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Enhanced conditionability has been proposed as a crucial factor in the etiology and maintenance of panic disorder (PD). To test this assumption, the authors of the current study examined the acquisition and extinction of conditioned responses to aversive stimuli in PD. Thirty-nine PD patients and 33 healthy control participants took part in a differential aversive conditioning experiment. A highly annoying but not painful electrical stimulus served as the unconditioned stimulus (US), and two neutral pictures were used as either the paired conditioned stimulus (CS+) or the unpaired conditioned stimulus (CS-). Results indicate that PD patients do not show larger conditioned responses during acquisition than control participants. However, in contrast to control participants, PD patients exhibited larger skin conductance responses to CS+ stimuli during extinction and maintained a more negative evaluation of them, as indicated by valence ratings obtained several times throughout the experiment. This suggests that PD patients show enhanced conditionability with respect to extinction.  相似文献   

The pigeon's key-pecking response is experimentally dissociable into transport (head movement) and gape (jaw movement) components. During conditioning of the key-pecking response, both components come under the control of the conditioned stimulus. To study the acquisition of gape conditioned responses and to clarify the contribution of unconditioned stimulus (reinforcer) variables to the form of the response, gape and key-contact responses were recorded during an autoshaping procedure and reinforcer properties were systematically varied. One group of 8 pigeons was food deprived and subgroups of 2 birds each were exposed to four different pellet sizes as reinforcers, each reinforcer signaled by a keylight conditioned stimulus. A second group was water deprived and received water reinforcers paired with the conditioned stimulus. Water- or food-deprived control groups received appropriate water or food reinforcers that were randomly delivered with respect to the keylight stimulus. Acquisition of the conditioned gape response frequently preceded key-contact responses, and gape conditioned responses were generally elicited at higher rates than were key contacts. The form of the conditioned gape was similar to, but not identical with, the form of the unconditioned gape. The gape component is a critical topographical feature of the conditioned key peck, a sensitive measure of conditioning during autoshaping, and an important source of the observed similarities in the form of conditioned and consummatory responses.  相似文献   

Human subjects were exposed to pictures of potentially phobic (snakes) and supposedly neutral (houses) objects as conditioned stimuli (CSs) in a Pavlovian conditioning experiment with shock as unconditioned stimulus (US), and skin conductance and finger pulse volume as dependent variables. The skin conductance responses conditioned to phobic stimuli were acquired after one CS-US pairing, and showed practically no extinction, whereas the responses to neutral stimuli showed very little resistance to extinction after both 1 and 5 reinforcements. The superior resistance to extinction of the phobic condition was interpreted to be a specific associative effect. In general, the skin conductance acquisition data showed tendencies similar to those during extinction. For finger pulse volume responses, however, there were very weak conditioning effects, and no effect of stimulus.  相似文献   

Rabbits received 0 to 450 exposures of a tone conditioned stimulus (CS) prior to classical defensive conditioning of the nicitating membrane response based on an infraorbital eye shock unconditioned stimulus. Tone preexposure resulted in retarded conditioning in normal rabbits. This latent inhibition effect was not present in animals with bilateral dorsal hippocampectomy produced by aspiration. Control animals with bilateral neocortical and callosal aspiration lesions demonstrated a latent inhibition effect similar to that shown by normal nonoperated animals. The failure of CS preexposure to retard conditioning in hippocampal rabbits was not due to differences in threshold of the conditioned response to the CS or to differences in response mechanisms as determined by tests of habituation and dishabituation of the unconditioned response. A subsequent experiment employed combined-cue summation tests to confirm the fact that preexposure did not endow the tone with conditioned as well as latent inhibitiory properties. Finally, tests of stimulus generalization along the auditory frequency dimension indicated flatter relative gradients for hippocampals than for nonoperated controls, with cortical controls in between. These findings were discussed in terms of Douglas' model of hippocampal function.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have shown that positively reinforced operant responding is suppressed during a conditioned stimulus terminated with an electric shock (conditioned suppression). In the present experiment, the conditioned stimulus was terminated with a positive unconditioned stimulus, and it was found that the duration of the conditioned stimulus was a key factor in determining whether response suppression or response enhancement was observed during the stimulus. The lever-pressing responses of rats were maintained by a variable-interval schedule of food reinforcement. While the rats were pressing the lever, a light was occasionally turned on, its offset coincident with a brief period of access to a sucrose solution. In consecutive blocks of sessions, the light duration was 40 sec, 12 sec, or 120 sec. Results showed that the rate of lever pressing was substantially suppressed during the 12-sec stimulus, slightly suppressed during the 40-sec stimulus, and enhanced during the 120-sec stimulus.  相似文献   

