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The story of Joseph in the Qur'an has been approached by many non‐Muslim writers1 who were content to list which details of the biblical story have been missed out from the biblical story and which points have been added, maintaining that these had their origins in biblical or other Jewish sources. Our treatment here concentrates on the texts of the story in the Qur'an and the Old Testament, attempting to identify the differing functions and preoccupations of the two accounts in their respective contexts, to show how this difference affects the choice of material and the treatment given to it. This article concludes that the two versions should be approached by readers, Muslims and non‐Muslims, with this difference in mind in order to appreciate the message and the qualities of each.  相似文献   

In this article, an attempt is made to identify the main types of sectarian and ideological bias that are encountered in English‐language translations of the Qur'an which have been produced by Muslims. The article covers Shicite interpretations; the enhancement of the Prophet's status associated principally with Barelwis; Ahmadi interpretations; the legacy of Muctazilism; the influence of the scientific rationalism of Sayyid Ahmad Khan; ‘scientific exegesis'; and traditionalist and modernist approaches to the Sharica. Under each of the above headings a selection of key ayas are discussed. Only translations which have a wide circulation are included in this survey, but the, analysis should enable the reader to assess the theological tendency of other translations which are not mentioned.  相似文献   

This essay seeks to argue the following points: first, tafsir is an important means of understanding not only the Qur'an but also the social situation of the Muslim community in our own time. Second, the Qur'an presents a clearly pluralistic view of religion and culture which allows for religious diversity within the framework of faith in God and the last day and the performance of righteous deeds. Third, the Qur'anic verses discussed in this article illustrate this view; yet Qur'an commentators considered in this essay generally reject this Qur'anic worldview in favour of a much more rigid approach to other religions.  相似文献   

Vatican II opposes polemical attitudes to Islam but gives no specific guidance on the Qur'an. Modern Roman Catholic writing on the Qur'an includes a considerable variety of approaches. At the positive end of the spectrum: for Christian members of GRIC (Groupe de Recherche Islamo-Chrétien) the Qur'an is “an authentic Word of God, but one in part essentially different from the one in Jesus Christ”; George Dardess affirms that the Qur'an and the Eucharist are both means through which “God shares with us God's self through the word”; for Giulio Basetti-Sani the Qur'an is divine revelation but it does not contradict Christian doctrine; Jacques Dupuis sees the Qur'an as a real but imperfect revelation. More cautious approaches are found in the writings of Jacques Jomier and Christian Troll, for whom the biblical testimony to Christ is the decisive word of God, and not just one divine revelation alongside another in the Qur'an.  相似文献   

今年是中国近现代穆斯林留学埃及八十周年,也是早期留学埃及的中国著名穆斯林学者、《古兰经》译注家马金鹏先生归真十周年。作为中国伊斯兰教历史上的穆斯林留学精英和杰出代表人物之一,马金鹏先生完成的《古兰经译注》,不仅续写了《古兰经》译注事业在中国的灿烂篇章,也为世界范围内的《古兰经》译注工程增光添彩。值此先生归真十周年之际,谨以此文纪念先生!  相似文献   

《拜达维古兰经注》(Tafsīr al-Baidāwī),亦有《嘎最经注》之称,为波斯著名学者纳绥尔丁·拜达维(Nāsir al-Dīn al-Baidāwī)所著,是逊尼派重要的《古兰经》注解之一,在伊斯兰教经学文本中享有盛誉,是我国西北地区伊斯兰教经堂教育主要教材之一。一、《拜达维古兰经注》的成书纳绥尔丁·拜达维,生于伊朗设拉子市附近的拜达维,生年不详,1286年卒于伊朗名城大不里士。  相似文献   

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