loudness intervals. The loudness scales that underlay the additive binaural summation closely approximated S. S. Stevens's (1956) sone scale but were nonlinearly related to the scales that underlay the subtractive interval judgments, the latter approximating Garner's (1954) lambda scale. Interindividual differences in temporal summation were unrelated to differences in scaling performance or in binaural summation. Although the exponents of magnitude-estimation functions and the exponents underlying interval judgments varied considerably from subject to subject, exponents computed on the basis of underlying binaural summation varied less. The results suggest that interindividual variation in the exponent of magnitude-estimation functions largely reflects differences in the ways that subjects use numbers to describe loudnesses and that the sensory representations of loudness are fairly uniform, though probably not wholly uniform, among people with normal hearing. The magnitude of individual variation in at least one measure of auditory intensity processing, namely, temporal summation, seems at least as great as the magnitude of the variation in the underlying loudness scale.  相似文献   

By spacing 10 stimuli (white noise) between 40 and 110 dB according to two criteria [equal response ambiguity (ERA) and equal discriminability (ED)], an attempt was made to construct an “ideal” case for magnitude estimation and category rating. The “ideal” case is defined by linear and constant Weber functions (SDs as a function of scale values) for the two scales, respectively. Altogether, three group and two individual magnitude and category rating experiments were run with these two spacings. It was found that the ERA spacing approximated the ideal case well for both Weber functions and the ED spacing only for the Weber function of the category scale. The general psychophysical differential equation that relates scale values and Weber functions for the two scales allowed good prediction of the category scales from the magnitude scales and the Weber functions. The data suggested a distinction between phenotypic (empirical) and genotypic Weber functions, analogous to “real” and “ideal” cases in physics.  相似文献   

Pezdek K  Eddy RM 《Memory & cognition》2001,29(5):707-18; discussion 719-29
In the imagination inflation procedure of Garry, Manning, Loftus, and Sherman (1996), subjects rated a list of events in terms of how likely each was to have occurred in their childhood. Two weeks later, some of the events were imagined; control events were not. The subjects then rated the likelihood of occurrence for each event a second time. Garry et al. (1996) reported that the act of imagining the target events led to increased ratings of likelihood. This finding has been interpreted as indicating that false events can be suggestively planted in memory by simply having people imagine them. The present study tests and confirms the hypothesis that the results that have been attributed to imagination inflation are simply a statistical artifact of regression toward the mean. The experiment of Garry et al. (1996) was reproduced (with some procedural changes), using younger and older adults. The results of Garry et al. (1996) were replicated; likelihood ratings for events initially rated low in likelihood did increase from Time 1 to Time 2. However, ratings for events initially rated high in likelihood decreased under the same conditions, and these results were consistent with the imagined target events, the target events not imagined, and the nontarget events.  相似文献   

The cross-modal matching techniques that have produced scales of sensory magnitude for a variety of perceptual continua in adults were used to construct similar scales in children. Subjects were adults and children 4, 6, 8, and 12 years old. Their task was, first, to match the loudness of a 1000-Hz tone to various visual lengths, and, second, to match the length of a white tape to various loudnesses of the tone. Almost all subjects were able to perform the matching tasks; the average precision of older subjects (12 and Adult) was somewhat greater, but in each of the younger age groups a majority of subjects performed with a precision that equaled that of older subjects. The exponent of the power function that relates length and loudness does not change with age. The scale factor does change, in a way that suggests either that a given sound intensity seems softer, or, more probable, that a given length seems longer, to younger children. The success of cross-modal matching with subjects as young as 4 years means that it is possible to investigate not only single perceptual scales but also intermodal organization in young children.  相似文献   

The relation between power law exponents obtained by magnitude estimation and magnitude production was studied for both loudness and perceived distance. While the results confirm the usual finding of higher values for production for relatively large stimulus ranges, just the opposite occurs when the stimulus range is short, necessitating a revision of the Stevens-Greenbaum regression principle. The relation between range and exponent was explored, both for the case in which several intensities are presented for judgment and for the simpler case of only two intensities. In both cases, a power relation was described relating stimulus ratios to judgmental ratios, with exponents containing both range-dependent and range-independent components.  相似文献   

A metaphor always connects two domains in a way that goes beyond our ordinary category structure. It may be defined a tension - resolvable contextual anomaly with emphasis on mental imagery as an essential constituent of most everyday metaphors.It has been suggested that the main function of metaphor is not dependent solely on the structure or on the alignment of logical relations, but on the implicational and psycho-semiotic transmission of information which brings the direction of processing of the two sides of communication close to each other.  相似文献   

