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In this article, I explore and respond to some of the criticisms of REBT which have contributed to its continuing marginalisation in Britain, both within counselling in general and cognitive-behaviour therapy in particular. These criticisms include: REBT's highly active-directive and apparently aggressive manner, its reputation for being foul-mouthed, defending Hitler as an example (albeit an extreme one) of human fallibility, REBT's lack of empirical support for its theoretical tenets, and endlessly advocating profound philosophical change when it is probably outside of the reach or interest of most clients. Finally, I suggest some ways of tackling these criticisms in order to help REBT become more attractive to the wider counselling community.  相似文献   

Executive Coaching comprises personal counseling, business advice, and advice about managing for people who are in executive management. This involves a one-to-one helping relationship between coach and client. In each case for which executive coaching is sought, there are problems the client has encountered which requires changes in client behavior. REBT, with its blend of easy understandability and direct applicability to client problems, is an ideal tool for use in executive coaching. Clients readily understand the A-B-C-D connections and are able to effect changes in behavior. The article includes case examples.  相似文献   


Although anger management programs often promote the use of anger logs as an alternative to aggressive behavior, researchers have not studied whether or not these programs actually increase anger log use. Thus, this study examines the impact of In Control, a classroom-based curriculum with 10 weekly 30-minute sessions, on the frequency of anger log use between sessions. Study participants were all of the students attending a middle school for emotional/behavioral disorders. Twenty-seven students received the In Control program, and 19 equivalent students did not. While anger logs were visibly available in all of the classrooms, the students who received the In Control program completed significantly more logs between sessions than did the nonprogram students. During a 4-month follow-up, the 19 program students who received monthly booster sessions continued to fill out significantly more logs than did the nonprogram students. These findings suggest that In Control can increase the use of a log to record anger-provoking episodes by middle school students with serious emotional/behavioral disorders, both in between training sessions and during follow-up, if booster sessions are provided.  相似文献   

In a study with 102 non-clinical adults, relationships between measures of irrational beliefs, unconditional self-acceptance, self-esteem and the Big-5 personality dimensions were investigated. As expected, unconditional self-acceptance was highly correlated with self-esteem. In line with key tenets of REBT, individuals who scored highly on unconditional self-acceptance scored low on irrational beliefs even after self-esteem had been partialled out. Unconditional self-acceptance was found to be significantly (negatively) correlated with Neuroticism but not with other Big-5 personality dimensions. Irrational beliefs were found to correlate positively with Neuroticism and negatively with Openness. Factor analysis of the unconditional self-acceptance scale did not show a simple one-dimensional structure. A revised version of the scale comprising those items that did not load on a self-esteem factor produced a purer measure of unconditional self-acceptance that did not correlate significantly with self-esteem. The findings have implications for investigating unconditional self-acceptance in studies of therapeutic outcome.  相似文献   

Evaluative beliefs have long been regarded as hot cognitions fundamental to the arousal of emotion. Previous research on anger has predominantly focused on inferential beliefs, with explorations of evaluative beliefs largely ignored. Therefore, this paper presents an investigation of the nature of evaluative beliefs in individuals with anger disorders. To investigate the experimental hypotheses that individuals with anger disorders will report high levels of hostile related evaluative beliefs, two methodologies were applied to a clinical sample of individuals with anger disorders. Individuals with anger disorders reported hostile evaluative beliefs, but interestingly it was evident that such individuals endorsed high levels of negative self-evaluation. The implications of these findings for future research and clinical work are discussed.  相似文献   

This is a study of comorbid anxiety disorders and how they affect the clinical picture of comorbid cases. The sample consisted of 576 Spanish children aged 8 to 17 years receiving psychiatric outpatient consultation that were evaluated using a semi-structured diagnostic interview for both parents and children. A specific association of homotypic comorbidity among anxiety disorders that was independent of the presence of other disorders was found. There was heterotypic comorbidity between anxiety and depressive disorders, ADHD, anorexia and tic disorders. Relationships between non-anxiety disorders were, in general, independent of anxiety, but anxiety moderated the relationship between ADHD-Conduct disorder and Conduct disorder-enuresis. Comorbid anxiety increased difficulties in social interaction, was related with higher global impairment and had an impact on consultation and medication. Anxiety disorder comorbidity should be well recognized in order not to disregard the treatment of all present disorders.  相似文献   