The present experiment investigated reinstatement of fear in humans using a differential fear conditioning preparation. In this experiment, one neutral stimulus (conditioned stimulus; CS+) was paired with an aversive stimulus (unconditioned stimulus; US) during the acquisition phase, while another neutral stimulus was not (CS−). This procedure led to a difference in responding between the CS+ and the CS− (i.e., differential conditioning). After this acquisition phase, an extinction phase followed, during which both CSs were presented without the US, resulting in a decrease in differential conditioned responding. Reinstatement refers to the return of extinguished conditioned responses due to the experience of US-only trials after the extinction phase. This phenomenon was investigated by presenting half of the participants (reinstatement group) with unpredictable USs after the extinction phase. The control group did not receive these USs after the extinction procedure. The results show that return of fear was clearly apparent after the reinstating USs. This return of fear was, however, not limited to the CS+. An increase in ‘conditioned’ responding was also observed for the control stimulus. This interesting observation will be discussed against the background of a number of recent theoretical conceptualizations of reinstatement.  相似文献   

Conditioning-specific reflex modification (CRM) occurs when classical conditioning modifies responding to an unconditioned stimulus (US) in the absence of a conditioned stimulus (CS). Three experiments monitored rabbit nictitating (Oryctolagus cuniculus) membrane unconditioned responses to 5 intensities and 4 durations of periorbital electrical stimulation before and after CS or US manipulation. CRM occurred after 12 days of CS-US pairings but not following unpaired CS/US presentations or restraint. CRM survived CS-alone and CS/US-unpaired extinction of the conditioned response (CR) but not presentations of the US alone, although CRs remained intact. Thus, CRs could be weakened without eliminating CRM and CRM could be weakened without eliminating CRs. Data indicate CRM is a reliable, associative effect that is more than a generalized CR and may not be explained by habituation, stimulus generalization, contextual conditioning, or bidirectional conditioning.  相似文献   

Three pigeons were exposed sequentially across experimental phases to five different distances between the conditioned stimulus and the site of the unconditioned stimulus in a sign-/goal-tracking procedure. A computer-controlled tracking system provided a continuous record of the bird's position by continuously monitoring the location of the bird's head in three-dimensional space. It was found that birds sign-tracked (i.e., approached the conditioned stimulus) when the conditioned stimulus was closest to the site of the unconditioned stimulus, goal-tracked (i.e., approached the site of the unconditioned stimulus in the presence of the conditioned stimulus) when the conditioned stimulus was farthest from the site of the unconditioned stimulus, and engaged in both sign- and goal-tracking (or something intermediate) at intermediate conditioned-stimulus-to-unconditioned-stimulus distances. When both sign- and goal-tracking occurred, the former tended to occur in the first half and the latter in the second half of the interval in which the conditioned stimulus was present. The results suggest (a) whether sign- or goal-tracking (or both) occurs is a function of the distance of the conditioned stimulus from the site of the unconditioned stimulus, (b) the fact that pigeons but not rats have been found to sign-track consistently throughout the duration of the conditioned stimulus may be due to quantitatively rather than qualitatively different effects of conditioned-stimulus-to-unconditioned-stimulus distance across species (i.e., a "short" conditioned-stimulus-to-unconditioned-stimulus distance for a pigeon may be a "long" one for a rat), and (c) sign- and goal-tracking may be competing behavioral tendencies that can (e.g., at intermediate conditioned-stimulus-to-unconditioned-stimulus distances) cancel each other out. The findings lend support to theories that specify an interaction between phylogenetic and reinforcement variables in determining whether sign- or goal-tracking will occur in any given experimental preparation.  相似文献   

Male Japanese quail were classically conditioned to display courting behavior at the sound of a buzzer, a previously neutral stimulus. The buzzer (conditioned stimulus) was paired with the presentation of a female quail (unconditioned stimulus) for a number of trials. The courting display, invariably elicited from the male by the presentation of the female, began to appear in part to the conditioned stimulus as early as the fifth pairing. All components of the display were elicited from all birds by the conditioned stimulus alone within 32 pairings of the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli.  相似文献   

An experimental group of lemon sharks received 100 daily presentations of light flash as the conditioned stimulus (CS) and electric shock as the unconditioned stimulus (US) in a classical conditioning situation. The conditioned responses (CRs) and unconditioned responses (URs) under observation consisted of extensions of the nictitating membrane. Separate control groups received either (a) no CS or US, (b) CS-alone, or (c) completely random presentations of CS and US. Few CRs occurred in the experimental group at the outset of conditioning, but the percentage of CRs during the second half of the first acquisition session exceeded 95%. Conditioning stabilized above 95% CRs during Acquisition Sessions 3 through 7. These responses could not be attributed to pseudoconditioning, sensitization, or other nonassociative factors. When the experimental group was subsequently given six CS-alone sessions, the course of extinction was gradual. Most results seemed similar to those previously obtained during classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane in rabbits.  相似文献   

