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We describe the use of a photo-optical device for the measurement of peripheral vascular activity, the Optek OPB707A, which we advocate to replace the now obsolete Sensor Technology STRT-850A. The Optek device provides a close coupling of light emitted and received through use of a GaAlAs light-emitting diode (LED). It also provides a photodarlington transistor as the receiver. The device should be used in a transmitted mode (e.g., LED illuminating tissue on volar surface of thumb and receiver on the thumbnail). Signal-to-noise characteristics and replicability of the signal from occasion to occasion are shown to be equal or superior to those of the earlier device.  相似文献   

An array of measures of anxiety and related disorders (viz., Albany Panic and Phobia Questionnaire; Anxiety Sensitivity Index; Beck Anxiety Inventory; Beck Depression Inventory-II; Body Sensation Questionnaire; Fear Questionnaire; Padua Inventory; Penn State Worry Questionnaire; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Diagnostic Scale; Social Interaction Anxiety Inventory; and Worry Scale) was edited or translated from English into Spanish. Following an extensive edit and translation process, bilingual participants (n = 98) were assessed with the English and Spanish versions of these measures. Coefficient alphas were excellent and comparable across language versions. Means and standard deviations were also comparable across language versions. Evidence of convergent and discriminant validity was found for both language versions. The two language versions of each measure correlated highly with each other. This psychometric comparability adds confidence in using the newly edited or translated Spanish language measures in clinical practice and research.  相似文献   

The present study aims to illustrate an encompassing approach to the evaluation of personality factor structure replicability based on novel exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) methods. This approach comprises formal tests of measurement invariance applied to the flexible ESEM framework and overcomes the limitations of congruence measures that have traditionally been used to assess factor replicability in personality research. On the basis of 1566 responses to the widely-used NEO Five-Factor-Inventory (NEO-FFI), we demonstrate this ESEM approach in the context of examining the invariance of the NEO-FFI factor structure across gender. The approach is shown to converge with traditional congruence measures and extend these measures for examining factorial structure consistency. In addition, more general replicative data supporting the validity of the NEO-FFI are reported. We discuss the ESEM approach as a viable alternative to the congruence approach and acknowledge some important limitations of the method.  相似文献   

Implicit measures have contributed to important insights in almost every area of psychology. However, various issues and challenges remain concerning their use, one of which is their considerable variation in reliability, with many implicit measures having questionable reliability. The goal of the present investigation was to examine an overlooked consequence of this liability with respect to replication, when such implicit measures are used as dependent variables in experimental studies. Using a Monte Carlo simulation, the authors demonstrate that a higher level of unreliability in such dependent variables is associated with substantially lower levels of replicability. The results imply that this overlooked consequence can have far-reaching repercussions for the development of a cumulative science. The authors recommend the routine assessment and reporting of the reliability of implicit measures and also urge the improvement of implicit measures with low reliability.  相似文献   

The study of patterns in personality structure reveals three replicable prototypes: Resilients, Overcontrollers, and Undercontrollers. The three prototypes were first identified in children using ratings based on the California Child Q‐set (see Block, 1971). Only recently, the three prototypes were replicated in self‐reports on questionnaires intended to assess the Big Five (see e.g. Asendorpf, Borkenau, Ostendorf, & van Aken, 2001). This paper addresses the question of whether the three prototypes are replicable across different data sources. Cluster structures in self‐, peer, and behaviour ratings, all based on the Big Five, were examined in a sample of 600 monozygotic and dizygotic twins ranging in age from 18 to 70 years. The three prototypes could be clearly identified in the self‐reports only, whereas in ratings by others only the Resilient prototype could be replicated. In both peer and behaviour ratings, the second and the third cluster reflected a Non‐desirable and an Average type. The analysis of cross‐data consistency revealed only moderate agreement in assignments of individual subjects to types. The findings suggest that personality types depend strongly on personality measures and informants. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Distressed personality type, identified in a cardiac population, confers risk for worse cardiac outcomes. Whether such a class of persons is identifiable in general patient populations, as well as its health correlates, remains unknown. We investigated these questions in a sample of 482 older primary care patients. Mixture structural equation modelling revealed that a Distressed Type was identifiable in Five Factor Model (FFM) personality data and associated with higher levels of medically documented multimorbidity, and worse subjective health ratings, physician assessed physical functioning and interviewer rated psychosocial functioning. In models including paths from outcomes to both traits and types, traits and types were independently associated with health outcomes, pointing towards the value of considering both approaches in epidemiologic personology research. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study, Q-sort patterns of German preschool children were analyzed for personality prototypes and related to developmental outcomes up to age 12. Q-factor analyses confirmed 3 prototypic patterns that showed a high continuity and cross-judge consistency; were similar to those found for North American, Dutch, and Icelandic children; and can be interpreted as resilient, overcontrolled, and undercontrolled. Relations reported by R. W. Robins, O. P. John, A. Caspi, T. E. Moffitt, & M. Stouthamer-Loeber (1996) between these 3 patterns and the Big Five were fully replicated. Growth curve analyses showed that the 3 patterns predicted important developmental outcomes in both the social and the cognitive domains. Evidence was found for both traits and types: A continuous dimension of resiliency bifurcates in its lower part into two relatively discrete personality types, overcontrollers and undercontrollers.  相似文献   

