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何宁  谷渊博 《心理科学进展》2012,20(7):1089-1097
目前, 自恋与决策的研究主要依托实验室任务进行, 涉及赌博、投资和管理等领域的决策行为。大部分研究结果表明, 自恋者在上述实验任务中都表现出明显的决策偏差与风险决策, 但也有研究证实了某些情境下其决策的有效性。自恋与决策的理论模型主要包括人格特质模型、自我调节模型、归因模型与趋近回避模型等, 未来研究应注意方法的改进、自恋的积极功能、情绪的作用以及文化的影响。  相似文献   

女性犯罪者的人格、应付方式、情境因素与犯罪行为研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨慧芳 《心理科学》2004,27(2):355-357
采用问卷法,对434名6类犯罪女性的人格、应付方式、情境因素(社会支持、负面生活事件)与犯罪行为的关系进行研究。结果表明,女性犯罪者的人格、应付方式、负面生活事件对不同犯罪类型的女性犯罪行为有不同预测力,不同女性犯罪类型有不同的回归方程;社会支持对女性犯罪行为的影响不显著。  相似文献   

突发灾害严重威胁着人类的生存,本文以社会人的有限理性假设为前提,基于次优最优化、最小最大损失、羊群效应等理论成果对突发灾害中的群体行为成因进行了分析探讨,并借鉴前景理论,针对突发灾害的特殊性构建突发灾害情境下的前景理论模型和代价损失模型,对突发灾害情境下受灾者的行为决策以及由此形成群体行为的基本过程进行了分析研究,在此基础之上,从自救与他救的视角提出了提升突发灾害群体行为理性的应对策略.  相似文献   

“时间”是跨期决策的“必需品”, 人们感知到的延迟时间决定跨期决策的结果。近年来, 研究者发现“时间长度感知”、“时间资源感知”和“时间框架感知”是时间感知作用于跨期决策的主要方式。时间感知的神经作用机制包含微观层面和宏观层面两种。“对数/指数时间折扣模型”、“感知时间基础模型”及“多模态漂移扩散模型”解释了时间感知的作用方式。然而, 现有理论模型还存在诸多局限, 主要包括“长短时距预测偏差”和“实际决策与预期决策偏差”两个方面。因此, 深入探讨时间感知影响跨期决策的基本方式, 分析现有理论模型的局限性并提出整合的机制框架具有十分重要的意义。未来研究亟需进一步整合时间感知的理论模型, 开展脑机制与应用方面的研究, 从深层揭露时间感知的作用本质, 帮助个人与社会更理性地决策。  相似文献   

罪犯改造中的心理学问题,主要研究两个方面,即犯罪主体产生犯罪行为之后的心理活动规律和在改造过程中对罪犯改造产生影响的主要因素。  相似文献   

张颖  冯廷勇 《心理科学进展》2014,22(7):1139-1148
随着认知神经科学技术的发展, 青少年风险决策的发展认知神经机制成为了新近的一个热点课题。从双系统理论模型(社会情感神经网络系统、认知控制神经网络系统)出发, 对与青少年风险决策相关的大脑结构、功能的变化进行了阐述, 重点分析了新近的大脑功能连接、脑网络的研究; 阐述了青少年风险决策认知神经机制的主要理论模型:双系统模型和三角模型。未来研究还应加强对认知神经机制理论模型的检验、整合和创新, 从社会认知神经科学的角度深入研究社会参照系统(同伴关系、亚文化等)在青少年风险决策中的作用及机制, 以及从认知神经层面如何预防和干预青少年高风险行为。  相似文献   

高汉声   《心理科学进展》1987,5(1):55-60
犯罪心理学的研究对象,各家界说不一,认识不同,值得探讨。本文认为它必须突出自己的特殊矛盾,必须将犯罪主体同他的犯罪行为和心理联系起来,不可单纯只讲“犯罪行为”或“犯罪心理”。本文在谈及犯罪心理学研究犯罪人的心理活动时,必须明确几点:是从犯罪主体出发,还是只从犯罪心理出发;是着重研究犯罪主体的整体心理结构(个性心理结构)及其社会化的种种偏离和缺陷与犯罪行为的规律性联系,还是只着重研究犯罪心理结构与犯罪行为的关系;是否有纯粹独立的犯罪心理结构;犯罪心理结构是否即犯罪人整体心理的低层次结构。  相似文献   