In a test of two key features of REBT, causal relationships between irrational beliefs and unconditional self-acceptance were experimentally investigated in a sample of 106 non-clinical participants using a priming technique. Priming participants with statements of irrational belief resulted in a decrease in unconditional self-acceptance whereas priming participants with statements of rational belief resulted in an increase in unconditional self-acceptance. In contrast, priming participants with statements about unconditional self-acceptance did not result in an increase in rational thinking and priming participants with statements about conditional self-acceptance did not result in an increase in irrational thinking. The present study is the first to provide evidence of a causal link between rational/irrational thinking and unconditional/conditional self-acceptance. The findings have important implications for the core hypothesis of REBT and underscore the advantages of experimental over correlational studies in theory-testing.  相似文献   

As is true for its predecessors, the recently published DSM-5 uses arbitrary criteria and cutoffs to define categories of mental disorders that are of questionable validity and that provide no guidance for treatment. Recently, the NIMH introduced an alternative classification system, the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC). Both the DSM-5 and the RDoC initiative make the strong assumption that psychological problems are expressions of specific latent disease entities. In contrast, the complex causal network approach conceptualizes psychological problems as mutually interacting, often reciprocally reinforcing, elements of a complex causal network. The cognitive behavioral model offers a classification framework that is compatible with the complex causal network approach and provides a treatment-relevant alternative to the latent disease model that is the basis for the DSM-5 and the RDoC initiative.  相似文献   

In this study, measures of irrational beliefs based on the principles of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) were reviewed and contrasted based on psychometric characteristics and quality of guidelines for interpretation. The use of measures of irrational beliefs is an important component of the assessment of presenting problems in psychotherapy and may inform clinical decision making. Additionally, these measures are a helpful way to identify change in irrational beliefs and to measure the effectiveness of specific interventions to facilitate such change. While there are a number of measures of beliefs, there is considerable variability in their psychometric properties and utility for assessment. The majority of the tests are not produced by a publishing company, nor do they provide test manuals. The reliability and validity evidence presented in the publications varies considerably as do the size and quality of standardization samples, which impacts upon the ability to draw normative conclusions. Analyses demonstrated that most measures of irrational beliefs do not provide the evidence needed to adequately address the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (Standards; American Educational Research Association [AERA], American Psychological Association [APA], National Council on Measurement in Education [NCME] 1999). Discussion of the implications of this review for the development of future measures of irrational thinking by researchers as well as recommendations in the test selection process for an REBT practitioner is offered.  相似文献   

This research tested hypotheses from state-trait anger theory applied to anger while driving. High and low anger drivers drove equally often and as many miles, but high anger drivers reported more frequent and intense anger and more aggression and risky behavior in daily driving, greater anger in frequently occurring situations, more frequent close calls and moving violations, and greater use of hostile/aggressive and less adaptive/constructive ways of expressing anger. In low impedance simulations, groups did not differ on state anger or aggression; however, high anger drivers reported greater state anger and verbal and physical aggression in high impedance simulations. High anger drivers drove at higher speeds in low impedance simulations and had shorter times and distances to collision and were twice as likely to crash in high impedance simulations. Additionally, high anger drivers were more generally angry. Hypotheses were generally supported, and few gender differences were noted for anger and aggression.  相似文献   

The authors start by critically discussing some core features of Western psychiatric diagnosis, and present the cultural formulation as one approach to ensure that the cultural aspects of the diagnostic process are addressed, followed by a summary of what is known about the causes of psychiatric disorder. Five arguments are presented that provide support for the importance of psychiatric disorders in Africa: prevalence rates are high; psychiatric disorder is associated with a considerable burden from disability; in most cases, adults with psychiatric disorders experienced the onset of their disorder in childhood or youth; psychiatric disorders are strongly associated with medical conditions; and effective interventions exist for the majority of people suffering from psychiatric disorders. Against this background, current mental health services in Africa are reviewed. Finally, some suggestions are provided for how those providing psychological interventions can contribute to addressing the challenges posed by psychiatric disorders in Africa.  相似文献   

