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Four forced-choice letter-detection experiments examined the effect on detection latency of noise letters that were visually similar to target letters. A single target letter was present in each display. Noise letters were similar to the target letter present in the display (the signal), to a different target letter assigned to the same response as the signal, or to a target letter assigned to the opposite response from the signal. Noise letters were present in either relevant or irrelevant display positions, and two quite different stimulus sets were used. The experiments were designed to test a prediction of models in which information about noise letters is transmitted continuously from the recognition to the decision process. These models predict that responses should be faster when noise letters are visually similar to a target assigned to the same response as the signal than when noise letters are similar to a target assigned to the opposite response. Statistically reliable effects of the type predicted by continuous models were obtained when noise letters appeared in relevant display positions, but not when they appeared in irrelevant positions.  相似文献   

Three eye movement experiments were conducted to examine the role of letter identity and letter position during reading. Before fixating on a target word within each sentence, readers were provided with a parafoveal preview that differed in the amount of useful letter identity and letter position information it provided. In Experiments 1 and 2, previews fell into 1 of 5 conditions: (a) identical to the target word, (b) a transposition of 2 internal letters, (c) a substitution of 2 internal letters, (d) a transposition of the 2 final letters, or (e) a substitution of the 2 final letters. In Experiment 3, the authors used a further set of conditions to explore the importance of external letter positions. The findings extend previous work and demonstrate that transposed-letter effects exist in silent reading. These experiments also indicate that letter identity information can be extracted from the parafovea outside of absolute letter position from the first 5 letters of the word to the right of fixation. Finally, the results support the notion that exterior letters play important roles in visual word recognition.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine the influence of non-target letters on target detection performance. It was hypothesised that letters which are similar would exert a stronger masking influence on each other than letters which have a low level of feature similarity. The results indicate, however, that every letter has the same inhibitory potential regardless of its similarity rating to other letters. The highly significant letter interactions which did occur in the study were interpreted as evidence for an additive, rather than a subtractive, influence by the non-targets. It is proposed that when a target has an ambiguous identity, due to an impoverished representation, it may be disambiguated by the addition of feature information from the immediate letter context. The effect of filling in the target representation with a feature value from a non-target letter will be to weight the final representation towards the target which has the value most similar to the one substituted. In a sense, then, non-targets which are similar to a target can actually enhance target detection scores.  相似文献   

A visual search for targets is facilitated when the target objects are on a different depth plane than other masking objects cluttering the scene. The ability of observers to determine whether one of four letters presented stereoscopically at four symmetrically located positions on the fixation plane differed from the other three was assessed when the target letters were masked by other randomly positioned and oriented letters appearing on the same depth plane as the target letters, or in front, or behind it. Three additional control maskers, derived from the letter maskers, were also presented on the same three depth planes: (1) random-phase maskers (same spectral amplitude composition as the letter masker but with the phase spectrum randomized); (2) random-pixel maskers (the locations of the letter maskers’ pixel amplitudes were randomized); (3) letter-fragment maskers (the same letters as in the letter masker but broken up into fragments). Performance improved with target duration when the target-letter plane was in front of the letter-masker plane, but not when the target letters were on the same plane as the masker, or behind it. A comparison of the results for the four different kinds of maskers indicated that maskers consisting of recognizable objects (letters or letter fragments) interfere more with search and comparison judgments than do visual noise maskers having the same spatial frequency profile and contrast. In addition, performance was poorer for letter maskers than for letter-masker fragments, suggesting that the letter maskers interfered more with performance than the letter-fragment maskers because of the lexical activity they elicit.  相似文献   

Three masked priming experiments investigated the effects of target word length and number of inserted letters on superset priming, where irrelevant letters are added to targets to form prime stimuli (e.g., tanble-table). Effects of one, two, three, and four-letter insertions were measured relative to an unrelated prime condition, the identity prime condition, and a condition where the order of letters of the superset primes was reversed. Superset primes facilitated performance compared with unrelated primes and reversed primes, and the overall pattern showed a small cost of letter insertion that was independent of target word length and that increased linearly as a function of the number of inserted letters. A meta-analysis incorporating data from the present study and two other studies investigating superset priming, showed an average estimated processing cost of 11 ms per letter insertion. Models of letter position coding are examined in the light of this result.  相似文献   