During the elaboration of an instrumental reflex, it is not obligatory to use a conditioned stimulus, which signals the necessity to generate an instrumental reaction in order to receive reinforcement. However, the presence of a conditioned stimulus simplifies analysis of instrumental reaction, which in this case is the response to the conditioned stimulus. On the other hand, it is necessary to distinguish between instrumental and classical conditioning, since in both cases the response to a conditioned stimulus increases. We studied neuronal analogs of classical and instrumental conditioning in the identified neurons responsible for the defensive closure of the pneumostome in the Helix mollusk under the same conditions. During classical conditioning, a mollusk received punishment after a tactile stimulus. During instrumental conditioning, a mollusk received punishment when an identified neuron did not generate an action potential in response to a tactile stimulus. The appearance of a painful stimulus did not depend on the generation or failure of a spike in the related control neuron. Another tactile stimulus, which was never paired with an unconditioned stimulus, was used as a discriminated stimulus. We also compared the behavior of such identified neurons during pseudoconditioning. The experiments were carried out in a semi-intact preparation. We examined how responses to the tactile and painful stimuli changed during different forms of training. It was shown that the dynamics of neuronal responses to a conditioned tactile stimulus were much more complex during instrumental conditioning and consisted of several phases. Throughout a learning session, neural system consecutively acquired information as to which kind of learning was presented, whether a reaction of the neural system must be generated or inhibited and which instrumental reaction is correct. We have demonstrated that response to a painful stimulus during classical conditioning decreases after short-term initial increase. However, during instrumental learning, the neurons controlling instrumental action remained highly sensitive to the unconditioned stimulus. Meanwhile, foreign neurons decreased their responses to the unconditioned stimulus. We may tentatively conclude that classical and instrumental paradigms are fundamentally different at the cellular level.  相似文献   

In the present experiment we report effects of cerebral asymmetry, or laterality, during classical conditioning to facial emotional stimuli. Twenty-five female subjects were presented with slides of a happy face in one visual half-field (VHF), and simultaneously a slide of an angry face in the other VHF, followed by shock as the unconditioned stimulus (UCS). To control for effects of sensitization, a new stimulus, never associated with the UCS, was introduced in the extinction phase. Dependent measures were phasic heart rate responses (HR) and skin conductance responses (SCR). The HR results showed a significant right hemisphere effect for the CS-UCS association, that was not attributable to UCS sensitization. No significant effects were found for the SCRs. The basic HR finding was a right hemisphere superiority for learning of a conditioned association.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reviewed that demonstrate effects of brain laterality on human classical conditioning. Pictures of facial emotional expressions were used as conditioned stimuli (CSs) together with shock as unconditioned stimulus (UCS). Bilateral electrodermal responses were recorded as dependent measures. In the first experiment, one group was conditioned to an angry face, and one group to a happy face. During extinction, the face-CSs were presented to the right hemisphere on half of the trials and to the left hemisphere on the other half of the trials. Results showed that the right hemisphere was superior in showing persisting effects of learning, and especially to the angry CS+. In the second experiment, lateralized presentations of the angry and happy faces were made during acquisition, with foveal presentations during extinction. Once again, the angry face elicited greater skin conductance responses (SCRs) during extinction in the group that had this stimulus presented to the right hemisphere during acquisition. It is concluded that emotional conditioning is differentially regulated by the two hemispheres of the brain.  相似文献   

The murine vibrissae sensorimotor system has been scrutinized as a target of motor learning through trace classical conditioning. Conditioned eyelid responses were acquired by using weak electrical whisker-pad stimulation as conditioned stimulus (CS) and strong electrical periorbital stimulation as unconditioned stimulus (US). In addition, conditioned vibrissal protraction was obtained pairing either weak electrical whisker-pad stimulation or a tone as CS, with a strong electric shock delivered in the whisker-pad as US. This finding suggests that evolutionary pressure has selected a sensorimotor system capable of constructing conditioned responses on the basis of temporal relationships of stimuli, independently of any putative functional purpose.  相似文献   

