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Previous visual and auditory lateralization studies have demonstrated that the languages of bilinguals are lateralized to the left hemisphere to the same extent as in monolingual controls (C. Soares & F. Grosjean, 1981, Perception and Psychophysics, 29, 599-604; C. Soares, 1982, Neuropsychologia, 20, 653-659). The present study tested the same group of Portuguese-English bilinguals and a group of English-speaking monolinguals on a series of concurrent activity, or time-sharing, tasks. Greater levels of disruption in finger tapping with the right hand than with the left hand occurred during the performance of those tasks which required overt speech production, and this for both bilinguals and monolinguals. As in the previous studies, there were no lateralization differences across the bilinguals' two languages or between bilinguals and monolinguals. Thus, further evidence for equal levels of left-hemisphere dominance for language in bilinguals and monolinguals was provided by the use of the concurrent activities paradigm.  相似文献   

The emergence of new technologies to study brain function in vivo has resulted in an explosion of interest in cognitive neuroscience within the last ten years. While most research in functional neuroimaging has been geared toward adult normal volunteers, the development of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has made it possible to study neural development in normal children, as well as those with developmental disorders. This technology provides an unprecedented opportunity to expand our knowledge of brain function throughout childhood. A variety of technological, experimental, and practical difficulties are amplified when imaging children. This paper reviews some of the more challenging theoretical and practical concerns and provides suggestions for their management.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(4):309-324
A number of important methodological issues involving surveys have emerged in Navy research. One such issue is whether results from computer-administered sur- veys are equivalent to those obtained from paper-and-pencil surveys. After a review of relevant Navy studies, we concluded that computer and paper surveys generally yield equivalent results. The Navy's efforts and success at computerizing command- level equal opportunity surveys is described, and the advantages of this approach are discussed. The Navy's survey work on diversity issues (e.g., Hispanics, sexual harassment, and pregnancy) is described and the problems posed by attempting to use surveys to identify who is Hispanic and to determine accurate rates of sexual harassment and pregnancy are outlined. Future issues to be addressed by Navy survey research are discussed.  相似文献   

Methodology in school-based evaluation is importantly affected by economic and ethical constraints often absent or less pressing than in larger-scale evaluations. These and other factors also operate in the specialized school-based evaluations such as that of school psychological services. Defensible evaluation designs must take into account the impossibility of random assignment and reduced options for the use of control groups. In addition there are numerous pressures on the construction and deployment of measuring devices and a need for ingenuity in performing statistical analyses. This article explicates these issues and outlines alternative approaches to methodology which can result in usable data for school decision making.  相似文献   

In both military and industrial work settings, it has become desirable, and in many instances necessary, to require sustained performance beyond the apparently optimal 8-h workday. Research in this area may be viewed historically as having been focused in three major areas: (1) determining appropriate methodologies for measuring sustained performance, (2) investigating factors that influence sustained performance, and (3) searching for ways to enhance performance during sustained operations. On the basis of discussions held in Toronto in August 1984, observations are drawn and recommendations are made concerning the directions and content of future research.  相似文献   

Ten ubiquitous methodological problems are described in relation to group differences research and particularly sex-related research. Substantive issues in sex-related research are used as illustrations of the methodological problems.  相似文献   

Reviews measurement approaches applied to dream reports and proposes some methodological cautions that may result in more effective utilization of the dream report in research and assessment. Standardization of dream collection techniques and controls for variability in the length of dream reports are suggested. Further investigation of the intraindividual consistency of dream report measures is seen as necessary for a discussion of their validity. Though there are indications that a variety of dream report measures are potentially valid for psychological assessment, measures based on general dream report characteristics show greater promise than specific content analysis. Research on the differences between normal and disturbed subjects highlights the potential, and the problems, inherent in the use of dream reports as tools of psychological inquiry.  相似文献   