A series of experiments examined the effect of masking stimuli on the ability of observers to recognize letters of the alphabet through their fingertips. The letters were generated on the 6 × 24 vibrotactile array of the Optacon, a reading aid for the blind. Letter recognition was interfered with by the presence of masking stimuli occurring at the same site on the skin either before (forward masking) or after (backward masking) the target letter had been presented. In general, backward masking interfered with letter recognition more than did forward masking. Backward masking was particularly effective for letters in which the information critical for identification is located on the right side of the letter. Presenting the letters reversed resulted in more forward masking for those letters with critical information now located on the left side. Increasing the time between the target letter and the masking stimuli resulted in improved letter recognition. The implications of the results for tactile reading are discussed.  相似文献   

J Braun  D Sagi 《Perception》1991,20(4):483-500
Experiments are described in which observers attempted to perform concurrently two separate visual tasks. Two types of tasks were used: the identification of a T-shaped or L-shaped letter target, and the detection or localization of a texture element of unique orientation (texture target) within a dense texture. Combining these tasks to form various task pairs, performance as a function of stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) was established separately for each task in a pair. In addition, performance was measured when each task was carried out by itself. When paired, two identification tasks (T or L) on (two) letter targets required a significantly larger SOA than either identification task by itself. This outcome suggests the involvement of serial performance and competition for a limited resource, confirming that letter identification requires attentive fixation. However, when the identification of a central letter target was paired with the localization (upper or lower hemifield) of an eccentric texture target, performance in the pair was comparable to performance of each task by itself. This suggests parallel performance and a lack of conflict over resources. The outcome was similar when the identification of an eccentric letter target was paired with the detection (present or absent) of an eccentric texture target. These results are consistent with the possibility that localization and detection of a textural singularity do not require attentive fixation.  相似文献   

The masked-priming lexical decision task has been the paradigm of choice for investigating how readers code for letter identity and position. Insight into the temporal integration of information between prime and target words has pointed out, among other things, that readers do not code for the absolute position of letters. This conception has spurred various accounts of the word recognition process, but the results at present do not favor one account in particular. Thus, employing a new strategy, the present study moves out of the arena of temporal- and into the arena of spatial information integration. We present two lexical decision experiments that tested how the processing of six-letter target words is influenced by simultaneously presented flanking stimuli (each stimulus was presented for 150 ms). We manipulated the orthographic relatedness between the targets and flankers, in terms of both letter identity (same/different letters based on the target’s outer/inner letters) and letter position (intact/reversed order of letters and of flankers, contiguous/noncontiguous flankers). Target processing was strongly facilitated by same-letter flankers, and this facilitatory effect was modulated by both letter/flanker order and contiguity. However, when the flankers consisted of the target’s inner-positioned letters alone, letter order no longer mattered. These findings suggest that readers may code for the relative position of letters using words’ edges as spatial points of reference. We conclude that the flanker paradigm provides a fruitful means to investigate letter-position coding in the fovea and parafovea.  相似文献   

An account ofsame-different discriminations that is based upon a continuous-flow model of visual information processing (C. W. Eriksen & Schultz, 1979) and response competition and inhibition between the responses by which the subject signifies his judgment is presented. We show that a response signifyingsame will on the average be executed faster due to less priming or incipient activation of the competing response,different. In the experiment, the subjects matched letters on the basis of physical identity. The degree of priming ofdifferent responses on same trials and ofsame responses ondifferent trials was manipulated by an extraneous noise letter placed in the display. Latency for judgments onsame trials increased as the feature overlap of noise and target letters decreased. Latencies were shorter ondifferent trials when the noise letter was dissimilar to either target letter than when the noise letter was the same as one of the targets. These results were consistent with the response-competition interpretation.  相似文献   