青少年违法犯罪心理的形成是社会环境影响和青少年自身心理发展相互作用的过程.青少年犯罪行为的预防研究,需要探讨当前我国青少年犯罪心理产生的主要社会因素,同时,在防止青少年犯罪问题上应加强社会心理学的消除及控制青少年犯罪方面的研究工作。  相似文献   

健康领域的跨期决策关系着个体和国民的健康和福祉。目前学界对该领域的研究主要停留在参考传统金钱领域的相关理论模型和方法的阶段, 但健康跨期决策具有领域特异性, 沿袭金钱领域理论模型和方法, 导致该领域在研究方法和结果上存在较大的不一致性。健康跨期决策的行为后果是该领域关注重点, 多数研究均报告个体的低时间折扣率、高未来时间取向与其健康保护行为正相关, 与健康风险行为呈负相关。该领域也关注健康跨期决策的影响机制, 如决策对象和决策主体的核心特征等因素。未来研究亟需发展适用于健康领域的跨期决策模型和研究范式, 明确健康行为与跨期决策偏好的关系, 深入探讨健康跨期决策的内在选择机制, 并在健康行为干预和医疗卫生政策应用方面进行更多的尝试和探索。  相似文献   

关于耳蜗传出神经系统功能研究的启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对卫生管理中具有战略地位的卫生政策的理论与实践领域的背景和文献进行分析,认为卫生政策基本理论与方法论研究、卫生政策分析方法及技术研究、卫生决策科学化研究、卫生决策体制与过程的研究,社会公众参与卫生决策的研究等,是当前我国卫生政策的理论与实践中值得研究的主要问题。  相似文献   

Traditional studies of deterrence have focused on punishment with less regard for the rewards of both crime and noncrime. Influenced by work in economics and behavioral psychology, more recent studies have departed from tradition by incorporating rewards for crime. To this extent, they should be regarded as advances over the more traditional approaches. Notwithstanding these advances, variations in both the probability and magnitude of reward for noncrime have not been systematically included in these more recent theories of choice. In an attempt to determine whether opportunities for noncrime are either central or trivial to the criminal decision-making process, the present study fitted two alternative models to experimental data involving risk-taking: (a) the economic utility model employed by Piliavin, Gartner, Thornton, and Matsueda (1986) in their study of criminal choice; and (b) the satisfaction balance model developed by Gray and Tallman (1984). Results showed that while both models explained significant amounts of variation in the dependent variable, the Gray-Tallman model provided a substantially better fit of the data. Despite limitations inherent in experimental studies as, for example, limitations surrounding the issue of external validity, the findings strongly suggest that opportunities for noncrime are as important as rewards and costs for crime in the process by which criminal decisions are made.  相似文献   

Criminal decision-making researchers generally focus either on offenders' criteria for identifying promising targets or on how offenders' lifestyles condition crime's appeal. Obviously, significant events bridge offenders' routines and discrete criminal choices. However, researchers often neglect the immediate experiences and events that enact lifestyles in particular choices. Drawing on 110 accounts of criminal events by street thieves, this article examines criminal choice. The findings indicate that offenders assess opportunity in light of recent decisions and events. Like all agents, they reference a general outlook and lessons taken from recent choices; looking backward as well as forward, they frame their options within a line of relevant events. When offenders confront potentially criminal situations or promising targets, perceptual outcomes of recent crimes operate alongside a temporary sense of commitment to criminal trajectories of action to inspire a serendipitous optimism. This complex decision-making can happen in an instant and is imperceptible without asking offenders to reflect on the sequential events that precede crime.  相似文献   

Minority groups are significantly overrepresented in crime. Theories of racial differences in crime developed using two separate and distinct approaches that highlight either increased exposure to criminogenic factors at the individual level or greater risk of crime due to disadvantaged neighborhood conditions. Neighborhood theories describe how structural disadvantage disrupts neighborhood social processes and produces oppositional street cultures. In the article, we advance theorizing on race and crime by linking the neighborhood experience to individual-level decision making via new conceptualizations of culture. Rather than a “values as goals” view of culture, culture may include a “tool kit” of ways to solve problems and this cultural toolkit may, in turn, influence how an individual makes decisions. Specifically, culturally learned toolkits may increase flaws in the decision process (e.g., fast and intuitive rather than deliberate decision processes, the use of decision heuristics) to produce more crime, which would explain the association between race and crime. We integrate this conceptualization of culture and these flaws in the decision-making process into rational choice theory at the individual level and describe how they may be exacerbated in disadvantaged neighborhood contexts. Implications for understanding race and crime and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Choice models of deterrence emphasize the importance of including rewards and costs for both crime and noncrime in capturing the process whereby criminal decisions are made. A review of the literature indicates that these models also include probabilities as well as magnitudes for both rewards and costs of crime, but exclude probabilities for law-abiding behavior, treating rewards for noncrime as opportunity costs while eschewing their chance of occurrence. Here we provide experimental data comparing the explanatory power of 2 choice models, one that includes probabilities for rewards and costs for noncrime and another that omits these probabilities altogether. Findings show that the more inclusive model explains approximately twice as much variation in the dependent variable, thereby providing additional support for earlier findings.  相似文献   