While there are philosophical and theoretical differences between neuropsychologists and behavior therapists, it is suggested that a significant reconciliation can be achieved in regard to assessment and treatment of the brain-damaged patient. While brain damage is often viewed as an irreversible disorder, there is evidence that substantial recovery of function can occur, particularly when adequate retraining is provided. There are practical and empirical considerations that suggest that neuropsychological tests are currently the best tools available for behavioral assessment of brain-damaged patients. However, the results of these tests can be used not only diagnostically but also to identify target behavioral deficits that may be rehabilitated through systematic retraining efforts. Such rehabilitation efforts can be optimally planned, implemented, and evaluated through an alliance between the neuropsychologist, who identifies the ability and deficit pattern, and the behavior therapist, who devises and evaluates the retraining program. It is possible that the successes of behavior therapy in numerous clinical and educational applications can be repeated in the cases of brain-damaged patients. However, such success would appear to be contingent on appreciation of the high degree of specificity often seen in neurological deficit patterns and the great complexities involved in the relationships between brain function and behavior.  相似文献   

Event-related brain potential (ERP) measures have become increasingly popular in experimental psychology and are often employed by researchers who are not formally trained in electrophysiology. A proper application of these measures requires knowledge about the methodological principles and practical issues that are relevant to ERP measurement, analysis, and interpretation. A brief introductory survey of different aspects of ERP methodology (recording, data processing and signal extraction, statistical analysis and interpretation of ERP effects) is presented, and the contributions collected in this special issue on ERP methodology are introduced.  相似文献   

Four methodological issues identified and studied by short-term motor memory researchers were examined in this paper: (a) the distributions of three commonly used measures of error (AE, CE, and VE); (b) statistical analysis of these scores as dependent measures in an experiment; (c) within-cell and experiment-wise estimates of the reliability of CE; and (d) the power of the statistical test with CE as the dependent measure. The first two sub-problems were explored theoretically, while the latter two were subjected to empirical examination using four data sets from previously published experiments. The distributions of AE and VE scores were described as non-normal under certain conditions, while the CE score distribution was shown to be normal. Therefore analyses of these three dependent measures may require different statistical procedures. In light of this information, the assumptions affecting estimates of reliability and power in an experimental framework were examined. Based on an analysis of the four data sets, a strategy was proposed in which a relatively small number of subjects could be utilized in an experiment without sacrificing desired experimental controls.  相似文献   

The literature on lateralization for language in bilinguals manifests two apparent contradictions. Some papers demonstrate differences in lateralization between bilinguals and monolinguals; others demonstrate none. In studies with exclusively bilingual subjects, some papers demonstrate differences between the lateralization for the two languages, while others demonstrate none. This paper discusses the range of methodological parameters which must be borne in mind when conducting or evaluating studies of lateralization for language in bilinguals. These include issues of subject selection, language and stimulus selection, testing procedures, data analysis, and interpretation of results.  相似文献   

Ideomotor (IM) theory suggests that observing someone else perform an action activates an internal motor representation of that behaviour within the observer. Evidence supporting the case for an ideomotor theory of imitation has come from studies that show imitative responses to be faster than the same behavioural measures performed in response to spatial cues. In an attempt to replicate these findings, we manipulated the salience of the visual cue and found that we could reverse the advantage of the imitative cue over the spatial cue. We suggest that participants utilised a simple visuomotor mechanism to perform all aspects of this task, with performance being driven by the relative visual salience of the stimuli. Imitation is a more complex motor skill that would constitute an inefficient strategy for rapid performance.  相似文献   

Hermann Rorschach researched the utility of his inkblot experiment to understand psychopathology and cultural differences. Contemporary research with the Rorschach has evaluated its utility as a test, although it may more properly represent a clinical method with somewhat different evaluation criteria. Recent controversy regarding the adequacy of the Rorschach as a test and the adequacy of its normative data has at times distorted and oversimplified important methodological issues inherent in the study of cultural difference. Cultural processes remain a central and inadequately examined variable in Rorschach research; an important emergent area of inquiry is the Rorschach's clinical utility as a cross-cultural assessment instrument. We review multicultural and cross-cultural methodological issues intrinsic to contemporary Rorschach research here. Consideration of cultural issues enlarges and enriches the Rorschach clinical utility debate and suggests underexplored research strategies that can contribute to its resolution.  相似文献   