杨海波  刘和珺  章鹏  李量 《心理学报》2019,51(11):1187-1197
信息掩蔽刺激(如随机字母群)对字母视觉搜索的干扰大于能量掩蔽刺激(如将字母群像素随机化后的散点), 但相应的中枢机理还不清楚。本研究采用记录脑代谢激活模式的功能性近红外光学脑成像技术(fNIRS), 考察年轻成年被试分别在字母掩蔽、字母碎片掩蔽、像素掩蔽条件下判断上、下、左、右四个目标字母是否相同时的大脑皮层氧合血红蛋白浓度的变化。结果显示, 依字母、字母碎片、随机散点掩蔽条件顺序, 被试的搜索任务成绩显著递增, 而顶-枕皮层的激活范围与程度显著递减, 表明信息掩蔽较匹配的能量掩蔽对视觉搜索有更大的干扰作用, 并在初级和联合视觉皮层引发更大的激活。在字母碎片掩蔽条件下, 视觉初级皮层部分区域的激活水平与搜索行为绩效的相关显著, 而在字母掩蔽条件下, 视觉联合皮层部分区域的激活水平与搜索行为绩效的相关显著。这进一步说明信息掩蔽中的字母掩蔽和字母碎片掩蔽的掩蔽作用在大脑皮层上所造成的加工负载存在差异。  相似文献   

The effect on the number of letters S can report of the duration of each sequentially presented letter was compared with that of processing time, defined as the time from the onset of a letter to the onset of the next letter. Four Ss were each shown 1250 common English words, from four to eight letters long, one letter at a time. Each letter acted as a visual noise field for the preceding letter. The duration of each letter and the interval between letters was varied independently. The S reported the letters he saw after each word was displayed. It was found that the processing time (onset to onset) predicted the number of letters correctly reported, regardless of the partition between on time and off time. A calculation was made of the number of milliseconds of on plus off time that are needed to ensure correct report of each letter. This time was independent of the duration of the processing time, but was positively correlated with the number of letters in the word. This correlation is probably in part artifactual, so that no claim can be made that it takes longer to process a letter of a long as compared to a short word.  相似文献   

This article reviews studies in which a single letter is visually presented under adverse conditions and the subject's task is to identify the letter. The typical results for such studies are (a) certain pairs of letters are more often confused than other pairs of letters; (b) certain letters are more easily recognized than others; and (c) confusion errors for a letter pair are often asymmetric, the number of errors differing depending on which letter of the pair is presented as the stimulus. A geometric model incorporating the properties of distance and spatial density (after Krumhansl) is presented to account for these results. The present application of the distance-density model assumes that each letter is constructed in a typical 5 X 7 dot matrix. Each letter is represented in 35-dimensional space based on its constituent dots. A central idea behind the model, embodied in the property of spatial density, is that an explanation of typical results must take into account the relationship of the entire stimulus set to both the presented letter and the responded letter. Specifically, according to the model, (a) pairs of letters that are close in geometric space are more often confused than pairs of letters that are distant; (b) letters that are in less spatially dense regions are more easily recognized than letters that are in more spatially dense regions; and (c) asymmetric confusion errors result when one member of a letter pair is in a denser region than the other member of the letter pair. The distance-density model is applied to published and unpublished results of the authors as well as published results from two other laboratories. Alternative explanations of the three typical letter recognition results are also considered. The most successful alternative explanations are (a) confusions are an increasing function of the number of dots that two letters share; (b) letters constructed from fewer dots are easier to recognize; and (c) asymmetries arise when one member of a letter pair is more easily recognized, since that letter then has fewer confusion errors to give to the other letter of the pair. The model is discussed in terms of the distinction between template matching and feature analysis. An alternative classification of letter recognition models is proposed based on the global versus local qualities of features and the spatial information associated with each feature. The model is extended to explain reaction time study results. It is suggested that the distance-density model can be used to create optimal letter fonts by minimizing interletter confusions and maximizing letter recognizability.  相似文献   

Is a target letter (digit) more readily detected in a digit (letter) background because of conceptual-level differences between letters and digits or because of physical-level differences? When letters and digits were matched on physical features, both for the target set and the background set, no letter vs. digit category effect was found. With physical differences eliminated, search was faster and more accurate for letter than for digit targets and distractors, presumably because of the greater familiarity of letters. Presenting the same characters in normal and mirrorreversed orientation, which also minimized featural differences between categories, produced only a small normal vs. reversed category effect. In a normal background, a reversed target lost much more from its unfamiliarity than it gained from mismatching the background. The present results indicate that the category effect vanishes when only conceptual level differences are present.  相似文献   