The literature argues that media depictions of crime present messages that conform to and promote the dominant ideology about the causes of crime and the nature of criminality. Most research focuses on television news and adult programs, but little research examines messages about criminality present in children's shows. To fill this gap, a content analysis of children's cartoons was conducted, using episodes of Batman: The Animated Series, Spider-Man, and Justice League Unlimited. Three central themes emerged. First, much criminal activity centers on greed. Second, criminals are aware of right and wrong but pursue crime to meet their own self-interests. Third, criminals are different from law-abiding people. Even if they are flawed or evil, criminals are rational and therefore culpable actors. These shows provide messages about criminality consistent with the dominant ideology.  相似文献   

This research examines the emergence of Russian émigré crime in the United States to determine whether such crime is representative of organized crime in the classic understanding of that term. The prior development of organized crime theory based upon the criminal progression of Italian-American organized crime families guides the analysis of criminal activity by the Russian émigrés in order to maintain some sense of boundary maintenance between events and issues pertinent to the phenomenon of organized crime. With a model for Russian émigrécrime in the United States established, the research examines the underlying characteristics of the emergent Russian criminality with a goal of determining which theoretical model, if any, this social system of criminality fits best. Case studies of recent motor fuel tax frauds perpetrated in the metropolitan New York City and Los Angeles areas serve as examples from which Russian émigré crime is examined, studied, and compared. An assessment is made as to whether the criminality of the émigré Russians can be correctly identified as being representative of organized crime in the traditional understanding of this phenomenon. The analysis demonstrates that the criminality of the Russian e´migre´ crime groups is characteristic of organized crime as this condition has developed and come to be identified and defined by American society.  相似文献   

General strain theory predicts that several variables influence or condition the effect of strains on crime. The research on such conditioning effects, however, has produced mixed results at best. The larger stress and coping literature suggests why this is the case: a given conditioning variable has a small to modest effect on the choice of coping strategy, since there are hundreds of strategies from which to choose and the choice of strategy is influenced by several factors. Drawing on this insight and several literatures, it is argued that certain factors must converge before criminal coping is likely: individuals must (a) possess a set of characteristics that together create a strong propensity for criminal coping, (b) experience crimiogenic strains, which are perceived as unjust and high in magnitude; and (c) be in circumstances conducive to criminal coping. Qualitative studies provide support for this argument, and guidelines for quantitative testing are provided.  相似文献   

Predicting crime remains a central issue for social science research. Perspectives that consider the role of self-control have added greatly to our ability to explain and predict criminal behavior. However, this approach has been narrowly focused on the role of individual differences in trait self-control, limiting the potential of this approach to integrate a range of findings in the literature. To realize the full potential of the self-control construct to explain criminal behavior, we use the Dual Component Theory of Inhibition Regulation (DCTIR). We discuss how the model can account for a number of findings, including patterns of recidivism, age differences, and the role of socioeconomic factors in crime. The DCTIR provides a framework for integrating these findings, generating new predictions, and ultimately better predicting criminal behavior.  相似文献   

Findings flowing from empirical research consistently indicate that IQ is associated with criminal involvement, with persons of relatively lower IQ being more likely to engage in various types of crime when compared with persons of relatively higher IQ. As with all research, however, there are a number of limitations with the existing literature that may bias the IQ–crime connection in unknown ways. Specifically, previous research has generally analyzed sub-samples drawn from non-nationally representative samples, has relied on a narrow range of criminal justice measures, has not fully examined whether the IQ–crime link is observed across demographic subgroups, and has not always ruled out the effects of potential confounds. The current study is designed to overcome the most serious of these limitations and offer new evidence of the link between IQ and criminal involvement. Analysis of data drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) provides strong evidence indicating that IQ and crime are linked even after addressing various shortcomings of previous research. Limitations of the study are discussed and directions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

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