A multiple baseline design across observed students and teachers was used to investigate the relationship between observations by participant observers and changes in the behavior of those observed ("observee" reactivity) and the observers (observer-mediator reactivity). Two teachers recorded consecutively the appropriate student verbalizations of four students and two teachers recorded the inappropriate student verbalizations of four students. Independent observers simultaneously recorded student verbalizations (appropriate and inappropriate) as well as teacher behaviors (positive, negative, and instruction) throughout all phases of the study. The results substantiated the prediction of "observee" reactivity and observer-mediator reactivity in one of four classrooms. The results of the present study suggest that in some instances, observations by participant observers may result in changes in the behavior of those being observed ("observee" reactivity) and/or the observers (observer-mediator reactivity).  相似文献   

In recent years increased attention has been directed to prevention research as a means of solving the multitude of complex social and health problems which confront individuals and their societies. Abuse of substances, behavioral dysfunctions, violence, emotional disorders, educational failures, unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases are but a few examples of these most difficult problems. As our recognition of the need for sound prevention strategies has grown, so has our sophistication in designing prevention research studies to evaluate the effectiveness of these new strategies. And that sophistication has brought new challenges, some of which are capable of stifling progress because of their complexity. This problem is certain to grow in importance as interventions with multiple components are used more frequently to meet the challenges of the complex social and health problems we face. This special issue evolved out of the recognition that prevention researchers are confronted by a myriad of difficult methodological issues which have inhibited progress in this area. The articles in the issue present innovative methodological solutions designed to overcome these problems so the field can move forward. Editor's Note: Dr. Edward Seidman edited Methodological Issues in Prevention Research while serving as Associate Editor for Methodology.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the dominance of observational methods in child language research with very young children has limited progress in understanding the language acquisition process. Evidence is presented that, contrary to popular belief, naturalistic methods do not guarantee ecological validity, nor are they free of task biases. Furthermore, observational studies do not necessarily provide better measures of linguistic competence than do more structured methods. Instead, it is argued that new insights from cognitive developmental research are applicable in studying language production in children younger than 3 years. A number of structured techniques are reviewed that have been used or could be used to study language production. It is concluded that a combination of methods is necessary in order to disentangle and control the many variables that enter into the language acquisition process.  相似文献   

Because longitudinal data are increasingly being used to test predictions regarding close relationships, researchers are also increasingly being confronted with methodological issues unique to the analysis of longitudinal data. In this paper, four issues in conducting growth‐curve analyses with married couples are examined: assessing statistical assumptions about homoscedastic and independent errors, handling information about missing data, dealing with couples with only one assessment, and estimating quadratic effects. Each issue is illustrated with actual data, and syntax from the multilevel module in LISREL 8.52 is provided for specific analyses. Guidelines are presented for helping researchers think through each issue with their own data set.  相似文献   

Various publications over the past several years have discussed the cognitive benefits of learning the programming language LOGO. This study represents an effort to experimentally evaluate the claims that learning LOGO can enhance children's general thinking skills. Two main points are made. The first is that much of the previous literature investigating the effects of LOGO is flawed due to failure to consider important methodological requirements. The importance of clearly defining training conditions, documenting programming mastery, and defining transfer measures (including underlying theoretical motivations and instrument reliabilities) is discussed, along with the consequences of failure to consider these issues. The second major point deals with the importance of considering the method of teaching LOGO and its effects on the development and transfer of general thinking skills from the LOGO environment to non-LOGO problems. A study attempting to meet the methodological concerns was designed to determine whether a structured teaching method was more effective than an unstructured, discovery-oriented method in achieving language mastery and transfer of general skills. Three groups of fifth graders (structured, unstructured, and control) varying in previous academic success level (successful or less successful) were included. The structured and unstructured groups were taught LOGO for 1 hr per day, 5 days per week, for 5 weeks. Measures of LOGO mastery showed significant differences favoring the structured group on items requiring anything more than basic knowledge of LOGO commands. Pretest and posttest measures of general thinking skills showed no differences between experimental and control students on tests of students' independent performance, although one test measuring performance in a prompted testing situation showed significant differences favoring the experimental group. Implications of these results for teaching general thinking skills are discussed.  相似文献   

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