In each of five experiments, the subjects viewed tachistoscopically presented pairs of letters and made speeded comparison judgments on the basis of name identity. On most trials, a noise letter string (word or anagram) was placed directly between the target letters. The results indicated that correct “same” RTs were a function of noise item type and its relation to target letters. Anagrams increased RTs more than their counterpart words, except when the noise word was either unmeaningflul or response incompatible with respect to the target letters (e.g., B Tea b). The interference effects were also found to be independent of sequence length. It was posited that the subjects were unable to completely ignore the irrelevant attributes of the displays and that under certain conditions, the subjects were able to identify the noise items in a holistic fashion. The data were interpreted in terms of a unitization hypothesis of word recognition, response competition, and a continuous-flow conception of information processing.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that readers use word length and word boundary information in targeting saccades into upcoming words while reading. Previous studies have also revealed that the initial landing positions for fixations on words are affected by parafoveal processing. In the present study, we examined the effects of word length and orthographic legality on targeting saccades into parafoveal words. Long (8?C9 letters) and short (4?C5 letters) target words, which were matched on lexical frequency and initial letter trigram, were paired and embedded into identical sentence frames. The gaze-contingent boundary paradigm (Rayner, 1975) was used to manipulate the parafoveal information available to the reader before direct fixation on the target word. The parafoveal preview was either identical to the target word or was a visually similar nonword. The nonword previews contained orthographically legal or orthographically illegal initial letters. The results showed that orthographic preprocessing of the word to the right of fixation affected eye movement targeting, regardless of word length. Additionally, the lexical status of an upcoming saccade target in the parafovea generally did not influence preprocessing.  相似文献   

Errors in reporting a cued target letter appearing among a string of letters more often reflect the mislocation of a letter appearing elsewhere in the string than the intrusion of one not in the string. The current experiment was conducted to determine the representation of letters at the stage at which errors occur. Four letters (from a set of 12 chosen to contain counterpart pairs that were similar physically, phonemically, or both physically and phonemically) appeared in each exposure, with the target letter indicated by a cue in the postexposure mask. Letter strings presented to one group of subjects were flanked on either side by a pound sign (#) to assess the effect of lateral masking on the terminal letter in the string. Physical similarity dictated the pattern of mislocations between counterparts, suggesting a physical rather than phonemic or abstract representation. Lateral masking played no significant role in the difference between intrusions and mislocations.  相似文献   

Errors in reporting a cued target letter appearing among a string of letters more often reflect the mislocation of a letter appearing elsewhere in the string than the intrusion of one not in the string. The current experiment was conducted to determine the representation of letters at the stage at which errors occur. Four letters (from a set of 12 chosen to contain counterpart pairs that were similar physically, phonemically, or both physically and phonemically) appeared in each exposure, with the target letter indicated by a cue in the postexposure mask. Letter strings presented to one group of subjects were flanked on either side by a pound sign (#) to assess the effect of lateral masking on the terminal letter in the string. Physical similarity dictated the pattern of mislocations between counterparts, suggesting a physical rather than phonemic or abstract representation. Lateral masking played no significant role in the difference between intrusions and mislocations.  相似文献   

In experiment 1, target letter discrimination in quadrigrams containing multiple subwords was found to be no more accurate than target letter discrimination in strings of four unrelated letters. Discrimination in quadrigrams, each including the target letter and a one-word trigram of which the target was not a part, was significantly poorer than discrimination in either of the other two types. In Experiment 2, a possible explanation of the latter result involving capacity limitations was eliminated by presenting the target above or below the other letters, which were presented in the same order as in corresponding strings in Experiment 1. The results are explained with respect to the interactive activation model of context effects in letter perception, with a modification proposed involving inhibitory connections between word nodes.  相似文献   

Typically, the search for order in grapheme–color synesthesia has been conducted by looking at the frequency of certain letter–color associations. Here, we report stronger associations when second-order similarity mappings are examined—specifically, mappings between the synesthetic colors of letters and letter shape, frequency, and position in the alphabet. The analyses demonstrate that these relations are independent of one other. More strikingly, our analyses show that each of the letter–color mappings is restricted to one dimension of color, with letter shape and ordinality linked to hue, and letter frequency linked to luminance. These results imply that synesthetic associations are acquired as the alphabet is learned, with associations involving letter shape, ordinality, and frequency being made independently and idiosyncratically. Because these mappings of similarity structure between domains (letters and colors) are similar to those found in numerous other cognitive and perceptual domains, they imply that synesthetic associations operate on principles common to many aspects of human cognition.  相似文献   

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