The current research explored the effect of anger on hypothesis confirmation—the propensity to seek information that confirms rather than disconfirms one's opinion. We argued that the moving against action tendency associated with anger leads angry individuals to seek out more disconfirming information than sad individuals, attenuating the confirmation bias. We tested this hypothesis in two studies of experimentally primed anger and sadness on the selective exposure to hypothesis confirming and disconfirming information. In Study 1, participants in the angry condition were more likely to choose disconfirming information than those in the sad or neutral condition when given the opportunity to read more about a social debate, and reading the disconfirming information affected their subsequent attitude. Study 2 measured participants' opinions and information selection about the 2008 US Presidential Election and their desire to “move against” a person or object. Participants in the angry condition reported a greater tendency to oppose a person or object, which resulted in the attenuation of the confirmation bias.  相似文献   


This study examined the impact of a classroom-based, 10-week, cognitive-behavioral, anger management program plus booster sessions on middle school students with emotional disorders attending a therapeutic day school. Forty-five students were in the study; 20 received the program. The program group completed significantly more anger logs compared to the nonprogram group in both program and follow-up periods. Program students were observed to exhibit significantly more prosocial behaviors toward their teachers and showed a trend toward exhibiting fewer negative behaviors toward peers than nonprogram students at the end of the program. Program students also showed a trend toward fewer aggressive incidents than their nonprogram peers during follow-up. Findings may suggest mechanisms of change in anger management.  相似文献   

Higher trait self-control is related to less aggression, but the psychological processes underlying this association are largely unknown. This research tested the hypothesis that reduced anger rumination in high self-control individuals may partly account for this association. In seven cross-sectional, longitudinal and daily diary studies (total N = 2689) people high in trait self-control reported less aggression of different types and this relation was partially mediated by less rumination about anger-evoking events. An internal meta-analysis estimated this indirect effect to be of medium size. These findings suggest that a lower propensity to engage in anger rumination may be a crucial working process partly explaining how high trait self-control translates into less aggression. Overcoming anger rumination is a promising avenue to reduce aggression.  相似文献   

When making decisions about a welfare case, it is reasonable for one's thoughts and feelings about the potential welfare recipient to influence the decision. It is less reasonable for one's "incidental" feelings (e.g., sadness or anger arising from an event in one's personal life) to influence such decisions. In two studies, however, data reveal that incidental anger and sadness do in fact carry over, shaping welfare policy preferences. Study 1 found that incidental anger decreased the amount of welfare assistance participants recommended providing relative to neutral emotion, whereas sadness increased the amount recommended. Study 2 replicated the results and found that limiting participants' cognitive resources eliminated the difference between sadness and anger, thus implying that differences in depth-of-thought drove the effects. In sum, the results reveal ways in which: (a) personal emotions carry over to shape preferences for public policies, (b) emotions of the same valence have opposing effects, and (c) differential depth-of-cognitive-processing contributes to such effects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Research on the origin of neurodevelopmental disorders has traditionally been pursued within a constrained, disorder-specific perspective. The developmental instability (DI) model described here offers a broader approach based on the evolutionary genetics of normal variation, reflecting our understanding that the processes generating genetic diversity are not unique to any specific disorder. The DI model helps account for shared features, including atypical functional and anatomic asymmetries, reduced general intellectual functioning, and complex patterns of heritability, across different types of neural variation. The model suggests research strategies that may help illuminate the specific and unique causal factors characterizing different types of neural variation.  相似文献   

With the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders DSM-IV Fourth Edition-Text Revision. Author, Washington, DC. 2000) ahead, decisions will be made about the future of taxonomic conceptualizations. This study examined the factor structure of items from three internalizing disorders (Social Phobia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Depression) on the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV-Child Version (Silverman, W. K., & Albano, A. M. Anxiety disorders interview schedule for children for DSM-IV, child and parent versions. Psychological Corporation, San Antonio, 1996). Two-, three-, and four-factor models emerged in an exploratory factor analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis provided additional empirical support for the four-factor model over the two- or three-factor models. Implications for the structure of the DSM-V taxonomy in children and adolescents are discussed.  相似文献   

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