Data on sexual practices in the past two months were obtained from 176 Australian and 159 New Zealand homosexually active men. Factor analysis yielded three major underlying dimensions of homosexual behaviour in each sample, accounting for 53.4 and 54.0% of total variance at baseline and 55.1 and 62.1% at follow-up, respectively. These three dimensions represented unsafe sex involving predominantly anal activity, safe (oral and mutual masturbatory) sex without condoms, and safe anal sex with condoms and withdrawal. Comparison of the four matrices (two countries by two times), using Cattell's S index, indicated high stability of the factor structure across countries and times. These three dimensions of homosexual behaviour appear to represent consistent behavioural clusters across samples and times. They suggest that use of these dimensions in further research on homosexually active men is warranted and that homosexual activities cluster into a number of limited dimensions on which sexual behaviours are interrelated.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 69 undergraduates, scales were devised to measure helplessness, hopelessness, and haplessness and shown to have good reliability. Briefer scales were also developed whose scores were independent of one another in a factor analysis. Scores for 19 male and 50 female undergraduates on the 4-item scales of Helplessness and Hopelessness were associated with two different measures of depression, but scores on Hopelessness provided the stronger correlate.  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety-one 15- to 16-yr olds completed the Junior Eysenck Personality Inventory (JEPI), the Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (JEPQ) and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ). In terms of the internal consistency of the test items, and the statistical independence of the scales, the EPQ emerges as the most satisfactory measure of personality dimensions in this age group.  相似文献   

While anxiety research frequently uses only self-report measures to assess dimensions of state and trait anxiety, the present study sought to corroborate these self-report measures using a physiological measure, namely heart rate. Another aim of the present study was to test the multidimensional interaction model of anxiety in a social evalua-tion situation (i.e., a seminar presentation), using a physiological measure of state anxiety. Graduate psychology students completed a state anxiety questionnaire and were attached to a heart rate recorder prior to a class seminar presentation. One week later, students completed trait and state anxiety questionnaires and were again at-tached to a heart rate recorder prior to seminar observation by others. Heart rate was elevated during seminar presentation relative to seminar observation, reached maxi-mum values during the first 15 minutes of seminar presentation and then decreased over time. State anxiety scores indicate that participants were experiencing consider-ably more anxiety just before presenting the seminar than just before observing a seminar. Heart rate during seminar presentation was significantly correlated with self-report state anxiety and self-report social evaluation trait anxiety, but not with seminar grade. Support was found for the multidimensional interaction model of anxiety using the physiological measure (i.e., heart rate). A modified version of this paper was presented at the 101st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. This research was supported, in part, by Grant No. 410-94-1473 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) to the second author. The authors wish to thank the Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine for providing the Medilog recorders. Reprint requests should be sent to Norman S. Endler at the address above.  相似文献   

While anxiety research frequently uses only self-report measures to assess dimensions of state and trait anxiety, the present study sought to corroborate these self-report measures using a physiological measure, namely heart rate. Another aim of the present study was to test the multidimensional interaction model of anxiety in a social evalua-tion situation (i.e., a seminar presentation), using a physiological measure of state anxiety. Graduate psychology students completed a state anxiety questionnaire and were attached to a heart rate recorder prior to a class seminar presentation. One week later, students completed trait and state anxiety questionnaires and were again at-tached to a heart rate recorder prior to seminar observation by others. Heart rate was elevated during seminar presentation relative to seminar observation, reached maxi-mum values during the first 15 minutes of seminar presentation and then decreased over time. State anxiety scores indicate that participants were experiencing consider-ably more anxiety just before presenting the seminar than just before observing a seminar. Heart rate during seminar presentation was significantly correlated with self-report state anxiety and self-report social evaluation trait anxiety, but not with seminar grade. Support was found for the multidimensional interaction model of anxiety using the physiological measure (i.e., heart rate). A modified version of this paper was presented at the 101st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. This research was supported, in part, by Grant No. 410-94-1473 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) to the second author. The authors wish to thank the Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine for providing the Medilog recorders. Reprint requests should be sent to Norman S. Endler at the address above.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the eye movement can be used to measure memory of past events and its relationship with the explicit measures. In Experiment 1, after studying a list of Chinese characters, the participants received a recognition memory test. For each trial the participants had to indicate, among one studied character and two nonstudied homonyms, which character they had studied. Participants’ eye movements were monitored while they viewed the three-character test display. Both the time-course and response-locked measures showed that participants viewed the studied character longer than the nonstudied character regardless of their explicit response. Experiment 2 used a wagering task to assess participants’ conscious awareness and found that wagering points predicted viewing time for the target better than the recognition accuracy did. These findings suggest that the effect of memory on viewing time occurs automatically and is weakly associated with subsequent conscious awareness of the studied event.  相似文献   

This study explored visual control strategies for braking to avoid collision by manipulating information about speed of self-motion. Participants watched computer-generated displays and used a brake to stop at an object in the path of motion. Global optic flow rate and edge rate were manipulated by adjusting eye-height and ground-texture size. Stopping distance, initiation of braking, and the magnitude of brake adjustments were influenced by both optical variables, but global optic flow rate had a stronger effect. A new model is introduced according to which braking is controlled by keeping the perceived ideal deceleration, based in part on global optic flow rate, within a "safe" region between 0 and the maximum deceleration of the brake.  相似文献   

We introduce the Decision Making Tendency Inventory (DMTI), a new scale for measuring the decision-making tendencies to maximize, to satisfice, and to minimize. The scale has promising psychometric properties. Our findings show that the revealed tendencies are independent from each other and from the specific decision-making domain. Each factor is differently related to a set of indices of well-being and functioning, suggesting intriguing considerations regarding the distinctive characteristics of maximizing, satisficing, and minimizing. The DMTI extends previous research on maximizing and might contribute to explain the inconsistent results in the literature. Directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

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