One of the most commonly accepted models of relationships among three variables in applied industrial and organizational psychology is the simple moderator effect. However, many authors have expressed concern over the general lack of empirical support for interaction effects reported in the literature. We demonstrate in the current sample that use of a continuous, dependent-response scale instead of a discrete, Likert-type scale, causes moderated regression analysis effect sizes to increase an average of 93%. We suggest that use of relatively coarse Likert scales to measure fine dependent responses causes information loss that, although varying widely across subjects, greatly reduces the probability of detecting true interaction effects. Specific recommendations for alternate research strategies are made.  相似文献   

We tested a hypothesis from parallel distributed processing theory that highly hypnotizable subjects have greater connection strengths along verbal pathways and would show greater Stroop effects than low hypnotizable subjects. Using Cheesman & Merikle's (1986) paradigm, which varied cue visibility and probability, we assessed automatic and strategic effects on Stroop performance. Compared with 9 low and 9 moderately hypnotizable subjects, 9 highly hypnotizable ones showed significantly greater Stroop effects for both visible- and degraded-word trials. No strategic differences emerged for the 3 hypnotizability groups. These findings support the contention that highly hypnotizable persons have stronger verbal connection strengths than their moderately and low susceptible counterparts, and they may account for highly hypnotizable persons' propensity to disregard personal attributions and label their responses in hypnosis as being involuntary.  相似文献   

Interaction among auditory dimensions: timbre, pitch, and loudness   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In two experiments, we examined whether or not pairs of auditory dimensions--timbre-loudness (Experiment 1) and timbre-pitch (Experiment 2)--interact in speeded classification. Subjects classified values from one dimension while the other dimension was (1) held constant (baseline), (2) varied orthogonally (filtering), or (3) correlated linearly. The subjects showed substantial Garner interference when classifying all dimensions--that is, poor performance at filtering relative to baseline. Timbre and loudness displayed redundancy gain (i.e., performance faster than baseline) when correlated positively, but redundancy loss (i.e., interference) when correlated negatively. Timbre and pitch displayed redundancy gain however dimensions were correlated. Both pairs of dimensions showed substantial effects of congruity: Attributes from one dimension were classified faster when paired with "congruent" attributes from the other dimension. The results are interpreted in terms of an interactive multichannel model of auditory processing.  相似文献   

Sensory scales fall into two classes. Type I scales of sensory intensity can be approximated by metric scaling procedures (magnitude estimation, magnitude production) and nonmetric procedures (conjoint measurement); Type I scales are supported by theoretical consideration of sensory processes. Type II scales of sensory dissimilarity can be approximated by metric scaling procedures (category rating, interval estimation, equisection) and nonmetric procedures (analysis of proximities). The psychophysical functions that relate Type I and Type II scales to their corresponding physical scales are in both cases power functions, but the exponents that govern Type I functions are typically about twice as large. Both Type I scales of sensory intensity and Type II scales of sensory dissimilarity are meaningful measures of perceptual experience, but they are measures of different aspects of perception. The duality of sensory scales helps to explain some apparent contradictions among divergent attempts to validate scales of sensation.  相似文献   

In a replication study using 137 undergraduates, Liaw's scales to measure attitudes toward computers and the Internet showed reliability and construct validity.  相似文献   

ATOM (a theory of magnitude) suggests that magnitude information of different formats (numbers, space, and time) is processed within a generalized magnitude network. In this study we investigated whether loudness, as a possible indicator of intensity and magnitude, interacts with the processing of numbers. Small and large numbers, spoken in a quiet and a loud voice, were simultaneously presented to the left and right ear (Experiments 1a and 1b). Participants judged whether the number presented to the left or right ear was louder or larger. Responses were faster when the smaller number was spoken in a quiet voice, and the larger number in a loud voice. Thus, task-irrelevant numerical information influenced the processing of loudness and vice versa. This bi-directional link was also confirmed by classical SNARC paradigms (spatial–numerical association of response codes; Experiments 2a–2c) when participants again judged the magnitude or loudness of separately presented stimuli. In contrast, no loudness–number association was found in a parity judgment task. Regular SNARC effects were found in the magnitude and parity judgment task, but not in the loudness judgment task. Instead, in the latter task, response side was associated with loudness. Possible explanations for these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments showed that dynamic frequency change influenced loudness. Listeners heard tones that had concurrent frequency and intensity change and tracked loudness while ignoring pitch. Dynamic frequency change significantly influenced loudness. A control experiment showed that the effect depended on dynamic change and was opposite that predicted by static equal loudness contours. In a 3rd experiment, listeners heard white noise intensity change in one ear and harmonic frequency change in the other and tracked the loudness of the noise while ignoring the harmonic tone. Findings suggest that the dynamic interaction of pitch and loudness occurs centrally in the auditory system; is an analytic process; has evolved to take advantage of naturally occurring covariation of frequency and intensity; and reflects a shortcoming of traditional static models of loudness perception in a dynamic natural setting.  相似文献   

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