Conditioning methodologies associated with the psychology of learning are suggested as a new strategy to investigate behavior of the assassin bug Rhodnius prolixus, which is the main vector of Chagas disease in Venezuela. Chagas disease is the fourth leading cause of death in Latin America, as it causes severe chronic illness and approximately 43,000 deaths per year. To illustrate this strategy, two preliminary experiments are reported. In the first, Pavlovian conditioning was examined by pairing an olfactory conditioned stimulus with a temperature unconditioned stimulus. A temperature of 42 degrees C elicits a complex behavioral sequence in R. prolixus consisting of proboscis extension and crawling. Over the course of 12 training trials, this behavioral sequence was not elicited by an olfactory conditioned stimulus. In the second experiment, a latent inhibition paradigm was used to pre-expose R. prolixus to an olfactory conditioned stimulus before pairing the odor with temperature. Over the course of training, an effect of pre-exposure was found. Suggestions for research are discussed and potential conditioned and unconditioned stimuli identified.  相似文献   

Skin conductance responses were differentially conditioned using reinforcement schedules of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%, manipulated between subjects. Half of the subjects were informed about schedule contingencies, and half were uninformed. The interstimulus interval was 6 sec. Discrimination of first-interval responses (1.0-3.5 sec after conditioned stimulus [CS] onset) by informed subjects did not vary with the ratio variable, but that by uninformed subjects improved with increasing reinforcement ratio because of diminished response levels to the nonreinforced CS (CS-). Discrimination of second-interval responses (3.6-7.0 sec after CS onset) improved as a function of increasing reinforcement ratio because of elevated response levels to the reinforced CS (CS+), but the effect was not persistent across trials in informed subjects. Performance in the first and second intervals did not reflect sequential increments and decrements as a function of reinforced and nonreinforced trials. Third-interval responses (7.1-9.9 sec after CS on nonreinforced trials) were not affected by schedule manipulations, but unconditioned responses diminished with increasing reinforcement ratio. Information about schedule contingencies led to superior discrimination of first-, second-, and third-interval responses and to suppression of unconditioned responses.  相似文献   

味觉厌恶性条件反射与条件反射性免疫抑制的研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
以环磷酰胺的注射为非条件刺激(UCS),糖精水的摄入为条件刺激(CS),并以血白细胞和淋巴细胞数量及脾淋巴细胞的转化反应为免疫指标,糖精水的饮用量为行为指标,通过改变条件刺激与非条件刺激结合的次数来观察条件反射性厌恶行为与条件反射性免疫抑制的反应。结果表明不管是一次性的还是两次性的CS-UCS结合训练都能使动物明显地建立起味觉厌恶性条件反射,然而条件反射性免疫抑制只在两次性CS-UCS结合训练后才  相似文献   

Study 1: The aim of this study was to analyze in persons detoxified of heroin, compensatory conditioned responses (CCRs) that are opposite to the unconditioned physiological, and subjective effects that are induced by this substance. The procedure consisted in presenting slides with images of neutral stimuli (NSs) and conditioned stimuli (CSs) of heroin to both non-addicted and detoxified addicted persons. The evaluated responses were heart rate (HR) and desire for heroin (DH). Study 2: The aim was to facilitate the emission of mimetic conditioned responses (MCRs) to the unconditioned physiological, and subjective effects of heroin in detoxified heroin addicts. Three different stimulus series were manipulated: SA, during which the participant remained alone; SB, administration of a needle prick given by the researcher; SC, performance of the "pump" ritual without drug by the participants. The responses measured were HR and DH. The results of both studies are considered, respectively, to be indicators of compensatory and mimetic conditioned responses.  相似文献   

Four experiments showed differential modulation of defensive unconditioned responses (URs) in rabbits by contextual stimuli that Brandon and Wagner (1991) have shown similarly to modulate conditioned eyeblink responses. Two 30-s auditory cues, A and B, were differentially paired with shock. Tests were presentations of a response-eliciting probe stimulus within A, B, or a comparable blank interval, Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that A and B differentially facilitated eyeblink URs, and Experiments 3 and 4 showed that A and B similarly differentially facilitated startle responses elicited by airpuffs to the ear. These data are consistent with a characterization of Pavlovian conditioning that distinguishes between emotive and sensory conditioning and assumes that conditioned emotional responses similarly modulate specific conditioned and unconditioned defensive reflexes (Konorski, 1967; Wagner & Brandon, 1989).  相似文献   

The experiment reviewed here was an attempt to examine whether or not magnitudes of first and second interval skin conductance responses (FIR, SIR) to different conditioned stimuli (CS), each predicting another unconditioned stimulus (US), mirror the aversiveness of the predicted USs. Twenty human subjects received a differential Pavlovian conditioning training with five CSs, each one paired eight times with a specific US. Magnitudes of FIR and SIR elicited by CSs increased with increasing aversiveness of the USs predicted. It is concluded therefore that the SIR is not a mere indicator of a cognitive expectancy process but is also affected by emotional aspects.  相似文献   

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